Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 81 [Bonus ]McLaren P1

Edwin took Jack around the company and introduced him to the upper management of the company. All the management level staff members had been told to enter the conference room where Edwin introduced Jack as the new boss of the company.

There was obviously a commotion among the staff members when they heard that Jack had taken over. They could see that Jack was young and they obviously doubted his capabilities. It wasn't that they hated Jack, it was just that some youngsters nowadays depended on their parents wealth to boss people around.

Moreover, Jack's casual wear didn't seem to match a person that was serious about the office.

Upon seeing them whispering to each other, Edwin frowned a little before throwing a glance at Jack. When he saw Jack's indifferent expression, he let out a sigh of relief before gazing back at the members of the staff.

"Let me tell you something. If you're taking Mr Jack the same way that you see those nouveau riche brats that flaunt their parents' wealth, I suggest that you change that opinion of yours as soon as possible."

After pausing for a moment, he continued, "This company was bought over by Mr Jack and not his family. In other words, this is going to be his business. So, I expect that you'll respect Mr Jack just like how you did when I was your boss. And, you should know that if your performance is subpar, Mr Jack can simply fire you to get another that can do your job well."

Edwin's words made the crowd of over thirty employees to shut their mouths. They looked at Jack in new light, more so those that were at the very top and knew about the value of the company.

To be able to buy the company, Jack must have at least three billion. Although they doubted that it was Jack's money and not his family's, they still had to give him the respect considering the fact that his family could entrust to him so much money.

"Mr Jack, I'm the current CEO of Safety Enforcers, Maxwell Astul." A middle aged man with a refined temperament stepped forward and greeted Jack.

Jack nodded at the other party as they shook hands. Just from this person's temperament, Jack was expecting a lot from him. But, if he really lived up to his expectations, that would definitely have to wait.

After the introduction process was over, Jack looked at the data on how they had been operating the company. He found that there were several contracts that were still ongoing and there were others that still needed processing.

After going through all of these, Jack finally understood how the company was operated. From his perspective, there was nothing wrong but, he still had to do some changes. So, he asked for the company's account and transferred $1,100,654,890.

He decided to believe that the person that Edwin had selected to be in charge of the company was reliable and honest. Although he could lose this money that he'd just transferred, at least he would know that the one that was in charge of the company wasn't someone that he could trust.

Furthermore, just like how he would deal with Grace if she betrayed him, that was the exact same way that he was going to deal with Maxwell.

Maxwell himself was astonished that Jack could invest such a huge amount of money on the first day that he took office as the president of the company.

He wasn't the only one as even Edwin on the other side had his eyes bulging from their sockets. Jack had transferred to him $4B the previous day. Now, he was giving out $1.1B as investment to improve the company.

If the money was spent well, it was absolute that the value of the company would rise. Although the investment was only $1B, within a year or two, as long as the funds were used well, there would be no problem for the value of the company to rise by a few hundred million or maybe a whole billion.

He now began wondering if he had named a lower price. Perhaps of he had named a higher price, Jack would definitely have given him without bargaining, right? Well, it was too late to regret now as they had already signed the transfer agreement.

Although the transfer was already completed, there were other legal procedures that had to be taken care of. After all, transferring a company wasn't just about signing a transfer agreement.

"You can use that money to improve every area that needs improvement. If there are a few people that are recruited, recruit more. And, I would like you to be generous with the salaries. Starting from you, you'll have an increase of your salary by 20%. The others will have their own increase as well. If the money is not enough, please let me know in advance."

Jack left almost the same instructions to Maxwell, just like how he had instructed Grace. After that, he left alongside Edwin to check out the other areas of the company.

Although Jack had decided to increase the salaries of his employees, it wasn't just for nothing. He wanted them to be loyal to the company and that was the exact reason as to why he increased their salaries.

Although he knew that there would be the ungrateful ones that would still betray the company as long as there was a better opportunity, Jack wasn't worried that there would be no one to run the company for him.

"Mr Jack, now you're making me look bad." Edwin chuckled as he showed Jack around.

"How did I do that?" Jack asked as he didn't understand what Edwin was implying.

"Well, you'll make them think that I wasn't generous enough. You have just taken over the company and you raised their salary." Edwin chuckled bitterly as he said these words.

Jack finally understood what Edwin was trying to imply. Jack's actions were no different from telling the employees that he was better than their previous boss. But, Jack didn't think that it was wrong. In any case, he was more generous than Edwin was.

The two went to the training grounds and Jack looked at the training facilities. They weren't bad but they were still far from being good enough. It seemed that he would have to invest a few more dollars to make the company reach the level that he thought if as the standard.

By the time that they left the company, it was already afternoon, around 1pm. They went back to Chida hotel to have their lunch. Just like before, Edwin paid for the meal.

Although Jack could afford to pay for it, since Edwin insisted, he had to give him some face and let him foot the bill. Jack could somehow think that this was Edwin's way of proving to him that he was generous?

Anyway, Jack cared nothing about that. At the end of the day, it won't affect him if Edwin was generous or not. So, he simply pretended not to know about it.

Then, Edwin took Jack to the automobile store that was closer and had better cars. Although Jack wanted to keep a low profile, he didn't want the same incident as the one where his car was smashed by another.

The reason for that conflict was obviously the parking space. Since Garpy had a better car, he thought that he was more qualified to use the parking space more that Jack.

After looking around, Jack's eyes finally landed on a black McLaren P1. This McLaren gave the masculine vibe and Jack liked it. So, he decided to buy it.

"How much for that McLaren?" He asked the sales person that was attending to him.

"That car is worth $13,130,000. It has a maximum speed of-" The salesperson replied.

Jack nodded and interrupted the salesperson from giving the description. Currently, just the price was enough for his car not to be underestimated. So, there was no need for all the description and whatsoever. "Just swipe the card to complete the payment. Furthermore, can you complete the procedures that are required? I want to drive it away when I leave the shop."

The salesperson was speechless at Jack's way of doing things. All the same, he hurriedly took Jack's card lest he changed his mind. Just selling this car was going to get him commission worth more than a quarter a million.

Jack completed the payment, bringing his balance to $4,009,870,000. Previously, he had left the extra $23M for expenses.

After about thirty minutes, Jack drove away the McLaren that now had a temporary plate. Edwin had left as soon as he brought Jack here as he had other things that he needed to take care of.

Jack drove the McLaren back to Chida hotel. He had to be prepared because from around six in the evening, there would the quarter finals. Although he was only going to participate in the semi-finals and finals, he had to arrive on time.

Just thinking about what he was going to earn from winning the championship, Jack's mood was good. He even hummed a song that he didn't know about, just humming randomly, not caring if it was off tune or not.

He got to the underground parking lot and found that his Mercedes-Benz E- class had been taken away. There was no need to guess where it went as such a car wouldn't be allowed to occupy the parking lot.

Currently, there were not many cars in the parking lot. So, he simply picked one and parked. He got out of the car and was just about to leave when he heard the sound of several roaring engines approaching.

Just from the roars, he could tell that they were all sports cars. He was curious about these people. If they participated in racing, maybe he could join them and be able to make a few dollars from it, right?

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