Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 87 [Bonus ]The Power Of The System

Edwin held his stomach as he looked at the pale-faced Austin sitting not far from him. Then, after a moment, he sneered at Austin as he chuckled, "You made so many arrangements and schemes. In the end, you lost, you still lost after all the planning! Hehe, that's to be expected from a person like you who doesn't know his own limit."

Austin was currently pale and didn't know what to do at this moment. There was a fact that all of his wealth was going to be taken away at this time. Although it was only ninety percent of all of his wealth, if he was left with only ten percent of his current wealth, not only would his status drop, in fact, the enemies that have always been eyeing him would surely strike.

What's more is that, since he would no longer be rich as he was before, many of the relationships that he'd created through his wealth would be broken. The relationships that were formed on the base of benefits wouldn't survive if the benefits disappeared.

He tried thinking his way out of the situation but he found that there was nothing that he could do at all. Had it been a simple bet between the two of them, he could have acted shamelessly and refused to fulfill his end of the bet.

But, at this moment, he really wanted to go back in time and slap the silly him back then. Not the one that had suggested that they had to register their bet and make it official, instead, it was the him that had accepted the bet.

Jack had come forward and proposed the bet. On the other hand, with his usual arrogance, he didn't think much of it and agreed to it. Furthermore, when Jack obviously pretended that the stake was too high, he raised his own stake while reducing Jack's.

He was now wondering how foolish he was at that time. He'd clearly seen that Edwin was so respectful to Jack and he treated him as a peer and maybe, someone at a higher level.

And him, just to make sure that he dominated Edwin, he had provoked Jack who was minding his own business. Jack had not interfered when he was arguing with Edwin and simply stood out of the issue. But, he had brought him into it himself.

But now, no matter how regretted what had happened before, he knew there was nothing that could be done. The owner of the arena was someone that had a good relationship with several people and he himself was a great power.

The moment that they made the bet official, it was the moment that he'd agreed that if he lost, he would lose whatever he'd placed as the stake. No matter if he wanted to give the stake by himself or not, they would surely handover everything that he'd lost to Jack.

The reason for this was the connections. Using their connections that spread to the government, they could easily make his own wealth to be transferred.

He wanted to laugh at himself, he had simply thought that he'd made sure that Jack wouldn't lose and fail to fulfill his end of the bet. Who knew that he was setting himself up.


Jack didn't want to idle here any longer and decided to leave the ring after the host announced that he was the champion. There was nothing like a belt and whatever, the spectating crowd were the witnesses that he was the winner of this championship.

As soon as he changed his clothes, he met with Edwin who was waiting for him at the entrance of the locker room.

"Hahaha, Mr Jack, you surely live up to my expectations. But, I should say that you're more than I had thought of you, in other words, I had underestimated you by a great margin." Edwin laughed as he looked at Jack.

Although he himself was a rich person, he had no power to completely make Austin poor. No, it should be that, although he had the strength to do that, he would surely suffer a great loss of he dared to try eliminating Austin.

And, he wasn't ready to risk something like that. And this was the exact reason as to why he decided to shift into another industry as soon as he got the chance to do that. It wasn't that he was a coward, he was just going for a retreat and it wouldn't be late for him to deal with Austin after he succeeded.

Now, he didn't need to lift a finger and Austin was dealt with. Furthermore, it was the trap that he'd dug himself, it was the one that had now trapped him, intending to end his life.

He would just sit at the side and laugh at him for his failure. With the way that Austin operated, it was obvious that he had a big bunch of enemies that wanted to see him down.

With only ten percent of his wealth left alongside the relationships that were bound to be broken, Austin would be no less than a beggar within a month. It wasn't that he didn't have debts on him. And, the ten percent that he had left would surely not he enough to repay the debts. The result was definitely going bankrupt.

"Hehe, you flutter me Mr Edwin." Jack smiled, this time, it wasn't his usual shallow smile, but a genuine one. He was in a good mood at this moment because the rewards of winning the championship had already began pouring in.

[System task completed. Professional Combatant Ability now permanently belongs to the host.]

That's right, he'd finished the task earlier. He'd been given seven days but he'd completed it within three. Now, he didn't have to stress himself over something like not completing the task and receiving the system's punishment.

Seeing Jack's genuine smile, Edwin was even more thrilled and his good mood soared through the roof. "Mr Jack, let me take you so that you can receive your rewards." Edwin said enthusiastically.

He couldn't help but want to see how Austin was going to be stripped off of his wealth one after the other.

Jack nodded and followed Edwin towards the management area of the arena. There, he found Calvin who was already expecting his arrival. Jack also found that Austin was also present at that moment.

Jack's brows rose a little when he saw that there were a few bruises on Austin's face. And, it wouldn't take a genius to know that he'd been in a fight. As for who he had fought against, Jack wasn't sure and neither was he interested.

After sitting, Calvin began, "Congratulations Mr Jack for being the champion of this championship. As a reward, you'll receive fifty million dollars."

Hearing that, Jack couldn't help but be surprised. It seemed that the rewards here were generous as compared to the ones that came from car racing. It was just that in racing, as long as one was careful, there would be little to no risk of getting into an accident that might be fatal.

On the other hand, in the ring, one could have a few broken bones and might end up dead if he wasn't careful. If you had no skill and strength, you were bound to be beaten up.


His phone vibrated. And at the same time, Calvin continued, "We have transferred the fifty million dollars to your account just now, I believe it has already arrived by now?"

Jack nodded in response. There was no need to take out his phone as he could already see the system prompt that showed him that it was indeed true that he'd received what he deserved.

[You've earned $50M. Multiplier applied. You've received $5B.]

[First income. As a reward, you gain a recipe of body strengthening pill.]

[Body strengthening pill: A pill that helps in development of a person's physical strength. At most, one can take two pills. The effect would be that in less than a week of training, a person's strength would rise by two times that of an adult male.]

Jack was surprised that he was given a recipe for the pill instead of the pill itself. But, he was happy because he could produce a few more pills that could be used to enhance the strength of others that he deemed worthy.

He would have so loved to ask the system about the reward but, Calvin continued talking at this moment.

"And this is the transfer agreement. Once you sign this contract, you'll be agreeing to receive eighty eight percent of Austin's wealth. This is the bet that you two made. The two percent is the fee that's charged by us to ensure that the bet is fulfilled." Calvin said as he handed Jack a form.

Jack took it and read it thoroughly. He found that there was a government official's signature and stamp proving that the document was legal.

He couldn't help but get amazed at how fast the arena was at getting something like this. In any case, Jack didn't care and signed the agreement as soon as he saw that there were no problems with the statements there.

The moment that he finished putting his signature on it, a barrage of system prompts appeared in his vision.

[You've earned $700M. Multiplier applied. You receive $70B.]

[You've received two sports cars, one SUV and a limousine. Multiplier applied. Merging applied. You receive a Boeing 787-8 BBJ]

[You've received Amber Securities. Multiplier applied. You receive Good Vision Security Limited.]

[You've received three mansions and one villa. Multiplier applied. Merging applied. You receive the Serenity Residential area.]

[You've received 7% shares of Ambition Research institute. Multiplier applied. You receive 51% shares of Brightway Medical Research Centre.]

[You've received a laptop, a pen, thirty pieces of male underwear, three boxes of tissue paper, twenty pairs of suits….It is detected that they may no meet the hosts taste….Changed into cash. You've received $321,548,000. Multiplier applied. You receive $32,154,800,000.]

[You've received one slave, Ayush. Multiplier applied. You receive a servant, nameless (You can assign the name.)]

[Limit to the multiplier on the wealth earned from betting has been reached. For future application of the multiplier on incomes from bets, host needs to upgrade the system to level 2.]

With the last prompt, Jack's phone that was inside his pocket vibrated endlessly. Now, Jack finally understood the power of the system.

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