Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 4001: She has to go back to take care of Rong Yin

Chapter 4001: She has to go back to take care of Rong Yin

Chapter 4001 She still has to go back to deal with Rong Yin

When I woke up the next day, Xing Zong was no longer around.

Nanyi sat on the bed holding the quilt sadly, in a daze. Did he tell her not to enter the entertainment industry?


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it slips through the fingers.

On the high seas, several yachts were riding the wind and waves.

On the deck, a slender and tall figure faced the sea breeze and looked into the distance.

The weather is not very good today. One second it was sunny and sunny, but the next second it was overcast with dark clouds.

Swept forward with a majestic momentum that swallowed up mountains and rivers.

The sea wind began to howl and the waves began to surge.

A yacht is like a small boat on the sea, and it may be capsized at any time.

Miss, the typhoon is coming soon, please go back to the cabin first!

The man in black stepped forward and tried his best to persuade her.

Hoshino looked back and nodded lightly.

one Year.

As time passed on her body, the aura and momentum that settled out of her were like thick ink, deep and long.

Back in the cabin, Hoshino felt unusually calm at this moment.

In extremely bad weather, if you are not careful, you will die in this vast sea.

This time it was her miscalculation that led to her being chased to the high seas.

Even if the mercenaries didn't succeed, I'm afraid the bad weather wouldn't make her feel too good.

Just as she thought, the roaring sea wind overturned the yacht with the force of swallowing everything.


Protect the eldest lady!

The second before the yacht sank, Hoshino had already put on a life jacket, jumped into the sea.

The sea water poured into her ears and nose, and she struggled to open her eyes. The turbulent sea water was churning with mysterious power, and her weak strength was not enough to resist.

He tried his best to surface, and a wave hit her and knocked her into the water.

After repeating this several times, all the strength in her body was almost exhausted.

She can't die... Xiaotuanzi is still waiting for her to come home.

She has started kindergarten. She said that she would wait for her mother to come home and send her to school.

She said that other classmates had dads and mommies sending them to school, but she was not the only one.

She said, Mommy, when will you come back? Xiaotuanzi misses you so much.

She said, Mommy, when will you come home? Dad is having dinner with other aunts, and Xiaotuanzi is not happy.

Rong Yin...didn't you say you love Xiaotuanzi the most? I will be angry if you dare to make her unhappy.

By the way, she can't die, she has to go back to take care of Rong Yin.

I promised that I would take good care of Xiaotuanzi and love her for the rest of my life, so why should I make her unhappy?

Thoughts were like a thick layer of ice that suddenly collapsed, weighing her down and making her unable to breathe.


Ears are filled with noisy sounds.

People are coming and going, some are talking, some are sighing.

Her eyelids were heavy, her whole body ached, and she lost consciousness again.

Miss, Miss?! Are you awake? an excited voice sounded.

Hoshino just opened his eyes, but before he could get used to the dazzling white light, he closed them again.

After a while, she opened her eyes again and found that she was in the ward, surrounded by the pungent smell of disinfectant.

Beside the bed, a blond and blue-eyed Western woman, wearing a nurse's uniform, with an excited face, clasped her hands together, thanking God.


Before he could speak, he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

After receiving the news, the doctors filed in and surrounded the ward.

Oh my God! This is a miracle!

"I had no expectations for her when she woke up. She was so unexpected!"

Happy New Year to everyone~

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