Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Volume 14.5 - Ch 2.7

A revolution occurred.

This country was once ruled by an emperor. But, the people who rose in revolt denied the royal authority and overturned the government system that ruled until that point of time.

A paradigm shift of the world occurred.

A government based of democracy began, the class system was abolished. As a result, the emperor and nobles who once enjoyed glory were all turned into commoners. But it didnt end there. The people who were the backbone of the country became prisoners which were locked inside this Ataraxia prison.

Ataraxia prison was an artificial island that was floating on the sea, it was impregnable, a perfect jail that was impossible to escape from.

Dont stop moving your hands! The pace is dropping down. Work without slacking off.

The head jailers voice resounded in a room where a prison industry was being carried out.

The name of the head jailer was Hida Kizuna. The people under his management were the important A-class criminals, including the former emperor. The people who enriched their own selfish desires using the blood and sweat of many people, turning the country into their own, they had to be given a suitable punishment. Many people in the country were thinking like that. His professional duty was to be the agent of that wish. He was, so to speak, the representative of the people.

Hurry! A thousand sets have to be shipped today! Many people are waiting for it. All of you have to atone for your sins to the people!

There were four prisoners in the workshop.

The clothing of the prisoners were a plain one piece. The one piece was made from a special material with high elasticity which served the role for both being underwear and fitting the body figure. The fabric of the one piece was thin, so the prisoners body line became elaborated in great detail.

The prisoners who were wearing such perverted clothes were facing the desk while desperately moving their hands.

Geeez, I understand already, so dont hurry us that much.

Long blonde hair and blue eyes, breasts so large it almost made the prison uniform burst out. She was a friend of the emperor and also a hero of the national defense army, Yurishia Farandole.

Nevertheless, this kind of shameless thingis this really what all the people wished for?

The one who was moving her writing brush with her utmost effort even while speaking like that in dissatisfaction, was a black haired beautiful girl. She was similarly a friend of the emperor and the elite of the security police, Himekawa Hayuru.

Himekawas cheeks were slightly reddened and her eyes fell on the unbecoming picture of herself. For Himekawa such a thing was the ultimate shame, perhaps it was really suitable for her punishment. Himekawa was writing her own name with a feeling of pretending not to know so that she wouldnt be conscious of what were in front of her eyes as much as possible.

Its not like I dont understand it was you all butI dont think that there will be anyone, that will want the portrait and sign of this me.

A black haired female who was the most mature in the room was whispering shamefully. Her body that was transparently visible from her prison uniform, was something inflammatory that any man couldnt help but to crave it if they witnessed it.

No, you are quite popular you know, Reiri. Combined with the secret version of you where your true identity is hidden, your popularity exceeded even Yurishia.

Yurishia frowned with her face suddenly looking up in a flash.

Wait! Is that true!?

Thats the truth.

Kizuna calmly answered. Hearing that, Yurishia put her hand on her forehead and her head slumped down.

Aaah geez, shockingfor me to lose to the national head minister Reiri

Yurishia-san! Please dont compete in such things!

Kizuna grinned at Reiri.

Thats just how many people are enjoying it with you. Arent you glad, Reiri?

Kizunas disdaining words made Reiri blush slightly, her eyes were swimming around.

Uu..uh huhhearing myself called by name, isnot really bad.

She looked somehow happy.

The prisoners in this prison were levied with manual labor. What these prisoners were currently doing was a work where they were signing their own pictures that were taken in a studio with their personally handwritten autograph. It was the so called cheap character goods. Having said that, the end product was distributed free of charge in the end, it was a distributed product that was used as propaganda for the current regime, not for sale.

Although it was free of charge, but this product was considerably popular despite the simplicity, perhaps it was because the people could see the figures of their former rulers becoming prisoners which consoled their sourness. Rather it seemed that these prisoners had the popularity like dark heroines among the young generation. When new goods of these prisoners were distributed, the cases where the goods were out of stock with more reservation waiting were not rare.

In response to the demand of the people, Kizuna was producing new merchandises one after another. Posters and clear files, badges and all kinds of stationery. Apparel goods like T-shirts and so on, were also popular. Other than those, image videos, photo albums, figurines, etc. of the girls were also planned. As the first in line, there was the plan of manufacturing the figurines of Himekawa in a cat ears & tail style. Of course, cast off was also possible.

Kizuna who was an able producerthat was to say a jailer was the current person of the hour. He was called as Mister Eros due to the trend of the goods, also his excellent aesthetic sense caused him to be called as Kizuna Pro too.

Wait. It doesnt really matter but, the one who is the most popular is me right?

A girl with silver hair and red eyes asked sullenly.

Yeah. You are in the first place.

Thats right! Thats just natural, after all I am the emperor.

Saying that, the former emperor Aine Synclavia, currently Chidorigafuchi Aine puffed up her chest.

The government system has changed, but the worship of the people towards me hasnt changed. Surely the number of votes that I obtained is at the top with a decisive lead, there is no doubt about that.

Aine was talking with rough breathing, but in actuality Hayuru was considerably gaining on her where Aine managed to get away with a difference of 10% in the number of votes polled. That was the fact.

Thirty minutes left until the works closing time! If you all sign a piece per ten seconds then I reckon you will make it.

Kizunas instruction caused the four to begin moving their hands in a hurry once more. At first they were taking quite a bit of time for this work, but as expected they had become used to it after finishing signing off several thousand pieces of portrait. Right now if they had ten seconds they could sign a portrait with time to spare. Although, doing that consecutively for thirty minutes made them tired, and their hands were also pained.

And then when they finished signing everything, all four people leaned on their desks in total exhaustion.

Yosh! Work is over. You all managed to be useful for the people. You can feel gratitude from that.

Yurishia crossed her arms and then she stretched as much as she could.

Nnn~! Although this is fan service, but its a little hard isnt it

Haaalthough this is for the sake of the people, as expected its tiring.

Himekawa also whispered in response to Yurishia.

Get back to your cell and rest. After one hours rest, go to the next job.

You are still making us work? The four people complained. To that Kizuna silently shackled their hands, and then he dragged the four and headed to their respective cells.

Their cells were isolation cells that were known as Special Room X which was specially made. However, the hardness of the wall and door, the defensive measures and so on towards jailbreaks werent anything special. All the cores of Heart Hybrid Gear had been extracted from the imprisoned prisoners, which made them think that it was impossible to escape from the prison using brute force.

(By the way, the surgical removal of the cores were carried out by the genius surgeon Super Doctor N. It was unknown what kind of magic she had used, but the core removal that should be impossible was done really easily by that genius.)

The trait of this Special Room X wasnt its hardness, but its equipment. Different from other isolation cells, its comfort was exceptional. It was fully equipped with air conditioning. The interior could also be matched with everyones own preferences. Aines room was an extravagant room with gothic-style. Himekawa had a Japanese-style room. Yurishia had a room with stylish modern interior. Those were the state of the cells.

And then their figures that were relaxing inside those cells were recorded twenty-four hours by a fixed camera. In the case that the prisoner was changing clothes or anything, the safety effect that was developed by the engineering chief of Ataraxia prison, Shikina Kei, would automatically appear on the recording and would hide the important places.

Even so, this recording was still greatly popular.

Hida Kizuna, he was a hotshot.

Haaaah-! Finally the work today is over!

Yurishia stretched.

After the rest there was a photo shot and also an image video recording. There was also other works like the drawing up of character merchandise and a TV performance that was relayed from inside the prison.

Truly, everyday is immersed in work

Himekawa murmured with a tired voice. Aine also agreed with her with a fed-up face.

Good griefeven though I thought that in something like a prison there will be nothing but free time. What a gross miscalculation this was.

As though to soothe everyone who was being like that, Reiri called to them with a voice that sounded happy for some reason.

Well, the work for today is over with this. Whats left is only to enter the bath and then drink beer before sleeping. By the way the purchasing of alcohol was also possible in this prison. The merchant who was coming and going, Leila Howitt, if they ordered from her store, they could obtain almost everything. Leila boasted If you just have money, then I will bring even the Kremlin palace to you! like a certain arms dealer somewhere, but it was uncertain about the degree of authenticity of that statement.

In practice most of the order was for drinks or snacks, cosmetics and so on.

The refrigerator of Reiris room was packed full with beers that were chilled ice cold. Gulping a beer after taking a bath was Reiris enjoyment.


Himekawa murmured with blushing cheeks. Hearing that Aine and Yurishias faces also went red and their throat gulped audibly.

There was a large bath in the prison, the prisoners were obligated to take a bath everyday for the sanitary aspect. There was also bathroom in every single cell, but it had been established in the rules that forced them to wash their bodies.

The four headed towards the large public bath and they took off their prison uniform in the changing room. They were already stark naked just by taking off a single piece of clothing. They threw the prison uniform they took off into the laundry. When the four entered the steamy public bath, they line up in a row and waited for their turn to wash their body.

The method of washing their body, that was,


Kizunas hand that was bubbly with body shampoo glided on Aines body. He washed as though to grasp her large breast, but it was too big for his hand even at the best of times. The breast was slippery with foam, it spilled over as though to escape from Kizunas hand.


Each time a carnal voice leaked out from Aines mouth, the tip of her jiggling breasts had become completely pointed and hard.

Nnuha, harderthe bottom of the breast also sweats easily sowash it properly.

Eh? Ye, yeahgot it.

Kizuna lifted up Aines breasts and his fingers were buried into the lower part of the breast. And then his hands glided left and right thoroughly before he spread the bubble to her tight waist and stomach.

Aa, aaahkuu

Aines waist shivered. Without stopping Kizunas hand slipped towards between her legs.


Aine closed her legs trying to stop the intrusion, but her effort wasnt a match for Kizuna who had made the slippery body soap into his ally. His hand slipped really easily into between her nether region.


Aines body bent backwards and she raised a high pitched voice. Himekawa who was watching the state of Aine hid her mouth with her hand and her eyes moistened.

AmazingAine-san, is that much

Yurishia and Reiris faces also blushed, their legs rubbed each other unable to calm down.

Kizuna pulled out his hand after thoroughly lathering that part with foam. His hand circled on Aines back as though embracing her. Thereupon Aine rubbed her own breasts at Kizuna fawningly.

Nn? O, oi.

Haaaan! I, Im still, not, clean yet.here

Kizuna suddenly felt a sense of discomfort. This body washing duty was a punishment that greatly damaged the mentality of the prisoner by fanning up their disgust and shame. However currently, the act that should be a punishment felt like it was making the prisoner happy instead.

No, thats stupid. She is only bluffing. If something like this is done to her, there is no doubt that she will feel humiliated. Even I am honestly feeling daunted. But!

Kizuna tensed his face and his hand reached out once more to the lascivious female body before his eyes.

This is something that the people wished for. This is a punishment that inflicts a mental pain on you all, to disgrace you! Feel your wrongdoing with your own body and repent!

Nhaaah! Anything is fine sohey, do it one more time, my lower part is

Wait Aine-san! No matter how this is taking too long already isnt it!?

Thats right, next is my turn. So finish it quickly.

Himekawa grinded her teeth and spoke to Yurishia who was pouting.

Next is my turn! Please follow the turn order properly!

Kizuna showered Aines body and washed off the foam on her body using his hand caress.

Yosh, Aines cleaning is finished. You can go now.

Kizuna stopped the hot water of the shower and urged Aine to head to the exit. However Aine scowled in displeasure and glared at Kizuna.

Already? Isnt the service a bit bad I wonder?

Eh? No, you see, its not like this service is needed or anything

Aine-san! The next in line is waiting, so go quickly please.

Thats right Aine! GOO HOME!(TN: The go home is said in English.)

Having been shouted thoroughly by Himekawa and Yurishia, Aine mumbled in a low voice while heading to the exit.

The, then, next is my turn isnt it

With her cheeks blushing and her chest beating loudly, Himekawa stepped forward towards Kizuna. Kizuna bubbled up body shampoo in his hand and his hand reached out toward Himekawas back.


Kizunas hand was going down from her beautifully shadowed collar bone and went down following her spine. And then he lathered body soap on her round butt as though confirming the shape. Thanks to the body soap, Himekawas large butt reflected the lighting and displayed its luster, the sticking out highest point of the butt was shining with highlight. The butt that was shining gleamingly possessed a strange lewdness.

Aa, going to that place right from the startthats too much.

Himekawa leaked out a sigh in lament. Kizuna became slightly awkward, his hand then went down and caressed her thigh.

I guess. Then today Ill focus on the legs

Himekawa turned around with a voice that seemed to say eeeh-.

Waithis is a punishment right? Then what are you doing stopping with just a little bit of harassment! Its no good unless you touch with more fortitude!

Eh? AhhaaIm sorry.

Kizuna who was suddenly getting his fault picked on got flustered and he reflexively responded with a polite language. And then he grasped both sides of the butt with both his hands.


And then he was rubbing thoroughly as though enjoying the springy texture.

HaaAAnnuya, a, aa

As expected, isnt this strange?

Kizuna racked his brain once more.

No matter how he listened, rather than a pained voice, this voice felt like a voice in ecstasy.

If its like thisthen Ill give you a crueler shame.

Kizuna buried his finger into the valley of the butt and then rubbed up and down.

HyaaAAn-! E, even that kind of placeee

At the bottom of that valley, his finger got caught up in something. Kizunas finger stopped there. Himekawas complexion changed and she turned around across her shoulder at Kizuna.

D, dont tell med, dont! Please, only that place is!

Kizuna grinned.

Just as I thought. She will feel disgust if I play with this spot.

You taught me something just now. I cannot stop with just a bit of harassment huh!

Kizuna vibrated his fingertip and added a stimulation at that organ.


Himekawas reaction changed dramatically. Her body twisted, tears and saliva trickled down and her neck shook around.

Come on, hows this! Do you repent now!

Kizuna put even more strength and pushed.

Ii-!? --!!

Himekawa stood on her toes and her body stiffened.


And then like a puppet with its string cut, she crumbled down and sat on the floor.

O, oi. You okay?

Did I go too far? Kizuna was worried like that while he lifted up Himekawas body in his arms.


It seemed that even her consciousness was hazy with a melting expression on her face. Kizuna looked around the public bath looking for a place to rest her somewhere. There was a sleeping bath where a person could enter and lie down, so for the time being he laid down Himekawa there.

Yurishia stretched with a big motion, as though to say that she had been tired of waiting. When she lowered her arms, her large breasts jiggled from the force.

Finally its my turn Give me a sufficient service just as much as how long you made me wait, okay?

I told you already that Im not doing service work. How many times do I need to say that

Kizuna lathered body soap on the body of Yurishia who was humming in enjoyment and made foam. Color of fatigue also came onto the surface of Kizunas face. As expected, it a took toll on his arms and shoulders when he reached the third person.

Hey Kizuna? Can you put a bit more strength into it?

UuI know.

Shit, seeing through me like this!

Kizuna embraced Yurishia from behind and foamed her breast by sliding both his arms up and down.


When he lifted his arms, the weight of the breast leaned heavily on Kizunas arms. Frankly it was heavy. When he kept lifting his arms, the large breasts slipped down from inside his arms slippily. This time when he moved his arms down from above, the breasts leaped up from inside his arms as though they were floating up.

Thats quite great Please make about thirty round trips like that with this momentum kay

Thi, thirtyyou say?

It was already a muscle training like that.

Suddenly Yurishia asked Reiri, who was waiting while looking bored.

Heey, Reiri is always the last but, is it fine? Somehow, it feels like the quality of Kizunas service is dropping down the further the turn goes.

I told you, this is nota servicekuhits still the fifteenth

Reiri replied while looking a bit awkward.

Ye, yeahIm fine. You three can have Kizuna healing your tiredneno, punish you.

Kizuna was sweating while persuading himself that when this was over it would be Reiris turn.

Reiri isan admirable, fellow-twentiethafter all. When Yurishias turn is over, I can rest easy.

Wa, wait! That matter is

Reiri tried to stop Kizuna in panic, but Kizuna spoke braggingly faster than her.

I too got tired from this soReiri, she massaged me, then washed my back in reverseshe was usually doing that.

Yurishias eyes turned round.

Eeh? But that is not a punishment then?

Fufufuabout that, she used her own bodytwenty third-, to wash my body. Tha, that acceptanceto receive her punishment, and her consideration to the jailer. Haa, haathree moreeither, is worthy for praise. I am even thinking to recommend her as a model prisonerthirtyyy-!

Yurishia made a shocked expression.

To think that you even do such a thingis this the wisdom of age?

You want to say something.

When Reiri asked her with displeasure, Yurishia also answered with a rough voice.

I cannot let such role where ones own body is sacrificed just to Reiri! Starting from tomorrow I will take the last turn and accomplish that role!

Reiri responded back with a flustered face.

Wait! This is my role. No way Ill hand it over to anyone!

Himekawa who was lying down on the sleeping bath leaped up.

Thats unfair! Reiri-san! For you to take such a goodbitter experience! You are being too reserved. I will replace you as the sacrifice!

In addition Aine who should have returned to her room also appeared. She opened the door loudly and rushed inside the public bath.

Withdraw back Hayuru! The responsibility lays on the emperor. I will become the substitute sacrifice.

Yo, you must not! Aine-santhe emperor cannot be made to do such a thing. Please leave it to this Himekawa Hayuru!

Just what are you saying Hayuru. Its already decided that I will be the one taking over first.

No one is saying that the role will be handed over!

Seeing the quarrel of the four, Kizunas chest grew hot.

Their figures that covered for their comrades, just how beautiful it was.

The crime that these girls committed, its undoubtedly something that couldnt be helped because of their duties and position. Now that they had gotten away from their former position, they are trying to save their friends, they are humans with beautiful hearts.

In order to completely correct these girls, I too have to work even harder than before.

In front of the quarreling four people, Kizuna renewed his determination anew.

One day, Aine was taken away into the interview room.

A girl with pink hair was sitting at the other side of the transparent wall. That girl, when she saw Aines figure, she stood up with a happy face.


Grace! So you came for me!

When Aine put her hand on the transparent wall, Grace also put her palm on the wall on top of Aines palm. Blocked by the thick wall, no matter how they moved their hand it was impossible for their hand to touch each other. However, it felt like the warmth of the others hand was transmitted through the wall, tears were coming to the surface of the twos red eyes.

Nee-samaI left you behind like this.

Its okay, after all Im full of spirit here. You yourself Grace, are you fine? There is no problem?

That Nee-sama is full of spirit is the most important thing. On my side there is no problem at all.

I see, Im glad.

Aine was staring in relief at the face of her little sister that she hadnt seen in a long time. Grace too was smiling with moist eyes.

The goddess spokethat salvation will be extended.

Aines eyebrows twitched.

Thats right. Everyday Im working hard so that I properly atone for my sins and can earn salvation.

After that, the two of them exchanged words that sympathized with each other and stories that reminisced about the past. It was a really enjoyable time, but the visiting hour immediately informed them of the end.

Grace nodded then stood up from her seat.

Next time I will bring some supplies. Nee-sama, be well.

You too Grace.

And then Aine was taken back to her solitary cell once more. When Aine laid down on her bed, she recalled the content of her meeting with Grace.

The goddess, spoke.huh

That was a code.

It was something that was used when she reigned as the emperor, so that even in the middle of a meeting with other countries they could have a secret talk between comrades, several keywords had been decided among them. The phrase that Grace used The goddess spoke was also one of those codes. The code showed that the words after that were filled with special meaning.

Salvationwill be extended.

So to speak,

Grace was planning for Aines escape from prison, that was the meaning.

The exercise time for today is swimming. Swimming suits are provided for each person. Wear it quickly and then gather at the poolside.

Following the order from Kizuna, the four headed to the changing room. There swimsuits were prepared, everyone took off their prison uniform and changed into a swimsuit.

My, it seems this is the one for Aine-san you know?

Himekawa noticed the name tag attached on the swimsuit.

The swimsuits design was a white school swimsuit. The name tag of everyone was attached on the chest area. Aine took the swimsuit into her hand and stared at it fixedly. The breast part had cutting that was shaped like breasts, seeing from that it could be seen that the swimsuits were order made to match with the body of everyone.

Aine thought that it was a pointless use of budget. At the same time, seeing how it cost money for this swimsuit, surely the swimming today was planned that it would be broadcasted or distributed as a video package.


At that time she noticed letters that were written at the back of the cloth. At first she thought that it was the size or the method to wash the swimsuit written there, but it didnt look like that.

The preparation is going well. Tomorrow the gift will arrive, so use that to escape.


Aine thought that she didnt need to write with this colloquial style of hers too, but reading this her cheeks were naturally loosening. (TN: When Grace talk, she has a way of talking that is unique for a high class lady, and here she is writing the message with that kind of talking style too instead of normally)

Whats the matter Aine?

Yurishia curiously called out to Aine who was staring smilingly at her swimsuit.

N, nothing-

Aine put on her swimsuit in panic so that the letters at the other side of the fabric wouldnt get seen.

And then she headed to the poolside. It was a splendid indoor pool that was unthinkable to be installed in a prison facility. They could also see a jacuzzi and a sauna at the poolside.

Kizuna was waiting nearby the diving board wearing trunks and parka. He blew on the whistle hanging from his neck and called out to everyone.

Then lets start with warming up. After that is a twenty five meter crawly for four laps. Then breaststroke similarly with four laps.

It was an extremely normal exercise time. However,

The content today will be released as a video package. Put that in mind.

The four sighed thinking that it was as expected.

Also the swimsuits that you are wearing will be auctioned, it will be donated to the children who are not blessed, remember that.

Himekawa made a complicated expression.

The motive is splendid butI feel there is a large problem with the method.

Rather than that, I became curious as to whose swimsuit will be the one that has the highest bidder.

Even while saying such thing, Yurishia looked like she had confidence.

Nn? Whats the matter Aine. Your complexion look bad.

Ehnope, there isnothing.

However she was pale until her lips while cold sweat was trickling from her body.

The swimsuit will be retrieved and auctioned? Then, the secret message that is written in the fabric will be revealed then!

Even though she was doing warming ups, the inside of her head was completely filled only with that.

Yosh. The warming up is enough with this. We managed to take a nice picture! Well then, enter the pool!

The point of doing this is already completely strange!

Himekawa entered the water while complaining.

Yosh. Then start from Himekawa. Yoi

At the same time when the whistle whistled *pii-*, Himekawa kicked the wall of the pool and her legs beautifully stretched inside the water. Continuing after her, Yurishia then Reiri followed.

Aine, go. Yoi

Aine started late from the whistle sound.

Aah, what to do!? Grace too, why did she use this kind of thing to contact me!

Aine paddled both her hands in half desperation and swam using crawl style. And then, when she passed the fifty meter mark something strange happened.

Hmm? Hey, Aine. That swimsuit


Just when Aine touched the wall that was the turning point, Yurishia pointed at something.

At the end where Yurishia was pointing, there was her breast.

Her breast that should be wrapped in white school swimsuit was becoming exposed. Her white skin and the ripe pink colored bud at the summit became exposed.


Aine hid her breast in panic with both hands.


Not only her breast. Inside the water, Aines swimsuit was melting wobblingly. It was as though the swimsuit was made from paper, it crumbled and got torn off from Aines body.

Wait, just whats with that swimsuit

At that moment, Yurishias shoulder strap dissolved and vanished. Yurishias huge breast was liberated from the swimsuit and floated in water.

Eeeeh? Wait, what is this!

Yurishia also pressed on her breast and raised her voice in a fluster. Reiri and Himekawa were in the same state. Himekawa faced towards Kizuna who was being dumbfounded at the poolside and yelled angrily.

Just a minute head jailer Kizuna! No matter what, isnt this too cruel!?

However even Kizuna who was being told that didnt understand anything.

Thi, this iswhat in the world

At that time a chime rang and a broadcast flowed from the wall speaker.

Head jailer Kizuna. The daughter of the president has come. Please urgently come to the VIP room.


Kizuna left behind the pool with a tense face.

My lady. I have made you wait.

When Kizuna entered the VIP room, he lowered his head.

Of courses Kizuna had changed from his swimsuit into his jailer uniform. It would be a disaster if something happened to the guest today. Kizuna lifted his head while feeling nervous.

The guest was wearing a pretty dress, sitting elegantly on a chair.

My apologies to visit so suddenly like this desu. Are you healthy, head jailer Kizuna?

Yes, Sylvia Silvercut-sama.

After the revolution, a president was elected from the election. The single daughter of that president was Sylvia. She was the young lady of the financial conglomerate Silvercut and also the proposer and sponsor at the time of this prisons founding.

About today, a slightly concerning piece of information has reached Sylvia desu.

A concerning piece of information?

Yes. Sylvia heard, the people of the emperor faction are planning a jailbreak of the empire leadership desu.


It was like a bolt from the blue. Kizuna felt shocked precisely because he had felt moved yesterday from the fours admirable attitude and friendship. Now he felt like he had been doused with cold water.

Is there any suspicious movement desu?

Sylvia stared fixedly at Kizuna with her large eyes.

Immediately the scene of the swimsuits dissolving at the swimming exercise just now floated in his head. However he couldnt connect that fact with prison escape at all no matter how hard he pondered.

Nothere is no movement that seems to be like that at all.

Is that so desu

Sylvia looked down with a slightly dejected expression. Kizuna repeated inside his mouth that bit of information which Sylvia had brought to him and pondered.

By any chance, perhaps Sylvia-samas expression was obtained early, so those fellows were still not moving to action. From now on, Im thinking of putting more effort into monitoring.

Sylvia lifted her face and then she showed a smile like a blooming flower.

Then Sylviamanaged to be useful desu?

Yes, of course.

When Kizuna answered so, Sylvia displayed a charming smile.

Sylvia is glad desu

Sylvia stood up and then she presented her hand to Kizuna. Kizuna took that hand and escorted her until the entrance of the prison.

And then Sylvia got into a limousine that was waiting in the parking lot. In the car, she seemed to recall something and opened the window of the car and beckoned at Kizuna with her hand. When Kizunas face approached her, Sylvia put her hand near her mouth and whispered as though talking about a secret.

There is one more encouraging news for head jailer Kizuna desu.

Kizunas face turned grave.

Is there still any other suspicious scheme?

Kizuna waited for Sylvias words with a tensed face in nervousness.

The truth isfrom next year, the selection for Sylvias husband will begin desuthat, head jailer Kizuna too

Sylvia whose face went bright red was murmuring with a small voice.

A, as expected its embarrassing desuuu! Pl, please take out the car desu!

The huge limousine urgently departed and went out of view with a drift.

Whats with her?

Kizuna tilted his head. But, rather than that there was something more important.

Its information that Sylvia-sama especially informed me aboutI have to prevent any incident no matter what.

One of the jailers, Gertrude Bayard was pushing a trolley through a corridor that was lined up with cells. That trolley was piled up with a lot of baggage.

The jailer stopped in front of Aines cell and pulled open the insertion slot for baggage. This slot was something that could be pulled open from both the outside and inside. It was narrow, on top of that it was made solidly from steel, so it was impossible to use this hole for escaping. After Gertrude put a cardboard box on the slot and pushed it in, Aine who was inside could receive the baggage.

Chidorigafuchi Aine. This is your package you asshole.

Aine who was lying down on her bed woke up her body.

I wonder if its another present from fans?

The only method to connect a prisoner with outside world was through mail service. At first there were only provisions sent to her from her relatives, but recently there were a lot of packages sent to her from fans. Of course, the content of the packages had been checked before it was handed over to the person the package was sent for.

Aine opened the insertion slot and took out the cardboard box. The size of the box was around thirty centimeter in height and width.

The sender isI dont know this name.

It wasnt from an individual but from a company name. It seemed to be a vendor of something, but when she saw the writing that the content of the package was a book, she wondered if it was a name of a bookstore.

Aine returned to her bed with the package in hand and then she opened the box.


What came out from inside the cardboard box was something that was far removed from a book. The content was a leather eye mask and leather handcuffs that were connected with chains with chromium plating. In addition there was an object with a diameter about three centimeters and length of five centimeters shaped like a white capsule, no matter how she looked at it, it was an adult toy.

Just, what is this!

Feeling indignation while wondering just that and that a pervert somewhere had sent her this, she tried to fish inside the cardboard box searching for any kind of clue. However, what she found was only rolled up pieces of paper that were used as cushioning.

At that time, the door of the cell abruptly opened.


There the head jailer Kizuna was standing.

Im coming in.

Saying that he entered into the cell and then the door automatically closed.

Aine immediately hid the content of the package under her blanket and made a face of feigned ignorance.

Just what is your business here? Are you going to tell me to face the bunch who are watching the recording now and wave my hand just when I am about to sleep?

Today, there should be a package that was addressed to you. There is something suspicious inside it.

And then Kizuna glared at the blanket that Aine was clutching.

The thing that you hid just now is that huh? Take it out.

Ah! Dont-!

When she said that, Kizunas hand had already torn off the blanket from her.

!? This is

An eye mask for blindfolding and handcuffs flew into Kizunas sight.

Thi, this is a mistake! I dont know who the sender is, just why was this kind of thing sent to me

Kizuna took the cardboard box into his hand and confirmed the senders name and the inside.

I have never heard of this company nameperhaps this is a fictitious name?

I repeat, but I dont know you know, this kind of company.

And then Kizunas eyes stopped at the rolled up pieces of paper that functioned as cushioning and spread the paper.

I see. So those handcuffs and blindfold is for restricting my freedom so you can escape huh.

Haaah!? Just where did you get that kind of wild delusion!

So you plan to play innocent even after seeing this huh!

The paper that Kizuna spread was thrust before Aine.

You can play with the head jailer with this. G

Aine stared at that paper with astonishment.

G Grace? Just, what in the world are you thinking!?

Good griefI misjudged you. I, who thought that you were in the process of correcting yourself favorably, was an idiot.

Its also mysterious how you came to think like thatbut, anyway I dont know anything about this, I also dont understand why these kinds of things were sent to me.

Kizuna picked up the handcuffs and grasped Aines arm.

Then, Ill ask your body directly.

Eeh!? Wai, wait!

Kizuna quickly put the handcuffs on one of Aines arms. He grasped her other hand and twisted it to her back before putting the handcuff on that hand too. In the blink of an eye, both of Aines hands were now restricted to the behind.

Wha-release me!

However Kizuna didnt lend her his ear and put the eye mask from above Aines head. Aine shook her head in resistance, but the leather eye mask was immediately covering both her eyes. With this her eyesight was completely blocked.

You ordered this items in order to use it right? Then first you can confirm its ease of use with your own body.

Thats why I told you, this is a misunderstanding!

There Aine suddenly remembered that the inside of this room was being recorded.

If you do this kind of thing, it will be a problem for you from mistreating the prisoner just so you know!

However Kizuna snorted.

You dont need to worry, right now the recording is being paused.


Aine ground her teeth in vexation.

Now then, what to do nextnn?

Kizuna noticed that there was one more item hidden inside the blanket.

This is-!?


Aine was making an anxious expression under the blindfold.

Hmph. So this is that so called adult toy for femalesit seem that being locked caused your frustration to pile up huh.

Kizunas disdaining gaze caused Aines face to go bright red and she bit her lips.

Yo-, you are mistaken! I dont know anything.

Kizuna grasped the bottom edge of Aines prison uniform and rolled it up.


Her white stomach became exposed, then when the clothes that got caught on her breast was pulled even further up, her large breast leaped out.

Yado, dont

Because the clothes was made from elastic material that also functioned as underwear, when the clothes was rolled up, there was nothing that hid that place anymore. There was only Aines naked body there.

The prison uniform got caught up above the breast that it couldnt come down anymore. Aine whose hands were handcuffed behind couldnt do anything.

Now thenyou always said that my service is insufficient right? Then just as you wished, Ill thoroughly ask that body. This is torture, prepare yourself.

Aines body was driven with fear.

Wa, wait! What are you planning to do?

Aine whose eyes were blindfolded couldnt guess what Kizuna was going to do. Both her hands were also completely handcuffed that she couldnt resist. She could not perceive what was happening in her surroundings right now, and she couldnt move her body according to her will, all of those caused Aine to shiver in fear.

Ill make you spit out your plan to escape this prison.


When Aines body was lightly pushed, she helplessly collapsed backward. And then the breasts that were pointing up without its shape crumbling were grasped by Kizunas two hands.


Whats the matter? Arent you feeling it too much there?

You, youre wrongI was just, surprised-, yaaaaannnn, d, dont-!

Kizuna mercilessly kneaded the two soft hills. Each time Aine was gasping and her white throat warped.

When Kizuna pinched and pulled at the tip with his fingers, Aines body trembled.

Hiah! Do, dont pullllllll-

The stimulation that she couldnt get from the usual bathing heated Aines body in the blink of an eye. Aine who was writhing on the sheet where she was losing her head also caused Kizuna himself to get excited. He spontaneously kissed at the tip of the breast that was increasing in hardness and size.

Nnaaaaaaah! Wha, what are you doing-? Su, such thing, aaaaa!

In order to escape from that violent pleasure, Aine twisted her body, and then her body turned over and now she was lying down on her face. She couldnt use her both arms so she couldnt raised her body. Her face was buried into the sheet and the best she could do was at least not let her gasping voice to come out.

Fufu, are you trying to not let out your voice? However, I wonder how long you can endure?

Kizuna traced on Aines spine softly from above to below with his index finger.


Aine held back her voice and tried to pretend that she didnt feel anything. However Kizunas finger movement shook her back. She couldnt hide how her body was rejoicing.

Kizunas hand didnt stop and it was approaching the crack of Aines butt, toward her important place. And then the moment that place was touched, Aine raised a wordless scream.

tsu! !!

Her whole body was clattering from the excessive pleasure.

Looks like the preparation is good enough.

Kizuna stared in satisfaction at Aines state and he reached his hand at the adult toy.

Nn? Whatthis is

At that time, the voice of Kizuna that sounded perplexed, and also admiring reached Aines ear.

This iswhat an interesting toy. Before I realized its shape has changedfurthermore, this is

Aine was unable to see the shape.

Just what in the world, that caused him to feel marvel like that?

This thing that was a small capsule before, had become a thick cylinder you knowfurthermore it had subtle curve, and it became thicker compared to before.


At that time, something flashed inside Aines head.

Soso its like that isnt it, Grace.

Aine raised her butt high with her body kept lying face down.

Ki, Kizuna, its pointless no matter how much you torment me you knowI, absolutely wont talk after all.

While mouthing words of opposition, she slightly jiggled her butt like an invitation.

Kizuna was feeling loathsome towards Aines rebelling words, even so the smooth butt in front of his eyes that was shaking wantonly, and the honey that was leaking down glitteringly sucked his eyes to there.

Hmphso you are going to resist until the end. Then, Ill give this to you just as you wished for.

Eh? Aah, dont! I, if you inject me with something like that, what is going to happen to me! My head will go blank, and Ill talk about everything, so stop!

Kizuna grinned and fixed the cylinder thing in his hand at the entrance. When the tip touched that place, Aines mouth leaked out a sigh.

Hm? Just nowwhat?

And then Kizuna also felt a slight discomfort.

Just now, my thingit feels some kind of sensation.

Aine spoke with a loud voice in panic.

Aah! I, if something like that enters into me, Im going to become anything you tell me! Didnt I tell you already you must not put that into me!

Aines yell made Kizuna pull himself together.

Then Ill give it to you! Feel this!

Kizuna pushed the thing he grasped inside in one go.


A voice of happiness burst out from Aines mouth. And then heart shaped light came to the surface of her teary eyes.


And then Kizuna also felt the impact, a terrific pleasure ran through his lower part which ruled over his consciousness. His eyes were shining with light and he emitted pink light from his whole body.

Wha, thi, this is

That light was being absorbed into Aines body. And then the body of Aine that was lying upside-down on the bed jumped convulsively.

A, Aine

What came out from Aines mouth wasnt a reply, but a call using another word.



Aines body was covered with white armor. The shackle that was restraining both her arms snapped off. A headset was equipped on her head, and the eye mask got torn off.

In front of Kizuna who was watching with astonishment, Aine stood up on the bed. Her body was clad in the Heart Hybrid Gear Zeros. The power of Zeros core that should have been taken out from her body now resided inside Aine once more.

Ri, ridiculoushow

Aine looked down at Kizuna with an exasperated face.

The ridiculous one is you isnt it? What you were doing to me so elatedly, was a core install you know. My thanks, head jailer Kizuna.

Aine wrapped her fist with her palm and cracked her fingers.

Now then, what should I do to you I wonder?

Wa, wait! Aine! We can reach an understanding by talking!



And then head jailer Kizuna became a star.


Currently he was being imprisoned inside the Ataraxia prison that he managed before.

With Aines escape, the emperor faction rallied their forces once more and before long they took back their political power. And then Kizuna and the people who were complicit in the revolution were assigned with penal servitude in Ataraxia prison.

Prisoner number 69. Kizuna. Come forward!

The head jailer Reiri was standing in front of a cell with a whip in one hand. With an insincere smile, Kizuna spoke timidly.

Errhead jailer. Today what are

Reiri glared fiercely at Kizuna.

Today you will go through muscle training and stamina training for your prison work today. And then massaging my body, and helping with bathing. After resting Ill have you do prison labor for the whole night. The detail of the work, is being my body pillow.

Eeh!? The, then the free time to rest my body and heart is

Reiri smiled happily.

The management from the tip of your head until the tip of your toes, everything is left to me completely. You cannot even let out a drop of your body fluid without my permission.

Su, such thing-!

Aah, also at the weekend the emperor and her close aides will come for inspection. Put your physical condition in order beforehand. After all endurance and stamina are necessary to accompany three people at the same time.

Kizuna spread both his hands and looked up to the sky. However, there was only white sky there.

For the present, he couldnt pray to the sky of Ataraxia.

The End

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