I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 70 Its like I have a brother complex or something!

Chapter 70 Its like I have a brother complex or something!

(TLN) So uhhh I really like this story and Im sad that it seemed to be dropped? The NU page says that it hasnt been licensed so, Im just gonna go for it. Hopefully no one minds. Please bear with any changes. I had to go back over the names because I forgot them so the spelling might be slightly off. I promise I will get better. This is marked as a teaser for now until its confirmed no one minds. Join ko-fi for faster releases.

Thats how it turned out

Me, Shijouin-san, and Kanako were gathered around the table in the living room of the Niihama residence.

After the commotion in the bathroom, Shijouin-san and Kanako, who had finished changing, accompanied me to the living room and now we had finally finished hearing the explanation of the situation.

Thank you so much, Shijouin-san, for running in the rain for Kanakos sake. Come on, Kanako, say thank you again.

Yeah, of course! Thank you, Haruka-chan!

W-Wow Please dont bow your heads like that! I really just picked up a wallet, thats all!

As we siblings bowed our heads to express gratitude, Shijouin-san became flustered.

But Kanako calling someone she just met today Haruka-chan I mean, Shijouin-san doesnt seem to mind at all, but still

And, um Im really sorry about what happened in the bathroom earlier It was an accident caused by me and Kanakos carelessness

N-No, its just a simple accident um, well, Im sorry for showing you something unsightly

At Shijouin-sans bashful words, the scene from the bathroom flashed back in my mind.

Shijouin-sans pure white skin.

The sight of the girl I love the most wearing nothing but a thin undergarment is not only exciting but also makes her look like a goddess its etched behind my eyelids and doesnt seem to fade away.

(And Shijouin-san is currently wearing my shirt)

As if recalling the accident earlier, Shijouin-san blushed.

Seeing her showing such shyness while wearing my shirt and hugging her own shoulders, it stirs something hot within me.

Thinking about Shijouin-sans slightly reddened skin after a bath touching my shirt, I cant help but feel flustered.

When Kanako said with a smirk, Hehehe, you managed with Mamas skirt, but considering the size of your chest, borrowing your big brothers shirt was the only option, right? its definitely hitting me hard, damn it, considering my virgin-like turmoil.

No, well anyway, Im sorry

Yeah, Im really sorry, Haruka-chan But rather than unsightly, your bare skin is priceless, right? I bet I could easily charge 30,000 yen just to admire it.

Dont say such explicit things, you idiot!

Dont say things that people wouldnt even think about!

Were in front of a guest, so try to tone down your usual antics!

Well, thats enough about that. But I feel relieved.


Taking a sip of the tea that Kanako brewed (I filtered it with a tea strainer because there were tea leaves mixed in), Shijouin-san spoke.

It turned out in a way I never expected but Im really happy to see you again after such a long time, Niihama-kun. I wanted to see you just at this time


For some reason, Kanako widened her eyes in surprise at Shijouin-sans words.

Huh? Whats wrong with you?

Oh, Im glad too. Ive been wanting to see you, and Im really happy to see your face again after such a long time. Weve only been communicating through emails lately.


As our faces meet like this, its clear that our hearts are rejoicing.

I can feel the Shijouin-san energy (the all-purpose energy that can be obtained by making contact with Shijouin-san) that was almost depleted filling up my heart.

But whats up with Kanako?

H-Hey, hey, Onii-chan!

Hm? Whats wrong with youGuuh!?

Kanako grabs my shoulder and forcefully spins me around, diverting my gaze from Shijouin-san sitting across from me. Then, she leans closer to my face and starts whispering something in a hushed voice.

(W-What was that just now!? You were casually saying how we wanted to see each other, but that was clearly an exchange between lovers! When did you completely conquer Shijouin-san!?)

(Ah No, I was a bit numb, but those words from Shijouin-san are purely how she feels, not with any romantic implications.)

(Huh!? Seriously!? I mean, is that supposed to be a friend-like line? I knew she was airheaded, but theres a limit, right!?)

(Well, so far, Im the only guy who gets that line from her at close proximity, so in that sense, its special But unfortunately, there are no heart marks attached.)

This airheadedness is the barrier that has repelled numerous guys from Shijouin-san, and Im still in the middle of conquering her. The distance between us is undoubtedly getting closer, so I shouldnt rush things.

(By the way, there are hearts attached to every word I say to Shijouin-san.)

(I know! I dont need unnecessary information that much!)

With a face that seems to say, Youre really annoying! Kanako skillfully interjects in a hushed voice It seems like Ive been sharing my feelings for Shijouin-san a bit too much.

Ahaha, sorry for the secret conversation, Haruka-chan! I apologized to Onii-chan for saying, Onii-chan always talks about Shijouin-san !

W-Wait, whatttttttt!?

How much of my statements at home did you spill?

And youre not even showing any remorse, so whats with the apology?!

Well, when I heard that from Kanako-chan, I felt both happy and embarrassed Um, Niihama-kun?


Please dont tell Kanako-chan any embarrassing things about me. She might laugh I want her to see me as a reliable older sister!

Um What part of the conversation is she referring to!?

To be honest, Ive been talking about Shijouin-san a lot to Kanako, so I cant pinpoint which embarrassing thing shes talking about

Well, I talk about Niihama-kun all the time at home, so I have no right to say anything, Shijouin-san said.

Oh, really!? What kind of things do you say about Onii-chan!?

Hehe, there are so many things! I cant possibly cover everything, like how amazing Niijima-kun is, the times hes helped me, and what we talked about today!

With a face full of curiosity, Kanako leans forward eagerly, and for some reason, Shijouin-san happily shares the contents of our conversation.

These two have become incredibly close in such a short time

However Every time I talk about Niihama-kun, my father somehow gets a face like hes eaten a bitter bug and starts trembling as if hes holding something back.

As expected, whenever my topic comes up, Tokimune-sans annoyance meter keeps rising! Stop it! Im glad youre talking about me, but please dont accumulate any more eruptions from Tokimune-san!

Ahahahahahaha! Haruka-chans papa is too funny! He looks so tense, but hang in there, Onii-chan!

Youre laughing way too much, you little!

Shes thoroughly enjoying this! I cant laugh because it reminds me of that heart-pounding job interview!

But anyway, Kanako-chan really loves her big brother.


Shijouin-san smiles warmly, and Kanako, who was laughing foolishly, freezes as if caught off guard.

Since earlier, she seems so happy whenever she interacts with her older brother. Its clear that you two get along really well.


Shijouin-san expresses her honest impressions without any ulterior motive, causing Kanako to stutter and become flustered, which is quite rare for her.

This face of hers is truly unusual.

T-Thats not true! Besides, it makes it seem like I have a brother complex or something!

Is that so? Even when we were talking about Niihama-kun in the bath earlier, you seemed really lively

Shijouin-san follows up with her soft words, targeting Kanako, who is denying it with a raised voice.

The effect is outstanding, and Kanakos face rapidly turns red.

~~~Ahh! Thats it! End this conversation! Its over!

Kanako forcefully cuts off the conversation, shaking her arms. Its a bit cute how she pouts and turns her face away.

I-Its amazing Kanako blushing and staying silent like that

I once again admire Shijouin-sans purity and airheadedness. The words of an angel, who innocently speaks what she feels without any intention to tease, become a mirror reflecting the hearts of those she interacts with, leaving no room for argument.

Hehe, Kanako-chan blushing and being embarrassed is so adorable. Niihama-kun is really lucky.

Right? She may lack a bit of respect for her brother, but shes my proud little sister.

Seeing Kanako pout a little, both Shijouin-san and I cant help but smile. Its rare and especially cute to see her face flushed like this, so we find ourselves thinking its even more adorable.

H-Hey! What are you saying, you stupid big brother, taking advantage of this situation!

Whats wrong? I really mean it when I say shes my proud little sister.

I-Im frustrated Being seen by my big brother with that smug face!

Haha, just let it slide that Im borrowing the position you usually occupy a little.

W-Well, I do think its good for siblings to get along, but its not like I want my big brother to pay attention to me or anything! S-Stop it, both of you, with those smiley faces!

Kanako, whose face is still flushed, complains with a slightly raised voice. But upon hearing her words, both Shijouin-san and I deepen our heartwarming smiles even more.

Outside, the rain is still pouring heavily, but in the Niihama residences living room, there is peace, for now.

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