I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 104: Again kissing her!

gain kissing her!

*pakh* *pakh* "Haangh~ Haanghhh~! Tiannnn..." Hearing faint noises, Zhao Ying who was lying on the bed, her eyelashes fluttered open as she brushed the pink strands of hair from her face and turned to look at the scene behind her.

Holding the headboard of the bed, Chi Miya was moaning in pleasure as Zhao Tian pounded her pussy from behind, his hands on her waist.

With a grin on his face, Zhao Tian pulled Chi Miya causing her to lose grip on the headboard as her body fell on the soft bed.

H-Huh? Chi Miya looked at Zhao Tian with clouded eyes "Tian...?" Zhao Tian turned her body, gently grabbing her thighs and spread them in a V shape.

Chi Miya was quite confused as Zhao Tian gently raised her thigh placing it on his shoulder. "Tia-" Zhao Tian again continued rampaging her pussy.

*gasp* Chi Miya gasped in pleasure because, in this position, his huge dick is again hitting her sweet spot. "Haaaanghh~!' a loud erotic moan escaped her lips and she closed her eyes in ecstasy as he body shook on the bed.

*pakh* *pakh* Zhao Ying gently moved as she sat on the bed. Looking at Zhao Tian, she slowly crawled towards him, cum dribbling from her pussy because of her movements "Tian'er!"

Zhao Tian who was ramming Chi Miya's pussy turned his head and saw Zhao Ying approaching him, her boobs jiggling seductively with her every movement.

Reaching him, she gently wrapped her arms around his neck taking his lips in a passionate kiss. Zhao Tian reciprocated the kiss, his left hand traveling down groping her ass.

Zhao Ying softly sucked on her lips and he didn't stop his hips movements still plummeting her pussy. Retracting the kiss, Zhao Ying smiled "I am gonna take a bath, Tian'er"

Zhao Tian gave a nod and she disappeared from there. *woosh* Zhao Ying appeared near the waterfalls and she walked in "Tian'er's power of teleporting anywhere inside this artifact is good. Haah!"

Meanwhile, Zhao Tian glanced at Chi Miya her pussy sucking on his cock and he gave a smack on her ass. *slap*

"Haangh Tian~" Chi Miya mewled and Zhao Tian felt her pussy tightening over his dick. "Urgh!" Zhao Tian grunted and increased his pace.

"Angh~ Angh~ Angh~... Tiannnnn..." Chi Miya's body convulsed, her mind overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure that crashed over her. With each breathy moan, she inched closer to her ultimate release.

And then, in a moment of sheer ecstasy, her body trembled uncontrollably as pure bliss coursed through her veins.*squirt* She orgasmed, every inch of her being pulsating with intense delight and satisfaction.

Zhao Tian took her leg from her shoulder and leaned in kissing her lips. Chi Miya who was sensitive felt the pleasure from his dick rippling through her body and she instinctively entwined her legs around his waist kissing him back.

*pakh* *pakh* "Haangh~!" Gasps of pleasure escaped Chi Miya's lips and Zhao Tian finally came painting her pink pussy with his warm white sperm.

"Mmngh~!" Chi Miya's back arched up and as Zhao Tian pulled back his dick, Chi Miya rolled on the bed, a delighted sigh escaping her lips.


Looking at Chi Miya sleeping peacefully, Zhao Tian left the room stretching his arms. Shi Yixian who was leaning on the sofa gently opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Tian walking in the hal only wearing pants.

Her eyes quivered a little seeing him and Zhao Tian also noticed her face changing a little. This is the only time Shi Yixian has a little emotion on her face instead of her stoic face.

Shi Yixian also knows that Zhao Tian is having sex with his women inside the room.

Seeing him, Shi Yixian stood up from the couch "My Liege!" Zhao Tian nodded his head with a faint smile and walked out of the grand mansion.

Shi Yixian followed him out of the mansion and Zhao Tian subtly turned his head "You don't have to follow me every time." Shi Yixian shook her head "How could I not? You are my Liege and I should be around you every time..."

Zhao Tian frowned hearing this "I placed a slave seal on you, so you won't harm me or my women in the future. It's not like I want you as my servant."

Shi Yixian gave a nod "But still, I promised you that I'd be your slave when I was on the brink of burning away. So I should act according to it."

Zhao Tian sighed in his heart and walked toward the array "I am going to cultivate...." Shi Yixian nodded her head and stood there watching over him.


Looking at Zhao Tian cultivating under the blue array, a hint of fascination flashed in Shi Yianian's eyes "The amount of astral energy his body sucking in is great. With this pace, I guess he should have started cultivating long ago."

"Even though there is an array, the cultivation speed is still fast. My Liege is quite... unique."

*tap* "Phew!" At this time, Xia Shenyi walked towards Shi Yixian. Shi Yixian, on the other hand, remained silent, her gaze briefly meeting Xia Shenyi's before turning away

Xia Shenyi who knows about her personality smiled wryly and spoke "It is hard to decipher that... I am still on it."

Shi Yixian gave a small nod turning her attention back to Zhao Tian."My Liege's cultivation speed..." she muttered and Xia Shenyi smiled "Oh, I forgot to tell you this, but Tian actually has the Honoured One's physique."

A slight frown appeared on Shi Yixian's face "The Honoured One? I kind of feel like I have heard this name somewhere." she mumbled under her breath.

Hm? Wait! At this time, Xia Shenyi realized that since Shi Yixian is from the Astral Realm, she should know more about this physique right "Yixian, do you know anything about this physique?"

Shi Yixian closed her eyes trying to remember and spoke in a low voice "The Heaven-defying physique... It is said that when this physique appears, the whole Realm would welcome the arrival of the Honoured One."

The whole realm? Xia Shenyi squinted her eyes "Anything else?"

"I... remember hearing that there have been only two people who were born with this physique... uh..and...hm?" Shi Yixian frowed slightly as she couldn't just remember.

"My memories are still a little fuzzy..." Hearing this, Xia Shenyi nodded "Don't strain... tell me when you remember."

Shi Yixian spoke "I am surprised that My Liege has the most powerful physique. I guess... I am honoured to be under him."

A dry smile appeared on Xia Shenyi's lips -_- Don't say that with a straight face, it kinda feels odd.


*clank* The clanging sound of the plates and the sizzling of the food echoed through the kitchen as Mei Xiu continued stirring the Frying pan with the spoon in her hand.

Her eyebrows twitched in frustration "That bastard... if he comes today I am surely beating him..." she muttered continuing her cooking.

"Beating me?" Suddenly she heard his voice startling her and Mei Xiu quickly turned her head "T-Tian?" she stammered, her gaze meeting his as she saw him casually leaning against the kitchen's door frame.

Seeing the playful smile dancing on his lips, her anger melted as a subtle blush took over her face and she gently turned her gaze away, her heart flooding with embarrassment.

"Xiu!" His gentle voice reached her ears and she saw him walking towards her. His hand gently slid around her waist taking her in his embrace and the spoon slumped down from her hand.

Seeing the angry and aloof woman being cute and embarrassed in his arms, Zhao Tian chuckled faintly and leaned in for a kiss.

Before their lips could meet, Mei Xiu interrupted the moment by placing her hands on Tian's shoulders, gently pushing him "Tian... um... I feel like this is all going too fast."

Zhao Tian frowned slightly and she raised her head looking into his blue eyes "I mean... you kissed me two times, Tian... i-its not like I dislike lit, rather I am happy."

Her fingers pressed down on his shoulders as her eyelashes quivered in uncertainty "A-Are you serious about this? This relationship?"

She hesitated "I-I don't want to get my hopes up and..." she raised her right hand gently hitting his shoulder "If you said that this is a prank or joke... something like that, I would kill you, bastard," she muttered looking down at the floor, her heart racing in anticipation to hear his reply.

A chuckle left Zhao Tian's lips as he delicately raised her chin causing her brown eyes to meet his and he could sense the nervousness emanating from her as her eyes quivered slightly under his gaze.

He didn't say anything and softly pressed his lips against hers. Her grip on his shoulder loosened feeling the gentle caress of his lips and she couldn't but give in as she gently closed her eyes.

*smooch* She reciprocated the kiss, her hands moving around his neck gently clasping it and imitating his lips's movements.

"Huff!" Pulling back from the kiss, Mei Xiu exhaled deeply trying to calm her racing heart. But she couldn't take it anymore and quickly buried her face in his chest In embarrassment, a small smile spreading across her lips, a mixture of shyness and satisfaction evident on her face.

It has been bugging her mind for the past two days as she was not so sure about their relationship and now she was contended.

"So, why were you angry with me?" Zhao Tian asked and Mei Xiu gently lifted her head, her hand traveling down pinching his waist

"Where did you go for two days, you bastard? I was worried... because you k-kissed me and suddenly disappeared like that."

Zhao Tian chuckled "You could have called me..." Mei Xiu shook her head "No, that is so embarrassing..."

At this time, Mei Xiu remembered something and her eyes crescented in worry "Tian, my grandma..."


*woosh* A woman wearing a police uniform was quickly dashing through the air, her eyes glancing down at the city and her eyes narrowed "Where is he?"

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