I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 74: Talk between Mother and Daughter!

Talk between Mother and Daughter!

Zhao Tian hurriedly retrieved the great sword back in his storage ring because he knew the grade of that sword would make people drop their jaws.

'Now who is she...'

The woman opened her lips "Good job trying to destroy the Evil sect, but you shouldn't be careless..." Zhao Tian heard her sweet voice.

The woman turned her eyes to look at Zhao Tian "Be carefu- huh?" She was taken aback seeing Zhao Tian's face not because of his handsomeness "Aren't you...." she muttered in shock as if recognizing him and *fwoosh* she quickly disappeared from there.

Hm? Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes as the woman disappeared. 'She is so damn fast... Not Emperor, probably Monarch Astral Stage.'

'And she seemed to recognize me as I saw the surprise in her face. Huh? I have never seen that beautiful woman... hm...' he was quite confused by this.

But regardless, he decided to return home.


Back at home-

Zhao Suyin looked at Zhao Ying and asked with a smile "Um, Ying'er, what is your relationship with Tian'er..."

hearing the question, Zhao Ying's smile instantly froze and a rush of panic engulfed her, leaving her heart racing with confusion. 'W-Why Mom is asking this question suddenly?'

But she didn't show it on her face and smiled bitterly "Haha, what are you asking Mom? Tian'er is my cute little brother."

Zhao Suyin frowned when she heard this "Really?"

"Yeah, Mom... haha."

"Then why did you kiss him last week night when Miya was staying over and Tian'er was sleeping." Zhao Suyin asked.

H-Huh? Zhao Ying's eyes quivered in shock hearing this. Momsaw that? She didn't know that.

Seeing her conflicting emotions Zhao Suyin smiled patting her shoulder "I know you guys have been very close since childhood and you kissed him for brotherly love, right? But don't do that anymore, Tian'er has a girlfriend now..."

Brotherly love? Zhao Ying looked away, unable to meet her gaze when she mentioned brotherly love.

Seeing her avoiding her gaze, Zhao Suyin was surprised "Ying'er, you kissed him with Brotherly love, right?" she again asked and Zhao Ying stayed silent "r-right?" a low mutter escaped Zhao Suyin's lips.

"Ying'er!" Zhao Suyin grabbed her shoulder and made her look into her eyes "You love him in a brotherly way, right? tell me..."

Zhao Ying's heart was chaotic hearing this question and she didn't know how to respond to this. 'Should I lie and get away from this... No, No, Now or later, Mom will find out about this anyway...'

Zhao Ying glanced down her lips quivering in nervousness "I-I love Tian'er, as a man Mom... with all my heart."

Upon hearing Zhao Ying's words, Zhao Suyin's body trembled with fear as she realized that the worst possible situation had come to pass. "H-How could you love him, Ying'er... he is your brother!" she questioned, shaking Zhao Ying's shoulder.

"I-I don't know I just love him..."

Huh? "What are you saying, Ying'er? How could you love your brother?" Zhao Suyin asked hastily.

Zhao Ying shook her head "I just love him so much, that's all."

Zhao Suyin's anger intensified as she listened to Zhao Ying's nonchalant tone "What, 'That's all?' huh? Do you know what society will think of you?"

Zhao Ying stood up from the couch and looked at Zhao Suyin "I don't care about the society or how others think, I love my Tian'er and I want him..."

Zhao Suyin also stood up and tried to speak "Ying'er you can't do that... he is your brother. You both have the same blood flowing through your veins... how can you love him?"

Zhao Ying looked away and spoke casually "I don't care about that... since when did they start looking at the blood and body to love? If he has a different blood I can love him but I couldn't love him just because we have the same blood?"

"Love is all about heart and feelings, not body and blood. I love him with all my heart and that's it."

Zhao Suyin grabbed her daughter's arm "No, Ying'er this is so wrong... you shouldn't do this."

Zhao Ying attempted to break free from her mother's tight grasp, pleading "No,Mom... let me go. I won't leave Tian'er whatever you say."

But Zhao Suyin tightly gripped her hand "What will happen if Tian'er came to know about this..."

Zhao Ying still spoke casually "Tian'er already knows and he loves me too. Me and Sister Miya both are his girlfriends."

"W-What?" Zhao Suyin was shocked to hear this. 'Tian'er also know about this?' she clutched her head in confusion.

"So let me go, Mom.... you can't separate me and Tian'er."

Zhao Suyin shook her head "No, I am not letting you go... you should not love Tian'er romantically. Breakup with him."

Zhao Ying got irritated hearing this and yelled at Zhao Suyin "Why should I break up with Tian'er? Never... even if I die, I won't be separated from Tian'er."

Zhao Suyin was conflicted hearing this and shook her head in dismay "I failed as a mother, I should have maintained a proper distance between you from childhood..."

"Even if you have done that, I would still love Tian'er." Zhao Ying retorted back and Zhao Suyin got furious "Do you know what you are saying? You are talking about loving your brother... This is just awful."

Zhao Ying's anger flared up upon hearing the remark "What are you calling awful? Love between me and Tian'er? huh?"

Seeing her getting angry Zhao Suyin spoke fiercely not backing away "Of course it is, no one loves their brother romantically..." she wanted her daughter to know that they shouldn't be doing this.

Zhao Ying took a deep breath and lashed out "You are talking this much.. then let me ask a question, Mom. Say about my dad."

H-Huh?Zhao Suyin was taken aback hearing this and her grip on Zhao Ying's hand loosened. Looking at this Zhao Ying continued "See, you couldn't even say about our dad..."

"You know very well how Tian'er and I badly want to know about our father. But have you ever talked about him with us?"

"You always dodge the question about Dad, Huff! Sometimes I even wonder are you really our Mom."

Zhao Suyin's eyes trembled in intense emotion hearing her daughter's hurtful words "W-What the hell are you saying, Ying'er..." she managed to utter, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and anguish.

Zhao Ying yelled "What? I and you look nothing alike and our hair colors are also different. You don't even look like my mom..."

Zhao Suyin's lips quivered her heart clenching in pain as she tried to speak but the words stuck in her throat and her eyes moistened with tears.

*tap* Zhao Ying walked away to her room and closed the door. *thud* "I will love Tian'er no matter what!"

*thud* Zhao Suyin stumbled back on the couch, as she clutched her head in intense pain 'I am not her mother? What did she say? I-I am not her mother? H-Huh?'

'What did she say?'


The weight of those hurtful words hung heavy in the air, leaving Zhao Suyin feeling shattered and deeply wounded.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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