I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 89: Ling Xin?!

Chapter 89: Ling Xin?!

*sleesh* The dagger pierced right through the skull of the Spectral wolf and Zhao Tian firmly grasped the hilt of the dagger and pulled the dagger from its head splitting the skull into two.

*GRRR* At this time, a Spectral wolf jumped from behind him. Zhao Tian turned his head and with his leg, smashed the head of the Spectral wolf on the ground. *boom* *splash*

*flick* *sleesh* With a swing of the dagger, the final Spectral wolf met its end as the sharp blade of the dagger effortlessly pierced through its flesh, *thud* Its lifeless body collapsed to the ground

He then looked at the corpses of all the Spectral beasts around him with afrown on his face "It's a hassle to take all the beast stones from their bodies..."

With a small sigh, he walked out of the room and wandered again searching for any treasures in the Ancient ruins.

He ventured around the complicated passages but suddenly he stopped in his tracks and looked back "Huh? Didn't I pass through this way just now?"

He glanced around the walls in confusion, 'Am I stuck in a maze or something?' He tried to use his Astral Sense to glance around the surrounding but he couldn't do it.

Hm? "Some energy here is blocking my sense." He muttered and looked at the walls. "Got no other choice..." He pulled back his fist and punched the wall.

*boom* *woosh* A defeating noise burst across the pathway but the wall stood still. Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes seeing this "The wall is quite sturdy..." he murmured as he felt a numbing sensation in his wrist.

"Who built these Ancient ruins?" A whisper left his lips as he saw the intricate passages and these strong walls.

*woosh* At this time a woman appeared beside Zhao Tian, "Shenyi don't waste time and destroy these walls."

Eh? Xia Shenyi who was already confused because she suddenly got teleported was even more confused hearing Zhao Tian's words.

"Um, okay." But she still complied as she knew she had only a little bit of time. *thrissh* Red flames covered her fist and punched the wall. *boom* *thrissh*

*crack* The impact reverberated through the air and small cracks appeared on the wall because of her punch.Xia Shenyi squinted her eyes feeling the sturdiness of the walls "Huh? These walls are definitely built by someone from the High Star."

"High Stars.. hmm." *woosh* The black tattoo on Xia Shenyi's wrist glowed and she also disappeared from there leaving Zhao Tian aloe.

"Since this is made by people from the High Star, then there must be some good treasure."


Meanwhile in another place, "S-Sect Master what should we do now?" The woman in greenish-white robes muttered nervously seeing the three wyvern-like spirit beasts standing in front of them, their bodies adorned with shimmering blue icy scales.

"I-I never thought we would need to face three Frost Wyrm at the same time..." A woman muttered in horror, her hands trembled as she cradled another woman who was heavily injured lay on her hands.

"Sect Master, Min'er is not waking up...."

Ling Xin was breathing heavily as she brushed away the blood dripping from her lips, "You all retreat, I will distract those three Wyrms in the meantime."

This startled the other woman "Sect Master, what are you saying if we do that... you.."

"Don't worry abo-*feen* One of the Frost Wrym's suddenly opened its mouth and shot a freeze blast at them.

Ling Xin narrowed her eyes, "Noble Earth art!" a mutter left her lips as *thrissshhh* a great wall made of stone appeared in front of her blocking the attack.

*boom* The blast collided with the earth wall causing it to shudder and it didn't last long as it began to crumble *crash*As the wall crumbled, the icy blast surged forward, breaking through the wall, aiming at them.

As the blast neared them, Ling Xin and the rest of the group instinctively retreated back, their hearts pounding with fear, and *baaaam* the very spot they had been standing on was obliterated by a powerful surge of icy energy, leaving behind a chilling aftermath.

Ling Yin spoke looking at the destruction "As your Sect Master, I order you... quickly retreat."


"Quick!" Ling Xin spoke in a stern voice and the women looked at each other. They knew if they stayed any longer, they would also die in vain.

With heavy hearts, they quickly ran from there and Ling Xin also began to run distracting the three Wyrms.

Tears streaming down their faces, the women cast one last sorrowful glance at their Sect Master who had given up her own life to protect them before hastily escaping from the scene.

"Huff! Huff!" Ling Yin, panting heavily and beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, dashed through the twisted pathways as the wyrms persistently pursued her. No matter how much she ran, the relentless creatures remained hot on her heels.

*feen* Ling Xin heard a sound and she knew what it was and quickly jumped sideways dodging the ice blast. As she jumped she rolled on the floor, hurting her limbs "Urgh!" Grunting in frustration, she couldn't help but curse under her breath "Those bastards from the Stormweacer sect!"

It was the Stormwevaer sect who first encountered the three Wyrms but while fleeing they turned the attention of the Wyrms to their group causing such devastation.

Ling Xin kept running hoping that she would meet up with the group of people from other top sects because these Wyrms are at the 10th level of Sovereign Stage and Ling Xin knew all too well that facing them alone would be impossible.

"Haah!" She let out a weary sigh leaning on a wall to rest as the astral energy in her body was almost depleted. *swoosh* A pill bottle appeared from the storage ring on her finger and she took a recovering pill to eat.

*thoom* She heard heavy footsteps and she turned back looking at the three Wyrms approaching her again "Damn it!"

Being frustrated she again began to run, heavily exhausted and her breathing became erratic. As she turned in a pathway *thud* she hit into something and fell back on her ass. "H-Huh?"

Ling Xin raised her head and was surprised to see the handsome young man in front of her with snow-white hair and shimmering blue eyes.

She was lost for a moment seeing his face, but she quickly regained herself "Y-You shouldn't be here... run!" Her voice trembled with fear as she hastily rose to her feet.

Hm? Only then did Zhao Tian feel the ground vibrating a little and saw three large Frost Wyrms hurling towards them, Because his Astral Sense was blocked, he couldn't sense them before.

Ling Xin blurted hurriedly "Run, we shouldn't stay here..." she prepared to run away. But Zhao Tian stood there a little intrigued, it was his first time seeing a Frost Wyrn.

Ling Xin looked back to take a glimpse at Zhao Tian to see if he was following but she saw him still standing there "Boy, what are yo-*gasp* But only then did she notice his attire. Black robes and blue eyes? I-Is he?

*flick* Zhao Tian disappeared from her sight and Ling Xin was surprised as she glanced at the Frost Wyrns.

*woosh* Leaping in the air, Zhao Tian gave a punch at Frost Wyrn's face which was at the front. *crack* The impact echoed through the room as a resounding crack filled the air, shattering the hardened shell of the Wyrn, and *boom* it was blasted away into the wall. The whole place shook for a second as its skull broke instantly killing it.

Wha- Ling Xin's eyes widened in shock seeing Zhao Tian's raw strength which smashed a Frost Wyrn back to the wall.

Zhao Tian turned his eyes to the next Wyrn and the Frost Wyrn hurled its claws outstretched towards him.

*swish* A sword appeared in Zhao Tian's hand and he dashed toward the Wyrn, *clank* The clash of metal against scales echoed through the air as Zhao Tian's blade sliced through the Wyrn's jaw, eliciting a fierce roar of pain. "GRRR!" and he pushed it even further as the sword sliced into its neck to the back and he split the Wyrn horizontally.

Ling Xin blinked her eyes bewildered as she saw Zhao Tian standing there with a sword with the blood of the Wyrn splashing around him.

*feen* The last Wyrn opened its jaw to shoot an ice blast at Zhao Tian, *thrasshh* But a sparkle of red lightning appeared from Zhao Tian's body.

*BOOOM* The clash between the frigid ice and the electrifying red sparks created a mesmerizing spectacle, the red lightning hit the Frost Wyrn and "GRRRRRRRR!!!!" its scream of pain echoed through the space and Ling Xin closed her ears because of the sheer noise.

The intense heat caused by the lightning swiftly caused the ice shell covering the Frost Wyrn to rapidly melt away, leaving behind nothing but blackened, charred remnants of its once-flesh.

Ling Yin didn't move her gaze away from Zhao Tian as he just easily killed all of those Wyrn with a single attack of his.

'Wait a minute, did he just combine fire and lightning elements to create that red lightning?' she muttered in her mind and was shocked to know that Zhao Tian could wield two elements.

*gik* But as Zhao Tian turned his eyes to look at her she felt a shiver down her spine . U-Um?

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