I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 94: Be my what?

Chapter 94: Be my what?

*clank* *boom* Zhao Tian exchanged blows with the woman cautiously not letting her initiate the attack and the woman also quick on her foot blocked every attack.

Swiftly blocking the attack, her eyes narrowed as she deftly swirled her sword again slashing at him. *clank* Zhao Tian blocked her attack and was blown away to the wall. *boom*

Zhao Tian stood up wiping away the small stream of blood that had escaped from his lips 'The power behind her attack has been significantly reduced and her body is also not keeping up.'

*wiish* The woman took the initiative as she hurled towards Zhao Tian and he swiftly avoided the attack and counterattacked swinging his sword. *clank*

A small smile appeared on Zhao Tian's face as he retracted his left hand and a dagger appeared in his hand. *kichik* Without wasting a moment, he plunged the dagger into her arm piercing through her flesh.

The woman's eyelashes fluttered in pain and took a step back from Zhao Tian. "Not yet!" Not giving her any rest, he again barraged her with relentless slashes.

The woman kept her concentration on his every move deftly parrying all of them as she knew if that sword hit her weak body she would be doomed to fall.

*clank* As she took a step forward to slash him, Zhao Tian smirked *thrish* Her legs unexpectedly faltered on the floor as she saw a block of earth in the ground making her slip. The unexpected slip caused her balance to waver, leaving her momentarily vulnerable and granting Zhao Tian a chance.

"Ice after earth! Here have some ice cream!" Zhao Tian muttered and raised his hand to grab her face *thrisssh* a surge of ice erupted from his palm encasing her head in a block of ice.

Effectively blinding her, Zhao Tian quickly made his next move and gave a punch at her abdomen. *crack* *boom*

Because of his powerful punch, she was hurled back and fell to the floor. *thud* Zhao Tian squinted his eyes 'She is getting weaker and weaker. Now she is falling just from a punch.'

"Urghhh!" The woman let out a guttural groan of agony and writhed on the ground, her body contorting with pain. Zhao Tian quickly moved as he tried to slash at her but the woman rolled back standing up on the floor.

*woosh* She charged towards him and Zhao Tian didn't dodge her attack but blocked again. *clank* His feet pressed on the ground because of the power behind her attack.

A small smirk spread across Zhao Tian's face 'She has got a lot weaker, now I can even withstand her slash without flying in the air.'

*clank* Blocking her attack, he instantly counterattacked slashing his sword *clank* but she also blocked his attack.

*clank* *clank* *clank* The resounding clanks of metal hitting metal reverberated throughout the room as both of them engaged in a fierce and relentless battle, exchanging blows with great intensity.

*swish* As Zhao Tian dodged her attack *sleesh* a huge slash fell on his chest and blood spilled out. Wha- Before he could even process what was happening, a relentless barrage of slashes rained down on him, creating a multitude of small wounds all over his body.

*sleesh* *sleesh* His arms, face, and body got severe slashes as his black robe was drenched in blood.

*flick* He took a step back his eyes widened in shock 'I am sure I dodged her attack and those tiny slashes suddenly barraged at me?'

His eyes glanced at the woman, her whole body emanating a white aura as sharp as a blade 'Sword Intent?'

*shishi* With a sizzling noise, the light energy in his body began to heal his body again. *treech* He tore down the black robe, his white shirt and black pants cleaved with slashes.

He glanced at his chest which was slowly healing 'It will take a toll on the body... if only the light energy had instant regeneration.'

He steadily gripped his sword in his right hand 'Shit just went downhill'. Seeing him, the woman took a fighting position, her gaze sharp glancing at Zhao Tian.

As Zhao Tian was about to move, *thud* the woman fell on her knees *clank* as the sword she had been clutching tightly slipped from her grasp falling on the ground.

"Arghhhh!" The woman grunted in utter pain as she felt her flesh being burned by an intense flame inside her body.

*thriissh* As the blue flame engulfed her entire body, an intense burning sensation spread throughout her being, causing her to let out a blood-curdling scream of excruciating pain.

"Aarghhhhhhhh!" The red scars on her face seemed to grow even more vivid. As the pain intensified, gradually, the cold, murderous glare that had previously consumed her eyes began to fade as a clearance appeared in her eyes.

Zhao Tian frowned his eyebrows hearing her scream echo across the whole room and slowly walked toward her.

*tap* *tap* The woman raised her head hearing footsteps and saw Zhao Tian's face through her blurred vision "...lp me..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Urghhh!" She gritted her teeth in intense pain "H-Help me... it's burning" a low pained mutter left her lips.

Huh? Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow "Why would I help a bitch who almost killed me?"

The woman's red eyes quivered as a teardrop left her eyes, but it instantly evaporated by the blue flame "I-I was not sane... I just... acted purely on instinct... Urghhhh! p-please..." She pleaded, her voice filled with anguish.

*thrissh* Her right hand quickly burned away and her eyes widened in sheer shock "T-The flame is b-burning everything... Arghhhhh!" her pitiful eyes glanced at Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes as he extended his hand "Then be my slave!"

"Huh? Urgh! S-Slave?" The woman muttered and Zhao Tian spoke "If you don't become my slave... I will just watch you burn. I couldn't trust a woman dangerous like you."

The woman's heart sank and seeing the flame approaching her face, she bit her lips with intense emotions as she hesitantly nodded "I-I will be your slave!"

A smirk appeared on Zhao Tian's lips and he asked "So, how can I save you?"

"Your I-Ice, flow your ice energy through my body!" she spoke as she raised her left hand to touch his hand. Without hesitation, Zhao Tian reached out and firmly grasped her palm and flowed his ice energy through her body.

*frissh* The cool energy flowed through every flesh of her body instantly putting out the flame and she stumbled on the floor. *thud*

Zhao Tian knelt down and gently placed his hand on the woman's stomach. She looked up at him with tired eyes, feeling a strange tingling sensation on her skin. 'Slave seal? she muttered in her mind before closing her eyes.

After placing the seal, Zhao Tian stood up and his body was still full of slashes slowly healed with light energy. He let out a soft sigh "First let's bring her back..."

He took the unconscious woman with his right hand and hung her over his shoulder. *swish* and disappeared from that place.


*swish* He reappeared inside the artifact and Xia Shenyi turned her head to see Zhao Tian. H-Huh? The smile on her face froze and her eyes widened in horror "T-Tian!" She yelled in fright hurriedly running towards him.

Zhao Ying who was beating Fei Ziyu hurriedly looked up and saw Zhao Tian with a lot of wounds on his body, and half of his chest has been cleaved.



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