I am Succubus!

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

I woke up to Mio's foot, kicking up against my cheek. It felt like this was happening a lot. Since Kanae was sleeping in Mio's bed, Mio had been joining me in mine. However…

Sweat drenched my body. We were both wet and sticky for all the wrong reasons. Two bodies under the same sheets with summer upon us turned my bed into an oven.

"Mio… it's time to get up. We have classes soon," I muttered.

"I don't wanna… Let's go to Kana's place instead. I want a threesome… Make it a four, we'll bring Kanae along…" Mio mumbled back.

"There's no way Kana will survive three of us."

Well, I should have expected nothing less from the professional-slacker-but-somehow-always-coming-out-on-top-student. We couldn't just skip class. There had to be something to get her up.

"I'll take you on a date after classes," I offered.

Mio sat right up, eyes still closed and teetering from side to side.

"Treat me to spicy food?" Mio asked.

"Whatever you want—"

My succubus girlfriend sluggishly climbed out of bed and entered the bathroom to freshen up. Meanwhile, Kanae was still fast asleep. I left her a note since she didn't have a phone. After Mio came out, I took my turn in the bathroom, then we headed off for school.

Surprisingly, Mio was a lot more attentive in classes today. More so than me, because I ended up paying attention to her instead.

At the last class of the day…

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Gonna go on a date today~" Mio hummed to herself.

"Are you really that excited?" I asked, amused and unable to hide my grin.

"Well, yeah! When was the last time we went on a date? It's like going through a checklist of my favorite things— food, sex, and orgies," she quietly listed them off.

"No, wait… I-I feel like one of those don't belong…"

"What? Food's the best part!"

I put a hand to my face and sighed.

As soon as our last class ended, Mio packed her stuff and bolted right out. She was outside the building, bouncing up and down, when I emerged to catch up.

"Where to first?" Mio asked, taking my hand as we soared above the campus.

"How about a movie? Er, wait. Before that, if you want spicy food, then sex stuff first. I don't want you eating me out or kissing me with a mouthful of chili." I squinted accusingly at her.

Mio clicked her tongue.

"Hey, I heard that!" I pouted.

"It gets me off to see you get excited, squirm with pleasure, then scream painfully in that order. Alright. Guess we can watch a flick first," Mio said.

The two of us landed at the cinemas and bought tickets for a comedy film. Mio wanted to buy food and drinks, but the snacks at the theaters were legal highway robbery. I managed to convince her not to with the promise of food later.

We shuffled into the mostly empty auditorium and had the choice of whatever seats we wanted. The movie had already been out for months, so most people had already seen it. That gave us prime seating at the dead-center.

When we got to our seats, Mio lifted the armrest between us and snuggled into me. However, as the movie was starting, a group of loud-mouthed guys entered.

"Those fuckers are ruining our alone time," Mio grumbled and was very clearly peeved.

"Just try to ignore them," I whispered.

We tried.

The obnoxious group weren't even watching the movie. They filmed themselves on their phones, talked out loud, and tossed popcorn at the big screen. Eventually, I got fed up and told Mio to wait while I took care of it.

"Hey, get me with the screen for the Tok. My followers are gonna love this." A dude wearing a beanie pretended to pick the nose of an actor in the movie while his friends filmed.

"Put your phones away," I ordered while on my way down to their row.

As my aura seized hold of them, they tensed up and did as told.

"S… Succubus?" one of them stammered.

"I'm on a date, so I'd appreciate it if you stayed quiet." I glared at all five of them nodding back in response. As I was about to return to Mio, an idea hatched in my mind. "On second thought, I'd like your popcorn and drinks. Better someone eats it than the movie screen, don't you agree?"

"Take it! Please, just don't hurt us!" another pleaded.

I happily accepted their tributes of buttery popcorn, soda, and candy, and brought them back to Mio. The instant I released my hold on them, they ran away without turning back.

"Meeooww~ It butters me right up when you act like hot shit," Mio purred.

"You know, we're alone now…" I said, stroking Mio's inner thigh.

It didn't take much convincing. Mio got up out of her seat and sat on my lap. She kissed me deeply, intertwining our tongues and closing her fingers over mine.

"Mm… God, I wanna fuck you so bad," Mio whispered breathily.

"Save it… mmmph— chuu… for later— iiee!" My entire body jerked from Mio pushing her tail into my pussy.

Mio flashed a devilish smile before squeezing between my legs, pulling my skirt off along the way down.

"I guess we're doing this— aahh!" I grabbed two handfuls of Mio's hair as she went to town. Her tongue flicked repeatedly at my clit. Two hands stroked the sides of my abdomen, slowly moving up to my breasts. She pinched my nipples hard, tugging them at different intervals and making me thrash all over in the seat.

"I bet you were secretly hoping for this, huh?" Mio asked from under my muff.

"Isn't that… you…? I was just… hoping for a normal… date…"

"I'll make you want it now— chuupuushllrrp—" She sucked on my little pleasure button, sending me over the edge in ecstasy.

"Mio— nn… aaahhhhh!" At the height of my climax, Mio came up to seal her lips over mine. The two of us made out while she went back to tail-fucking me, and I returned the favor by shoving my tail into her pussy.

We were an undulating mass of depravity, swaying side to side with each attempt to take control over the other. I let Mio win out. She lifted my hands above and behind my head, shoved her tongue down my throat, and humped me to another orgasm.

When the movie ended, we emerged from the auditorium as two disheveled but satisfied idiots. Our hairs were a mess. My crotch was moist.

"So… next is the orgy, right?" Mio asked, eager and raring to go for more.

"It's never enough for you!" I expelled an exasperated sigh.

We went to a small Chinese restaurant to eat instead.

Mio kicked her feet while reading the menu, happily searching for whatever spicy food was available. The hotness level here was determined by the number of stars. Zero stars being the not spicy at all and five as the nuclear option, and what did she pick?

"Hai, level five mapo tofu!" The waiter sat down the earthenware bowl of China's signature spicy tofu dish.

It looked like the surface of the sun. I could smell the sichuan peppercorn from here. My nose wrinkled and my eyes watered. While I ate my fried noodles, Mio scooped spoonfuls of lava into her mouth and squealed with every bite.

Since we had been low on money, especially at the start of the term, the both of us needed to watch our spending habits. After getting that little gig with the art club, and Kanae chipping in out of the goodness of her heart, I figured it couldn't hurt to give Mio a nice treat.

"Mmmm! It's so good! You really know how to pick a place," Mio said.

"Hehe. You're not really secretive about liking spicy food, so all it took was a bit of research to find this place." I lifted my nose in pride at discovering this restaurant.

Mio lifted a spoonful up to my face. I recoiled at the chemical assault.

"Here, try it!" Mio insisted, brandishing it like a weapon.

"Eh… I couldn't… er… If I do, that's less for you!" I exclaimed

"It's more fun to eat together! Also, you said it yourself, you found this place. How can you not try it? Come on~" She brought it closer and closer until—

I chomped down on it.

A battlefield unfolded before me. I stood at the frontlines, facing off against an unknown army. There was no victory to be had here. Only pain.

My throat clenched. My stomach tensed up. My butthole puckered, knowing what's going to come later…

"Uu… This is… level five… spicy? It's like hell in my mouth…" I groaned.

"Kahahah! I love the face you're making! It's sooo much better than when I was eating you out!" Mio was in hysterics, laughing at my pain.

It took three cups of water and crunching on ice for the pain to end. My mouth and tongue, however, were dead numb. Mio snapped up to something behind me. That something was Kanae, who pulled up a chair next to me.

"Whew… I really slept in today, but I feel great." Kanae plopped down.

"What's she doing here?" Mio asked me.

"I left a note for Kanae, telling her where we'd be today so she could catch up. We couldn't exactly leave her alone at the apartment. That'd be rude," I said.

"Oh, just thought… never mind." She seemed to deflate.

The mood changed drastically. Did I do something wrong?

"Hmm. You know what? I think I'll take a trip to Tokyo today," Kanae said, rising from the table.

"Nah, don't leave. Saeko wanted to include you, so stay," Mio insisted.

"Mio, is something wrong?" I asked.

Mio shrugged instead of saying anything.

"It's fine, I don't want to intrude on your date," Kanae emphasized the last word, and only then did I realize my mistake at last.

After Kanae booked it out of the restaurant, things became increasingly awkward between me and Mio. We ate the rest quietly with only the sound of clinking utensils to fill the empty air.

"Alright, I'm done." Mio wiped her mouth and headed for the door.

"Mio, wait!" I was about to chase after her until an employee intercepted me.

"The check, miss?" the waiter reminded me.

I quickly paid at the counter, then hurried out in search of Mio. She wasn't in the plaza anymore. Did she just up and leave? Thankfully, I was a greater succubus. I spread my aura like a radio wave until it brushed against multiple succubi, but one of them I recognized as belonging to Mio.

When I followed the trail, I found Mio sitting at the top of the plaza's clock tower.

"I get it," I began apologetically. "I messed up. It was supposed to be a date between us, and I shouldn't have invited Kanae. I just thought she had less than a week, so it wouldn't hurt to let her tag along, but… there's no excuse."

Mio sighed. "No, it's not yours or Kanae's fault. I'm the one who ruined the date."

"That's not true, you just—"

"Shut up, it is! I was having so much fun today with just you that when Kanae showed up, my head kinda locked up. I'm not mad at you or her. I'm mad at myself for getting jealous and making a big deal out of it," she said.

I sat down next to her and gazed at the sun setting over the mountains.

"There's nothing wrong with being jealous. If anything, it proves you really do like me. I invited Kanae because we're friends. Me asking you to come on this date is because I love you more than I can explain. Next time, I won't make the same mistake like bringing someone into our little thing. I promise." I leaned in until our shoulders touched.

"Ahhhhh! Damn it, Saeko! How many times do I gotta tell you? I'm not good with the sappy stuff. Uughh… I'm getting goosebumps, but… Hey, I'm happy. Like super happy. So, thanks for being with me." Mio muttered, fighting back a smile that was thoroughly warped by embarrassment.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"You ain't out of the woods yet, buddy. The only way you're going to really make it up is by letting me eat you out again!" Mio demanded.

"B-But you just ate mapo tofu! Do you have any idea how much that's going to hurt?!" I cried.

Mio grabbed my shoulders with a vise. I gulped and braced myself for a world of hurt. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she rested her chin on my shoulder. We sat there, embraced by summer and each other's warmth.

"In that case, can we just sit here together until it wears off? I still wanna fuck," Mio said.

"It was romantic until the last part, but sure." I smiled.

A week had gone right by. The day came at last for me to make a decision. I'd already made up my mind ages ago. Kanae, Mio, and I went to Yumi's place where the usual entourage was waiting for us.

"Ara, ara. By the look of it, you have already made your decision. I suppose there's nothing we can say to change your mind now?" Yumi asked with a smile.

"Mio and I will go with Kanae to see to the end of the trial. I know you're worried, Yumi. But as queen, I'm responsible for all succubus on Earth. I wouldn't deserve to be queen if I shied away just because I'm a little weaker," I explained.

Selene sighed, Hana shrugged, and Shayle shot a look at Yumi.

"Hey, I don't mind sitting back and letting Saeko do all the heavy lifting," Shayle said.

"Better hope Queen Elendir doesn't hear that," I teased, causing the dark elf to sit upright.

"Urk. Forget what I said…"

"So, how are we getting this shindig started?" Mio asked.

Shayle beckoned everyone over to the table and pointed to the broken mirror artifact. Previously broken. Mio and I gasped, because the little crack had been repaired. It also emitted a slightly different magical energy than I last remembered.

"If you feel something is off, that's because it is. Magic from an entirely different world than ours has touched this artifact," Selene explained.

"Is that even possible?" I searched them for answers.

"Hell if we know." Hana vaulted over the couch to sit down next to me. "Kanae just dropped by and told us to trust her. Said this Threcia goddess fixed it for us to be used."

"Demigoddess. There's a difference," Kanae corrected her.

Hana playfully fired back finger guns and made popping sounds with her mouth.

"Wait, what's stopping us from all going anyway?" Mio asked.

"Threcia specified to bring only two, but no one specific in particular. Now that I think about it, she might have been testing me with my choices," Kanae said.

Our objective was to defeat a monster. No other information aside from that.

"At any rate, we're ready. We just need to activate the mirror like usual?" I glanced at Shayle.

The former artifact collector rose to her feet and brandished the mirror. It shined with a distinct red glimmer. Before our eyes, a fiery portal split open in the middle of Yumi's living room. We couldn't see anything past the oily, rainbow-like surface. Things were too distorted. The only way to find out was to dive right in.

"Letting you off on your own always worries me," Yumi said, gently cupping Mio's cheeks like a concerned mother.

"Heh. Who do you think you're talking to? I'm going in there to wreck shit up. If not, I'll fuck 'em all into their next life," Mio assured her in the most Mio way possible.

"It's not too late, my queen. I can go in there in your stead. Just say the word," Selene insisted to me.

"I appreciate the worry, but my mind's made up. Just hold down the fort here. We won't be long," I said.

"Huu, huu~ Saeko's shaping up to be a real roughhouser!" Hana whistled from the couch. "Knock 'em dead, killa!"

I didn't even want to guess what kind of archetype Hana was playing now, but I was glad for her support nonetheless. The others offered their goodbyes to Kanae. They didn't know her as long— nor as intimately for that matter— as Mio and I did, so their words were short.

As for the two of us, we still had the trial to complete first.

Mio, Kanae, and I positioned ourselves in front of the portal.

"There's a good chance we end up in the same place. Demigods tend to like splitting people up when they enter Rifts. Be on your guard," Kanae warned us.

We took a deep breath and entered.

Weightlessness seized hold of me. I drifted through darkness without any orientation, like being flung across space. That feeling vanished, and I went into free fall.

"Whoa!" I caught myself in flight an inch from smacking the ground and breaking my nose.

Slowly, I let myself down to myself. Mio and Kanae were nowhere to be seen. Guess Kanae was right. We did end up separated. Extremely tall walls, sandwiching me from the left and right, extended into the clear blue sky. This strange corridor seemed to stretch ahead where there was a sharp T-section fork.

Was this a maze?

Our task was supposed to defeat a monster. Maybe we had to find it. Good thing we were succubi.

"This is going to be a piece of cake," I said, spreading my wings to fly up.

However, I got as far as ten feet off the ground before my ascent halted abruptly. I began to plummet…

"Eh? Wait— aaahhh!" I fell flat on my face after all.

"Welcome, sex-fiend champions!" a feminine and stalwart voice began, "This is your final challenge— The Maze of Minosta, a fearsome battleground rife with dangers that will test both your mental and physical mettle. As a few of you may have already discovered, I've taken away your ability to fly. That's cheating, after all! Navigate through the maze to find the arena and defeat Minosta, or succumb to your baser instincts. I'm expecting a good show, so have fun!"

Well, that was certainly an introduction. If I recalled correctly, Kanae had muttered the name Demigoddess Threcia with exasperation. So, the big monster to defeat at the end of this maze was Minosta. Probably a minotaur, given its name.

For now, I should make my way through and stay on my toes—

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

Heavy footfalls alerted me from down the T-section. I snapped to attention. Something was approaching. Threcia did mention dangers in this place, so there were probably more than just traps.

A large shadow cast across the intersection, then a cloven hoof stepped in. Emerging from the left in the fork was a minotaur. A real minotaur. Built like a truck, horns on its head that could gore me, and… a giant dick swinging between its legs?!

"Uhh… N-Nice… minotaur?" I stepped back only to find a dead end behind me.

"Rooouuuggghhh!" The minotaur let loose a bellowing roar and charged.

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