I am the God of Technology

Chapter 203 The Problem

Earth, August 2030.

The world was in turmoil given that the most recent publicly acknowledged genius who looked to be able to bring the world forward more than 100 years in technology was suddenly axed just before he could release all his findings.

Even if they hadn't been perfected, there were many among the public who could come together to finish it. The only thing was that they needed access to the framework in which they could then throw on the 'meat' in due time.

What particularly infuriated them was the public deception and political games before his death. When he was alive, it seemed par for the course, but now that he was gone, it felt like they had been toyed with.

Heavy rioting and fighting were going on in many countries. The scary part was that these riots weren't random or done by citizen to citizen, but rather to the elites of each country, especially those whose names had been mentioned.

In just a few days, a French Revolution-style event occurred with them and their families being dragged out of homes or offices and beaten, tortured, or raped depending on the situation.

There were naturally many who did not participate in the extreme stuff or even tried to calm their fellow compatriots down, but the most they got for it was being slapped and accused of being with the elites.

If things even got worse, they might be thrown down with the families of the elites and met with the same treatment. In no time, those who were slightly more reasonable learned to shut up and numbly follow as carnage reigned.

Things had been going on like this for a few weeks and did not seem to be ready to die down any time soon, so martial force was deployed to deal with such unruly civilians. When they encountered each other, the elite's soldiers - who were not necessarily part of the country's army but were rather specially trained people - opened fire without a care.

Their job was to suppress first and ask questions later.

However, this kind of slaughter did not make people calm down but rather made their ferocity erupt more. Even those who were hesitant and skeptical understood that once this 'suppression' was over, they all would be severely dealt with and removing the tumors that caused society to stagnate would be impossible.

People left their couches and hit the streets, engaging in warfare with such forces. In some countries, it was easier for the populace to fight back, like America, where the majority of civilians also had guns.

In some others, it was tougher either because the populace was smaller or mostly unarmed, but it made little difference. Even the dispatched soldiers could not display invincibility and soon fell under the numbers that came up.

When the people got their guns and weaponry, they became bolder and began hunting down the elites in their countries with no more hesitation. Immediately, tensions escalated as the elites became purple with fear and locked themselves in their various bunkers.

They wore expressions of despair and cruelty, aiming to activate the nukes or any dangerous biochemicals their lackeys had cooked up, but they forgot that those who worked for them were part of the 'public'.

In fact, many elites in Europe and America were dug out with horror on their faces because they forgot one thing, the ones who built their bunkers by hand and machine were part of the public!

The bloodshed continued to escalate until this day, when every human on the planet felt a strange weight land on their brains like someone light was sitting on their chest/back.

While this strange feeling of discomfort lingered, they all heard a voice in their minds that was human in terms of tone and emotion but very alien in terms of recognizability.

"In the end, it has come to this. The human race is a disappointing species that does not deserve its status as the rulers of the planet Terra. You are self-destructive, unable to rationalize critically despite having the ability and led by your emotions rather than your logic, which - almost ironically - is what separates you from the non-sapients of your planet."

"Your existence cannot be left to its own devices, it must be regained and controlled to allow for proper development, otherwise your species will stagnate at this level for many years to come."

"As such, I, The God of Technology, sent down a messiah to save you from your fate of ignorance, but in the end, he was ostracized and abused by those working in the shadows and assisted by the fools living in the light."

"So I shall take matters into my own hands and expedite the growth of humanity. However, I am a fair being and have decided to grant everyone an equal opportunity to advance the race and stand out in society."

"So marks the day when the Racial Advancement System descended upon humankind."

After these inexplicably chilling words were spoken, which contained feelings of disappointment, disdain, and slight resignation, every human in the world felt many things churn in their hearts and minds.

The reactions worldwide were so diverse and varied that it was impossible to list them all. Rather than that, the entire world began to tremble as giant planet-side sci-fi ships appeared in the atmosphere all over the world, as if they had been cloaked previously and now revealed themselves.

From these ships, hundreds of ant-like beings emerged, which turned out to be battle androids with high-level polymer and nanotech armor along with pulse weaponry. They immediately landed in orderly squads, forming up before splitting to subdue everyone in sight using force.

Of course, many decided to submit as the message in their minds and the warriors before their eyes told them that this was the fabled science fiction takeover of a superior technological race/faction.

Having seen many such things, no one dared to resist because they did not want to test the effectiveness of those weapons. Well, ideally, no one, but there were always those who either thought they were smart and tried to either run or play tricks, but they were executed immediately.

In the eyes of the soldiers forming these troops, these meatbags could even be grown in artificial embryos en masse. Even if humanity was killed down to the last one, they could replicate the entire diverse species using the genetic information from Dante alone.

So the value of 'population' and human life was extremely low. Some seemed to recognize this, at least subconsciously, and obeyed everything. There were others that were used to obeying all their lives and simply found a new master to listen to.

In a matter of hours, the entire human race was subdued. There was nothing like a courageous young man/woman who escaped to lead a freedom fighter force that lived on the outskirts and eventually saved the day.

That rubbish was simply feel-good fiction to make humanity think that they actually stood a chance against a technologically superior foe, and only worked because that foe was dumbed down to the absolute lowest levels.

Reality was not so dramatic.

Eventually, builder bots came down and within the center of every city, town, or even village around the world, began building a huge mini-base that was replicated from the one on McDonald's and Heard Islands.

The construction robots used the materials his research ships had harvested from the solar system in this period of time as well as outside, which gave him a crazy amount of reserves. Monopolizing resources was truly sweet, because it felt like you could do anything you wanted.

The humans who were put under strict martial law at this time could only watch the ongoings with increasing fear and trepidation, wondering what was going to become of them. Now that everyone was forced  into a lockdown situation, it gave many people time to settle down and think.

Many conclusions were reached by various people and since there was still the internet, various social medias were flooded with comments, threads, and videos from people either explaining the events that led up to this, analyzing what would happen next, and even the identity of this God of Technology.

Meanwhile, the bases were soon erected. After creating suitable child AI's to manage them and then linking them through the quantum communications array in the Skyward Tower of the main base and sub-bases, a network was established worldwide.

Once this happened, Dante gave the order for the next step, which was the implantation. Android soldiers went from house to house, injecting everyone with the nanites needed to form subordinate chips.

Even though the android soldiers did not speak a word, everyone instinctively knew that the promised enslavement method had come and once they were injected with this thing, they would never truly have free will again.

At this thought, even the most docile of people began to resist instinctively and fight back. However, the non-organic soldiers were still as brutal as ever and simply executed anyone who even twitched with discomfort.

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