I am the God of Technology

Chapter 350 Benefits Of The Army

Chapter 350 Benefits Of The Army

Dante was amused by their reactions. "Well, just because you cannot join these armies does not mean you don't have something to look forward to. Once I announce the various benefits and roles of this new army, I doubt many of you here will be able to sit still."

His word piqued everyone's interest and one could metaphorically see everyone's ears perk up.

Dante snapped a finger, leading to the first and smallest tray's orange light being dispelled, allowing everyone to see what was on it. It was a large syringe that had a glowing greenish-blue liquid within.

"My new army is an army built with the power of technology, which I am currently in possession of higher-dimensional level power in this field. As such, I will be taking you through five methods of orientation and enhancement before you can be called battle-ready."

Dante gestured to the syringe. "The first is the most basic technological enhancement, coming from the field of biology, the gene enhancement serum."

Dante nodded and folded his arms behind his back. "But as I have just said, this and everything behind me were created using my power over technology which is higher-dimensional; its capabilities far exceed that of anything in creation in lower space."

"The list of its capabilities is endless, so I will highlight a few. Firstly, it grants a base SDI of 20,000 in all fields for any being that takes it, regardless of where you stand currently. I could have made the value much higher, but you will encounter energy problems and will experience diminishing returns in the long term."

"Secondly, it eliminates all negative genetics of your race and enhances all your positive genetics. Expect to become tall, muscular, handsome, beautiful, smarter, and more, and not just in a way that your SDI will display."

"Thirdly and finally, it allows you to take the second stage and beyond. Without this as a foundation, you will not be able to survive or enjoy later levels of enhancements." Dante stated with a smile.

At this point, everyone here gulped sub-consciously. After hearing what that small syringe could do, they realized that being in any of the original three armies was already pittance compared to just this, but there was even more?!

As for the original three armies, their slightly smug expression from hearing that the newbies will not be joining them was wiped away and filled with jealousy and envy, their eyes looking at the syringe with a bloodshot glance.

Dante then snapped a finger and released the orange light blocking the second item, which was revealed to be a set of three syringes the size of bicycle tire pumps that were filled with red, gold, and brown liquids respectively.

"The second stage is something you are all familiar with, the implementation of Bionics, Psionics, and AI chips. The ones most of you currently have installed are the latest versions among either the civilian, commercial, or even private categories."

Dante shook his head with a chuckle. "Naturally, such inferior products cannot work on you who has taken the first stage of enhancements, so you need a completely new set. Like the first stage, the benefits of this stage are too numerous to state, so I will only highlight the key ones."

"Firstly, you will be able to achieve a permanent 10x boost to all physical stats with your Bionics and 10x with your Psionics. Does that sound lower than you expected? Well, that's only because your Bionical and Psionical enhancements no longer cost energy to use!"

"The science behind it is simple, the two enhancements cause a reaction in your body that generates heat energy and then converts that heat energy using transcendent means only I can replicate to turn that into base energy, which sustains your life."

"Secondly, Your Bionics now grant you the ability to use the abilities of Martial Arts External Qi at the maximum level and Knight Energy at the maximum level as well, automatically Incorporated into your body based on your genetics and species. Likewise, your Psionics grants you the ability to use Internal Arts of Martial Artists as well as the Elemental Magic of Magi at the highest level right from the get-go."

"Use these powerful abilities wisely because they cost a lot of energy to use, and you might overdraft your natural energy generation." Dante warned seriously.

"Thirdly, your AI chip now works cross-universe, allowing you to communicate and do all the functions of a normal quantum chip with ease and more than a thousand times faster. Its processing power alone is enough to sponsor over 1,000 Eternal Academy level quantum worlds on its own, and you have that function. Create quantum worlds on your chip at will for training, entertainment, or whatever it is that you need."

"These are the key functions of this second stage, but you can explore the other stuff once you undergo them." Dante finished with a smile.

He had to pause here as the eyes of everyone became extremely bloodshot, and they were panting like starving beasts that had seen food in front of them but could not devour it. If this was already their reaction, then what about those that came next?

Dante snapped a finger and revealed the third set of items that had been obscured by an orange light, displaying itself as a special polymer suit that all mech drivers wore, but it was far denser and shimmered with a multicolored light.

"This is the Polymer Mesh Suit that you are all familiar with, which basically allows specially trained mech pilots to enter mech suits and be able to connect their body's function to them while providing some basic pilot safety."

"However, as you can obviously guess, these Polymer Mesh Suits created by me are far superior to your wildest dreams of the same type in lower-dimensional space. Once again, they possess many functions, but I will highlight the few key ones."

"Firstly, these suits are made of special nanites that cover your entire body and possess enough strength to withstand the explosion of multiple stars head-on. They can easily tank full power attacks from the versions of yourself that have taken both previous enhancements."

"Secondly, they form the special helmet that allows perfect merger of thought between man and machine. Naturally, even the AI chips I made for you do not solve the problem of a delay within the connection, which is why the helmet is still needed. However, this helmet plays more than just the ability to communicate with the mech suits in existence, but also has a unique and hard to replicate function that took me a lot of work to establish."

Dante sized the crowd up and dropped the bombshell. "It allows you to fully and freely access your Soul Space and come into contact with your core of existence, as well as utilize soul-

related methods in the form of attack, defense, and support. After all, you might encounter enemies with soul-related powers in the various universes, and it would be a joke for you to be one-shot by them despite having such great physical and mental power."

At this point, even Beatrice's expression changed slightly, filled with shock. As a neo-Origin god, she knew just how difficult it would be to utilize Origin Power to permanently allow multitudes of lifeforms to actually access their soul space autonomously and even utilize it skillfully.

Then again, it was the power of technology, and with enough time, technology could theoretically achieve anything. Its raw attack power was not as high as something like Beatrice's budding Origin Power of Physical Strength, butits versatility and support ability was off the charts.

If anything could achieve this, it would definitely be the Law of Technology.

Beatrice wasn't the only one shocked, but so was everyone else. Their desire had been dissipated and replaced by awe and a hint of reverence. The soul was the most important and much-researched topic in the Eternal Universe since the discovery of superpowers, but had yielded no results.

The universe's technological level did not reach the bare minimum required to research such a topic. Even Psion Energy had to be dropped by them because they were heading into dangerous territory that they would struggle to return from.

Only superpower users of the E Rank and above were thought to be worthy of being able to unlock the ability to enter their soul space, and even then, it was only to cultivate their superpowers with the help of Zero Energy.

There had never been a situation where one could actively use the facilities of the soul even when they unlocked the soul space unless they were a special species had that soul-related abilities due to genetics or they had a soul-related superpower.

Dante snapped a finger, which arrested the attention of everyone from their thoughts and musings once more. They all glanced at the fourth tray which had its orange light dispelled, revealing the item there for the entire world to see.

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