I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 40

Sis, what did you give Count Rong? Ban Heng trailed behind her, His expression was a bit odd.

He is a scholar, the most prescious thing for them are books. Ban Hua replied, That handwritten copy of << Zhong Cheng Lun>>, aside from the military strategy part that is still a bit interesting, the other parts I dont get it. A thing is only used properly when the user has interest. Anyway, the only copy is still at our house.

T/N probably is just a made-up book for this story. I am not very clear whether Ban family had 2 copies, or Ban Hua was referring to prior to giving the single copy away.

Ban family had been a martial family. Ban ancestors had obtained quite a lot of good things while fighting alongside the founding emperor of the dynasty surnamed Jiang. Ban family ancestors were said to be first-class warriors, but their luck unfortunately, was not very good. Every time they cast the lots to share goodies, others got gold silver and jewelleries, while Ban family ancestors got things that noone else wanted, like books and paintings. However the sayingunlucky in wealth, lucky in officialdomapplied, other warrior families that followed Jiang family gradually declined, currently Ban family was the only one still possessing the glory of the past.

T/N It is probably the authors play on the common saying,= unlucky in love, lucky in gambling.

This past glory was likely to disappear soon too. Ban family would soon end up like the other dynasty founding warrior families, fading away to be a mere entry in history.

That is true. It is useless in our family anyway, in case it is really.. Ban Heng coughed dryly, Better to give it away to someone we like rather than getting looted later.

Correct. Ban Hua lightly clapped her hands, In the ancient time there was a king who played fire with the vassals in order to make his favourite concubine laugh. Today me using a handwritten book to make a beauty laugh, isnt it just as grand.

Ban Heng was stunned for some time before he sighed, Sis, its a good thing you were not born a man.

Ban Hua turned to look at him in confusion.

If you were, you would have been a ladies man with lovers everywhere. Ban Heng shook his head, It would be bad, very bad.

It was also a good thing that Count Rong couldnt hear what she said, otherwise the good deed would have turned bad.

<< Zhong Cheng Lun >> was written by a famous minister of the previous dynasty, he wrote it together with a famous scholar after retiring to his hometown. The content was about the way of a minister, the way of a ruler, and the way of a general, it was an accumulation of the insights of countless learned men of the previous dynasty. The complete book was said to be lost in war at the fall of the previous dynasty. Countless people sought after it that even just scraps of incomplete copies were cherished like treasure. Who ever expected that the book was actually with . Ban family.

What did Ban ancestors do back then, silently collecting so many precious books?

After Rong Xia washed his hands clean, he very carefully opened the book. He couldnt help but clapping in wonder when he started to read a little part of the book. Each of the sayings was quintessential, each part construed the philosophy of doing things. It was worthy to be the object of pursuit for many people, and the source of heartbreak for many others.

The way of a minister, the way of a ruler, the way of a general.

Almost every generation of Ban family produced a famous general, wondered if it had anything to do with this book?

But when he discovered pastry crumbs sticking on some pages of the books, and a small turtle drawn by a naughty kid, the << Zhong Cheng Lun >> that was hailed as a divine work by countless learned people instantly became less mysterious.

The thing he didnt understand the most was, how easily Ban Hua handed it to him as if it had been a piece of rock or flower. Her casual manner made him doubt himself, was it really that << Zhong Cheng Lun >> ?

In Rong Xias house there was also a incomplete copy of the book, so despite the reckless way Ban family treated this book, Rong Xia couldnt deny this was a genuine copy of the treasure.

A genuine handwritten treasure that was adorned with an ugly little turtle between its pages!

Rong Xia holed up the whole day, he took his meals in the room too. His personal guards and servants became very worried.

Du-gongzi, what is it with Master Count? A servant worriedly went to Du Jiu as he saw the meals brought in were barely touched. The meals today were not taken much.

Du Jiu remembered before Master Count and Fule Junzhu parted, she seemed to have given him something. Could it be that both of them had grown affection to each other and were exchanging poems to express their feelings? But entire Capital knew Fule Junzhu was not good at poetry, what poem could she produced.

Master Count can take care of himself, you dont have to worry. Du Jiu said after thinking, Dont worry.

As Du Jiu said so, the servant restrained his hearts worry and left with the meal.

The light in the study was lit until late that night, the candle was blown out only after the secondgeng.

* Second geng = the second of five night watch period in old times, around 21:00 23:00. (T/N Amateur ancients! I am used to stay much later than this.)

Du Jiu stood watching from under a tree, only after the study turned dark that he turned around to go to his own room. Master Count didnt like reading at night, it hurt the eyes so it was a failure on taking care of self. He had breached his own principle today.

What had Fule Junzhu done to Master Count?

That night, Yan family also experienced sleeping problem.

Yan-furen found that her son had completely lost his soul since returning from Shi familybieyuan. If he could be said to be somewhat alive before, he had now turned into a piece of rotten wood.

Her tossing and turning restlessly the whole night, Yan Hui who was in bed next to her suffered as well.

Furen, whats in your mind that you are this distraught? Once more he was awaken by her tossing and turning, he gave up pretending to sleep. Tell me what is wrong, two heads think better than one.

Yan-furen was sorry for waking him up, but her sons condition was the more distressing matter, so she started telling him of her worries.

I didnt expect this boy would think so highly of Ban family miss, Yan-furens heart was bitter, I thought since her engagements were withdrawn three times, they would just accept our marriage proposal, but .

But who knew Ban family rejected it so easily, they seemed to have no interest at all to be related to Yan family.

Her son was handsome, well-read and of good character, many families were eager to be their in-laws. This Ban familys insensitivity had caused her son so much grief, they were really..

Furen, Ban family doesnt hold real power, but Junzhu has royal family blood, her status is high. Even if she has had three failed engagements but countless people still want to marry her. A good familys girl has many suitors, Junzhu is not a good girl but she is still a noble girl. Yan Hui had the clear view, Ban family unwillingness to marry Junzhu to Zhongzhen means they are not fated to be together, no need to force it.

T/N I dont know why Yan Zhens parents called him Zhongzhen, probably his courtesy name.

I am not trying to force it, but you havent seen Zhongzhen that boy.. Yan-furen was very bitter, I am afraid our son cant overcome this and ruins his health.

Our Yan family son wont lose his spirit just for a woman. Yan Hui didnt take her view, A good young man wont lack a wife, what you are afraid of wont happen.

Faced with this attitude, Yan-furen didnt bother to talk to him anymore. She turned her back to Yan Hui, coldly ignoring him.

Yan Hui helplessly sighed, Look at you. Dont be anxious, there will be a big court meeting tomorrow, I will probe Ban Shuiqing again. Parents always wanted their children to be happy, moreover despite being a bit ridiculous, Ban family was not a bad in-laws material.

At least.. better than Shi family.

The sky had just turned pinkish salmon colour, Du Jiu had been standing at the gate. He walked up cupping his hands in salute when his Master Count came out in high spirit, Master, the horse is ready.

En. Rong Xia nodded to him, straightened his cloak and walked outside. Du Jiu could sense his masters good mood, eyebrows raised in curiousity, he hurriedly followed outside.

All of the doors of The Throne Palace were open, officials were neatly piling in through its side entrances. Each of them had slight smiles plastered on their faces, hiding all personal grudges from the surface. Only the distance between civil officials and military officials were apparent, as they said rivers Jing and river Wei were separate,each group kept to themselves in the style of well water didnt mix with river water.

* The Throne Palacerefers to the biggest palace in the Forbidden City which is now called Tianhe Palace.

Ban Huais position was most awkward. He inherited his dads military title, but his position was an empty one that had nothing to do with military. He didnt belong in either civil or military circles, his circle was the third group in the Court, the small group of idlers and wastrel noblemen.

Civil officials had mixed feelings about this small group, there was despise but also fear of offending. These people were related to the royal family, and their thick skin made them difficult to deal with.

Marquis Jingting, Yan Hui approached Ban Huai in the Court, taking the initiative to talk, How have you been lately?

Ban Huai was talking to his fellows about whose bonsai was most natural, he stared at Yan Hui in disbelief. What big thing was going to happen that the dignified Left Minister suddenly tried to chat him up.

The other idlers and wastrels around immediately stepped away, they didnt want to talk too much to a proper minister like Yan Hui, afraid of exposing themselves.

The area around Ban Huai instantly became empty, he cupped his hands to Yan Hui, Minister Yan, may I ask if there is anything?

Dont ask me if I am good okay, just say what you want, me this idler cant keep up with you literary officials talking routine.

Yan Hui didnt expect the atmosphere had turned awkward on just the first sentence. He uncomfortably pulled at his sleeves, I wonder if Marquis has time after the Court, Yan-mouwishes to invite Marquis for some tea.

Ban Huai:

No wonder he had a not-so-good premonition today.

There is no need for tea, Ban Huai waved his hand straightforwardly, Minister Yan just say it, Ban-mou isnt sophisticated, and doesnt understand sophisticated formality.

No, you are not sophisticated, but I am.

Yan Hui didnt know how to respond, he definitely couldnt say in publicmy son is infatuated with your daughter, what exactly do you want me do before you are willing to marry her to my son. It was too unsophisticated, too embarrassing!

The two of them stared at each other. Ban Huai could see the struggle and determination in the other partys eyes, the cloud of suspicion in his heart grew. How big of a deal it was that the incumbent Left Minister of this dynasty had spoken so politely to him.

Huh, the more he thought the scarier it felt.

Rong Xia entered the Palace, his eyes swept over the crowd and saw Yan Hui and Ban Huai were standing together in a corner. Since when did Yan Hui and Ban Huai become friends?

His eyebrows slightly frowned, steps halted, then suddenly thought of something. Unconsciously he had walked towards Ban Huais direction.

Marquis, Rong Xia smiled as he walked up to Ban Huai, he performed a salute from a junior generation to the elder. Thanking Marquis for the gift of pastry recipe towanbei, it is truly delicious.

Ban Huai was glad to see the delightful young man, he inwardly released a breath of relief, Count Rong is too polite, it is just a small thing.

Rong Xia smiled and turned to salute Yan Hui, Greetings to Minister Yan.

Count Rong, Yan Hui returned the salute, then looked back at Ban Huai, After the Court later,zaixiawish to talk to Marquis.

Ban Huai smile was stiff, his heart was rejecting:No, I dont want to talk to you!

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