I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 60 Post-Flame Emperor Rebellion

Chapter 60 Post-Flame Emperor Rebellion

Just as Adolf was about to kill Aslan with flames,

Mr. Aslan!

Lirina screamed out. As she instinctively stretched out her foot to run towards him, it was the crow that moved first.


She was astonished as she saw the crow soar up, transforming into Kraush and slicing through Adolfs sphere of flames. It appeared that Kraush had been disguising himself using the magic of Crimson Garden. Swiftly snatching Aslan, Kraush ran towards Lirina.

Lirina, run!

With a sense of urgency unlike his normal tone, Lirina reflexively spun around and started running. Meanwhile, Aslan was being flailed around in Kraushs grasp like a rag doll.

Im going to die at this rate.

As Aslan complained, being nearly choked by the collar Kraush was holding while running, Kraush nonchalantly set him down.

Then run on your own feet.

With his throat finally free, Aslan staggered but nevertheless began chasing after Kraush and Lirina. Lirina, seeing this, looked at Kraush with surprise.

Crim was you, Mr. Kraush?

Yes, it was too conspicuous to stay by your side with my original appearance.

Hearing his response, Lirinas face became slightly disgruntled.

You could have at least told me.

Think of it as a surprise event.

Ill pass on that kind of event. Prepare a different one next time.

I shall make preparations for a big one, so look forward to it.

As Lirina replied curtly, Aslan tilted his head while looking at the two.

The two of you seem quite close.

It was the first time Aslan had heard Lirina and Kraush interacting directly. Their conversation seemed surprisingly familiar to him, which led him to comment, and both Lirina and Kraush just glanced at each other without saying much more.


Amid Aslans sense of oddity, an explosion echoed from behind. Realizing it was not the time for idle chat, Aslan hurriedly asked Lirina.

Lirina, the crystal of Dorothy is

Oh, right here.

Lirina fished through her skirt pocket and pulled out the crystal. Aslan sighed in relief as his ruse of feigning a self-immolation had indeed been helpful.

I have the egg of the Spirit King. All thats left is to go to the Spirit Kings Forest.

Spirits needed the power imbued within the Spirit Kings Forest to be reborn. Therefore, in order to revive Dorothy, they had to go to the Spirit Kings Forest. So the three of them immediately left the Igrit mansion and started towards the forest.

However, there was a problem. It was Aslan who was lacking in stamina. Lirina, used to being active, was managing to keep pace, but Aslan had barely moved for the past several months to the extent of not eating or drinking.

Huff, puff!

By the time they exited the mansion, Aslans steps progressively slowed.

Tch, just get on.

Observing this, Kraush picked up Aslan, forcibly carrying him. He had no intention to waste time for Adolf to catch up.

Ah, thats so cheap. Even Im having a hard time running.

If thats the case, Ms. Lirina, you can go back first. Theres no need for you to follow all the way.

I have to see it through to the end, too.

Lirina made it clear she was not going to back down. She had been involved thus far. At the very least, she wanted to see the outcome with her own eyes.


Fine. Youre so light when I carry you, I barely feel anything.

Though not particularly pleased to be carrying a man, hed be hard-pressed to tell Lirina to carry him.

Sounds like youre saying Id be heavy to carry.

Kraush did not respond to Lirinas remark. She pouted slightly but refrained from saying more, reasoning that Aslan probably weighed less than her.


Just as this exchange occurred, another explosion resounded from the direction of the Igrit household. It was clear that the battle between the Flame Lord and the Flame Emperor still persisted. But the outcome wouldnt be far off.

As if the Flame Lord could stand against the Flame Emperor.

The difference in station became drastically wider the higher up one went, a fact that Kraush had learned during the Skyborne Generation. Soon, the Flame Emperor would overcome the Flame Lord and make his way here. That mans anger wouldnt have subsided just because he had vanquished the Flame Lord.

During this, the walls surrounding the Spirit Kings Forest began to come into view for the trio. In front of the gateway lay soldiers sprawled out as if asleep. And standing before those walls was none other than Mirsys, a servant of the Crimson Garden.

Took you long enough.

With a swish of her fiery red hair, the Crimson Garden promptly threw a breathing apparatus over to them. Catching it, Kraush turned to Lirina.

This is as far as you go, Ms. Lirina.


Lirina understood. While Aslan might manage okay since he had learned magic, she was a non-magician. If someone without mana or aura management entered the Spirit Kings Forest, it would lead to certain death. With a look of regret, she glanced at the two men and firmly grasped their shoulders.

Both of you, make sure to come back without any injuries.

Kraush and Aslan both nodded simultaneously. Neither wanted to cause any more worry. Meanwhile, Kraush took a quick glance at the Crimson Garden who seemed already prepared, having put on her breathing apparatus.

Kid, as you well know, I cant stand against the Flame Emperor in this form.

Of course, he knew that. Kraush hadnt even planned to confront the Flame Emperor. Would he have expected such timing for the Flame Emperors return? It was only because Aslan seemed close to death that he moved, despite his wish for matters to go smoothly.

Im sorry I caused you trouble.

Aslan apologized with a gloomy face, apparently understanding that his sudden impulse in front of the Flame Emperor was what set this chain of events in motion. But Kraush wasnt oblivious to Aslans deep-seated hatred for the Flame Emperor, knowing all too well the man had ruined his entire life.

If I were you and had Aslans grandfather spewing nonsense before me, I too wouldnt have the patience of a saint.

Are you capable of cast-away magic?

When Kraush asked this, looking at the Crimson Garden, she rolled her eyes.

Oh, come on, with this form, Im not accustomed to using magic. If this were the case, I shouldve brought another servant along.

Despite her grumbling, it seemed Crimson Garden was up for the task. With that, the three of them, accompanied by Lirinas farewell, entered the gate.

They were welcomed by the scattering light particles of spirits. Amidst the dance of these mesmerizing particles, Kraush took out the crystal and the Spirit Kings egg that he had received from Lirina.

Then he handed them to Aslan.

Straight ahead, theres a lake that shimmers with faint light. Place the crystal into the egg, and submerge it in the water; that should resolve things.

This method was the way Aslan from Kraushs past had discovered, his research leading to a method to revive Dorothy. Although time had made it impossible back then, his research hadnt been in vain, continuing through Kraush to the present.


Aslan didnt ask how Kraush knew of this method. All he wanted was to save Dorothy, whatever the cost.

Kraush, Aslan, and the Crimson Garden continued running. The Spirit Kings Forest was seemingly endless. Additionally, they had to remain vigilant as spirits appeared now and again, for agitating them could provoke a battle.

After traveling through the forest for some time, the eyes of Kraush and Aslan began to see the glittering golden spirit particles. Surrounded by thick trees that gave the impression of night, the golden particles clinging to the trees shone like the night sky. And beneath these trees, stretching to the horizon, was a lake.

Floating slowly over the surface were numerous golden particles from the spirits. It was beautifula dreamscape fitting for what was called the resting place of spirits.

Aslan approached the edge of this tranquil haven. His heart pounded with excitement at the thought of seeing Dorothy again, and he was surprisingly overcome with emotion.

Tap tap.

He remembered a girl tapping on his room window in his memory, the girl with hair and eyes the color of blue ice, the girl who sneaked visits through Lirina to see Aslan.

Good morning, Aslan.

Despite the night illuminated by the moon, the girl would say morning and Aslan smiled. He desperately wanted to see her once more.

And with that, Aslan stepped toward the lake.


As flames burned and a wall of red shot up, blocking Aslans path, his eyes widened.


From behind, the sound of a landing reverberated. Aslan slowly looked back.

Among the whispering trees swayed hair so red it blazed. Those burning, crimson eyes looking down upon Aslan were filled with anger.

Flame Emperor, Adolf Igrit.

He had relentlessly pursued Kraush and Aslan after defeating the Flame Lord.

The fun and games with kids end here. Fleeing to the Spirit Kings Forest?

Adolf raised his thick white eyebrows, seemingly irritated. His breath leaked undulations of seething anger. However, he was barely holding back his fury here in the Spirit Kings Forest, where too much noise could set the spirits into an uproarand that would be a nuisance too.

Aslan, and the kid beside you, both of you come with me.

Kraush heard this and instinctively scanned the surroundings. The servant from Crimson Garden had quickly concealed herself upon Adolfs arrival. Kraush clenched his sword.

What should he do? Escaping was an option. No matter how adept Adolf was at flame magic, he wasnt like Crimson Garden, who was skilled in all forms of magic. Since Kraush was aware of her magical capabilities, he knew that with her help, escape was possible.


Dorothy had not been revived yet. It wasnt often one could intrude on the Spirit Kings Forest. Clearly, there would be no promise of a next time. Besides, no one knew what fate Aslan would face within the Igrit household after all this was over.

Maybe he said hed kill him in a fit of madness before.

But it seemed Adolfs anger had cooled somewhat after directly confronting his own daughter, Agatha. He holds the family in terrible regard. He too must be well aware that if rumors spread of him killing his own daughter and grandson, it will negatively impact the family.

So while he would hold Aslan accountable, he wouldnt kill him. It meant that a punishment could befall Aslan, confining him indefinitely within the Igrit family. So, practically speaking, this was the last chance to revive Dorothy.

Kraush Balheim.

In that moment, Aslan called out Kraushs full name, having followed him. The sudden use of his full name was unexpected, but Kraush caught the implication.

What, Balheim?

Adolf looked sharply at Kraush. The red tower magicians typically disregarded everything but aura and curses when it came to magic. However, as a member of the Ten Great Lords, the Flame Emperor had seen the world firsthandknew of monsters far more formidable than magic could handle. Therefore, he was wary of those who wielded auras, especially Balheim, who was exceedingly high on his caution list.

I thought he was merely an acquaintance of Aslan.

But a Balheim?

He hadnt anticipated such a significant person being here. Adolfs mind whirred rapidly. Keeping abreast of world affairs, particularly the news related to Balheim, he recalled hearing a certain rumor not long ago.


The youngest of the Balheims had overcome the World Eroder and made a comeback, hadnt he? Seeing Kraush, the teenager looked to be about the right age to fit the rumor.

For a moment, the question of why a direct Balheim lineage was here flitted through Adolfs mind. He wasnt privy to the auxiliary family heads, Agathas, decision to deploy additional troops from Danphelions knights to the tower.

I honestly dont know why youre so keen on taking the one with the Lunar Body.

In the meantime, Aslan looked at the wall of flames before him and spoke. Considering what hed seen of Kraush to date, he knew the Lunar Body must be of use to him. Still, why would he need something akin to a curse like the Lunar Body? It played a significant role in making Aslans life what it is.

Yet, if its truly necessary for you. Or if its needed now.

Instead of the lifeless eyes of the past, Aslan called out to Kraush with eyes filled with determination.

Take it with you.

Kraush had been waiting for those words. As light pooled in Kraushs hand, Aslan reached for the wall of flames.


Adolf, startled by the act akin to self-immolation, hastily reached for Aslan. But the one blocking his path was none other than Kraush.

Adolfs eyes rounded in surprise. Having been caught off-guard, he hadnt expected Kraushs movements to be so quick. At the same time, Kraushs figure was visibly blazing, his breath like smoke, his body fiery as if lava coursed through hima vitality that forcibly pushed past his limits.

So fast.

An impossible speed to be owned by someone so young. Kraushs rapidity seemed so great that it begged the question of whether he had reached the realm of Masters. Simultaneously, Adolf unmistakably felt the powerful energy swirling within Kraushs sword sheath. A might that even surprised the Flame Emperor, Adolf Igrit, known as one of the Ten Great Lords.

The same moment that energy exploded into dark flames from Kraushs sheath.


The black flames, together with the sword, hammered into Adolfs protective barrier, producing a ferocious noise. The force caused the Flame Emperors expression to distort violently. Naturally, the barrier didnt break, but the impact was strong enough that it reverberated through it, compelling him to withdraw his hand.


A stunned exclamation slipped from his mouth. It was ludicrous to attribute such power to what seemed a kid barely reaching adulthood.

The Balheim clan has birthed a monster.

He knew of the birth of the new star, renowned as Sword Demon, but he never anticipated another star would emerge. Did the Balheim lineage bear the blessings of the gods?

No, this ones different.

Especially with those black flames, so bleak they nearly resembled a curse.

What has he got inside him? The sensation is like condensed curses.

If the famed Charlotte was called Sword Demon for her pure, white star, then this was a star dripping with darkness.

As these thoughts passed, Aslan had already crossed the barrier of flames. The diverted attention allowed Aslan to run past Adolf and leap into the lake. The bubbling water indicated that, fortunately, he hadnt died on impact.

As Aslan jumped, Adolf had casually withdrawn the barrier, so he wouldnt have sustained serious injuries. But he couldnt just leave Aslan there. He had to retrieve him and return.


But once again, his protective magic vibrated intensely as Kraushs sword struck a second time.

Does the mighty Flame Emperor turn his back in front of a successor?

Kraush had taunted him in an old-fashioned manner that matched Adolfs age.

Adolf exhaled in astonishment.

My grandson has made troublesome friends.

He cracked his fist with intent. It seemed he needed to catch his grandson and deal briefly with his grandsons friends misbehavior.

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