I Became a Villain’s Hero

Chapter 10: Villain Luna (5)

Chapter 10: Villain Luna (5)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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After a series of events, Song Soo-yeon's discomfort towards him diminished significantly.

In fact, it was funny to be nervous around someone like him.

The more she saw him, the more harmless he seemed.

He seemed to have forgotten his earlier anger, now humming a tune and cooking.

Song Soo-yeon found the space around them increasingly comfortable.

Feeling a kinship with him played a part.

She also saw herself in him.

Soon, he served black bean noodles.

"Here, eat."

When the food arrived, Song Soo-yeon removed her mask.

In that instant, with a sudden movement, his hand touched Song Soo-yeon's cheek.

Startled, Song Soo-yeon swatted his hand away and looked up at him.


But he paid no attention to her reaction.

"You're hurt."

He simply stared at her burst lip with a grave expression.


Surprisingly, Song Soo-yeon didn't find his concern unwelcome.

Despite hiding her wounds behind a mask to ward off other men, his attention didn't feel intrusive.

Yet, out of habit, she bristled.

She didn't want to be caught relishing the warmth.

"...Don't touch me like that suddenly. It's annoying."

"...Just wait a moment, where's the medicine?"

"I said it's fine."

Despite her protest, he began searching around.

Song Soo-yeon watched him, marveling anew at how love could drive a person's actions.

Why would he go to such lengths for something that wasn't his concern?

Ignoring him, Song Soo-yeon reached for chopsticks.

"It will only take a moment."

But he extended his hand, stopping her from reaching for the food.

"It will hurt to eat."


Song Soo-yeon looked at him, then set down her chopsticks.

She didn't resist his suggestion.

It seemed less troublesome to let him have his way.

However, he couldn't find the medicine.

Watching him stand up with a complex expression, Song Soo-yeon asked,

"Are we done? I'll just eat now."

"No. No, just wait a bit longer. It won't take long."

He prepared to step outside the store.

"...Where are you going?"

"To buy medicine. Just wait a little."

"It doesn't hurt that much."

"I'm worried, that's why."

Then he hurriedly left the store.

Song Soo-yeon was dumbfounded.

It was absurd: him leaving her in charge of the store, making more of a fuss than she did, and going out to buy medicine for someone who had just come to eat for free.

Yet, on the other hand, she didn't really mind it at all.

Having someone care for her was a rare experience for Song Soo-yeon.

Of course, she had often rejected others' kindness in the past.

But that was because they all had motives behind their kindness.

This man probably acted this way because he liked her... but she felt his intentions were more pure.

It was as he said.


That feeling was strong.

He was kind to Song Soo-yeon for his own satisfaction, not expecting anything in return.

Song Soo-yeon didn't want to deny him that.

Even as the black bean noodles became soggy, she waited for him.

...Maybe because she had wronged him earlier, she wanted to let him do as he pleased this time.

It was hard to explain.

But she had no desire to defy his request and fill her stomach.


Soon, he arrived at the shop, panting slightly, and opened a packet of medicine.

Had he run back just for her?

Did you wait for me? Good. Now, look at me.

As Song Soo-yeon looked at him, he was already applying medicine to his hand.

Was he planning to apply it to her himself?

She frowned and said,

Why would you apply it for me?

...Oh, should I not?

Ill do it myself.

Song Soo-yeon snatched the medicine from his hand.

She suddenly realized she hadn't thanked him this time either.

But that couldn't be helped.

In her gray world, there had been little to be thankful for.

So, 'thank you' was an awkward phrase for her.

Afterwards, she began eating, carefully avoiding the wound.

Then, without looking at him, she asked indifferently,

...By the way, whats your name?


...Don't misunderstand-

-Im not.

Song Soo-yeon nodded at his response.

It was reassuring.

Her question wasnt about getting to know him.

It was just slightly unfair that she had revealed her name and knew nothing of his.

Besides, she called him 'mister' just to keep a distance, but he didn't seem much older.

She felt she should know his name.

My name is Di - no... um... what... ah, Jung-gyeom.


You can call me 'Mister Jung-gyeom' if you like.

I'd rather not.

...Do as you please.


She only heard it once, but it seemed like it would stick in her mind.

As the atmosphere softened, Song Soo-yeon said,

Mister, I understand why you took the photo earlier. But I dont plan to rely on a heros help.

Why not?

I dislike heroes. A lot.


He blinked as if recalling something, then spoke.

"Ah, so that's why you were so upset when I called for a hero a few days ago."


"Is there a reason you hate them?"

Song Soo-yeon clicked her tongue.

"...You might not know, but they're just gangsters on the good side."

"Ah, I get what you mean."


His innocent-looking face gave an unexpected reply.

She had thought he would defend the heroes.

But he stroked his chin, showing deep empathy.

"They avoid troublesome tasks, right? Always seeking the glamorous ones."


Song Soo-yeon shrugged.

She agreed with him but didn't want to make it too obvious.

Then he continued.

"But that's because you havent met a true hero."

Song Soo-yeon turned to him.

"...A true hero?"

"They're rare, but they do exist."

His face beamed with a big smile, as if he took pride in that fact.

Song Soo-yeon still didn't fully understand.

Aren't all heroes just heroes?

What exactly is a true hero?

"So, forget that and accept a hero's help."

He tapped his lips, seemingly pointing at Song Soo-yeon's wound.

"...Such wounds shouldn't exist anymore."


She dove back into her food.

"...Ill handle it myself. I dont need it."

"Alright then. I'll take care of it. I'll go to the Hero Association."


Once again, Song Soo-yeon didn't try to stop him.



I arrived at the Hero Association.

The building was grand.

Many people were bustling in and out, and I occasionally saw familiar heroes.

Fans who came to see the heroes were everywhere.

I couldn't blame them; I might do the same if I saw Solace.

Besides, I came here today hoping to meet her.

She was three years younger than me, so she must be around 20.

It was about time for her to start her hero activities...

I shook my head.

That wasn't what I should be thinking about now.

I had a different purpose for coming here today.

After passing the gate check, I entered the building.

Without hesitation, I approached the counter.

Normally, this place was for reporting damages caused by villains, but today my purpose was different.

I was a bit excited at the thought of troubling the heroes.

Even though I had returned, that didn't mean I felt like they were on my side.

It seemed fun to give them a little trouble.

"What brings you here today?"

"Yes, a younger friend of mine is being bullied at school. I was hoping to get some help."

"Ah, I'm sorry. That's not part of a hero's duties. You should go to the nearby police station. Heroes are focused only on fighting villains."

The receptionist answered naturally, as if she had said it hundreds of times before.

This was all within my expectations.

So, I smiled and pulled out a recorder from my pocket.


After shaking the recorder at her, I pressed the button.

The recording began.

"....Alright, let me make it clear. I came to ask for help because a younger friend of mine is being bullied at school, and you're saying the Hero Association is refusing to help, right?"


"So, you're saying that even though a student needs help, the Hero Association won't take any action?"

The receptionist's eyes fell on the recorder.

She seemed to realize that her next words were going to be very important.

"...It's not that, it's just our policy."

"Does the Hero Association's policy state to ignore students being bullied?"

"No. We share responsibilities with the police because if we're busy with other tasks and a villain appears, we can't afford a shortage of heroes. It's not that we dont want to help. You can get sufficient help at the police station, that's why I suggested going there."

Here's where the Hero Association's repulsive side shows.

They are not short of heroes.

They are not even busy.

In fact, they have more than enough staff.

They just want to take it easy and make excuses.

Dealing with school bullying would actually be more efficiently handled by heroes.

It's more effective to dispatch a hero to a school than police officers.

The sharp senses trained for catching villains should be applicable in places like schools too.

I slammed my fist on the desk.


Then I shouted exaggeratedly.

"This is unacceptable!"

My voice echoed everywhere, drawing the attention of those around.

My current goal was to get a hero dispatched to Song Soo-yeon's school.

For that, I needed the attention of the crowd.

"Just one of you could end the bullying! Relying on the police brings so many complications!"


The receptionist was flustered by my loud voice.

"Are you the only ones busy? The police are busy too, why are you trying to pass the buck! This is why people can't get help and keep wandering from place to place!"

People started taking out their smartphones and recording me.

"Arent heroes supposed to help students in distress!"

Suddenly, a heavy silence fell.

My voice was the only echo.

I already knew the reason.

I felt his approach.

The former second-ranked hero, now number one.


In the current situation, he is a highly respected and symbolic hero, more than any other hero.

Such a hero flew down and landed beside me.

Handsome and well-built, he was still in his early thirties with many years ahead as a hero.

Until Song Soo-yeon started being active, he was the most popular.

Meeting one of the six heroes who took my life was a unique experience.

He gestured to the receptionist.

"...It's okay."

Then he approached me, seemingly trying to intimidate me.

He looked down at me from his towering height.

I sighed.

He must have hoped to impress me with his stature.


Does he know?

That it would take him and five more heroes to even make me feel threatened.

And that's in 11 years.

Right now, his pressure feels almost insignificant.

Yet, the fact that he came over to exert pressure bothered me a little.

Im still quite sensitive to direct malice aimed at me.

My nerves were more on edge than ever.

.....You've really walked into this one.

What seems to be the problem?

He asked.

"What's the problem? I came here to ask for help because a younger friend of mine is being bullied at school, and you say you can't help! Look, I even have evidence!"

I showed him the photos I had taken, but he didn't seem very interested.

"...Unfortunately, that's not part of a heros duties-"

"-If it's unfortunate, then do your duty."

His eyebrows twitched.

I suppressed a small smile, amused by his irritation.

What's he going to do?

Heroes can't just attack civilians.

I continued.

"Does it make sense for heroes not to help a student in need?"

"Our duty is to fight villains. We prepare for situations that could result in thousands of casualties. We don't have time for other tasks."

"Don't have time?"

I poked Shake's chest.

"Then what is the top-ranked hero doing here then? You're so busy."

Their excuses don't work on me.

Having been the top-ranked villain, I know too much about heroes.

"Don't lie to me. Heroes have plenty of free time."

So busy yet lying about it.

And do they realize this is for their benefit too?

Eliminating school bullying might even prevent the emergence of new villains.

"And if a villain does appear, you can deploy from the school. Do you have to deploy only from the Hero Association? No. And did I ask for hundreds of personnel? Just send one, just one."

I look around.

Hundreds of smartphones are pointed at me.

"Isn't that right? Why do heroes only fight villains! Shouldn't heroes unconditionally help those in need? Is it heroic to pick and choose as you like?"


This should be enough.

This video will probably become famous.

Since the Hero Association operates on taxpayers' money, they'll have to act if public opinion sways against them.

Moreover, heroes will soon start diversifying their roles.

Solace will eventually revolutionize the entire hero culture.

I'm just hastening what's already bound to happen.

This way, 'Villain Luna' won't emerge either.

I look back at the hero, smiling at him.

He may not realize, but I have as many memories with him as with Song Soo-yeon.

They're not as pleasant as those with her, though.

Recalling our long antagonistic history, I asked,

".....I'm right, aren't I? Shake."

Seeing him unable to respond, I felt a sense of satisfaction.



Song Soo-yeon couldn't believe her eyes as she watched a video on her smartphone.

The title read 'Shake, Paralyzed by a Citizen'.

Uploaded less than a day ago, the video had already garnered millions of views.

It showed a man fearlessly shouting at Shake.

The excited voice burst out of the smartphone.

"How can heroes refuse to help a student in need?"

Although his face was blurred, she recognized the man.


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