I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 40: The Sound of Lightning (1)

Chapter 40: The Sound of Lightning (1)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Since then, the same routine continued.

"Euuuuugene! Please wait!"

"I'm busy!"

Eustia tried to get closer, while Eugene tried to get away.

The absurd chase between the two continued day by day.

The club members were initially confused and felt a bit bitter watching them, but as time went on, they got used to it.

"Friends! There are so many other good things in the world besides women!"

Cillian played a significant role in this situation.

If he left the Swordsmanship Club as it was, Eugene would end up buried in the ground by the angry male students.

And so, the week on the island passed as calmly as the sea.

Before they knew it, it was the sixth night.

"It's a shame we're going back tomorrow morning! Since it's our last night on the island, let's eat the most delicious food and drink!"

Cillian revealed the finest ingredients and drinks for a feast.


"Wine! I've only been drinking beer, and now wine!"

"Let's eat and drink for real today!"

"I'm glad I joined the Swordsmanship Club!"

The members hugged each other and began to bounce around before moving busily to prepare for dinner.

Amidst all this, there was a man and a woman staring at each other, hands on their knees...

"Ugh. Ugh."

"Haah. Haah."

It was Eugene and Eustia.

"Eugene, really... haaah. You're too much. haah."

"Ugh. If you don't follow me... Ugh. Then itll be fine."

"I said I wouldnt give up even if I died. Haah. You remember, right? Haah."

Eustia took a deep breath and, with a resigned expression, started talking.

"After dinner, just listen to what I have to say for a bit. Then, I promise I wont follow you around anymore."

It might seem like a meaningless offer since their time on the island was almost over, but it meant something to Eugene.

He wanted to sleep peacefully at least on the last night.

If the price for that is listening to her for a while.

It didnt seem like too difficult a task.

"Alright. Call me when youre ready to talk."


They each went their separate ways to help prepare dinner for everyone.


Raei Translations


Once the dinner preparations were complete, Diel proceeded with a toast.

"We have fostered deep friendships over this past week, and this will greatly help us as we lead the future of the Empire"

"Eugene, lets go."


Eugene and Eustia left the group and headed to a more secluded place.

The peculiar atmosphere between them didnt go unnoticed, especially by the senior female members of the Swordsmanship Club.

"Dont they look suspicious?"

"I think so too."

"We absolutely have to see this."

For them, gossip about a friend's love life was more interesting than a feast; and when the person in question was Eustia, the 5th princess of the Empire, beef and wine no longer held their attention.

"Should we go?"


They exchanged glances and nodded in agreement, then grabbed Celine, who was eating meat awkwardly on the side, by the shoulder.

"What, what's this?"

"Celine, let's go see something nice!"

"Something nice?"

"I guess it's about time you found out too!"

However, this wasn't unfamiliar territory for Celine, who was used to receiving men's confessions almost every day.

They grabbed onto Celine and lifted her up.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Celine, come with us!"

"Wait, just a moment!"

The steak she had stabbed with her fork sadly fell back onto the plate.

Celine looked sadly at the steak, but she was already being dragged away by her female classmates.


Raei Translations


As the evening sky became stained with beautiful shades of red, the only sound that could be heard was the gentle lapping of the sea, now tinted with a reddish hue.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, it's..."

Eustia hesitated, drawing near enough that their breaths almost touched.

She placed a hand on Eugenes chest and began to speak.

"This might be a bit of a long story. Are you willing to listen?"


Had it been anyone else, Eugene might have asked them to get straight to the point.

However, given that the person standing before him was the 5th princess and her demeanor was quite serious, he quietly nodded in agreement.

"This is a story from before I was born. My mother..."

The tale she began to tell was familiar to Eugene.

Her mother, a woman of stunning beauty, had caught the emperors eye.

She spent several nights with the emperor, eventually becoming pregnant with his child.

Without any desire to join the royal household, she decided to have the child and live quietly on her own.

However, the emperor couldn't bear to leave her alone and brought her into the palace as a concubine, thinking it would be safer for her inside the palace walls than out.

And so, all the misery began.

It was a predictable story.

Not long after Eustia was born, the emperor fell ill and lost consciousness.

Seeing an opportunity, the queen and other concubines began to mercilessly torment Eustia's mother in an effort to eliminate Eustia, who they saw as a threat to their own children's futures.

Already frail, her mother quickly fell ill and passed away before Eustia could even utter her first words.

By the time the emperor recovered, it was already too late.

Eustia was left to grow up alone in a cold, lonely palace.

"I have to take revenge."

Eustia's hand gripped Eugenes clothes tightly.

"I have to get back at those hateful women! But I can't start anything on my own! I need someone to help me!"


"It has to be you, Eugene."

She buried her face in his chest.

"I fell in love with you at first sight. Please, hear me out. I will love you for the rest of my life. Please, be with me. You have more talent than anyone else.

If you help me, becoming the empress isn't just a dream. I don't need power; I just want revenge. Once I become the empress, you can do whatever you wish with the empire."

Eugene, please, love me.

It was an earnest plea, heartfelt and sincereat least, in the beginning.

The part about falling in love at first sight and the rest that followed was mostly false.

She might be sincere in saying she doesnt need power and that he can do whatever he wishes with the empire, but...

Eugene smiled bitterly.

He didnt think Eustia was at fault.

Much like how infancy plays a major role in shaping a persons view, Eustia, who had a cold and miserable childhood, probably couldn't think of any other way.

She probably didnt even truly understand what love was.

Love is a difficult emotion to give if youve never received it.

'So, I shouldn't hate her.'

She's a pitiable person who had a miserable childhood.

However, he couldn't fulfill her request.

Her story was heartbreaking and brought tears to his eyes, but people without a sad story are rare in this world.

Starting with Eugenes pitiable father, there were plenty of sorrowful tales, and it was only natural that they led a more miserable life than Eustia.

So, Eugene said this:

I dont like the Princess.


You dont like me either, right?

What are you talking about? I like you! I really do!

Eustia, taken aback, quickly started tearing up.

Her tears might be genuine, but the issue was that they stemmed not from unreciprocated love, but from the frustration of not being able to enact her revenge.

Is it my face you dont like? Every man would be over the moon just by looking at me! Why are you acting like this?

Thats not the issue here.

It is! All men are the same! They all like pretty and young girls, dont they?

Huh? I can't really argue that, can I?

Suddenly at a loss for words, Eugene finally spoke.

Anyway, its not possible. Im sorry, but I cant date someone I dont have feelings for.

You dont like me, so we cant date?

Eustia looked utterly bewildered, her face filled with despair.

Explaining any further seems pointless.

Eugene bitterly smiled, said his last words, and turned around.

Im sorry. Lets pretend I never heard your confession.

Eustia, left standing there in utter dejection, stared blankly at Eugenes retreating back.

Wow, this is insane!

What on earth just happened?

The female senior hiding behind a large rock were making a fuss and discussing the event excitedly.

The princess just got rejected by Eugene!

Lower your voice! We'll get caught!

You're the one talking the loudest!

They tried to calm each other down by covering each others mouths, but of course, it wasnt easy to settle down.

They pinched each others cheeks, questioning if this was really happening, and continued to freak out.

Silently standing apart from the group, Celine kept to herself.

Eugene got a confession from the princess.

When she thought about it, it wasnt that strange.

Eugene had been different from other people for over two months now.

His transformation was so unbelievable that everyone was astounded.

His reputation as an insignificant guy had completely changed, and there were now many people who wanted to associate with him.

Anyone with a brain would recognize Eugenes capabilities, and everyone nodded in approval of his high potential.

So, a confession from the princess was entirely within the realm of possibility.

There was a significant social gap between the princess and Eugene at the moment, but who knew what could happen with a bit more time.

Eugenes value was sure to skyrocket as time passed.

It wasnt strange for the princess to approach him proactively.

The princess is just the beginning.

As Eugenes reputation continued to grow, even ordinary people would come to realize his worth, and the number of girls approaching him out of love would continue to increase.

If this kept up, eventually, even Eugene might be moved.

Just as women need men, men need women too.

Someday, hes going to have a girlfriend.

Good for him.

He had been so desperate to have a girlfriend.

He had dedicated his life to following me around.

Even though he had rejected the princess, if he continued to live diligently like this, he could gain favor from women on a similar level to Celine.

From his point of view, this was a good thing.

A good thing, but...

Why do I feel so bad?

There was no loss to her if Eugene got a girlfriend, so why did she feel this way?

I dont understand.

Even after pondering over her own feelings numerous times, she was certain she didnt have romantic feelings for Eugene.

Yet, the thought of Eugene dating and hanging out with a girlfriend made her feel uneasy.

But honestly, its quite unexpected.

Eugene rejecting the princess?

Yeah. I mean, honestly, who would reject the princess?

Right. I never imagined a guy would reject the princess.

What did Eugene say when he rejected her just now?

He said he didnt like her. So, he couldnt date her.


One of the female seniors couldnt help but express her admiration.

Eugene is unexpectedly romantic, isnt he?

Totally. Honestly, if it were the princess, Id date her first and think later.

If I were a guy, I probably would have done the same.

They're all right.

Celine, listening to the conversation of her seniors, agreed with their words.

I thought a new couple was born when Eustia confessed.

Obviously because of Eustia's beautiful appearance.

In the past, the reason Eugene had so stubbornly followed Celine was ultimately due to her appearance.

The princess's looks were not lacking, even when compared to her own.

If it had been the Eugene of the past, he would have gladly accepted the opportunity to date a princess and smiled foolishly.

'But he turned her down.'

The reason for rejecting her was nothing else; he simply didn't like her.

Going a bit further, the reason also included that he believed the princess did not like him either.

When thinking about the princess's story, the reason she confessed her love to Eugene was to gain royal authority.

'I don't know.'

Had his taste, which used to focus solely on appearance, changed?

Was appearance alone no longer enough to satisfy him?

'I can't tell.'

Since she didn't know his true feelings, any speculation she made was just a guess.

'I don't even know why I'm thinking about this.'

The longer her thoughts continued, the more she felt like a fool.

Celine vigorously shook her head, trying to rid herself of these thoughts.


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