I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

The feeling of approaching presences aren’t far away—– but they’re not close either .

There’s still time .

[Nyaki . ]

[Y...... Yes nya . ]

There’s a hint of fear in Nyaki’s voice .

Perhaps, it’s because of the change in my mood .

I inwardly clicked my tongue .

......I freaked Nyaki out... What should I do...

Stifling the anger within me, I changed the tone of my voice .

[Nyaki...... I have some questions to ask you . However, if it’s really too hard to answer, you don’t have to force yourself to answer them . ]

Nyaki sits in seiza .

[I- It’s alright nya...... Nyaki is alright with it nya!]

Nyaki’s eyes lit up with determination .

“The questions I am about to ask her are very important . ”

—as if she perceived such things .

[..................... . . ]

We don’t have enough time to say that we have plenty of them .

Narrowing down my questions to a few points, I began asking her questions .

The first thing I wanted to know was the number of members of Heroic Sword .

After that, the ranking of strength among them .

However, what I needed to know most was......

[I see . ]

I thoroughly understand .

[So, all of them participated in killing the Speed Tribe...... And none of them felt a hint of regret for it huh . ]

No, regretting their actions didn’t enter their mind at all .

I still don’t know the reason why they did that but......

I’ve heard that the annihilation of the Speed Tribe is a “glorious memory” for them .

It’s a turning point for the Heroic Sword .

She said that they often compare the battles they fought at that time .

As if it’s a chapter they’re reminiscing .

Nyaki had been told about that story many times along the way .

That’s why that story had left such an impression on her .

[Ummm...... Ruin-san used to talk about it with a nostalgic look on his face nya......]

“That time—— is the beginning for all of us”

That’s what this Ruin fellow said as he looked up at the sky .

Thereupon, the other members would also look absorbed and look at the sky as well .

......They’re disgusting .

[H- However, I still think it’s dangerous nya! I heard that the Heroic Sword members are the strongest hidden blade of Alion’s Goddess nya!]


So they were living on the same tune as that goddess huh .

The reason why there was extremely little information about them was that they were a group that emphasized secrecy huh .

[It feels convenient for me—— that I’m starting to think it’s too convenient . ]


To Nyaki, this seemed to be another unexpected reaction .

[In that case, all the more reason to crush them here and now . ]

Let’s try to sort out the information I got here at once .

The Heroic Sword is currently made up of nine people, after they apparently lost one of them .

Two of them are exceptionally strong .

One of them is Satsuki, the “Final Blade” .

The other is Ruin Seal, the “Heroic Sword” .

The name of their group was dubbed after this Ruin fellow huh .

How misleading .

Anyway—— that large number of corpses I found along the way .

I’m sure they were also the people who killed those Human-Faced too .


Hearing their information though, should I say a question appeared in my mind, or rather......

I felt my interest piqued .

The Heroic Sword members are so powerful that the Human-Faced tried to escape .

However, these bunch didn’t participate in the previous battle against the Great Demon Emperor’s army .

They don’t even know about Civit’s death yet .

That’s probably because they were avoiding human settlements while on the move .

They must move while hidden beneath the eyes of masses—— well, I can understand that .

In fact, it’s also possible that they don’t even know about the recent invasion of the Great Demon Emperor’s army .

In that case .

“What” is that Sh*tty Goddess making them do?

If they’re good enough to kill Human-Faced, they should be among the foremost line within the front lines .

However, these bunch didn’t participate in the previous battle .

Even though the Demons have conducted a great invasion .

It should be more important than stopping the Great Demon Emperor’s invasion—— or perhaps, as important as that .

[The places near here are Urza, Mira and......]

And lastly...

[The Faraway Country . ]

A phantom country where the survivors of the Forbidden Race are said to be located .

A place where the only race that holds the key to the Forbidden Curses resides .

In short——–

[........................... . ]

Good work, Sh*tty Goddess .

You have shown the place we are looking for yourself .

For her to send the Heroic Swords, her powerful pawns, all the way here to search for it......

That would mean...

That paradoxically—– is the proof I needed .

The credibility of the Forbidden Curses working on her increased .

“The existence of the Forbidden Curses is a real threat to the Goddess . ”

The Heroic Sword, who could have been a great pawn for the battle against the Great Demon Emperor .

However, Vysis put the Great Demon Emperor aside and used them to search for the Faraway Country instead .

The Forbidden Language .

The Forbidden Curses .

[That means—–]

In other words...

[You’re the Divine Beast huh, Nyaki . ]

[T- That is what they had told me nya . They said that Nyaki was needed to open the door beyond the Great Illusion nya......]

Still sitting on a seiza, Nyaki put her hands on her lap .


Nyaki tightly closed her tear-stained eyes and tightly gripped her hands .

[Nyaki—— Nyaki will do her best nya! Nyaki was always being taken care of by Mama Ninya, and now, Nyaki finally has an important role to play......! I thought I could finally repay my beloved Ninya a little bit by fulfilling this role nya! But... But......]

Nyaki was at a loss for words for a moment, before she spoke again .

[It seems that when my role is over, Nyaki will be killed by the Heroic Sword people! Nyaki endured a lot nya! Nyaki held out to fulfill her duty nya! But... but...... If I die here, Nyaki won’t be able to meet Ninya again nya! That’s why, Nyaki had——-]

That’s why she escaped from the Heroic Sword .

From what I heard, Nyaki had fainted .

And—– when she woke up, that is what she heard .

“After we finished our duty, let’s kill Nyaki . ”

And so, she decided to run away .

Nyaki looked up, her eyes filled with tears .

It’s just that...... she only has a desperate smile on her face .

[You should understand nya...... Nyaki isn’t human nya...... Nyaki weeaaallly knows that “fake humans” like Nyaki is just a hindrance for humans nya! But, Nyaki...... to Ninya, to Mainya and everyone back home, even if it’s just to see their faces once more——– F- Funnnyyaaaahhhhh~~......]

“Funya, funya, funya . ”

Intermittently, her voice rang out .

Nyaki began to cry .

Seras came up beside her and kneeled down, gently putting a hand on her back .

[I don’t know what the members of the Heroic Sword said to you . However, by no means would you ever be a hindrance . Such a pure person like you is......]

Seras’ voice was filled with unconcealed anger .


Anyway .

The presences of the people pursuing her are in a distance .

Nyaki is weak .

Hence, in terms of speed, it should certainly be inferior to the Heroic Sword .

Moreover, the color of her hair is conspicuous .

In other words, she’s easy to find .

On the other hand, Nyaki has escaped quite a distance......

The Divine Beast, Nyaki, is an important key to entering the Faraway Country,


Doesn’t that mean the Heroic Sword had noticed that Nyaki had escaped for quite a while?

No matter how I look at it, it looks strange .

They had noticed too late that they didn’t even send some of their members as pursuers for her .

When Nyaki woke up, she mentioned that the area was like a sea of blood......

[......Oh, well . ]

The presences are finally drawing near .

Held in her chest, Seras gently hugged Nyaki’s head .

Then, she said .

[I won’t forgive them . ]

Her white face is filled with righteous indignation .


[No, you’ll stay here and keep Nyaki safe .


I let out a long—– deep exhale .

[I have to listen to her in a short amount of time and calmly compile the information...... I can’t let my anger control my actions . It’s just that—– It’s pretty hard to stay calm . ]

This isn’t just about the Speed Tribe anymore .

I turned towards Nyaki and glanced at her arms and legs .

Bruises .

She tries to act cheerful, but her depression can’t be concealed .

Who is it that “I’m looking” at?

I can see it in my mind .

Those days...

Those days when I was on the verge of being killed, both physically and mentally......


It seems that even with all she did, Nyaki still doesn’t hold any grudge against the Heroic Sword .

It’s just that she doesn’t want to die .

She just doesn’t want to be killed .

She just wants to live and see “Ninya” .

It’s fine even if it’s just one more time .


“Even if it’s just one more time”?

If she was allowed to see this person again, she was willing to be killed?

Also, if she isn’t human, she’s a hindrance?

......Screw all that .

Whether it’s getting killed...

Or being a hindrance...

Heroic Sword .

Aren’t you b*stards the one who should be saying that?

[Take care of Nyaki . ]

I said to Seras .

[If you feel that this place is unsafe, ride Slei and both of you move out of here . After that, it’s up for you to decide . ]

[Yes—— Understood . ]

I put on the Fly King mask .

Then, I walked away while Seras and the others went in the opposite direction .

Crickle, crackle!

I stomped hard on the twig on my path .

If I make a sound, they might hear it and think it’s Nyaki .

Of course .

Part of the reason for the strength of my stop on the twig is due to my anger .

My eyes bared—— I glared at the direction of the approaching presences .


I grind my teeth .

If I show my emotions in front of Nyaki in a strange way, I might scare her away .

But, from here on out—— It doesn’t matter at all .

[Geez...... Just when I’m getting angrier, this way . ]

The distance between me and the presences are closing in .

......These fellows .

Perhaps, if it’s just the two of them, they could capture Nyaki again .

These two have the strength that shows they aren’t just mere cronies .

If these two are either the “Heroic Sword” or the “Final Blade”, I would have dealt the first strike after I fused with Pigimaru but... . .

I’m not sure if it’s those two at the moment .

There are at least seven other members of Heroic Sword .

If it’s possible, I’d like to use my fusion against those two extraordinary members .

Straining my eyes, I observed the two men approaching from a distance .

Incidentally, I’ve already obtained the information on their physical characteristics from Nyaki .

[.................. . . ]

They’re different .

They’re neither Ruin, nor Satsuki .

Based on my information......

Those two should be Toad and Bardwitcher huh?

......I guess I’ll reserve my fusion with Pigimaru for now .

Taking off the Fly King mask I just put on, I close my distance towards them .


[The guy over there!]

[Come out!]

Appearing in front of them, I patted my chest .

[Ahh, I’m glad I found you...... I have come bearing a message from Goddess Vysis . ]

I then add a wry smile .

[It’s really troublesome finding you in these woods . ]

[......Wait! Don’t come any closer!]

One of them stopped me .

I see .

Since they can’t confirm my identity, I’ve already expected they’d do that......

Stopping my approach is the right thing to do .

[You’re suspicious...... Are you really the Goddess’s messenger?]

[W- What are you talking about!? That’s Bardwitcher-sama and you are Toad-sama...... You may not know me, but I have seen both of you a few times in the past . Ummm...... To be honest, I look up to the members of the Heroic Sword . And that’s why, this unworthy me is trying to imitate you, as one of Vysis-sama’s spies......]

The two of them glanced at each other .

“I look up to them . ”

Few people are offended by being told that .

That’s why the two of them loosened their guard for a bit .

[By the way...... Have you seen the Divine Beast?]

[Her pink hair should be really conspicuous . ]

My eyes turning wide, I turned pale .

[Could it be, t- the Divine Beast got away?]

[......I’ll catch up with it immediately, so don’t worry about it . That fake human was courteously leaving traces all over the place, so I can easily tell the direction where she escaped . So, the two of us will catch it right away . ]

I completely crushed all those traces on the way here though .

The other man continues .

[That fake human has considerably weakened already...... Oops, there’s no need to report this to Vysis-sama, okay? Well, I’m sure it will be alright, but that thing is still Vysis-sama’s possession......]

The two of them are finally becoming distracted .

They began walking up to me with a trusting look on their faces .

The fact that both of them are walking up to me...... is their mistake .

I’m supposed to know them, but they don’t know me .

If I were to quickly approach them, they would definitely be vigilant .

[So? What’s the message you brought to us?]

[By the way, did you know that the Great Demon Emperor’s invasion has begun?]

[——It has finally arrived huh . ]

They didn’t know this information either .

[However, my message isn’t related to that . It’s more about the current mission......]

Holding out my hand, I raised three of my fingers .

[There are three things you need to know . ]


One of them nodded his head .

[Stop with the roundabout way of speaking . What are those three?]

[The first one would be <Paralyze> . ]

[ ? ]

—————Crackle, crackle—————

[Huh? What... are you—– ......!?]

[...... . ? ——–!? I...... can’t... move——-?]


I also held out my thumb and my pinky towards their direction .

Making my palm open wide .

[That Sh*tty Goddess...... didn’t send me any freaking message . ]

Now then .

This is where it starts .

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