I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 220

The place we stepped into was a cave.

Or rather, it looks more like......

“A very spacious underground lake.”

That was the image that popped into my head.

But, that wasn’t all that there was in this place.

I could find remnants of civilization in some areas.

I guess this place could possibly be a ruin.

I could see some traces of architecture looming out of the paved floor and rock walls.

The inside of the place——— is bright.

The walls were covered with stones that emitted light.

Looking at the light source, they looked similar to the stones found in the Mills Ruins.

I suppose one could say that it’s a beautiful sight straight out of fantasy when they view upon such a scene.

However, now wasn’t the time to be dazzled.

That’s because......


Ahead of us———- was a hill spreading out to both sides.

I could see considerably small figures standing on top of it.

They’re stationed as if they were going to surround us.

Possessing the head of a dog......

But the body of a humanoid.

I guess they’re that so-called Kobolds huh.

However, their eyes are green.

They aren’t golden-eyed monsters.

At that moment, as if asking for directions......

[M- Master-san......]

Nyaki called out.

When there were other people around, I cautioned her not to call me “Touka”.

I’ve told her to use “Master” or “Belzegia” when she calls me.

It seems like she’s properly following my words.

[I- Is there anything Nyaki can help nya.......?]

That’s when it happened.

Beyond the hill, a small dragon ( ? ) flew up.

Focusing my gaze at the beings that appeared in front of us, I replied to Nyaki.

[No, it’s alright. For now, just copy what I was doing. Keep your hands up to show that we aren’t hostile.]

[U- Understood nya.]

[Seras and the others too.]


Slei, who had her second form unleashed, loosened her battle posture.

We didn’t come here to fight.

We came here to ask for their cooperation.

Trampling them down isn’t the solution we need here.

What we need here is a way to gain their friendship.

If we make any hostile movements now, it will be difficult to negotiate with them in the future.

We want to avoid situations where we need to use our skills as much as possible.


I could sense the presence of other monsters around the area.

It seems that they are hiding.

Are they planning to ambush us?


That small dragon-like being that I saw flying before......

It looks like it’s a messenger.

It could have gone to the “top” to tell them about our arrival.

I’d be grateful if someone I could talk with would come out but......

.......Come to think of it.

Do they even understand our language?

I mean, Pigimaru could obviously understand what I was saying but——-

[We wish to receive an audience with Immortal King Zect. We have come here after receiving the “key” from Erika Anarveil. I was told that if we mention her name, King Zect would at least receive us once.]

(T/N: Fushi Ou Zekuto / 不死王ゼクト. This could be Undead King Zect, but I like the sound of Immortal King better.)

I tried talking to the Kobolds.

However, I received no reply.

The only response I got from the Kobolds was just them, tilting their heads.

Looking at their response, I scraped the ground with the sole of my foot.

I think the noise I made with the scrape of my foot is about as loud as my voice.


The Kobolds immediately prepared their bows, threatening to shoot us.

———That means they could hear me huh.

However, they don’t understand my language.

But even if that’s so, they don’t seem to be attacking us at the moment.

Or so, as I was thinking that......


[ ! ]

Arrows were released.

Seras immediately drew her sword and slashed down the incoming arrows.

With her sword at the ready, she stood in front of me like a shield.

[My apologies.]

With her back turned away from me, Seras apologized.

[My body unconsciously reacted.]

The current me could have dodged that many arrows.

But even though Seras understood this, she seemed to have moved out of reflex.

Slowly, Seras lowered her sword.

[It can’t be helped if you unconsciously moved. It’s just......]

Because after Seras drew her sword......


The Kobolds immediately turn into a frenzy.

And then......



The other monsters lurking in the shadows revealed themselves.

They were slowly approaching us in a circle.

Until now, it seemed like they’ve been concealing themselves and watching for what would happen.

They must have thought that their friends were in trouble.

However, none of them have golden eyes.

Indeed——— They aren’t golden-eyed monsters.

They’re wary of us.

However, it’s obvious why.

How should I say this......

The “quality” of their sense of reason is clearly different from those golden-eyed monsters.

That’s what I felt.

Glancing behind me, I saw that the door we entered from was still open.

So far, it isn’t showing any signs of closing.

Or perhaps......

It may be that the door would keep remaining open because Nyaki, the “key”, is nearby.

[This could mean...... that there are no more Demi-Humans or Monsters that can speak our language.]

“And there’s no race left that we can communicate with.”

This pattern—— doesn’t look good.

At that moment......

[Pipipii...... Pigii! Poyon!]

Pigimaru popped out from inside my robe.

Seeing Pigimaru, the Kobolds looked surprised.

[ ! ? ]

However———- They didn’t attack.

[Pigi! Pigigigi! Pigii! Pi! Pi! Pi! Pinyuiii! Pyuiii!]

Pigimaru vehemently squealed.

Is he....... appealing to them?



[Guu...... gumugumuu.]


The Kobolds reacted differently than they had before.

No——— That was also the same case for the other monsters.

Pigimaru continued to squeal.


Seras also blinked in surprise, looking at Pigimaru.

[ ? ]

What is this?

It was just for a bit but......

The monsters’ bloodthirst were decreasing?

[Pinyui! Pii! Pii! Pii! Piggigiii! Pigiiii!]

Could it be——-

[Pigimaru...... You’re translating my words?]

Pigimaru turns towards me for a moment......


—–And responds in affirmation.


I reflexively placed my right hand on my face.


Under the mask, I couldn’t help but smile.

[You’re still as dextrous as ever...... Good grief, how smart can you be.......]

[......Belzegia-sama, something’s changed.]

There certainly was change in the monsters’ states.

Putting down their weapons.......

They went back to waiting and looking at the situation.

That’s what they looked like.

I wonder if Pigimaru’s appeal had been heard.

The Kobolds seemed to be hesitating on their decision.

Looking at them, I gave my order.

[Don’t do anything for a while. Let’s just wait for now.]


With Pigimaru’s cry, the Kobolds looked at each other.

It seemed like he interpreted my words.

And then———- the Kobolds too, took a waiting stance.

Both of our sides waited like that for a while, until......

[Who are you?]

A low voice rang out.

Even when the voice calmly called out, the slight echo made it resound.

Soon after, light blared out from behind the hill.

I could clearly see that the light was approaching our direction.

Then, a figure emerged———-

[First of all, how about you put down your weapons?]

The being had wings sticking out from the base of its shoulders.

The tip of her hands were human-like, but I could still see her large claws.

She seemed to be walking on two legs.

From the base of her thighs to the tips of her feet, they look quite distinctive.

Her legs resembled the talons of a bird of prey.

Feathers also seem to be growing out from both sides of her head.

I guess it’s that so-called bird’s crest.

The rest of her body is relatively human-like.

From their appearance, she should be female——– a woman.

Is she that so-called Harpy?

Her eyes that stared at us were stern and sharp.

She is wearing clothes and what looks like armor.

The design on her clothing looks quite sophisticated.

It doesn’t look unfashionable at all.

Perhaps, they’re clothing and equipment made specifically for harpies.

However, it wasn’t the harpy that had asked who we were.

The voice that asked that question was different.

I mean......

There were other Demi-Humans and Monsters following her.

And they were all armed.

Keeping my gaze ahead, I spoke to Seras.

[Drop your weapon.]


Seras throws away her sword.

I also pulled out the dagger at my waist and threw it to the ground.

Pigimaru, Slei and Nyaki were unarmed.

When the harpy saw us drop our weapons, she narrowed her eyes.


She snorted.


I don’t really consider that dagger I threw away as a weapon though.

My main weapon——– would be my Abnormal State Skills.

If something goes wrong, I can just always deal with it.

[What kind of magic tools do you have?]

[Nothing for offense. If you don’t trust me, you can have your people check our luggages.]

[I don’t want the one who checks your luggages to be taken hostage.]

I see.

They’re being wary of that huh.

How clever.


A shadow broke through their formation and stepped forward.

It was a “skeleton” wearing a crown.

A low voice that echoes......

It was the same voice that had asked who we were earlier.

The skeleton wore a crown and a robe.

He was different from the Skeleton King of the Mills Ruins.

In a way, you could say that he was the “Skeleton King” in the truest sense of the word......

Held in his right hand is a shakujou.

(T/N: Some sort of monk staff)

The harpy took its position in front of the skeleton king, as if she is the king’s shield.

The others spread out like the king’s wings before taking their stances.

“If you make any bad move, we can always move in to attack.”

—–or so they’re strongly showing their intent.

The Skeleton King asks questions again.

[What are you...... doing here?]

Saying this, the Skeleton King looks at Nyaki.

[One’s..... the Divine Beast huh. And——-]

The Skeleton King observed us again.

[A monster, a magical beast...... an elf...... and the one in Fly King mask...... You are——]

The Skeleton King points the tip of his staff at me.

[Perhaps...... a human?]


I admitted it.

Hearing my response, the other side buzzed for a moment.

This is the Faraway Country, the place where Demi-Humans and monsters drift away.

They were people who had escaped from the Human world and drifted towards this place.

It’s no wonder that Humans are treated as uninvited guests.


The other party is the “King” of the Faraway Country.

I think I should treat them like Belzegia do......

Or rather, treating them with proper decorum.

Keeping a humble tone, I spoke.

[May I assume that you are the Immortal King Zect?]


I was inwardly relieved.

The King with the appearance of a skeleton.

It’s just as Erika had told me.

The King of the Faraway Country hasn’t changed.

In that case......

[If I wished to fulfill my purpose, I have to visit the Faraway Country...... Following Erika Anarveil-dono’s advice, we have come here.]

[ ! ]

The harpy’s complexion changed.

[Zect-sama...... That person mentioned Anuel-sama’s name......!]

(T/N: Anaeru / アナエル)



Is that what they call Erika here?

Come to think of it......

If I remember correctly, “Erika” is just a name she took upon later, not her real name.



Feels too long for them......

So, they shortened it to Anuel.

It’s just as how some English names have shortened forms.

For example, calling a guy named “Benjamin” with “Benjy.

[......If that is true, then there may be room to consider whether or not we should accept you. However...... Don’t think that we would just unconditionally believe what you say. Can you show me any evidence that would make me believe you?]

[I was given a “key” by Erika Anarveil before coming here. She also told me where to find this place. Also, here’s the proof......]

I put my hand in my pocket.

I’m not sure if they considered this a bad move or not but......

The other side feels like they were about to attack.


[It’s fine.]

King Zect raises his hand to stop them.

I took out a letter, stamped with a sealing wax, from my pocket.

[I have been entrusted with this by Erika Anarveil. She said that if we gave this to you, you would know that we were people who had received her trust.]

The harpy asks King Zect with a look.

King Zect nods in response.

Thereupon, the harpy came up to me and took the letter from me.

“If mentioning the name Anarveil isn’t enough, you can give this to him.”

That’s what Erika had told me——


After receiving the letter from the harpy, King Zect broke the sealing wax.

After unsealing it, King Zect unfolded the sealed letter.

She immediately begins to look through the contents (or so I assume. He’s a skeleton, so he doesn’t have eyeballs......).

Incidentally, during this time, the soldiers guarding the Immortal King remained vigilant.

A long moment of silence passed like that.

It seems that the content of Erika’s letter is relatively long.

It’s taking the Skeleton King a long time to read it.

Eventually——— King Zect carefully folded the letter with his bony fingers.

The way he folded the letter, it feels like he’s handling something very valuable.

After folding the letter, King Zect stayed silent for a while.

Then, he spoke up.

[I see....... This certainly contains information that only I and Anuel would know.]

I didn’t see the contents of the letter, so I don’t know what he’s talking about.

It seems that what was written in the letter was information that only King Zect and Erika could know.

That should show that......

“That letter was indeed written by Erika Anarveil.”

—–and becomes definite proof that we were sent by Erika.


[According to my agreement with Anuel-dono, if she is threatened to write a letter like this, she has to put a mark that only I can understand. And——– I can’t find such a mark in here. In other words...... you didn’t force Anuel-dono to write this letter through threats or any other means.]

I see.

There was also such a way huh.

As expected of Erika.

They’ve really meticulously thought about this.

I didn’t have to do anything to prove that the letter was real.

Even when she’s not here——- I can really count on Erika.

King Zect, who had been looking down at the letter, looked up.

[For the time being, I acknowledge all of you.]

Saying that, King Zect looks up.

It was as if he was trying to grab on his determination.

Then, he continued.

[Originally, this country would never accept humans. However, Anuel-dono...... “Erika”, as she now calls herself——— is a great benefactor for our country. And you are the one received Anuel...... Erika-dono’s “key”. If she finds you worthy of her trust, then I have no choice but to accept it.]

I knelt down.

[You have my gratitude, King Zect.]

[You are our guests now. There is no need to be so formal.]

Exaggeratedly turning around, King Zect instructed the harpy.

[Guide these people to our land, Gratora.]

(T/N: Guratora / グラトラ)


And with that, this is the first update of 2021. I hope everyone will have a great year ahead of you.

Touka and the group have finally set foot in the Faraway Country.

Also, I feel like I reported this last year, about how Volume 3’s release is near and Volume 1 and 2 have been reprinted, but it seems that all the manga have been reprinted as well. Thank you very much to everyone who bought it.

I hope to do my best this year too.

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