I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

<strong>Goddess Vysis’ Proposal</strong>

The girl who had just appeared was — Sakura Asami .

Held in her right hand was her broken left wrist .

The next strike echoed out and reached the students of 2-C .



It’s a gigantic humanoid bone wielding a greatsword and a large shield .

There are two of those Skeleton Knights .

Goosebumps appeared on my skin .

The “air” around those two is different compared to the other monsters I’ve faced before .

Compared to any monsters I’ve fought in the past, these two are really—


I glanced at the flail in my hand .

(Can I even defeat it with this weapon? No— I have to defeat it! I must earn some time to let everyone escape—)

[Don’t you dare fight it, Ayaka!]

Oyamada shouted out .

[This b*stard is still in our hunting ground, right!? Don’t you f*cking dare go along with the flow and break into our territory, you f*cking S-Rank pauper!]

One of the members from Kirihara’s group became surprised at what he said .

[What the-!? Oyamada!? We were told to run away when this guy appears!]

[It’s fine, isn’t it?]


[It would be different if we’re talking about someone like Zakurogi . Someone like him ought to run away . However, I’m different from him . I am already someone whose status that Zakurogi can’t hope to reach . ]

I am still trying to sprint forward .

I chose to ignore Oyamada’s words .

(Even if he said that, I have to help them...!)

Around that time,

[I- I’ll leave her to you, Sogou-san!]

Kobato entrusted the girl with the injured leg towards me .

[Could you please take care of M- Mamiya-san for a while?]

[Eh? Y- Yeah...]

Kobato quickly sprints towards Asami who had lost her wrist .

Even though everyone has been running away on their own...

No— Even she’s become so pale .

Her shoulders and her voice were trembling .

However, she didn’t abandon the others .

[Sakura-san! I’ll bind your arm first, okay!? This would probably stop your arm from bleeding out...!]

[Uuuwwweeeehhh... I don’t want to be here anymore...]

[T- The Goddess-sama should still have some way to cure you!]

[Noooooo... . I want to go home...]

Asami’s lips were getting whiter .

Kobato quickly unfastens the belt on her waist .


Kobato tightly tied it around Asami’s arm .

[It hurts!!!]

Asami cried out .

The girl that Kobato had just entrusted towards me— Mamiya Seiko .

Her face is twitching a bit .

[Have Kashima always been that brave? I mean, she perseveres too hard it looks a bit disgusting...]

I unintentionally glared at her when she said that .

[W- What’s your problem?]

[Kashima-san is a splendid woman . ]

Kirihara stepped forwards along with Oyamada beside him .

[Let’s do one attack after another, Shougo]

[I know even if you don’t tell me! Kuuhhhhh! Waahhhh! Grrnntt! I’m going to kill you, Tsunotsuki~!]


Oyamada’s great sword was being parried away .



The Skeleton Knight repelled Oyamada’s great sword with its shield .

At that time, when Oyamada was already inside the Skeleton Knight’s shield— he took out something that was hidden under his sleeve .

[! Eat this!] (T/N: Red Fist/Bullet)

Oyamada”s unique skill .

It’s an ability to emit an enormous amount of red bullet-like energy from his fist .

The sword of the Skeleton Knight has been raised over his head .

Faster than that sword that’s about to crash towards him—


That red bullet crashed into the Skeleton Knight’s body .

[Gaahh, ggiiieeeehh!?]

The Skeleton Knight staggered after that strike .

[Take this, b*stard! , ! More, more, MORE! , , !]

He’s rapidly firing his unique skill one after another .

[Gishiii!? Giieehhh? IIieeh!? Shiigguuueeehh!? Kisshhiiieeehhh!?]

The Skeleton Knight can’t endure the rapid barrage of Oyamada’s strikes and has finally fallen to its knees .

A few seconds later— the Bone monster shattered .

The broken bone fragments have scattered around in the ground .

Oyamada tightly clenches both of his fists .

He raised them both of them up and screamed at the heavens .

[F*ck yeahhhh! Levelup!!!]

Near that place, it seems that Kirihara has also extinguished the Skeleton Knight already with his .

[This Skeleton Knight isn’t a weak enemy at all . It certainly is a fact that he was a really strong enemy... However, I’m already stronger than it . This Kirihara Takuto has always been human... but with the way I am now, I can’t help but be surprised . ]

Kirihara’s group became excited .

[As expected of Kirihara!]

[That’s absolutely cool~!]

[He’s an S-Rank Hero, that’s absolutely not just for show at all!]

[Now, with this—]

Kirihara screams out .

[I’ve reached Level 24 . ]


[I’m sorry~ Thank you for the wait~!]

The Goddess Vysis have finally came inside the room .

This floor that we’re on right now is one level lower than where my room is .

I am now sitting on a chair in this floor .

I heard that this is the second private room of the goddess .

The back of the room is filled with desks and tall shelves .

There were stacks of papers and letters that were piled up on those desks .

The goddess sits on a chair in front of me .

[I’m sorry for calling you, Sogou-san . ]

[No . Then, what did you call me for?]

After returning from the Magic Aptitude Ruins, I was called into this room by the goddess .


Seeing that she’s laughing a bit, I can’t help but raise my guard a bit .

The goddess placed a small bag on the table .

[I forgot to give this to Ayaka-san before . It’s because I have been busy . I’m sorry about that . You’re an S-Rank Hero after all, so I think you’re going to be in need of money . ]

This seems to be the “pocket money” that Oyamada has said before .

Did she really just forget to give this to me?

I’m quite thankful for this, but I can’t help but look at her with suspicion .

[Also, I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to accompany you when you went to the Magic Aptitude Ruins . ]

The goddess looked at the stacks of papers in the back .

[Thanks to the sudden advance of the Demon Emperor’s army and the fall of the Night Wall, my work has been increasing . It’s hard for me to just look through the reports that were coming in from every place . I have to stay too late just to check all the information we’ve been getting, even those that we’ve obtained from poor areas . ]

[Can’t you just ask other people to sort out these information?]

[Fufufu, that’s already the amount after I had asked them for some help . Now then...]

The goddess switched the topic .

[It seems that you’ve met quite a disaster when the the Skeleton Knight suddenly arrived . ]

[Umm, so how’s Sakura-san?]

[Yeah, you’re asking if she’s cured or not, right? The chopped off arm have been attached back after I’ve casted towards her . ] (T/N: Goddess’ Breath / Heal)

[Is that so . . ?]

(That’s great...)

[Thank you, Goddess-sama . ]

[However, I shouldn’t be using too much of God’s power towards just anyone, right? Especially , I’ve became quite tired after just using it once . However, Sakura-san is B-Rank after all~]

So, it’s possible that she won’t heal them if they’re C-Rank or below .

She must be implying something like that .

The goddess smiled .

[By the way, Sogou-san . It seems that you’ve become isolated from everyone... Are you going to be alright? I’m really worried about you...]

[I’m doing quite well doing everything alone so far . ]

[Umm, how should I say this... I want to ask if you’re already aware of it but... Are you already aware of it, Sogou-san?]

I exhaled a bit .

[That story about me getting confused about my situation again?]

[Ah, no no! It seems that you’re calmer now than you were before, that’s why I could properly communicate with you now . Ah, did Kirihara-san and his peers say something? Hmm, Well~ It seems that everyone of 2-C have just heard of some old news . ]

The goddess looked quite troubled as she thinks about something .

[There must have been someone who spread out this old news and influenced everyone in 2-C...]

[Umm, we’re talking about the story about my self-awareness, right...?]

[Ah, were we going to talk about that? Hmm... Well then, let me ask you a question first . Aren’t you going to join the Kirihara-san’s group? I want the S-Rank Heroes to work together as much as possible but...]

I immediately looked away .

The current Kirihara Takuto is very strange .

Is it wrong for me to describe him as insane?

[I don’t think Kirihara-kun and I could get along for the meantime . I feel that it’s difficult for us to fight together . ]

The goddess smiles .

[That’s the reason . ]

(“That’s the reason”?)

I don’t understand the meaning of those words .

[In short, well... As far as I could see, it’s Sogou-san’s selfishness that’s disturbing everyone in 2-C . ]

[S- Selfishness?]

[Ah, arara? Am I mistaken? Please listen to it, everyone’s emotions . Now, could you compare that to your own personal emotion? Isn’t the difference way too great but... arara? Am I mistaken?]


[Nfufu? If you can’t even say anything in response, then isn’t that selfishness just as I thought? Hmm... But, I’m really troubled about that . The Takao sisters’ selfish actions have been standing out... I thought that the elder sister, Hijiri would approach you when they heard about Sogou-san’s story... But I didn’t think that you’d turn into one of the selfish child yourself...]

[Y- You’re mistaken! It’s just that, I—]

[No no, that’s fine already . ]

Tears began falling from the corner of the goddess’ eyes .

[This must be because of my ineptitude for leadership... sniff... It’s all because of me...]

I quickly stood up from my seat .


[Excuse me . Even if you think it’s selfish, I still won’t join Kirihara-kun’s group . ]

[Are you turning your back against saving this world?]

[I’m going to do my role as a S-Rank Hero in my own way . ]

[Even so, is it really no good?]

[I’m sorry . ]

[I understand . ]

The goddess smiled and clapped her hands .


[Well then, I will entrust all the students that have failed to pass my trial to Sogou-san . ]


What is she suddenly saying?

That’s a sudden jump in the story .

[Isn’t it difficult for you to stay in that current state where you’re isolated from everyone? Well, these children should only be below C-Rank... but that’s fine, isn’t it? If it’s the S-Rank you that’s training them, they’re strength should greatly increase, right? It’s just that—]

The goddess suddenly looked depressed .

[I pray that there will be no deaths in them...]

[W- What are you suddenly saying? Most of all, shouldn’t that already be settled since I’m fighting on their behalf?]

The goddess looked down as she looks quite regretful .

[Actually... Just the other day, I’ve acquired a decree from the King . ]

[From the King-sama, is it?]

Can’t the goddess oppose the King’s decree?

I feel something out of place .

[The king decreed to “discard the Heroes who weren’t going to fight”... Ah, I properly tried to persuade him, but it’s like the King didn’t hear what I said... I’m sorry, I can’t help them even with authority...]

[......... . . ]

[It’s just that, I was still a bit worried about how to handle their future treatment . However, if Sogou-san would take care of them, I would feel relieved!]



[If I were to refuse, are you going to dispose them?]

[I have to do that . I’m sorry . ]

[I understand . ]

[Yes! Well then, I’ll leave them to you! Well, you selfishly refused to join Kirihara-san’s group, so it should be obvious that you’d take care of them . ]

The details will be explained later, or so the goddess added .

I lightly bowed as I prepared to leave .

[Excuse me...]

The goddess called out just as I was about to leave the room .

[Ah, this is just a story on the off-chance that it would happen but— when they were suddenly at a loss about what they should do, Sogou-san might have to face the cruel reality . But, it’s going to be alright . People who has faced reality gets stronger . I believe in the potential that each humans have . People grow up and they may also change... At the time that Sogou-san stops being a selfish child and grows into a reliable adult, I would firmly recommend you to Kirihara-san’s group . I absolutely promise you . ]

[...Thank you for your consideration . ]

[Yes! I’m also expecting it!]

[Excuse me then . ]

I closed the door behind me .

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