I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

"Protect the Empire" is a brutal game.

Not only because one couldnt undo their mistakes, but also because it assigned ranks to humans.


They classified a humans worth as SSR-SR-R-N.

The resources of this game are limited. Equipment, items, experience points, they are unequivocally finite.

To clear the game, one must distribute them efficiently.

Ultimately, higher-ranking characters possessing superior talents get the concentration of resources.

They receive the best equipment, gain priority in item acquisition, and scoop up the experience points.

A disparity is created.

Between higher-ranking and lower-ranking characters, an unbridgeable gap forms.

The difference in talent is real. Its an indisputable fact.

However, what makes this difference crucial is, ultimately, the players choice.

While high-ranking characters become the protagonists on stage, hailed as the worlds saviors,

The majority of the low-rankers, particularly the lowest-ranking N-rank characters,

Are used and discarded as meat shields, cannon fodder, bullet sponges... without even a decent opportunity.

They exit to the backstage from the shadows, lonely, after death, injury, or in even worse states.


That is but one facet of the countless brutalities this game possesses.


Therefore, N-rank must prove themselves.

They get only one chance.

High-ranking characters may fail repeatedly and still receive opportunities, but such favors do not extend to N-ranks.

The moment they are thrown onto the battlefield.

They must seize that first and last chance.

Their usefulness.

Their value.

Their worth of life.

They must show it.

They have to show the whole world that they are not just meat shields, cannon fodder, or bullet sponges.

To move out of the shadows and into the light.

Because everyone wants to be in the spotlight.

Everyone wants to be the protagonist.


Everyone harbors such dreams while living.


In the grand battle against vampires, the number of humans is meaningless.

Rather, they simply become the means for the monsters to replenish their health.

Its better to face them with a small, elite group rather than general soldiers.

That was Ashs instruction, and Lucas thought it made sense.

While Ash was single-handedly facing the Vampire King, Lucas took over the command of the front line.

Lucas planned to prepare for battle with a hero party while ordering the general soldiers to retreat to the rear lines as the vampires crawled up the walls.

However, the vampires arrived at the walls before the general soldiers could finish retreating.

"Theres plenty."

Seeing the throngs of humans on the wall, the vampires - no, the predators - collectively swallowed their saliva.

"When was the last time we had such a feast?"

"The humans of Lake Kingdom were all fallen corpses, so they didnt taste good."

"Lets suck up fresh blood to our hearts content."



Facing the monsters drooling and babbling in anticipation, Lucas tightened his grip on his sword.

He couldnt let them attack the general soldiers.

To a vampire, blood and life are logistical supplies.

The damage on our side becomes their gain. We have to minimize the casualties of the general soldiers.


... I cant stop them all at once.

Lucas glanced at the two vampires dressed as butlers and maids.

Alpha and Beta.

Vampire General - right below the vampire lord, the highest-ranking entities, the vampire generals.

Our core forces have to deal with these two.

He had conducted training in advance assuming the enemies would be Alpha and Beta. He couldnt change the squad now.

In the end, those who have to stop the five regular vampires are,

"Knight! Leave it to us!"


They are the surplus soldiers who couldnt become elites.

Watching Dion and his five subordinates step forward, Lucas let out a sigh. Dion raised his voice.

"From the beginning, our role was to stop the regular vampires and buy time!"


"We can do it! We trained hard!"

His words were correct. However, the situation has changed.

Its not a situation where we only have to stop five vampires. We have to protect the retreating general soldiers as well.

The difficulty of the task has increased exponentially.

Is it right to leave this to Dions mercenary group, who still lacks experience?

What would the lord have decided if he were here?

Lucas shook his head vehemently.

Ash had entrusted Lucas with command. If so, he couldnt always hang on to Ash like a child.

The vampires were just ahead. It was time to make a decision.

"As acting commander, I declare. We stick to the grand strategy given by His Highness, Prince Ash."

Lucas glared at Beta, slowly approaching with his ax dragging on the ground.

"First, Ill deal with that monster maid."

Next to him, Alpha was following along, casting blood magic.

"Evangeline. You hold off that butler blood magician."

"Just leave it to me~!"

Evangeline, who clutched her shield, gave a small smile.

"Godhand. Bodybag. Assist us."

Godhand and Bodybag simply nodded with stern faces.

"Jupiter. Junior. Damien. Oldgirl. Skull. Youre the attack team. Choose and attack the optimal target on the fly."

The two wizards and three snipers were grouped as the attack team. 

While the rest of the party formed a defensive line, they would take down the vampires one by one.

Everyone silently checked their magic power and equipment.

"The rest of the Old Hunters, and all of Dions Mercenaries."

Lucas, looking around at the remaining members, nodded.

"Hold off the regular vampires. But, dont get too aggressive."

The old soldiers of the Old Hunters all nodded simultaneously, and Dion and his mercenaries smiled, banging their weapons against their shields. Bang, bang!

"The situation is different from what we anticipated. Theyre not after you, but the regular soldiers still retreating."

Of course, they would avoid a direct confrontation with hero characters and target the weaker regular soldiers.

"While you protect the regular soldiers retreating... remember. Your lives are the priority."

Lucas repeatedly told the group facing off against the regular vampires.

"Vampires are different from regular monsters. Theyre incredibly cunning... and evil. If they see a gap, they will try to kill you first."

Lucas looked around at everyone and nodded.

"Block them as much as you can, and respond according to the situation."


"Good. All units, charge!"

As he let his piercing blue gaze flow beyond his visor, Lucas donned his helmet.

"If we fend these guys off, its our victory! Lets go-!"

The hero characters each clutched their weapons and began running towards their respective enemies.

Dion and Dions Mercenary Group let out a shout - "Woooaahh-!" and rushed towards the incoming five regular vampires.


"Whatever happens, fight while maintaining the formation! If we scatter, were dead!"

Dion, clutching his silver dagger in both hands, shouted. Dions Mercenary Group all nodded at once.

How much training had they gone through to move as one?

Dion and his mercenary group knew it well. Each of them individually was worthless.

But when five became one, they could produce a synergy much stronger than the sum of their individual strengths.

They could certainly fend off those powerful vampires.

However. As Lucas had said.

The vampires were cunning and evil.

They didnt care about Dions Mercenary Groups defensive line in the slightest.

Bypassing the defense, they rushed towards the regular soldiers behind them.


"We must block...!"

Human cries of despair were easily leapt over.

Five vampires rushed at the regular soldiers who were still retreating below the walls.


Blood sprayed in all directions.

The regular soldiers were also tough veterans from this frontline.

Especially those who stayed back until the end - they were the Twilight Corps.

Not just veterans, but survivors who had fought and survived battles with monsters hundreds of times.


But their shields were bent like twigs,


And their armor was torn apart like paper.


And their necks, bitten off.

The five vampires buried their heads in human necks and disgustingly sucked blood.

The five regular soldiers who became victims died without even being able to scream.


A vampire, dripping blood from his mouth, murmured faintly.

"Not enough, its not enough..."

Throwing the human corpse that had dried up like an old tree haphazardly onto the ground, the vampire turned its body to find its next prey.


"Ill buy us time, you guys retreat quickly!"

The leader of the Twilight Brigade hoisted his war hammer and yelled, his cry echoing through the battlefield, the old mans last words.


A vampire clad in armor brought his long sword down.

The leaders war hammer of the Twilight Brigade shattered under the blow.

Not just that, from shoulder to waist was sliced in a diagonal sweep.


For the old soldier who joined at Stage 2 and had directed the regular troops through four defenses, his end was both hollow and cruel.

His severed body fell backward. The vampire that killed the old soldier bent down and greedily swallowed the fresh blood.

"Damn you!"

"These damn monsters dare to... our captain...!"

Seeing this, the other old soldiers of the Twilight Brigades eyes flared in rage.

Soldiers who were retreating simultaneously drew their weapons and turned back.

"This is not the time! Retreat! We need to retreat! Damn it, you all!"

Dion yelled till his throat was raw.


But his cries fell on deaf ears. Enraged by their captains death, the soldiers abandoned their retreat and rushed at the vampires.

Of course, the old soldiers knew.

They had been through countless battles and knew well there was no chance of winning if they charged the vampires.

But in the face of their lifelong captains death.

To turn their eyes from death and run toward life, they were simply too old for that.

And they had to pay the price.

Thump! Thud! Thump...

A massacre ensued.

For decades, these old soldiers who had stained the walls of this place with monster blood, now stained it with their own.

In no time, the top of the wall turned into a field of corpses. Above it, the vampires held their feast.



Greedily swallowing and chewing, they indulged.

"This... this is..."

In front of the death of those they had been so close to just yesterday.

Even the cold-heartedness of Dions mercenaries was evaporating. Hesen, the warrior who was in charge of the vanguard, was the first to lose his reason to rage.

"You damn, blood-sucking bastards!"

"No, Hesen! If you go alone...!"

Hesen kicked the ground and charged at the nearest vampire.

"Hold the line! Keep calm! Damn it, Hesen!"

Dion reached out to grab the back of Hesens head, but it was too late.


With his silver sword in hand, Hesen charged forward and brought his sword down on the vampire before him.

Hesens level was 25.

He had cut down countless monsters in that dungeon which was akin to hell.

Perhaps he was confident deep down. No matter if the enemy was a vampire, he believed he could at least land one hit.


But his sword struck not the vampire, but the empty ground.


As a puzzled Hesen lifted his head.

The vampires surrounded him, as though they had been waiting for him.

Yes, no other expression would have been more accurate.

They surrounded him, waiting for him to charge out, and then they grinned, revealing their sharp, blood-stained fangs.

"Damn, shit..."

Thump! Thud!

The swords and claws of the vampires pierced through the gaps in Hesens armor.

Coughing blood from his mouth, Hesen turned his head to Dion and his comrades with great difficulty, murmuring weakly.

"Im sorry, guys."

The next moment, five vampires simultaneously sunk their fangs into Hesens neck.


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