I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 56: [Side Story] The Funeral (2)

Chapter 56: [Side Story] The Funeral (2)

"I didnt realize you enjoyed the cultured pastime of reciting poetry."

Evangelines words drew an awkward smile from me.

I felt it didnt suit the moment, so I shared it quietly. Seems Ive been discovered."

Youve got a pleasing voice, how about sharing aloud next time?

Her face held no expression, her thoughts unreadable. I ventured to ask.

Would that be alright?"

Certainly, why wouldnt it be? This day was inevitable."

Evangeline shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

After all, had I been appointed as a knight elsewhere, returning to this place wouldnt have been possible. Missing my fathers final moments was a likely outcome."


I count myself lucky to have been here for the funeral."

For a young woman of just sixteen, Evangeline was assuming a maturity well beyond her years.

Yet, what could I say? Her ascension into adulthood was indeed necessary now.

So, you plan to leave for another posting?"

Indeed. Do you believe I would linger in this rural Margrave simply for its peaceful setting?"

Evangeline cast a glance at the distant Crossroads.

My plan is to deal with the inheritance, dispose of the family mansion, lands, wealth... and then leave."

Evangeline had made her decision from the onset.

I assumed, then, that the familys ancestral sword had been interred this day as well.

Ill assist you, with settling the inheritance."

At my offer, Evangeline squinted at me. I grinned back.

Its a hefty task for someone so young. Allow an adult to help."

Despite my appearance, Im an academy graduate... I possess basic legal understanding."

Well then, think of it as a favor from a fellow academy grad, your senior! Wouldnt it be easier with the support of the current lord?"

After examining me for a moment, Evangeline looked down.

You wont judge?"

Why would I?"

I am about to neglect the duties of the Cross family and leave. I am doing it for my own ease, out of selfishness."

I chuckled softly.

You speak of duty, but your family has been burdened with this obligation without choice."


The Cross family has given more than enough. I dont know if I can match that, but from here on, Ill do my utmost to guard this front."

I struck my chest confidently.

Dont fret and go as you wish, my junior. Ill make sure the sacrifices your family has borne wont be in vain, Ill give it everything Ive got."


Evangeline, who had been studying me with a furrowed brow, tilted her head.

Youre quite unlike the rumors, senior."

Oh, really?"

I assumed youd be plotting a return, given your demotion to such a place."

I felt a bit embarrassed. If I were the real Ash, I would have done just that.

Its surprising youre taking your role as this places lord more seriously than I anticipated."


As I laughed off the awkwardness, I answered her honestly.

"If you defend this place well, its said that someone will grant you a wish. Thats why Im giving it my all."

This was the condition proposed by the entity calling itself the director of this game.

- If you lead this world to the true ending, I will grant a wish of yours, RetroAddict.

Exactly. I didnt undertake this quest out of some noble aspiration.

I sought the true ending as a means to achieve my own personal wish.

But Evangeline, having listened to my words, rubbed her chin and pondered.

"Did His Majesty the Emperor really make such a promise? Going to such lengths for the borderlands of this out-of-the-way town..."

No, it wasnt a promise made by the emperor.

Explaining that would only muddle the situation, so I let her misconception stand.

And then...


Suddenly, a noise like thunder erupted. What in the world?! The sky was clear!

"Oh, Im famished."

Turned out, the noise had originated from Evangelines stomach.

Normally, wouldnt it just rumble softly? Whats with this thunderous clamor?

Evangeline, after patting her belly under her shirt, shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and brusquely demanded of me.

"Feed me. Yesterdays meal was delicious. Make it again."

Taken aback by her outrageous behavior, I stared at her in disbelief before breaking into laughter.

Yes, the living must eat to sustain themselves.

I hollered to all those who had gathered for the funeral.

"Lets head back! Time to eat!"

After interring the deceased, the living must press on.

Its time to get to work.

The next stage was fast approaching.


From that day forward, I juggled two responsibilities.

One was gearing up for the next stage as I had always done.

Refurbishments and repairs to the town walls were undertaken in anticipation of the Golem Legions assault, and the artifacts were aligned to be effective against the larger monsters.

Primarily, the usual kill-zone strategy wont work against these large-class monsters.

Giant beasts disregard minor obstructions or barriers, charging forward and demolishing anything in their path.

Nevertheless, their substantial size allows for concentrated firepower from a distance.

I must impart the strategic alterations to all the soldiers and train them on how to handle the golems.

Its essential to teach them where the Magic Core is located in each type of golem and how to most efficiently annihilate it.

Continuing the stage preparations was the first task, and the second was...

To convert the legacy left by the Margrave into a liquid asset.

This meant managing the Cross family assets.

Evangeline had forfeited the title of Margrave and desired to relocate elsewhere.

Its better to completely liquidate the assets so she doesnt need to return here in the future.

I delegated this task to Aider, who was far more capable than I was.

"I see. Youve decided to let Miss Evangeline leave."

Expressing his regret, Aider nodded in understanding.

"I understand. Ill convert all the assets of the Cross estate into a liquid form and transfer them to Miss Evangeline. Ill also handle all the legal documentation and procedures related to the inheritance."

"Im trusting you with this, Aider. Keep me in the loop."

"Do you doubt it? Hmm, however..."

Aider readily accepted the responsibility, but appeared uneasy about the terms I had put forward.

"Itll be a challenge to liquidate everything within a week..."

The deadline I had proposed was one week.

One day before the next stage kicks off.

"Most of the Cross familys wealth is in tangible assets, land and buildings. Im not sure if we can find buyers in such a short span..."

"In that case, purchase them under my name first. Set a reasonable price."

I nodded gravely.

"I aim to finish the liquidation process within a week and bid Evangeline farewell."

My plan was to wrap up this matter before the next stage commenced, and get Evangeline away from this frontline.

I cant let Evangeline get caught up in the next conflict.

If Evangeline fails to leave here before the next stage commences.

Monsters will swarm in, combat will ensue, and depending on the situation, Evangeline could inadvertently be drawn into the fray.

No one can predict the aftermath of that.

The image of the deceased Margrave of the Cross in my arms continually haunted me. I bit down hard on my lip.

Every member of the Cross family met their end on this frontline.

Evangeline is the final successor of that lineage.

In other words, the lone survivor.

Evangeline, at least, should escape this battlefield unharmed.

That was the dying wish and the legacy of the Margrave of Cross.

I was resolute to honor it faithfully.

Seeing my determination, Aider seemed to discern my thoughts and quickly broke into a sly grin.

"Understood! Just place your trust in me, Lord!"

Despite his questionable aspects as the director of this game, Aider proves invaluable as an aide to the lord. Hell manage it competently.

I opened the stage information window.


- Start in: 8 days

Time advances relentlessly, and the subsequent defensive battle is inevitable.

I tightened my fists.

Ill demonstrate it.

I can conquer this game without discarding human compassion, without exploiting human lives as expendable resources.

Ill demonstrate it. Undoubtedly.


Time whizzed past like a shot arrow.

In no time, a week had elapsed.

Blacksmiths Workshop.

"I apologize, Your Grace. Its my maiden attempt at crafting magic guns, and there were numerous hurdles..."

The master blacksmith and the guild master of alchemists repeatedly bowed.

"We couldnt complete all five due to time constraints. Please pardon us."

I dismissed them with a wave of my hand.

"No, thats perfectly fine. Im gratified just to have secured a magic gun thats battle-ready."

From the outset, I never anticipated using all five in this stage. It would be an overkill even for Damien.

"So, how many were you able to successfully craft?"

"Well... Two."

The pair of tense guild masters looked at me nervously. I laughed softly. What, were they afraid I was going to devour them?

"Dont stress, just show them to me. Bring them here."


The two guild masters fetched two wrapped firearms from a table behind them.

"We utilized a standard-grade magic core and the Black Spider Queens magic core to forge the cores of the weapons!"

"Lets start with this one."

The cloth concealing the first magic gun was removed.

What emerged was a simple, gray magic gun, slightly smaller than those I had seen before.

"This magic gun was built with a standard-grade magic core. We figured the risk of failure would be less with a lower grade core, so we made it first."

"Was it successful?"

"Absolutely! It functions quite well."

The alchemist guild masters swift reply was accompanied by a fleeting glance and a droplet of cold sweat.

"...The performance is a tad underwhelming, and theres a single defect."


I took the gray magic gun and examined its specifications. Lets see.

[Woodpecker(N) Lv.20]

- Category: Magic Gun

- Attack: 25-26

- Durability: 4/4

- Magazine: 20/20

Certainly substandard. The damage is remarkably low for a magic gun.

The magazine is quite extensive for a magic gun, so it seems the damage was reduced in order to increase the ammunition capacity.

"Whats the defect?"

As I set the magic gun on the table beside me and asked, the blacksmith guild master responded.

"Due to a minor design miscalculation, if you dont release the trigger, it will fire all the rounds."

"Huh? So its gonna discharge continuously?"

"Yes. Thats why we named it Woodpecker."

"If you accidentally engage full-auto, maintaining your aim could be challenging, and the gun could potentially overheat among other issues."

Both guild masters started to bow their heads once again.

"As it was our first attempt at crafting a magic gun, there were some errors. We apologize..."

"Were deeply sorry, Your Highness!"

"No, youve done well. Youve created something, after all."

If it has the capacity for full-auto, then this feature could be advantageous in its own way.

Aiming wouldnt be an issue for Damien.

Now, onto the second magic gun. This time, the two guild masters exhibited an air of confidence.

"Next up is this! The magic gun crafted utilizing the high-grade magic core you bestowed upon us!"

"We have great faith in this one! No, faith doesnt even begin to cover it! We felt as though divine inspiration guided us while crafting it...!"

Their demeanor had flipped completely. What had they forged to be so self-assured?

In front of my eager gaze, the two guild masters swiftly unveiled the second magic gun.


A dark barrel that seemed to swallow all surrounding light.

Exquisite gold patterns embellishing the gun.

Dignified yet imposing, and somehow emitting an ominous aura... a single, long and slender magic gun lay there.

Swallowing hard, I took the magic gun and checked its stats. This thing wasnt all glitz and glam, right?

[Black Queen(SSR) Lv.55]

- Category: Magic Gun

- Attack: 225-250

- Durability: 7/7

- Magazine: 7/7

- Fires cursed bullets that have a chance to instantly kill the enemy. The probability increases with the weapons proficiency level.

- ??? (Unlocks depending on the number of enemies killed with this weapon)

- ??? (Unlocks depending on the number of enemies killed with this weapon)


What the hell is this monster?

An outrageous item had sprung forth. I was so dumbfounded that I stood there, mouth agape.

What in the world... is this?

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