I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

30 minutes ago.

Atop the southern walls of Crossroad.

"Im going alone."

Everyone looked at me as if they didnt understand.

Lucas, standing in front of me, stammered.

"...E-excuse me?"

"The rescue party consists of me and me alone. I will rescue Evangeline myself."

I told them, "None of you are joining the rescue party."

Exactly that. Youre not going.

Instead, I am going alone.

"What the..."

Lucas, struggling to find words, finally burst out yelling.

"What nonsense are you spouting, my lord!"

"Damn! My ears, you brute! Speak gently!"

"Are your ears made of stone?! Youve been the one pointing out the inefficacy of this rescue mission, and now youre saying youll go alone?"

Lucas looked genuinely angry. His normally mild face was horribly contorted.

"Are you intending to commit suicide, my lord?!"


"I absolutely cannot allow it! Even if it means I, Lucas, have to break your arms and legs, I wont let you go!"

Lucas stretched out his large hand and grabbed my arm.

With a hefty force, he seemed intent on breaking my arm, this guy.

But I was serious.

"Calm down, Lucas. Everyone."

I wasnt joking, nor was I intending to commit suicide.

"Im not going to die. Im going because theres a definite chance of victory."

To rescue Evangeline and to defend the front lines.

The only way to satisfy both options is this.

In this game, whos the character with the most variables?

Considering performance alone, it would be Damien, who possesses [Far-Sight], but in reality, Damien isnt the one with many variables.

On the contrary, hes a very honest character. His outrageous stats are simply too high to measure.

The variable is me.

In that case, I need to move. No, its better if only I move. Taking additional people might only result in unnecessary casualties.

Fortunately, Ive prepared a few secret measures.

I was saving them for later, but if I pour all of them into this, its entirely possible to save Evangeline.

From the beginning, Im not a combatant in the defense. Im merely a commander. And thats a role Lucas can replace.

All forces defend the front lines.

And I, a bundle of variables, alone rescue Evangeline.

Of course, there are parts that are reckless. No, there are many.

But theres no other choice. If you want to catch two rabbits, you have to take risks.

The game keeps throwing curveballs, so theres nothing I can do.

I have no choice but to take a gamble to some extent...!

"All of you who have followed my commands should know this. I know these monster bastards very well, and I have succeeded in my strategies even in seemingly impossible situations."

I locked eyes with each of my party members.

"I have a plan this time too. Theres more than enough chance of victory. Trust me and let me go alone."

I quickly outlined the cards I held, along with a rough method for rescuing Evangeline.

It was a considerably reckless plan, but there was enough possibility. One by one, the other party members, who seemed convinced, nodded.


Only Lucas was looking at me with a pale face.

"We dont have time, Lucas!"

I pushed him hard.

"Take charge of the overall command on the front line. All you have to do is proceed as trained. Even if an unexpected situation occurs, youll be able to handle it."

"Id rather go and save Evangeline myself. Please take command of this front line, my lord."

"No. We each have roles more suited to us. This front line needs you."

"But for us!"

Lucas spat out with a suppressed voice.

"We need you."


"Why... why would you even use your life as a chess piece?"

I put my hand on Lucass shoulder.

"Trust my judgment. The judgment of your lord, me."


"Promise me. I will definitely return in one piece."

Lucas bowed his head slightly.

"You dont have to do this, my lord."

"I dont need to."

But if I give up on Evangeline here, I will abandon the value I cherished in this strategy... I will abandon it myself.

Its no different from the previous strategy where I used lives like bullets.

If you can save someone, you must save them.

And according to my calculations, even though its a bit dangerous, I can save Evangeline.

I put more strength into the hand that was holding Lucass shoulder.

"The only way to save Evangeline and keep the front line is this."


"Im counting on you for the front line, Lucas."

At my insistence, Lucas reluctantly nodded. I turned my head.

"Lilly. Jupiter."

Both wizards nodded their heads at once.

"I believe you know the importance of being wizards without me having to say it. Do your best."

"Yes, yes...!"

"Please return safely, your majesty."

I didnt need to add anything to these two. They would do well on their own.

Lastly, I looked at Damien.


"Yes, Prince."

"I have one request for you. Can you hear me out?"

Despite his trembling, Damien looked up at me with a straight gaze.

"Command me. I am your trigger."

A reliable fellow. I gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Damien. What you have to do is...."

I gave Damien instructions in a low voice. After hearing all my instructions, Damien nodded heavily.

"I understand. Leave it to me!"

"Thank you, Damien."

After glancing at all the party members, I shouted.

"Alright, open the south gate!"


Immediately, the sound of the gate opening began from the city gate.

I shrugged my shoulders calmly at Lucas, who was looking at me with complex eyes until the end.

"Keep the house safe, you little puppy. Ill be back."


Present time.

Southeast of Crossroad. The Margrave of Crossroads Mansion.


To Evangelins shaky murmur, I gave a slight smile.

"I came to rescue you, my cute junior."

The golems were running amok so violently that the horse I rode on couldnt go any further, so I had to leave it behind and rush over here.

Thanks to that, I was just in time.

"How did you... get here...?"

Looking at Evangelin, smeared with blood and murmuring, my heart ached. Such a young girl...

You dont need to worry, Margrave.

As you and your family have risked your lives defending this place like a hound, I will definitely protect your daughter.

"First, you need to heal. Drink this."

I pulled out a high-grade recovery potion and tossed it to Evangelin. She caught it and cried out in urgency.

"No, what are you doing here! You should run away now!"


"Dont you see? Its a legion of golems! Theyre much stronger than the ones we met in the dungeon! Theres no chance for just the two of us!"


"Hurry up and run to Crossroad! Ill buy you some time to escape!"

However, it was too late to run away.

Two beautifully designed golems were floating in the air.

Magic light scattered from their hands. Soon, they would cast magic.

They were new to me, but I had a hunch about their identity.

[Enemy Information - STAGE 3]

- Lv.30 Magic Stone Golem <Elite>: 5

- Lv.15 Rock Golem: 103

- Lv.20 Steam Golem: 149 (Kill Counts: 3)

Magic Stone Golem.

A magic-specialized golem, it can be said to have the strongest firepower among the golem legion.

Its a high-tier monster by birth and even carries the elite tag. These guys could be considered the boss monsters of this stage.

Two out of five are here at the villa.

As they prepared to cast magic, Evangelin urgently got up.


Despite the wounds all over her body dripping blood, she stood in front of me and raised her shield.

"Hey! Are you deaf?! If you stay here, youll die!"


"Im an orphan, so nobody would mourn if I die here! But youre different! Youre a member of the royal family! The new Lord of Crossroad!"


"For the people who would only look at you, please! Run away without looking back... Uh?!"

I snatched the potion bottle that Evangelin was just holding without drinking, uncorked it, and stuffed it into her blabbering mouth.


"Drink up and heal, kid."

Now its a bit quiet.

After holding back Evangelin, who was standing blankly and gulping down the potion, I stepped forward.

"Act your age, lean on an adult once in a while..."


I composed my breath.

It was a moment I had been anticipating. While writing this, I had always wanted to exclaim it loudly.


Suddenly, a system window appeared before my eyes.

[Summon Magic: Giant Steam Golem]

- This magic is one-time use. It will disappear from the skill list upon use.

- The summoned creatures level is the same as the summoning characters. Only one summoned creature can be maintained at a time.

- Please specify the summoning location.

It was the boss monster summoning magic that I had registered in advance.

I specified the summoning location. Naturally, right in front of Evangeline and me!


The summoning magic was activated.

Blue mana particles whirled around like a flame, drew an arc in the air, and began to form a shape.

From a head with a gleaming single eye, a thick torso with gloves, and long arms and legs.


In less than a second, a massive golem had landed right in front of me.

When the monstrous mass suddenly landed on the ground, the earth rippled like a wave.

"What, what, what...what is this?!"

Evangeline, who was struggling to maintain her balance, opened her mouth and screamed.

Hmm, excellent reaction. Its worth the effort to come to rescue her.


The giant steam golem rolled its single eye to glance at me, then slowly stood on its two legs on the ground.

Its quieter than the one I met in the dungeon. I like it.

[Summoned boss monster is under control of Ash(EX).]

[You have control.]

At the same time as the message announcing that control was transferred to me was displayed, I felt something connect between the boss golem and me.

The skills that the boss golem could use were displayed before my eyes.

Hmm, indeed. Being a boss, it has quite a variety of features.

At the same time.


Ping! Be-beep!

A red beam of light poured from the direction of the golem legion. It was their attack magic.

I reached out my hand.

"Block it."


With the sound of the magic core operating, the boss golem extended one arm forward. As if it was mirroring my action.

Magic gathered at the tip of the boss golems hand and formed a rectangular shield.

Boom! Boom-boom!

The golem legions magic hit the shield, causing a grand explosion.

But not a single one got past.

Evangeline, who had been blankly watching the sparks bursting beyond the magic shield, muttered with a tremble.

"What is... this exactly?"

"What do you think?"

I grumbled in a deep voice.

"Its the lottery I won this time."

I didnt expect to spend it all right after winning.

The magic bombardment then stopped.

It seemed that they too had realized the futility of long-range fire. The two stone golems slowly landed on the ground.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Simultaneously, the remaining golem legion started to charge toward us, pounding the ground with each step.

They planned to overcome us with numbers.

I swung my arm forward, commanding boldly, "Counterstrike."

The Boss Golem roared like a lion, a tremendous mechanical rumble.

Then, pushing off the ground, it charged headlong to meet them face-to-face.

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