I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 723

Chapter 723

"Aider. Do you... know how to dance?"


Aider stammered.

Of course, he could dance. Non-citizens had their own culture.

But Ariel was obviously asking about formal royal ballroom dancing, and Aider had no experience with that kind of dance.

"Originally, my brother didn't particularly enjoy these events, so he didn't dance often... But we never know what might happen."

Ariel smiled brightly and extended her hand.

"I'll teach you enough to get by at the ball. Come here."

And so,

From the evening, bathed in the red sunset, until the night, illuminated by the bright moonlight,

Ariel gave Aider a crash course in social dancing.

To onlookers, it would have appeared as if the silver-haired, turquoise-eyed prince and princess were happily dancing together.

Fortunately, Aider had a knack for dancing. He quickly learned the steps, and soon the fake siblings were spinning around, practicing their dance.

"Dancing with someone who looks just like my brother feels a bit strange."

Ariel said, covering her mouth with a laugh.

But the one who felt the strangest was Aider.

Pretending to be the prince in the royal castle just because he looked like him, and now practicing dance steps close enough to feel the princess's breath...

‘Is this really happening?’

In a daze, feeling as if he were floating in a dream, Aider learned to dance from the princess.

"Alright, the ball is tomorrow!"

The day before the ball.

After teaching him not just dance steps but also party etiquette and whom to be wary of, Ariel, looking slightly tense, spoke.

"Tomorrow will probably be the most dangerous time for you while pretending to be my brother... Let's make sure you aren't discovered and get through this!"


The day of the ball.

This ball was a sort of after-party following the victory declaration ceremony. While the victory declaration was about showcasing national strength to foreign guests, this was a celebration among the people of the Lake Kingdom.

It was an event hosted by the royal family, and with the king absent due to illness, it was essentially a party that the prince and princess had to oversee.

Thus, Ariel was extremely busy. Beside her, Aider did his best to impersonate Prince Christian.

Countless guests came to offer their congratulations to the prince and princess. Each time, Ariel would greet them by name and exchange pleasantries, while Aider would agree appropriately and follow her lead.

"Phew, we've managed well so far!"

After hours of greetings,

Ariel, with flushed cheeks, fanned herself and smiled at Aider.

Though slightly tired, Ariel maintained a composed demeanor, while Aider was completely exhausted, slumped in a chair.

He had never imagined that receiving guests could be so exhausting.

‘I thought royalty just played and enjoyed themselves all day...’

He was completely wrong. Royalty had their own set of hardships.

‘But if I had to choose between the two...’

Of course, he would prefer to live as royalty.

Aider glanced at Ariel. She was wearing an elegant dress and looked stunningly beautiful, cooling her flushed cheeks with a fan.

Despite being more elaborately dressed than usual for the ball, the red ribbon tied behind her hair was the same as always.

He had tied it for her that morning.

Noticing Aider's gaze, Ariel lightly shook her head, gently touching the ribbon.

"Haha, no matter the event, I can't give up this ribbon."

She then playfully winked.

"Thanks for tying it so well, brother?"

The fact that he had left a mark on someone as exalted as the princess made Aider's heart flutter for some reason.

At that moment, music filled the ballroom.

It was time for the main social dance.

People flowed to the central hall of the ballroom, each taking their partner's hand. Ariel watched the scene with a joyful smile.


Suddenly, Aider hesitated.

He knew it was presumptuous.

But he had one wish he wanted to ask the princess.

‘Not just practice, but a real dance...’

This was the first wish that Aider, the slave boy who had lived day by day without dreams, had ever had. He swallowed hard.

If only I could dance with you, just once...

But before he could voice his presumptuous request,


A woman, dressed as splendidly as a peacock, approached him.

Barely recalling her identity, Aider awkwardly spoke her name.

"Ah... Duchess."

"Would you grant me the honor of a dance, Prince?"

And almost simultaneously,


A middle-aged knight with a stern expression approached Ariel, leading a young knight. Ariel recognized him and nodded in greeting.

"Ah, Sir Baltimore."

"My son wishes to ask the princess for a dance, if that is acceptable?"

The middle-aged knight stepped aside, and the young knight, face flushed red, bowed deeply and extended an arm to Ariel.

With a skilled smile, Ariel took the young knight's hand.

"Of course."

Ariel and the young knight linked arms and moved to the central hall, and Aider, hesitating, was pulled to the center by the duchess.

The music began, and people spun around, dancing.


Despite having practiced diligently for the past few days, Aider knew his steps were clumsy. He struggled not to step on the duchess's feet.

And as he fumbled, he glanced to the side—meeting Ariel's gaze as she watched him.

Ariel smiled and mouthed the words.

You're doing well.

Aider's heart thumped loudly.

Uncertain what this feeling was, unsure if this was a dream or reality.

Dazed, Aider danced, swept along by the waves of people.

The fake prince and the real princess, side by side, each holding the hand of a different partner, danced in circles.

Round and round, round and round...


After successfully making it through the ball,

There were many more events and schedules, but with Ariel's help, Aider performed his role without incident.

And soon, the month was nearly over.

"You've done so well, Aider."

Ariel called Aider and praised him.

"I've received a message from Director Dirandahi. They will return to the Lake Kingdom tomorrow."


Aider sighed deeply.

The time had come for the prince, who had gone to the Eastern Continent, to return.

Seeing this, Ariel smiled softly.

"It must have been hard for you, being dragged here because you look like my brother... You must be exhausted, both in body and mind."

"No, no! Not at all!"

Aider frantically waved his hands in denial.

"It has been an honor beyond measure for someone like me to live in the royal castle...!"

He meant it sincerely.

If he hadn't been fortunate enough to resemble the prince, he would never have had the chance to live so well, even for just a month.

And, he would never have had the chance to be close to the princess.

"Thank you, even if it's just empty words."

Ariel laughed, covering her mouth, and suddenly handed something to Aider.

"Here, this is my gift."


"You've worked hard for a month, so I prepared this."

What Ariel handed him was an eyeglass case.

When Aider, puzzled, took it, Ariel laughed awkwardly.

"When you first arrived, we did a physical check to see if you really were my brother... Aider, your eyesight is terrible, isn't it?"

"Uh, yes... I do see a bit blurry."

Having worked in dim, underground places with poor lighting, Aider's eyesight had deteriorated despite his young age.

"It's more than just a bit blurry. So, you must have seen me as blurry all this time?"

Ariel opened the case and took out a pair of thick glasses, approaching Aider.

"I had these made for you. They'll help you see better."

As Ariel held the glasses by their arms and moved closer, Aider tensed up.

Ariel gently placed the glasses on Aider's face, her hands brushing against his warm earlobes.

The world, which had always been blurry, became clear as the lenses covered his vision.

"How is it?"

And at the center of this newly clear world,

The princess, as if made from the brightest parts of all the sunshine in the world, was smiling brightly.

"Can you see well?"


How should he respond?

‘Can see well’ didn't even begin to cover it.

How could he describe this sight, this feeling in his heart?

Cursing his poor vocabulary and even poorer status, Aider bowed his head deeply and managed to speak.

"...Yes. I can see very well. Thank you, princess. I will cherish these for life."

"Haha, no need for life. I'll get you new ones if your eyesight changes."

Aider blinked, not quite understanding.

Ariel took a deep breath and explained.

"Aider. After my brother returns... would you consider becoming my attendant?"


"You learn quickly, and we might need a stand-in for my brother again... And you tie ribbons well. So, I want to keep seeing you at the castle."

Ariel's face grew serious.

"Most importantly, what I've heard from you about the lives of non-citizens... It was a shocking revelation that broke my narrow perspective."

Over the past month, Aider had told Ariel about the lives of non-citizens in the Lake Kingdom and what the kingdom looked like from outside the outer wall.

This had changed something inside Ariel.

"Aider. I want to change this country for the better."

Aider looked at the princess, who seemed to be gazing at a distant, lofty place.

"Our country prospered through magic, but I know. A country can't be ruled by magic alone.

Aider stared blankly at the side profile of the princess as she looked at some distant, lofty place.

"Our country has prospered through magic, but I know. A country can't be ruled by magic alone. Magic is just a tool; a country must be governed by its people..."


"We can't rely on a single resource to sustain our nation. When that resource runs out, we face a significant crisis. History teaches us this lesson."

Ariel shook her head slightly.

"But right now, our country divides people based on whether they can use magic. This extreme structure will eventually corrode the country from within."


"I want to gradually change this country. And I want you to help me."

Seeing Aider's blank expression, Ariel hastily added.

"Oh, of course! If there's something else you want to do, you're free to leave. You've already endured enough being forcibly brought here for a month..."

"No, no! That's not it! I want to stay by your side, Princess!"

Aider blurted out urgently, then turned red as he realized his words might have sounded strange. He quickly added,

"If I can assist you in your endeavors, whether as a servant, a stand-in, or in any capacity... I will gladly stay."

Ariel let out a small sigh of relief and smiled softly.

"Thank you. Then... instead of a farewell, let me say this."

Hearing her next words, Aider also slowly smiled.

"Let's continue to rely on each other, Aider?"


The next day.

The expedition to the Eastern Continent returned to the Lake Kingdom, bringing not the magic of immortality, but tragic news.

Prince Christian had been caught in an accident and gone missing in the Eastern Continent.

--TL Notes--

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at /MattReading


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