I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 742

Chapter 742

"What do you think will happen if we pour this cure on the zombie monsters... Is that what you were asking?"

I nodded heavily, and Rosetta scribbled the cure recipe on the parchment on the desk and handed it to me.

"I think, Your Highness, that we will need a substantial donation to our temple this time."

I grinned and took the recipe, then shouted outside the temple.

"Call all the production guild members and all the heroes! Right now!"


In the zombie apocalypse genre, the cure is the ultimate way to save the world.

I never thought I'd be planning a tactic to 'pour' the cure.

"I will explain Operation Carpet Curing!"

I shouted to the heroes gathered in the drawing room.

"We will mass-produce the zombie plague cure and pour it over the heads of the advancing zombie monster horde!"

The heroes all looked at me with blank expressions. I smiled and tapped the blackboard.

"It's similar to how we use holy magic to defeat undead monsters. We're using medicine to eliminate the disease."

"No matter how much..."

I continued to explain to the bewildered heroes.

"The most effective way to administer the cure is orally, but our tests have shown that applying it to the skin also works."

With many patients available, we were able to observe how the cure worked in various ways.

Mikhail, listening nearby, swallowed his tears.

"Our Sky Knights... are used to being experimented on..."

When he said it like that, it made me seem like a real jerk...

Clearing my throat, I pointed at the operation outline on the blackboard with my staff.

"So, the main points of this defense operation are as follows!"

Tap tap!

I knocked on the blackboard and spoke in order.

"First! Pour the mass-produced cure over the heads of the monsters advancing towards Crossroad. Second! Repeat this process up to the fields in front of Crossroad. Third! Clean up the remaining zombie remnants. That's it!"

Lowering my staff, I looked around the room.

"Any questions?"

Lucas immediately raised his hand. I gestured with my chin.

"Speak, model student."

"My lord, is there a way to produce that much cure?"

He cut right to the main problem, as expected from my trusty blocker.

"I understand that the cure is effective against the zombie plague. But to see a definite effect, we need a considerable amount of the cure. I don't think we can produce that much in such a short time."

"Good point, Lucas."

I nodded.

"That's the tricky part. Before addressing the mass production of the cure, let's clarify this first."

I glanced southward.

Towards the direction where an enormous number of zombie monsters were advancing even now.

"According to our analysis, the size of the zombie monster horde advancing towards Crossroad is about 100,000."


Hearing the exact number, everyone's faces turned pale.

The largest monster horde we had faced before was the Goblin horde.

(Numerically, the King of Flies was larger, but since that creature was a single entity and an irregular case, let's exclude it.)

The Goblin horde that nearly overran Crossroad in Stage 15 numbered about 50,000.

Now, a horde of zombie monsters, each far stronger and larger than a goblin, was coming in twice that number.

Of course, the Goblin horde had a brilliant commander, Kali-Alexander, and though individually weak, they were an extremely well-trained, cohesive army.

On the other hand, this zombie horde, while strong individually, was just a mindless swarm, not moving like an army at all.

'Even so, 100,000.'

It's an unbelievable number. The horde's destructive power is unprecedented.

"It's unrealistic to stop that many monsters with cure bombing alone."

Using explosive bombs isn't a viable option either.

I judged that using the cure in this tactical manner was the most effective solution.

"So, the primary effect we aim to achieve with this cure bombing is... 'weakening' them."


"Yes. And this 'weakening' can be achieved with a diluted cure, according to our tests."

That's right.

Dilute the cure with water. Like turning espresso into an Americano!

'The point is to enjoy it and just stay awake, right?'

If Italians on Earth heard this, they'd probably spit blood, but I'm a proud Korean who loves iced coffee all year round. No problem with dilution here!

"When the diluted cure is applied, even if it doesn't kill the zombie parasites, it significantly disrupts their control over the infected's bodies. In simpler terms, the zombies' combat power will plummet."

I poked the map attached next to the blackboard with my staff.

"So, for the next two days, until the horde reaches Crossroad, we'll keep applying the diluted cure over their heads, thoroughly and repeatedly."

Would you pour bleach undiluted when cleaning mold? It's wasteful, right? You dilute it and clean repeatedly to save bleach and keep the bathroom clean.

"Then, when the weakened zombies reach Crossroad, we annihilate them all at once."

I immediately turned my head to the side.

"Of course, even with dilution, we need to produce a large amount of the cure. Currently, all priests, magicians, and alchemists in the temple are working together to produce and replicate the zombie cure."

Lilly and the head of the Alchemist Guild nodded at my gaze.

What's the best part of magic? It has the power to turn ridiculous commands into reality.

Fortunately, all kinds of potion ingredients, which are the raw materials for the cure, have been piled up as support supplies from all over the world. There's enough to work overnight for two days to produce the cure.

"Additionally, since the cure is liquid, our Merfolk King, despite being in pain, will use his people's powers to help replicate the cure."

King Poseidon, who was leisurely lying in a portable bathtub watching the meeting, looked startled and pointed at himself.

"Wait, me? But I'm still sick?"

I nonchalantly gestured with my chin.

"King Poseidon. Aren't you still a vigorous youth?"

"Well, yes. I still want to live as a youth."

"Being a youth means enduring some pain. It's okay. Let's go."


Serenade appeared behind the bathtub with a smiling face.

"Shall we go, Merfolk King?"

"Uh? Uh, uh?"

Serenade grabbed the bathtub handle and rolled it out. The waiting alchemists immediately surrounded King Poseidon, grabbing him from both sides and disappearing somewhere. King Poseidon's belated scream echoed through the mansion corridor as it faded away.

'Let's exert some strength before retiring, King Poseidon.'

As I nodded internally, I noticed someone else raising a hand.

It was Hannibal and the spirit users. When I gestured with my chin, Hannibal cautiously looked around and spoke.

"Your Highness, we can also help with the liquid cure replication."

"Water spirits, huh. Good. I'm counting on you, Hannibal."

After the meeting on mass-producing and replicating the cure ended.

I raised my voice to the remaining heroes.

"However, weakening the zombie monsters doesn't end the battle. In the end, we must directly annihilate the monsters that withstand the cure bombing and reach Crossroad."

Tension flickered across the heroes' faces.

"Especially since the condition of the southern wall of Crossroad isn't good. You all, who will face the monsters directly, must be very worried."

Everyone nodded slightly at my words.

We couldn't complete the repairs on the southern wall. Though it's maintained in shape, it doesn't function as a real wall.

Will the repairs be finished before this defense battle, or even by the final battle? It's a worrying situation.

So how do we deal with the zombie wave in this situation?

"To solve this issue, our non-human comrades and the blacksmiths have been working hard."

Kellibey, who had been listening, nodded vigorously. Verdandi and Kuilan watched the boasting bald dwarf with displeasure.

The remaining heroes, unaware of the details, blinked in confusion. I smiled.

"Now, my heroes."

With the spirit of Santa Claus distributing presents to children on Christmas, I pulled out new visual materials and attached them to the blackboard.

"I will introduce the 'new wall' of our monster front that we've been working on!"


The materials attached to the blackboard.

Seeing the aerial view and operational mechanism of the 'new wall' depicted there, all the heroes who hadn't heard the news yet simultaneously gaped in shock.



"No way, that...!"

Great reactions! This is why presenting new products is so satisfying!

Suppressing a smile, I glanced at the aerial view attached to the blackboard.

'Indeed, the one who breaks it must restore it with all their might.'

That's the way of the world.

Isn't that right, Night Bringer?


Mass production and replication of the cure proceeded smoothly.

There was an unexpected jackpot, and it was none other than Hannibal.

When Hannibal summoned a spirit using the [Mountain Spirit’s Axe]...


"Another rainbow color?!"

Another spirit king! Hannibal's summoning luck is insane! From now on, we should let him handle all the summoning!

And the one summoned was... perfectly timed and fitting for the situation, the Water Spirit King!

"Your salary will be doubled this month, Hannibal."

"Hehe... I was just lucky."


With the power of the Merfolk King who had been struggling, combined with the Water Spirit King, the already prepared cure multiplied several times over.

I don't know the principle behind how they handled the liquid to replicate the cure, but hooray for magic! Seriously, the cure was copied!

Once enough was ready, La Mancha immediately prepared to fly south again. The continuous flights were wearing down both the airship and the pilot, but the situation was urgent.

The air force involved in this 'Carpet Curing' operation included La Mancha and...

"Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Of course, Prince Ash."

Mikhail, smiling confidently, tightened his grip on his griffon reins. Alongside him were about 20 griffons.

The Sky Knights were all being treated in the temple, but only half of the griffons were infected, and the rest were fine. Mikhail had proposed using these healthy griffons for the cure bombing operation.

"Handling over 20 griffons alone seems tough."

"My griffon is also the leader of the pack."

Mikhail patted his chest.

"My heart contains griffon blood as well. Don't worry. I'll lead them well."


"And griffons are very intelligent creatures. They can handle the cure dispersion without difficulty."

I was worried about the success of the operation and the griffons, but mostly, I worried about Mikhail.

Last time, he lost all his subordinates, and this time he almost lost his new subordinates and wives. Though he was nursing his wives in the temple, he never complained about the situation.

"I'm a king now, Ash. I have to protect all the lives of my country's people waiting in the north."

Mikhail, with his still young face, showed a more mature smile.

"And to protect my country, I know I must first defend this front."


"Well, I'm off."

With a short salute, Mikhail and the griffons boarded La Mancha. I quietly watched his back.

Back then, he seemed like a little kid, but now he's grown so much.

"...Everyone is growing."

Here on the frontlines, facing their own trials, everyone, regardless of age or gender, was growing in spirit.

When this winter ends, when all the invasions end.

Will I be able to see them all, fully grown?


After putting aside thoughts of the distant future.

I watched the airship take off from the hangar until it was out of sight before turning around.

The operation was established. The route was confirmed.

Now, all that was left was to face it with all our strength.

"Let's get ready to welcome our guests!"

As the zombie parade approached from the south.

It was time to prepare Crossroad's specialty, the trap festival, which the monsters loved to death.

--TL Notes--

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at /MattReading


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