I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

There were banquets, bathhouses, duels.

Many things happened. Nevertheless, only a day had passed since Stage 4 ended.

After sorting through the chaotic atmosphere, I granted all the heroes and soldiers under my command some rest.

They would spend a few days doing nothing but eating and sleeping.

Of course, we cant stop altogether.

Even if the troops were resting, the others had to work hard.

Naturally, the hardest working was me, the lord and commander... oh, how weary.

Anyway, the next morning arrived.

First, I summoned the N-grade hero party that was recently gathered, Dions Mercenaries.

Dion and his squad of five promptly rushed to the lords mansion.

"Did you call for us, Lord?"

"Weve been waiting, just short of holding our breath!"


Their fervor wasnt only in words; their actions also reflected their passion, which I appreciated.

In the reception room of the mansion.

In front of the sofa where I sat, the five of Dions Mercenaries were standing at attention.

Their stiff posture gave away their novice statusit was quite endearing.

No matter how talented they are, they are still an N-grade five-member party. Their limits are clear.

Their total combat power could never match that of the main party or the Shadow Squad.

Nevertheless, the reason I decided to utilize them was, undoubtedly, due to the current grim situation on the frontlines.

With Jupiter and Godhand critically wounded and out of action.

The fighting power of the main party and the Shadow Squad is currently not at its peak.

In this situation, a fully functional party must be gratefully employed.

No, not just employed... I intended to train them properly so they could function as a top-tier party.

"Ill cut to the chase."

Without delay, I brought up the main point.

"From now on, you will need to go to the Dungeon."

At my words, the eyes of everyone in Dions Mercenaries widened in surprise.

"The Dungeon...sir?"


One of the functions of Dungeon free exploration is specifically for leveling up lower-level sub-parties.

By dispatching a sub-party to the initial stages of free exploration, they can farm for experience and items.

Not just leveling and items, they also accumulate real combat experience and the partys unity is strengthened.

Having the experience of rolling around together in the Dungeon is beneficial one way or another.

The quick formation of the main party into a team is largely due to the hardships shared during the free exploration.

Anyway, so far, we hadnt sent anyone for independent farming due to the lack of sub-parties. But now it was time to send in one team at a time.

The first sector, the parched drainage ditch, seems suitable.

Its the earliest stage, its configuration is simple, and the monster level is low.

Even for Dions Mercenaries, who are merely N-grades, clearing it shouldnt pose much of a problem.

I explained the existence and operating principles of the Dungeon to Dions Mercenaries.

As they listened to the story, the five mercenaries gulped nervously.

"Of course, I wouldnt throw you into such a scary place from the beginning. It would be too dangerous... You will need a guide."

I turned my gaze to the figure I had summoned along with the Dion Mercenary Company.

"So, my knight will accompany you at first."

On the couch in front of me sat Evangeline.

"Evangeline will guide you, and help when its dangerous, but essentially, you must conquer the dungeon with your own strength."

At my words, all members of the Dion Mercenary Company bowed respectfully towards Evangeline.

"Were counting on you, Miss Evangeline!"

"Were in your hands!"


However, Evangeline seemed quite sullen.

"Why. Whats not to your liking?"

When I asked, Evangeline, who had hesitated for a moment, grumbled quietly.

"These people... just yesterday, they were the ones who pushed me out of the combat arena..."

"Are you upset about that?"

"If you dont take defeat to heart, then you are not a knight."

Evangeline was serious.

"Even a small defeat should keep you awake at night, mulling over it to find improvements. Thats the way of the knight I learned at the academy."

"Uh-huh. I understand how you feel..."

It wasnt even a proper duel. I thought it was a light match.

Perhaps its a different issue for a knight.

I wasnt entirely sure what Evangelines knightly principles were, but I knew she took competition more seriously than I thought.

"But then, you shouldnt have made a mistake in the combat arena, should you? You little tyke?"


"A match is a match. Dungeon exploration is dungeon exploration. You have to distinguish between the two, Evangeline. Isnt focusing on the grand scheme more knightly than dwelling on small defeats?"

The loser is silent.

Evangeline, with her lips pouting, backed off. Anyway, this kiddo.

Evangeline needs to gain a bit more experience to quickly erase her negative trait [Error-Prone].

Right now, when my main party cannot move, its better to have her explore the dungeon, even if she has to join another party.

And Evangeline will eventually inherit this territory.

She needs to learn how to mingle with people and how to command.

Leading a novice party into that dark dungeon will be a good lesson for Evangeline.

The same goes for the Dion Mercenary Company. It will help them both grow.


A few hours later. Backyard of the Lords Mansion.

Evangeline and the Dion Mercenary Company, having prepared, left for their independent exploration through the teleport gate.

"Ill be back..."

A somewhat dispirited Evangeline, and,

"Well be back!"

"Well do our best!"


The Dion Mercenary Company, whooping with the high spirits typical of newbies.

They all disappeared into the teleport gate together. I hope they have a safe journey.


As soon as the party departed, a notification sound rang from the system window. I took a glance at what had appeared before my eyes.

[Autonomous Exploration - Zone 1]

- Estimated time until completion: 8 hours

- Probability of great success: 30 percent

- Rewards for great success: Advanced potions, Enchantment Scrolls, Magic Core(R), etc.

In the game, it was possible to manually control every bit of the sub-partys leveling, but this was too cumbersome. So, an auto farming system existed, known as Autonomous Exploration. It would occur whenever a sub-party was sent to an already cleared area. The sub-party would level up on its own, with a chance of retrieving items.

Players often referred to it as logistics. The rewards were lower compared to when clearing manually, but it was quite helpful in the operation of the game. From now on, it would be best to organize logistics intensively between stages.

"Are you sure youre okay with this?"

The one who asked was Lucas.

Standing behind me, Lucas, who was watching Evangeline and the Dion Mercenary group depart, cautiously asked.

"There are enemies in the Lake Dungeon."


He must not be referring to monsters but the hostile NPC faction, the Nightcrawlers.

"If by any chance that party encounters them, they wont be able to return safely. Maybe I should follow them..."

"No... They wont leave the Basecamp area."

The Basecamp, a major base in the early part of the game, located between Zones 3 and 4. They were occupying it.

I was confident that they wouldnt venture into Zones 1-3. At my words, Lucas eyes widened.



I groaned instead of immediately answering.

The reason was related to the game system.

I had been wringing information out of Aider.

Why didnt they attack us until we cleared Zone 3?

They were a high-level party. If they had chosen to raid us early on, my main party, including me, would have been wiped out long ago.

But why did they leave us alone while we leveled up, grew stronger, cleared up to Zone 3, and reached the Basecamp?

When I grabbed Aider by the collar and shook him, he immediately confessed.

- The Lake Kingdom Dungeon Zones 1-3 are PVP prohibited zones!

The answer was simple.

- In previous rounds, hostile factions kept attacking in the early zones. So, I put up what I would call a newbie protection measure!

Why didnt you tell me earlier, you stupid AI! From Zone 4 onwards, PVP is possible! Damn it!

- If you try to PVP there, youll receive a massive penalty! All the NPCs in the Lake Kingdom are aware of this.

...Thanks to this, there was no burden in sending a newbie party to the early areas.

However, in the dungeons to come.

- From the 4th area onwards, its best to be cautious. Not just monsters, but also NPCs can attack.

As Aider said.

We have to prepare not only for monster attacks, but now also human ambushes.

Anyway, this was why they didnt appear in areas 1-3, though explaining this was awkward.

I poked my index finger at the puzzled Lucas and said, "Anyway, they dont venture outside their base camp! I dont know why. Maybe they worry we might reclaim the area while theyre away!

...! I see...

I wasnt sure what he found insightful, but Lucas nodded his head.

"We do have a teleport gate. If they leave their post and we strike, it would be easier for us to recapture the base.

Uh... uhm. Right.

"To prevent such surprise attacks, it seems their main forces dont leave the base... I see. I understand."

Well, good. As long as hes convinced.

"Tsk tsk~! Its already lunchtime. Shall we eat?"

"Lets do that, my lord. Well be busy in the afternoon."

"Dont you need a break? Everyone else is resting."

"Im fine as long as I rest when you do, my lord."

What a paragon of diligence and sincerity.

I need to feed him well, I thought, heading towards the dining hall, when...

Heck, heck, your highness!"

I saw Damian running over the stone wall and into the mansion. Huh?

"You shouldve taken a few days off, Damian. Whats the matter?"

I thought he was resting in the temple because he didnt look well after all the defense battles and parties. Whats happening here?

"Heck, heck, its...

After catching his breath, Damian finally spit out his next words.

"Jupiter regained consciousness!


The Saintess is checking on her condition now. She told me to inform you..."

I nodded at Lucas.

"Well have to have a hospital, no, a temple meal for lunch."

"Im not particularly fond of their meals, just grass..."

Despite his grumbling, Lucas dashed off to prepare the carriage.

Jupiters woken up, huh.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Given her age, I was worried what might happen if she never woke up. Its fortunate.

While Im there, Ill also check on Godhands condition and ask the Saintess how long Jupiters recovery might take. I must do that.


At the same time.

At the north gate of Crossroad.


Drag and drag.

A skinny young woman, dragging her long robe on the ground, stepped into Crossroad.

Her wide-brimmed hat was large enough to cover her face with shadow.

In her hand, hidden by a long sleeve, was a long pipe, and a large bag was on her back.


Having passed through the checkpoint and entered the city, the woman slowly surveyed her surroundings.

"So this is..."

Between her splayed, pale-yellow hair, her tail-like eyes let out a sinister chuckle.

"...where grandma is currently working on the front line?"

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