I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

[Jupiter Junior (SSR)] <Guest Character>

- Level: 30

- Title: None

- Profession: Intermediate Elementalist

- Strength 10 Agility 12 Intelligence 25 Stamina 8 Magic Power 25

[Skills Owned]

> Passive: Elemental Conductor

> Skill 1: Elemental Burst

> Skill 2: ??? (Opens after second promotion)

> Ultimate: ??? (Opens after third promotion)

- Equipped Traits (2/3)

> Fox Den

> Gold-Fever (Undeletable)


A descriptor attached when one directly inherits an ancestors name.

And the woman sitting next to me introduced herself as Jupiter Junior, the granddaughter of Jupiter, inheriting the name.

She was an SSR-grade character Ive never encountered in the game before.

Looks like shes the real deal, a true granddaughter of Jupiter. Shes even inherited the Gold-Fever.

As I swiftly scanned her stats, I swallowed dryly.

Her stats werent exceptionally high for an SSR-grade, but what mattered were her job and skills.

An Elementalist!

An Elementalist, to put it simply, was a mage class capable of wielding all elemental magics.

Of course, among those, proficiency varied by element, there were those they were better or worse at.

Regardless, they basically could use all elemental magics.

An upper-tier job among elemental mages, capable of responding to almost every situation due to its flexibility and adaptability.

I need to recruit her! No matter what!

I struggled to calm my trembling heart and started a conversation with Jupiter Junior.

"Jupiter never really mentioned much about you."

Looking back, Jupiter had casually mentioned her granddaughter a few times.

But she never mentioned that youre SSR-grade!

Well, of course, such a grade probably wouldnt matter to Jupiter.

But still, wasnt this indicative of a considerable talent for battle?

If she had such a granddaughter, she shouldve told me immediately! I wouldve fallen prostrate and brought her with me!

"Huh, really? My grandmother didnt talk about me?"

Jupiter Junior tilted her head.

"Thats a bit disappointing. If you have such a cute granddaughter, you should brag about her."

Thats what Im saying.

If you have such a high-performance SSR-grade granddaughter, you should brag about her. No, she shouldve been brought to the front line much sooner!

"So, who might you be, who looks so high-ranking at first glance?"

Junior glanced at me and asked.

"You asked for my name, so may I ask for yours?"

"Of course. My name is Ash. Ash Born Hater Everblack."

Hearing my name, Junior looked a bit surprised.

"I am currently commanding the monster front here."

"Im sorry I didnt recognize you, Your Highness."

Junior bowed deeply.

"I couldnt have imagined that I would run into you here, so I must apologize for my lack of courtesy. I hope you can forgive this ignorant girl."

"Theres no need for forgiveness. Its only natural that you didnt recognize me. Lift your head."

With a tentative lift of her head, I dove straight into the heart of the matter with Jupiter Junior.

"Speaking bluntly, Jupiter Junior, have you considered joining my forces?"


"We desperately need a talented magician like you on the front lines. Since youre already here, wont you lend us your strength?"


"I promise you the best treatment, of course. I guarantee the highest level of respect that a magician can receive on any front line."

We had spent a considerable amount of money to secure Jupiter, a SR-grade magician.

There was even more willingness to spend for Jupiter Junior, an SSR-grade magician, especially since we were in need of a magician at the moment.

I wonder if theres ever a time when a magician isnt needed...


Jupiter Junior fell into thought, rubbing her chin, before carefully meeting my gaze.

"Thank you for your generous offer, Your Majesty."


Please dont refuse!

"The reason I came to this city was to meet my grandmother."

"...Ah, so you came to see Jupiter."

"Yes. So, would it be all right if I considered your proposal after meeting with my grandmother? I have a few questions for her as well..."

I nodded heavily.

"Of course! Lets do that."

I may be biased, but I think I treated Jupiter quite well. Her granddaughter should hear good things about me. Right, Jupiter? Please!

"Your Majesty, do you know where my grandmother is right now?"

"Jupiter is currently receiving treatment in the temple. She was injured a while ago."

"I see... in the temple..."

"Shes recovered enough to receive visitors, so you should see her right away."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After packing her large bag, Jupiter Junior bowed to me again in farewell.

"Then, see you again, Your Majesty."

"Yes, yes. Have a good visit. Think about my offer."


With a swift pace, Jupiter Junior left the Mercenary Guild.

I lowered my voice to Lucas who was standing behind me.

"Now that Jupiter is off duty, we must recruit her granddaughter."

"Yes... but how can we be sure of successful recruitment?"

"We have to hope she takes after her grandmother. Lets try enticing her with a salary."

Jupiter Junior also had the Gold-Fever trait.

In other words, she could be easily swayed by money. Id better get the money ready.

"But... its strange."

Lucas looked towards the guild entrance from which Jupiter Junior had departed, making this comment. I blinked in surprise.

"What is?"

"That granddaughter of hers... Jupiter, she doesnt resemble her in looks, but somehow the atmosphere feels similar."

Surely, they bore no resemblance in terms of appearance, but there was a common aura they both exuded.

How to put it... both smelled of money?

"Well, after all, they are grandmother and granddaughter."

"Theres something else I find strange, and please pardon my rudeness."

Lucas quickly glanced around before whispering to me.

"The fact that Jupiter had a child. Its surprising."

"Ah... honestly, I was surprised too."

"I thought it was just a joke when she mentioned her granddaughter before."

As if prefacing a gossip with its not right to talk behind someones back- Lucas continued.

"It always seemed like Jupiter would live her life alone. But she has a child, and even a grandchild. Its unexpected."

"Thats true..."

I had thought shed live her life independently, enjoying alcohol and cigarettes, and traveling around the world.

But then, voil- a granddaughter appears.

"I wonder what kind of person her husband was?"

"...Well, Im curious, too. Its about privacy, so it feels a bit inappropriate to ask."

The man who connected with such an eccentric grandmother, he must be one of two things.

Either quite a character or a complete gentleman.

"Anyway, I hope Jupiter advises her granddaughter properly."

I clasped my hands together in front of my chest and prayed.

O God of draws! God of dice! Whoever it may be!

"Please let her serve here...!"


In the temple.

Jupiters sickroom.


Leaning against her bed, Jupiter was lost in thought.

Her weary hands were trembling noticeably.

Jupiter tightly clenched her aged hand that couldnt even gather a handful of magic power.

Im nearing the end.

She could sense it.

Her time was coming to an end. As a soldier, as a mercenary, as a mage.

Ive long passed the time to retire.

Desperately, disgracefully, she tried to extend her working life. She tried her hand at all sorts of jobs to earn even a penny more.

She was dishonorably discharged from the military where she had served her entire life. She was ousted from the mercenary group that scouted her.

She was repeatedly expelled and always lived a nomadic life. She never stayed in one frontline for more than three months.

Looking back, I never formed an attachment to anywhere.

And the end was approaching in those days.

Now... can I rest?

Jupiter forcefully clenched her fist that wasnt properly forming.

Do I... have the right to do that?

The scene of a village flickering in flames passed through her mind.

Jupiter tightly closed her eyes, as if trying to erase the painful scene from her mind.

Just then.


The door to the sickroom opened. Jupiter looked in that direction with surprise.

"What the... Who..."


The one who stepped into the ward with a bright smile was none other than Jupiter Junior.

"So, you were here? Ive been looking for you!"


Upon seeing her granddaughters face, Jupiters face drained of color.

"How did you... end up here..."

"I couldnt reach you, so I came looking for you~ Oh, I never thought youd be stuck in the middle of nowhere in the South."

Junior, who plopped down onto Jupiters bed, laughed uproariously.

"Why the long face seeing your granddaughter after such a long time? You look like youve seen a ghost."


"Oh, come on, why are you freezing up? Do you think Im going to eat you alive?"

Jupiter gulped down a dry swallow.

To be honest, she felt like she might be.

She often felt a fear of being devoured by this child who shared her name.


Junior extended a hand towards Jupiter, snapping her fingers.


"Uh, hmm?"

"Money, I said. Grandma. Money."


"Why do you think I came all the way here? You wouldnt answer my calls or send money."


"Oh, are you out of money? If youre out, just say so."

"No, no, thats not it. Just a moment..."

Jupiter hastily rummaged through the pocket of her uniform hanging on the wall beside her.

Soon, a crumpled piece of paper emerged. It was a gold coin certificate.

When Jupiter carefully handed it over, Junior snatched it with a slap!


Disappointment flashed in Juniors eyes as she checked the amount.

"Not this kind of petty cash. Dont you have something bigger?"

"I-Im sorry, dear. Ive been incapacitated due to injuries for a few days... I couldnt save up more money."

"So, you cant collect a large sum like last time?"

"That was possible because the lord of this place gave me a years salary all at once. For now, other than snatching some magic stones while hunting monsters, I dont have any other way to make money."

After a moments hesitation, Jupiter asked cautiously.

"But Junior, the money I sent last time..."

"Oh, come on. I already told you, right? We used all of it to pay off our debts. Ive told you several times in the letters."


"Thanks to you, weve managed to pay off all our debts. But do you think thats the end of it? No, right? We need to earn more if we want to keep food on the table."

Junior, who was rummaging through the items in the ward and muttering, Isnt there something I can pilfer-, spat out abruptly.

"Isnt there any lucrative scheme around here?"

"Huh? Scheme?"

"Why, like when you were in the Empires army. Cant you find a way to sneak off with something?"


"Youre a genius when it comes to finding such things."

Jupiters face turned pale.

Looking at such a grandmother, the granddaughter laughed as if it was only natural.

"Huh? Isnt there anything you can sneak off with?"

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