I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Really, I was just as shocked as Lise.

What’s going on?

In this life, I kept meeting people who wanted to teach me.

And Lise’s proposal was even more surprising than Calzark’s or Juniang’s had been.

She was a magician, a master in a field with little relevance to my own pursuits.

Lise took a moment to recompose herself. “You don’t seem to grasp how fortunate you are,” she stated. “I, Lise Ladygoth Oll Haimudd, have never taken a single disciple. You have a chance to learn knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. Follow my teachings faithfully and the seat of family head could easily be yours.”

“I see.”

“That’s right.”

“I’m okay.”


For the first time, Lise’s expression seemed to match her youthful appearance. She wore a disgruntled frown, the kind a child might wear things didn’t go their way.

“Why are you rejecting my offer?”

“I’m not particularly interested in magic.”

“I am fully aware that you walk the path of a martial artist. But martial artists and magicians have the commonality of handling mana. My guidance will be of use to you.”

“I’m still okay.”


After my third rejection, Lise finally fell silent. She sat atop her mountain of books, impatiently kicking her feet.

Splash, splash

As I watched the water ripple, a question formed in my mind.

“Why the sudden interest in taking me as your disciple?”

“Simple curiosity.”

“That doesn’t seem to be the whole story.”

“Hmph. If I tell you the truth, will you accept my offer?”

“I can’t promise anything, but I’ll reconsider it.”

Though I was still likely to say no.

Lise pondered for a moment before saying, “...I always intended to take at least one member of the Bednicker bloodline as my disciple. But for ages, none have been worthy. Not a single one.”

“Is that so? Even though my siblings are quite talented?”

“Talented, you say... I considered them, even though they fall short of my standards. Frankly, I don't like them. It’s a matter of compatibility.”


“Indeed. Compatibility isn’t just important in relationships and friendships. It exists between a master and disciple as well.”


I had never been anyone’s master, but Lise’s words resonated with me.

I highly respected Baek Nogwang, but I didn’t think he would be a good master to just anyone.

“And you, you’re different from Dellark’s other children in many ways.”

“How so?”

“The most obvious distinction is that you don’t blindly idolize him.”


We hadn’t discussed the Lord of Blood and Iron directly, but Lise had seen right through me all the same.

“Also, the fact that you solved all ten problems in the cave... Our areas of interest clearly align. I chose those problems on a whim, you know.”


“And the Qimen Dunjia technique you described was quite intriguing. I also admire your courage in not being intimidated by me. You seem intelligent enough to grasp my teachings.”


Lise’s words were undeniably reasonable, but my instincts told me that wasn’t the whole story.

What tipped me off was her demeanor. Her gaze was distant, not meeting mine, and she was fidgeting restlessly, splashing her feet in the water.

This was a stark contrast to her earlier attitude: reading her books and barely acknowledging me.

Just moments ago, Lise hadn’t shown much interest, but now, her curiosity had blossomed to the point of wanting me as her disciple...

Yet her deliberate avoidance of my gaze and her fidgeting suggested she was hiding something.

Mind games are like playing chess.

Lise might be a dark fairy who had lived for a few centuries at least, but her intentions seemed surprisingly transparent.

In this case, it could only be one of two things...

Either she was an exceptional actress, so skilled that even I couldn’t detect a trap...

Or she had lived in such isolation that she had little experience interacting with others.

Considering she’d been sealed here for a long time, the latter seemed more likely.

I broke the silence first. “...The reason a master seeks a disciple is to pass on their accumulated knowledge...”

“Is that so?”

“But from the way you’re speaking, that doesn’t seem to be the case here.” Cautiously, I offered an alternative: “How about I be your assistant instead?”

“My assistant?”

“As your assistant, I can offer my full support. Discussions about Qimen Dunjia or other shared interests, even errands—I’m happy to help... Though I can’t promise frequent visits.”

That was the most I was willing to concede.

If she refused, I would have to accept defeat. As much as I desired access to the library’s knowledge, I would have to give up.

* * * * *

* * * * *

“Hmm... that doesn't sound bad.”

To my relief, Lise seemed content with the compromise. She nodded and flicked her finger.

Something shiny flew from the depths of the library and landed in front of me.

It was a crude-looking key.

“This is the key to the Underground Library. Insert it into any door and it shall open to the library.”

A magic item. How fascinating.

“What about doors without keyholes?”

“The key is durable.”


“I’m telling you to force it in.”

“Oh. I see.”

So this small key was imbued with teleportation magic.

I glanced at the ring on my finger and muttered, “It feels similar to this.”

“That’s... Did you receive that ring from Asad? Ha!”

Technically, I had received it from the Lord of Blood and Iron.

It was single-use, and thus no longer valuable as a magic item, but I continued to wear it for some reason.

“You have terrible taste. A ring made by me would be a hundred times superior to that single-use disposable.”

“You must be superior to Sir Asad in magic-item creation.”

“That goes without saying.”

It had been a casual remark, but she seemed pleased by it.

As I observed Lise’s smug expression, a thought struck me.

Ignoring her dislike for Asad, she seems to view him as a rival.

“But you... the fact that you received that ring...”


“Did that bastard offer to take you as his disciple? Is that why you’re refusing me?"

“Of course not. Magic really isn’t my path.”


Lise’s suspicious gaze lingered despite my explanation.

She nibbled on her lip before speaking again. “I have a proposition.”

“What is it?”

“Never ever become Asad’s disciple. If you promise, I’ll offer you extremely favorable conditions in your divine-beast contract.”


Naturally, I had no intention of becoming Asad’s disciple. Honestly, it was doubtful he’d even want me in the first place.

Still, I pretended to contemplate the offer. For some reason, Lise seemed to lose her composure whenever Asad was mentioned.

As expected, Lise sounded frustrated as she said, “Then how about this! I’ll allow you to immediately reach the Augmentation stage after the contract!”

“What’s Augmentation?”

Lise looked even more flustered. “You... You came here for a divine-beast contract, yet you don’t even know the stages?”

I scratched my cheek. “I’ve never had much luck with blessings, so I haven’t paid much attention.”

“Is that so? How many blessings do you possess?”


“Oho...” Lise showed a strange smile. “That’s not bad.”


Not bad?

This was a first.

Most people, especially those from the Great Houses, mocked and ridiculed people who didn’t receive a blessing or who only received one. The ridicule had been even more intense because I was a Bednicker.

But Lise wasn’t being sarcastic. She seemed genuine.

Before I could ask about that, Lise explained, “Acclimation, Augmentation, Ascension, Union... these are the stages of a divine-beast contract. Generally, it takes years in the Acclimation stage to be able to directly borrow power.”

“I see.”

“Of course, reaching the Augmentation stage doesn’t mean you can immediately use my power, but it will significantly shorten the time.”

“That sounds good.”

As I readily agreed, Lise let out a sigh of relief.

She must have really loathed the idea of me training under Asad.

“All right... Then come closer.”

I walked up to Lise.

Up close, she was much smaller than I had imagined. Her long hair and the pile of books she sat upon must have made her seem taller.

“How do we form the contract?”

“Hold out your hand.”

Don’t tell me she’s going to cut it?

As that ridiculous thought crossed my mind, Lise flicked her finger, and a single snake slithered out from her flowing hair.

This snake had a peculiar form. Unlike the ones I had seen before, its tail wasn’t connected to her hair. It was also smaller.

“Stay still.”

The small snake flicked its tongue at me, then poked its head into my outstretched palm.

What happened next was startling.


The snake vanished, as if absorbed into my palm.

Immediately, a snake pattern appeared on the back of my hand. Moreover, the snake pattern moved, slowly winding up my arm as if it were alive.


“I said stay still.”

How can I, in this situation?

I wanted to jump up in disgust, but I forced myself to remain calm.

The snake pattern, which had been slowly ascending, stopped near my neck.


A cool sensation washed over me, and Lise said, “The contract is complete.”

“...That’s it?”

“Yes. It will take a few weeks for the snake pattern to settle, so don’t overexert yourself during that time. You’ll gradually get a sense of how to draw on the divine beast’s power.”

I touched my neck and asked, “...Don’t tell me I now have a snake tattoo on my body?”

“Don't worry, it won’t be normally visible."

So it really was a tattoo? Damn it.

A snake tattoo near my nape... If anyone ever sees it, I swear I’ll just bite my tongue and kill myself.

“Anyway... Is that all?”


“Then I’ll be on my way. I’ll visit again.”


Lise simply stared at me without a word.

“Is there something else you want to say?” I asked.

“...No. You can go now.”

“All right.”

I nodded at her dismissal and left the Underground Library.


I retraced my steps.

Maybe it was another one of her magic tricks, but the way back was much shorter.

Still, I must have spent a considerable amount of time in the library because it was dark outside when I climbed out of the well.

While I walked back to the Small Iron Hall, I organized my thoughts.

My gains were greater than I’d expected.

I had secured concrete information about my eldest senior brother and also formed a contract with a divine beast.

I still needed to figure out how to use this power and what the stages like Acclimation and Augmentation meant, but none of that was urgent.

It was time to think about my next destination.

“The Academy...”

I had actually received an acceptance letter from the Imperial Academy this year... no, early last year. Back when I hadn’t received a blessing and had still been acting like a complete degenerate.

It was generally customary to enter the Academy at the age of fifteen.

Mother had wanted me to attend, but I, not in my right mind at the time, had torn up the acceptance letter and locked myself in my room.

Anyway, I knew a little about the Kartell Academy. It was the largest academy on the continent, with a three-year program at its base. Meaning it was customary to enter at fifteen and graduate at eighteen.

In total, there were around 1,000 students. It had dozens of faculty and was located in the Imperial City.

“If I remember correctly... I can bring a maximum of two attendants.”

One would, of course, be our versatile collector, Kayan.

But who should the other be?

Calzark briefly crossed my mind, but bringing someone of his caliber, a grand master, seemed a bit much.

I don’t think Calzark would refuse, but it would draw too much attention.

Who would be a good choice?

Should I bring one of the Iron Blood Knights, or ask if I could borrow a collector?

There was Jein. I’d met him a few times, and he was more competent than his apathetic face suggested.

Lost in thought, I returned to the Small Iron Hall and was greeted by the slightly surprised servants.

“You’re back late, Master. Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”

“We’ll prepare something right away. Would you like to wash up first?”

“I think I will.”

Wandering around the cave had left me feeling grimy. I nodded and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

When I emerged, refreshed and changed into clean clothes, I saw Kayan.

“You’re back, Master,” he greeted me.

“Yes. Everything all right?” I asked perfunctorily, and Kayan gave a strange smile.

“A welcome face awaits you.”

A welcome face? Who?

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