I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 86: Chapter No.86 Showdown (6)

[Clarissa Rutherford's POV]

My mind was a whirlwind of emotions as I made my way through the winding corridors of the prison. The evidence Samael had presented was like a dagger to the heart of everything I believed about my father. Each step I took felt heavier, burdened by the weight of the revelations and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

I had my own assumptions, as I was not some naïve child, but the truth had always been elusive. I had heard whispers of my father's secretive behavior, but I had never imagined he was involved in such dark and malevolent deeds. The thought of him experimenting with forbidden magic, especially involving Xandros Blackthorn, was almost too much to bear.

My fingers brushed against the cold stone walls as I navigated the labyrinthine passages, my thoughts racing. I needed answers, but I had no idea what to expect. The man I had known as my father could very well be a different person now, consumed by his own twisted ambitions.

I thought my father was falsely accused by those noble families in the meeting yesterday, and there is even this information of the King being murdered by Samael Ashwood circulated by the royal family. So much has happened since yesterday. Father was summoned to a meeting called by the King, only to be arrested amidst a flurry of accusations.

And then, in an unexpected turn, the King was killed by Samael Ashwood. It was chaos. My father, suddenly freed, had begun rallying the people against Samael Ashwood, casting him as the villain of the hour.

But now, standing in the midst of these dark revelations, the narrative seemed more complicated than ever. My father's sudden release and subsequent actions were disconcerting, but the evidence in the prison suggested a deeper and darker conspiracy. Was there a connection between the events unfolding and the sinister plans my father had been enacting in secret?

As I approached the heavy iron door that led to my father's chamber, I took a moment to steel myself. The chill of the stone seemed to seep into my bones, matching the dread in my heart. I had always respected my father, even when I questioned some of his decisions. But now, I had to confront him, not just as a daughter seeking answers but as someone faced with the enormity of his actions.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the room. My father was seated at a large desk, surrounded by papers and artifacts that spoke of arcane knowledge. He looked up as I entered, his eyes cold and calculating, devoid of the warmth they once held.

"Clarissa," he said, his voice smooth but carrying an edge I hadn't heard before. "I didn't expect you so soon."

"F-Father, I h-had some questions," I stammered, struggling to keep my voice steady. The room felt oppressive, filled with the heavy scent of parchment and old magic. My father's imposing presence only added to the weight of the situation.

"Please, leave through the gate you entered from. I don't have time for your silly questions," my father said dismissively, his eyes narrowing in irritation. His words stung more than I expected, but I refused to be dissuaded.

"No, Father," I said firmly, stepping further into the room. "I need answers now. I've seen the evidence. I know about the forbidden magic, the experiments. I need to understand why you've chosen this path."

His eyes instantly flickered with a mixture of surprise and irritation. The calm facade he maintained faltered briefly before he regained his composure. "I don't know what you are talking about," he said, though a trace of unease slipped into his voice.

"I saw the documents, the magical artifacts. They were enough to convince me that something far more sinister is at play," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "You can't deny it anymore. What is it you're really involved in?"

My father's expression darkened, a flash of anger crossing his face before he masked it with forced calm. He took a deep breath as if gathering his thoughts. "Clarissa, you must understand that there are forces at work here that are beyond our control. My actions, as drastic as they may seem, are intended to protect our family and ensure our place in this world."

"Protect us from what?" I asked, feeling a mix of frustration and fear. "What could possibly justify the use of forbidden magic and manipulation of the kingdom's politics? Are you trying to protect us from Samael Ashwood? From the King's death? This chaos? Or is there something even darker that you haven't told me?"

He looked away, his gaze fixed on an intricate, ancient artifact on his desk. "The world is not as black and white as you might think, Clarissa. The magic I've been involved with, the alliances I've made—these are all part of a larger game of survival. Our enemies are not just the visible ones but those who work from the shadows, whose motives are hidden behind layers of deceit."

I could feel my resolve wavering as I struggled to make sense of his words. "You're talking about enemies, but what about the people who are suffering because of your actions? What about the truth that is being buried under these machinations? You're manipulating and controlling to secure power, but at what cost?"

He turned back to face me, his eyes cold and hard. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. The people will never understand the necessity of my actions, but that does not make them any less important. We are at a critical juncture, and every decision I make is to ensure that our family remains strong and influential."

"But at what cost to our morals, our humanity?" I demanded, my voice rising despite my efforts to stay calm. "The world may be complex, but it doesn't justify losing ourselves in the process. What you've done is more than just strategic—it's unethical."

"Watch. Your. Tone. Girl," my father said, his voice like ice. The sudden intensity in his eyes made me flinch. "You dare question the decisions I've made for the greater good of our family?"

I swallowed hard, trying to steady my racing heart. The room seemed to close in around me, the shadows from the artifacts stretching like dark fingers. I knew I was walking a dangerous line, but the truth felt too urgent to ignore.

I barely managed to whisper, "Xandros Blackthorn..." before my father's gaze became piercing. His eyes, which had been cold and unreadable, now reflected a mixture of frustration and hidden menace. The atmosphere in the room thickened with tension.

My father's eyes narrowed, and his voice took on a dangerous edge. "Tell me where you found those so-called 'evidence.' What did you see, and where?"

I hesitated, weighing the consequences of revealing too much. The urgency in his tone, however, compelled me to speak. "In the prison's restricted section," I admitted. "I heard of an intruder being in our prison who took full control of the prison and I was close by so I decided to confront him. What I found was more than I expected.

I found Samael Ashwood who destroyed your sealed floors under the prison—"

"WHAT! SAMAEL ASHWOOD!" My father's roar was thunderous, shaking the room with its intensity. His eyes, once cold and calculating, were now filled with a fiery rage. The force of his anger was palpable, and I took a step back, feeling the weight of his fury.

"Yes, Father," I continued, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear that gripped me. "Samael Ashwood was in the prison, and he seemed to be looking for something. He caused a considerable amount of destruction in the restricted section. I don't know all the details, but it's clear that he was searching for something important. and that apparently was the evidence that he found there."

"Don't tell me that the evidence is with him?" Father grabbed my shoulders with such strength that I winced under his grip. His eyes were wide with a mix of fear and fury, and I could feel the intensity of his emotions radiating from him.

"Y-Yes," I stammered, struggling to maintain my composure. "It seems that Samael Ashwood managed to obtain some of the evidence. I don't know what he intends to do with it, but he did say that he is going to present that evidence to the royal family. Especially the ones containing your experiments on Xandros Blackthorn—"

"Finished... EVERYTHING I worked for," my father spat, his voice filled with a blend of rage and despair. His grip on my shoulders tightened, making me wince. The intensity of his emotions was overwhelming, and I could see the desperation in his eyes.

"Father," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear coursing through me. "You need to explain what this is all about. If Samael Ashwood has this evidence, it could change everything. What were you trying to achieve with Xandros Blackthorn? Why involve forbidden magic?"





[To Be Continued]


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