I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 4: System Space

Wh he woke, up felt refreshed. Best still, his body did not feel any ache despite sleeping on grass.

"System guide, tell me about the world," he orders it.

[ I am ordered to not tell you too much, master. ]

"Oh, why is that?" he asks.

[ The gods decide that you are already giv a powerful system. Giving you information about the world might make it too easy for you to destroy or bring ruin to the world. And so, they prohibit me from telling you anything important, aside from the name of the world being Elon. ]

"Is that so, I can't ev learn where I am?" he asked with some agitation in his voice.

[ Unfortunately not, master. ]

"Gargh, oh well, I have worse odds before. At least I am in a powerful body. System guide, how do I use the system?" he asked the question that the system guide should be able to answer.

[ Put your hand to your front and think 'System Space'. ]

He did that. The next momt, a crystal appeared from his palm.

[ First, find a hidd spot. The crystal will remain in place, and if it is destroyed, so will the system space. ]

He followed the system guide's advice. After finding a cave, and killing a wild dog living inside, he tered the system space.

"Woah," he exclaimed. To his surprise, the system space is huge, almost boundless.

[ There are limits master. ]

Of course, the system guide had to point it out.

[ You need to use Mana Point to expand the system space. ]

"Mana Point, not Lust Point?" he questioned.

[ Mana Point. The system space is the place that collects all your Mana Points. ]

"Actually, now you mtion it, I forgot to ask how to obtain Soul and Mana Point," Alros said.

[ Soul Point is gained by killing anything. Monsters, animals, and stit beings, as long as they possess a soul, master could obtain Soul Point from them.

However, the stronger a being, the greater the Soul Point that can be obtained as well. ]

"So, if I kill, say a soldier, the Soul Point I get will be greater than wh I kill a peasant," he asked.

[ Yes. Also, master could kill a chick or ev a bird, but the Soul Point would be minuscule. ]

"Yeah, though so," he exclaims. "Mana Point?"

[ Mana Point is gained wh master puts the system space in a mana-rich area. The system space will absorb the mana. Of course, there is a mana capacity, which can be expanded by expanding the system space. ]

"So that is why I need Mana Point to expd the system space," he exclaimed. At least it will be helpful ev if he did not use the Mana Point in his experimtation.

[ Yes. A bigger system space also allows more beings to be placed here. ]

"Explain," he ordered.

[ Master could store the creation master made inside her. Master could also subdue a stit being and turn them into a hchman or a slave and put them inside. ]

"So, the bigger the system space, the more people I can put inside it. And I assume that there will be a hard limit, that if I reach the limit, ev if there is still space inside, I cannot put past the limit of the system space," he guessed.

[ Correct. Master can determine the hard limit as master accesses the system space. Also, does master want to see equipmt inside? ]

"Oh, there is already something inside?" he asked. After all, the system guide said he needed to use Lust Point to get a piece of equipmt.

[ Yes. This is the most basic of all equipmt of course. Think of it as a starter item, so you can start somewhere. ]

"Make sse, after all, I need to learn how to mutate monsters as well. Th, lead the way," he exclaimed.

An orb of light appears in front of him before leading him to a certain direction, one he sure is where the equipmt is. And he is right.

Right, there is what he assumes is a magic circle, an altar, and, to his surprise, a large glass tube akin to one that is shown in many sci-fi movies.

He looks at them and is pleasantly surprised wh the description of each object appears.

< Low-Grade Transmutation Magic Circle: Allow user to infuse any subject, living or non-living, with differt affinities. Affinities depd on the medium used inside the magic circle. Require Mana Point to function. Mana Point depds on the strgth of the object and medium. Chance of success varies. Chance of success increases with better magic circle >

< Low-Grade Transformation Altar: An altar that is used to dissect differt creatures. Can also be used to mutate and transform living beings by infusing them with parts of differt creatures. Do not require large body parts in transformation, but it will increase the chance of success.

Require Mana Point to function. Mana Point depds on the strgth of creatures, how much part is used and the type of creatures it comes from, and how compatible the two creatures are. Chance of success varies. Chance of success increases with better transformation altar >

< Low-Grade Growth Tube: Allows users to grow a part of the creature or ev the tire creature. Require only a drop of blood to synthesize the creature but the larger the sample, the greater the chance of success as it is possible for the synthesization process to fail.

Require Mana Point to function. Mana Point required depds on the strgth of the creature, and how much sample the growth tube has. Chance of success varies. Chance of success increases with better growth tube >

"Can I begin experimtation right now?" he asked.

[ It depds on whether master is in a mana-rich zone or not. Try to see if the Mana Point increase or not. ]

"How do I do that?" he asks.

[ Think, 'System Space Status'. ]

He did just that and was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.

< System Space

Space Limit: 0/0

Mana Point: 40/000

Soul Point:

Lust Point: 0 >

"Is 40 a lot of Mana Point for a single night?" Alros asked.

[ It means master is at a place near low-level leyline. I will tell more about leyline after this master. It is better to explore the place. Maybe there are some weak monsters that master can subdue.

And if master is lucky, there will be human settlemts nearby for master to gain Soul Point. ]

"Is that so? Look like my first order of business will be to explore this place,"

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