I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 53 - 53: Returning to the Sect

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Returning to the Sect

Translator: 549690339

At the same time, inside Tianqing City.

A Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator wearing a blood-red robe retracted his gaze from the divine ship outside the city, his face looking somewhat unwell.

“Yuan Bai, missing?”

“Damn, he’s got the top-grade magic treasure, Golden Light Shuttle, bestowed by Yuan Changtian himself. Even if he faces an ordinary Late Stage of Qi Cultivation, a single strike from his magic treasure could kill the opponent—how could he go missing?”

This Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator also understood that on the battlefield, if someone went missing, they were essentially dead.

“Search, find him for me—even if he’s dead, the corpse must still be there.”

“Alive, you must see the person. Dead, you must see the corpse.”

This Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator had no idea that the person he was referring to, Yuan Bai—who held the Golden Light Shuttle in his hand had already been burned to ashes by Han Yi’s Explosion Symbol.

As for the Golden Light Shuttle, it had already changed hands.

However, he also understood that Yuan Bai was the son of Yuan Changtian, the peak Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Blood God Sect, and that Yuan Changtian was very indulgent with his son—providing him with a top-grade magic weapon and various life-preserving methods.

Logically speaking, no disciple of the Xuandan Sect should have been able to kill him.

He couldn’t figure it out.

After searching for a whole night, he had no choice but to send a report about it to Yuan Changtian, who was far away in another city, early the next morning.

All this.

Han Yi was not aware of.

After boarding the divine ship, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

“I survived.”

Han Yi slumped in a corner of the divine ship, contemplating the gains and losses of this night.

“The Fire is Purely Green magic skill is very powerful; it can easily kill even a Qi Cultivation Stage 7.”

“Even if facing an opponent at Qi Cultivation Stage 8, it can hold its own.”

“Although I haven’t verified it, under certain special conditions, it should have the strength to fight against the Qi Cultivation Stage 9.”

“Additionally, the magic weapon is very important. All three dagger hilts have been destroyed; once I return, I must get an extra set of dagger hilts—at least a mid-grade magic weapon—to ensure readiness for emergencies.”

“Also, the use of Spiritual Talismans is strong. In the future, if I have time, I need to devote more time to learning the Talisman Making Skill to get more life-saving methods; if that doesn’t work, just buy them.”


As Han Yi calculated the equipment he had obtained this evening after killing someone, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of heat in his heart.

The Golden Light Shuttle was a top-grade magic weapon; even if he didn’t use it himself, selling it would be enough to buy seven or eight high-grade magic weapons.

Just a single Golden Light Shuttle had made him truly rich overnight.

This windfall was enough for him to cultivate up to Qi Cultivation Stage 9 while still having some left.

Apart from that, there was the protective inner armor of the evil youth. As Han Yi had guessed, it should be a high-grade magic robe.

Han Yi had wanted a defensive magic robe or inner armor before, but it seemed that running to Tianqing City had saved him a lot of money, which was a good deal.

As expected, murdering and setting fires made for a golden waistband.

Han Yi’s understanding of this saying had deepened even further.

“Han Yi, do you know what happened?”

At this time, a cultivator quietly approached Han Yi and asked in a low voice.

Han Yi glanced at him; it was Luo Yunzhou. He spread his hands out in annoyance.

“How would I know?


“Elder Gu looks upset—who would dare go and ask at a time like this? Wouldn’t that be asking for a scolding?”

“Just wait, once we’re back in the sect, we’ll naturally find out the details.”

After thinking for a moment, Han Yi reminded him, “By the way, Senior Brother Luo, I don’t want you to tell anyone about me killing a Blood God Sect cultivator and getting the Golden Light Shuttle. I don’t want to cause unnecessary trouble.”

Han Yi was not shooting without aiming.

After all, he was only at Qi Cultivation Stage 6, and if the sect knew he had a top-grade magic weapon, they would definitely ask him to hand it over.

Even if the sect didn’t interfere, there would be some Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators, or Late Stage Qi Cultivators, who would try various means to make him voluntarily hand it over.

This process might involve rewards, but it would certainly not be equitable.

“Rest assured, Junior Brother Han. 1 swear never to divulge this matter. If I go back on my word, let me be struck by lightning from the heavens.”

Luo Yunzhou solemnly swore on the spot.

Although Han Yi was somewhat wary of Luo Yunzhou, he was ultimately satisfied with his attitude.

Luo Yunzhou was also pleased in his heart.

He had kept Han Yi’s secret, which meant that their relationship had deepened even further.

This time, among all the Xuandan Sect members, probably only he knew Han Yi’s true strength. Even Cui Xingchen and Tao Shouhua, who had escaped earlier, hadn’t seen Han Yi’s final stunning kill.

In Luo Yunzhou’s eyes, this Junior Brother was extraordinary—his combat power was simply astonishing, and he would definitely become a powerful pillar in the future.

It’s better to hold on early, and then follow the rise.

Oh, 1 don’t know what’s going on with the sect this time, something feels off.”

After Luo Yunzhou finished swearing, he sighed heavily again.

Hearing this, Han Yi was also puzzled.

This time the expedition of the sect was not even a day, simply a joke.

What are they up to?

But Han Yi didn’t say more, just doing his part was enough.

Before dawn, the flying divine ship had returned to Fuhai Peak.

And this time, Han Yi noticed a detail.

Yesterday, when they set off, there were three Golden Core Stage cultivators and 26 Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators. But when the flying divine ship was put away, Han Yi only saw two Golden Core Stage cultivators and more than ten Foundation Establishment cultivators.

“That’s not good. It looks like we lost a Golden Core Stage cultivator and several Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators overnight.”

“That’s really bad.”

Han Yi was worried in his heart, also for the Xuandan Sect, after all, it was a big tree, under which it was easier to find shade. If the tree falls, he will be flooded too.

Without the sect, he would become a loose cultivator, saying that he would face uncertainties every day was not an exaggeration.

Han Yi returned to Little Lingxu Peak with the others.

As soon as he returned to the courtyard, he took out all the gains from this trip.

It was time to check the harvest.

In Tianqing City, he killed four people, three at the Late Stage of Qi Cultivation and one at the Eighth Stage.

In total, there are four storage bags and several magical tools.

High-grade Magic Tool, Golden Light Shuttle.

Top-grade Magic Tool, Protective Inner Armor.

Top-grade Magic Tool, three silver beads.

A complete mid-grade knife, a severely damaged long-handled umbrella magical tool, and a not-so-damaged blood-red banner.

Among them, the Golden Light Shuttle, silver beads, and Protective Inner Armor were all obtained by Han Yi after the death of the cold-hearted young man at the Eighth Stage of Qi Cultivation. These three magical tools, which were intact, made Han Yi ecstatic.

“Keep the Protective Inner Armor, of course. At a crucial moment, it’s an extra life.”

“Besides, what if I sell all the other magical tools?”

As soon as the thought arose, Han Yi hesitated for a moment, shook his head to deny it, and realized that he’d fallen into a misunderstanding.

Why sell them all?

High-grade magical tools are only possessed by Foundation Establishment cultivators. If he sells them, he might not be able to buy them again. It’s better to keep them for personal use.

Once he reaches the Late Stage of Qi Cultivation, his inner magic will transform, and his divine mind will further strengthen. He will also be able to attempt to control this high-grade magical tool with only one hit, but undoubtedly, it will be his strongest trump card.

Apart from the Golden Light Shuttle and Protective Inner Armor, the others could be considered for selling. After selling the three Top-grade magical tool beads, he could buy a set of top-grade magical daggers.

During this trip to Tianqing City, the set of daggers was very effective.

Since they were so useful, Han Yi would certainly not discard them.

A black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch a mouse, is a good cat.

The same goes for magical tools – if it can kill the enemy, it’s a good magical tool.

After organizing the magical tools,

Han Yi was ready to open the treasure chests of the four storage bags, but he discovered a problem he’d neglected.

That is, cultivators in the Late Stage of Qi Cultivation have more complex divine mind restrictions on their storage bags, and it is not something that he, only at the Sixth Stage of Qi Cultivation, can break open in a short time.

“Dammit, 1 miscalculated.”

“I have to wait until I advance to the Seventh Stage of Qi Cultivation before I can slowly grind it open.”

“Never mind, I’ll save this surprise for later.”

Han Yi hid the four storage bags, put away the magical tools, and after thinking about it, continued to sit down and cultivate.

When he sells the magical tools he has now, he will have a large sum of Spirit Stones. There is no need to worry about Spirit Stones for the time being, so why refine pills? It’s better to cultivate first.

This time during the expedition, even though he fought against those in the Seventh and Eighth Stages of Qi Cultivation with his Sixth-Stage skill, he also saw his own shortcomings.

That is the realm.

It’s just that his skills are very strong, which hides this weakness.

Since his skills cannot be broken through in a short time, he will break through the realm first.

Han Yi did not become conceited because of his gains this time. On the contrary, he was good at summarizing and analyzing and did not let a moment of success make him forget himself.

He calmed down, cultivated, and became stronger..

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