I Can Peek Inside Every Place And Even Record It

Chapter 145 Comfortable

Chapter 145 Comfortable

"Hehehehehe..." Ciel laughed as he saw Mu Yueli's actions.

He stepped down from the window, then grabbed her waist, hugging her directly.

"Yueli dear, you're so beautiful today, is it because you knew I was coming?" said Ciel with a faint smile.

Mu Yueli rolled her eyes with flushed cheeks.

She also grabbed his hand, as if not wanting him to make excessive movements.

As a pure woman, she was obviously panicked and scared though also curious.

Despite all that, she did not try to push Ciel away at all despite his face getting closer to hers.

This only showed that she allowed Ciel if he kissed her again.

"By the way, where's your room?" asked Ciel, in no hurry to take action.

That question naturally made Mu Yueli awkward again.

Only, her eyes moved towards a certain door not far from them.

It was a large wooden door with an Ice Phoenix carved into it, looking extremely luxurious. Just looking at the door let Ciel know that the room behind it was even more luxurious.

Behind Mu Yueli's seemingly simple demeanor, she was also a woman who prepared luxuries for her own comfort.

After seeing that door, Ciel looked at her face and with a smile asked, "it's fine, right, if we go there?"

"Do whatever you want," Mu Yueli replied in a quick voice.

She looked helpless, but what she said made Ciel excited.

"Yueli, you are indeed a good wife, understanding your husband well," Ciel said.

He lifted her waist up slightly so that her foot were raised before taking a step.

"You? I can walk by myself," Yueli said suddenly. She was apparently panicking about being carried like that by Ciel.

However, how could Ciel let her go.

He replied, "come on, it's natural for a husband to carry his wife to the room."

While saying that, his hand touched her beautiful face, caressing it so gently that her eyes closed for a few moments.

She was clearly getting a comfortable sensation from the touch, even making her breathing quicken.

All her life she had rejected men, and was finally forced to accept a much younger man because this young man kissed her directly.

Although at first she was upset and angry, over time she realized that this is a beautiful life, no wonder those who do it always look joyful and happy, unlike those who never do it, looking too cold.

Quickly, they arrived in front of that door.

Ciel pushed it softly, revealing a luxurious bedroom surrounded by large windows.

The view of the city center including the Ice Goddess' palace was clear from here.

However, what interested Ciel the most was the white mattress beside the window. It was large and tall, probably also very soft.

Mu Yueli's cheeks became even redder as she looked at her own mattress, she seemed to start imagining her and Ciel on that mattress.

Ciel closed the door and continued his steps until he arrived beside that mattress.

He did not climb onto the mattress right away, but lowered Mu Yueli's body first while continuing to hug her waist.

"Yueli," he said, caressing her face again and looking into her eyes that were also trying to look into his.

Her breath became warmer and of course more fragrant, as if inviting Ciel to move closer.

In this situation, it was impossible for Ciel to continue to delay kissing her. He could not help it.

His lips moved, meeting her rosy lips.

Instantly, Mu Yueli's eyes widened and trembled, staring at Ciel's eyes in disbelief.

She was kissed again and this time instead of forcefully and suddenly, she let Ciel do it.

And of course, even when she was forcefully kissed by Ciel, she still felt an amazing sensation, not to mention now.

Ciel's slightly wet lips gave her a sweet sensation, which seemed to make her want to suck and lick those lips.

The effect even spread to her entire body where she felt a very strong strange sensation.

Ciel began to suck on her lips so that he could taste her saliva slowly.

His hands also moved, caressing her body gently while approaching her private area.

Mu Yueli spontaneously placed her hands on his chest in response to Ciel's movements, something she had difficulty controlling.

Slowly, her waist arched back slightly due to the pressure of Ciel's lips on hers.

Even her mouth began to emit a moaning sound that was stifled because it could not come out.

Ciel felt like her body was much more sensitive, she was easily aroused by his gentle touches even though his hands had not reached the sensitive parts of her body.

Curious, he finally grabbed her breast, pressing it gently.

"Ohhh..." Instantly, Mu Yueli broke the kiss and ended up moaning louder to the point her entire neck turned red.

Her face even showed a drunken expression.

Ciel smiled and did not let her out of the sensation. He continued to grope her breasts while his lips kissed her long neck and sucked firmly.

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." She immediately let out a long moan so that her head shot up while one of her hands moved on its own to grab Ciel's head.

Her other hand that was still on his chest gripped his shirt firmly, even seemingly trying to pull it off.

She had indeed lost control of her body and mind in such a short time.

Ciel wanted to give her more sensations.

He caressed her thighs gently while moving his hands towards her ass but through the slit of her short dress.

That obviously caught her attention, she occasionally glanced down, holding her breath because a man's hand going in there was something she never imagined.

Her heart was beating fast, and strangely, she felt impatient instead of wanting to stop Ciel.

Ciel's every touch gave her an indescribable sense of comfort, so she wanted the touch in that area because her instincts told her that it was much more comfortable.

With ease, Ciel's hand entered the bottom of the dress, arriving at her ass which seemed to be full of soft fat.

He squeezed it gently, which instantly made her crotch move forward so that it met Ciel's crotch.

Ciel happened to stop kissing her neck. Their faces faced off again and Mu Yueli suddenly couldn't help but blush as she felt something hard in Ciel's crotch bump into something between her thighs.

"Do you like it? It's comfortable, right?" asked Ciel in a soft voice.

Mu Yueli did not respond, only pressed her lips together.

Of all the women, she was the passive one, not trying to move at all. Her every movement just happened spontaneously.

For a woman like this, Ciel knew that it was a little difficult.

While continuing to stare at her, Ciel used a little of his fire power on his own clothes and Mu Yueli's clothes.

Although it was only a little and almost imperceptible, the fire instantly turned their clothes into ashes, instantly leaving them naked.

Mu Yueli's face became very red when she felt a cold wind envelop her entire body.

She spontaneously looked down, discovering that she and Ciel were already completely naked. Looking at Ciel's dick that was now kissing her pussy, she couldn't help but tremble.

Ciel hugged her tighter so that their bodies were almost fused together, giving warmth to Mu Yueli's entire body so that she felt very comfortable even though at the same time it made her pussy feel as if it was throbbing.

Ciel kissed her again and then pushed her down onto the bed.

He started to go wild, sticking out his tongue to lick her lips before breaking into her mouth, meeting her tongue.

Mu Yueli's tongue tried to avoid his tongue, but her tongue movements were also limited.

In the end, her tongue movements only made it appear to caress each other with Ciel's tongue.

The light in her eyes dimmed, she again lost control of herself due to the comfortable sensation.

Ciel's hands also continued to caress her body, even squeezing her breasts directly.

Although Mu Yueli was always passive at first, over time she began to respond to Ciel's movements. Her hands moved to his back, caressing it gently.

When Ciel broke the kiss, she moaned softly and unintentionally pushed her chest up so that her breasts met with Ciel's chest.

"Are you getting impatient, Yueli dear?" asked Ciel while raising his own body.

He looked down at where his dick was already in contact with her pussy which was actually already very wet and slippery.

Mu Yueli became embarrassed because of Ciel's gaze. After all, her pussy which she thought would be a virgin forever was now being stared at by a young man.

Ciel did not wait for Mu Yueli's response as he knew she would not respond.

He grabbed his dick and aimed it at her pussy until the head of the dick actually touched her holy hole.

Mu Yueli just stayed motionless, but her eyes couldn't help but look down.

She didn't resist Ciel anymore, she was naturally curious how it would enter her pussy.

Even she wondered if it would hurt.

With slow movements, Ciel began to push his dick forward.

Mu Yueli was obviously in a very horny state right now. When his cock tried to enter her pussy, it was as if her pussy was trying to open itself. Ciel also felt some sort of suction force from inside her hole, trying to pull his cock inside.

"Ohhh..." Mu Yueli immediately moaned when Ciel's dick started entering her pussy. She seemed to be unable to contain the overwhelming sensation.

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