I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Chapter 36

Fight Even if You’ll Sacrifice. It’s an Excellent Game!

Afterward, Mikuya came to the underground surveillance room. To prevent the monster’s invasion, the family had already set up numerous surveillance cameras around the farm.

After watching the surveillance footage, Mikuya finally understood why the monster in the basement had left when it was about to find her.

It turned out that the children who hadn’t returned home fell into the barn, and their sound drew the monster away.

Soon, Mikuya saw the man heading to the barn to save his child.

The man took the initiative to make a sound to draw the monster away so that the children could run out of the barn.

However, the children were unwilling to sacrifice their father, so they took the initiative to provoke the monster. They got into the car together, and the monster jumped on the car’s roof and attacked wildly.

Mikuya saw the scene as if she was watching a live stream. She was shocked by the scene in front of her.

She could roughly predict how the three characters’ stories would end.

As expected, a father would never let his children die for him. He picked up an axe from the car next to him and took the initiative to attack the monster.

Then, he slowly pushed the car with the children down the hill. The car would eventually stop in front of the house. It was the transportation they had prepared long ago.

They didn’t have to ignite the engine along the way, so they naturally wouldn’t make too much noise to attract the monsters.

On the other hand, the man naturally had no chance of winning the battle against the monster.

Meanwhile, the man screamed desperately to ensure his children could survive safely.

It was as if he wanted to vent all the dissatisfaction and anger he had suppressed in his heart for more than a year.

Mikuya watched the man be killed helplessly. A stream of tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

She cried again in the game.

Many viewers in the live stream room were also crying.

It was undoubtedly touching to see family members willing to risk their lives for one another.

[Boohoo! What a tragic scene. The man is good!]

[He is a qualified father! Although he is just an NPC in a game, there must be similar people in reality! They deserve our respect!]

[It is expected in Su Ping’s game. He keeps teaching us how to play games and life’s principles. It’s a good game that is worth promoting!]

[Su Ping creates free, high-quality games rich in story and life philosophy. Huh, Storm Gaming Company and Steam should learn how to make good games from him!]

[I’m regretting. I’m going back on my word now. I’ll download the game now. I’ll endure it no matter how painful it is!]

[I must kill all these monsters and take revenge for all the people who have sacrificed!]

After a while, the children returned home. However, the battle had already attracted many monsters near the farm.

Suddenly, a monster barged into the basement. Just as the monster opened its bloody mouth and was about to kill the mother and daughter…

Suddenly, the monster stopped moving and seemed to suffer great pain. Its head kept splitting, revealing the parts not protected by the armor.

The scene stunned Mikuya, and she suddenly realized something.

Suddenly, she recalled little bits and pieces of her past adventures.

The daughter seemed always to be able to turn danger into safety at the most dangerous moment.

But why?

What was the reason for all this?

Suddenly, Mikuya’s gaze fell on the daughter’s hearing aid!

The man made it for the daughter. Although the quality was poor, the daughter still wore it.

Mikuya gestured for the daughter to take off the hearing aid. Then, she stared at the monster not far away and turned the power of the hearing aid to the maximum!

As expected, the monster suffered more intense pain after the power was increased, and its head armor could not close up again!

With the opportunity, Mikuya picked up the shotgun beside her, aimed it at the monster’s brain, and pulled the trigger!

Blood splattered everywhere, and the monster’s body fell to the ground.

Although the monsters were protected by hard armor, the body under the armor was soft, not to mention it had been shot in the head by a shotgun.

The gunshots attracted more monsters, but Mikuya knew the monsters’ weaknesses.

She was no longer afraid of the monsters.

“Turn on the broadcast system on the farm. We’re going to make these beasts pay with blood!”

Mikuya ordered the daughter to reload her weapon and leave the basement to face the battle.

The final battle lasted for almost half an hour. Mikuya had almost used up all the ammunition she had stored on the farm before she killed all the monsters rushing over!

Meanwhile, she was covered in blood.

The viewers expressed their satisfaction in the comments. No one had expected the game, which was slow from the beginning to the end and deliberately created an extremely quiet environment.

Nobody expected it to end with such a thrilling battle. The battle scene was far beyond the combat segment of Zombie Apocalypse!

Sure enough, the producer didn’t show favoritism and didn’t forget that A Quiet Place was a game.

The producer needed to make the players feel good about the game and provide them with educational value!

“Congratulations, you’ve cleared the stage!”

Looking at the words that appeared in front of her, Mikuya finally let out a sigh of relief.

It had been almost four hours since she started the game!

Compared to Zombie Apocalypse II, which could be completed in an hour, the time required to complete A Quiet Place was equal to the total time needed to complete Zombie Apocalypse I and Zombie Apocalypse II!

Moreover, the last half hour was spent in an intense battle, which made people feel exhausted!

However, Mikuya was extremely excited and exhausted at the same time. She had taken off all her equipment, but it still seemed like she was in the game and always prepared to fight.

While she looked at the comments in the live stream room, the viewers expressed the same feeling. The comments were praising her.

A Quiet Place had undoubtedly won over nearly all viewers.

Everyone was reminiscing about everything they had seen in the past few hours in the live stream room. They were also spreading the information to more people!

Because of this, Su ping never invested much in advertising his games, despite the fact that they were always well-known.

“Thank you, everyone, for watching today’s live stream. I believe that everyone has a comprehensive understanding of the game.”

“The game is undoubtedly successful and excellent, and the final battle is intense and exciting.”

“If you think the game is good, please recommend it to more friends.”

“That’s all for today’s live stream. I’m too tired. See you tomorrow afternoon!”

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