I Don't Want to Be Loved

Chapter 139 Fruit of Friendship

Chapter 139 Fruit of Friendship

Chapter 139: Fruit of Friendship

“Thanks for the fruit, Basil. It’s wonderful,” said Rihannan, smiling.

Basil beamed and handed the fruit, which had revealed its ripened yellow flesh, to Rihannan.

“Here, My Queen, have some. His Majesty’s not the kind who’d feed on a single fruit like this, so let’s not worry about him and enjoy as much as you want.”

Rihannan giggled. She bit on the fruit and relished the taste, expression ecstatic.

“Wow. It’s good!”

“Eat as much as you want. There’s plenty more.”

Basil looked at Rihannan happily munching on the fruit. It was as if he was watching his own daughter eating her meal and finding new discoveries.

Rihannan bit the fruit one after another. She suddenly remembered the Queen Mother loved the nori fruit, too. She often ate it by herself, pouring honey on it overnight to sweeten the taste more.

“Basil, pick the best ones and send it to the Queen mother as well.”

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Basil quickly turned his head and studied the king’s reaction habitually. Igor gave a light nod as Basil grinned widely, eyes watering up.

“I’m sure the Queen Mother will be overjoyed!”

If there was one thing that changed over the month, it was Igor making attempts to overlook Rihannan’s maintaining a certain level of friendship towards his mother. He knew she—as the queen—had a responsibility and duty to keep the relationship between them as godmother and goddaughter. Therefore, he allowed Rihannan to make trivial exchanges of gifts and letters to the Queen Mother.

As the disconnected relationship between Rihannan and the Queen Mother was established, Basil became the happiest man on earth upon hearing the news. The hopes of the king and his mother reconnecting may come to fruition one day.

The things that she once found ominously difficult in her previous life had been solved far too easily this time. The relationship with her husband, dealing with the nobility, and becoming a peaceful mediator between Igor and his mother was everything she failed at then.

She was afraid at times, thinking that all she had accomplished would suddenly come tumbling down.

As these thoughts plagued her, the nori fruit close to her lips, she noticed Igor starting at her intently. Strangely, he wore a wolfish and hungry-like expression, eyes flickering a flame of desire.

She wondered why.

“Would you like some, Your Majesty?”

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Basil leaned over and asked.

Rihannan looked up in curiosity.

Arundell’s king loathed sweets strongly. Even during tea time, he’d never lay his hands on sweets and snacks that were usually served. It was why she didn’t offer a fruit to him, but perhaps his mind had changed.

Seeing two pairs of curious eyes locked on him, Igor hurriedly shook his head.

“No, I’m fine. Go ahead and have as much you want.”

Igor turned his face and looked in another direction. Rihannan saw his cheeks blushing lightly.


Basil covered his mouth and held in his laughter realizing what had happened.

‘A beast is a beast, after all.’


When Rihannan left and closed the door, Basil immediately ran away as far as he could from Igor. He knew the beast would kick him to death.

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“Please calm down first, Your Majesty. I-I only said those words to help you! Cross my heart I’m telling the truth!” Basil yelled on the other side of the room that was furthest away from Igor.

“You think I don’t see you trying to make fun of me in that manner?!”

Basil gulped and cleared his throat nervously.

“Your Majesty, if a man does something for a woman, you have to make it noticeable so she’ll see your goodwill. If you don’t, they’ll never know the bountiful kindness that lays dormant in your heart. I only said those words so Her Majesty will be able to see your immense love for her and for her to enjoy the fruits!”

Yes, what he said was right.

Rihannan, who usually doesn’t eat, devoured the nori fruits right away. In the end, she looked as if she wanted to eat more, but she had no choice to lay the fruit down. Her stomach was full and bloated. It filled her with much disappointment.

Igor understood.

Sighing, Igor sat down in front of a table and said, “Alright. I get it. Just come over here and give me the report. How’s the situation like in Chrichton these days?”

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