I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

What..Haa! Haa! what the hell! Damn it!

I was desperately running through the dark streets.

I could feel someone approaching behind me, and I kept running as hard as I could, trying not to be caught.

Its your fault.. its your fault Im like this!

You criminal! If only you werent here, we would be!!!!

Dont you run away! You coward!

I didnt recognize any of the women chasing after me from behind, and yet they were shouting words of abuse at me.

I wanted to complain about that, but why was my body still only moving to run away from them?

..Fuck you, seriously, what the f*ck is happening!

The glimpses I saw of these girls were terrifying.

They looked at me as if they loathed me, and I was terrified to the point of physical pain by their tremendous hatred.

After running for a long time, I suddenly found a place where I could hide.

I instantly ducked into that place and I let out a sigh when I heard the sound of their footsteps gradually moving away from me.

..Thank God!

Seriously, I dont care if Im being chased by people I dont recognize.

In fact, I welcome any woman with a passion, but I dont want to be chased hatefully like that.

For now, lets just get the hell away from he..

Where do you think youre going?


A hand is placed on my shoulder with a strong grip.

I turned around to see a woman, who was also staring at me with the same eyes as the women I had just met.

Youll spend the rest of your life in a pigsty. Bastard.

Thats when my vision went black.



I woke up with a start.

The light coming through the gap in the curtains hit my eyes, and I managed to get up while my face distorted from the glare.

.. what?

The sticky sensation that clung to my body was quite unpleasant.

It seemed that I was sweating a lot of sticky sweat, so much so that my nightclothes were sticking to my skin.

Is it because its summer and hot? No, but this feeling..

I dont think the summer heat alone would have caused this much, so I assumed that I probably had a bad dream, including the way I had woken up earlier.

I cant recall anything about the content of the dream, but at any rate, from the way I was sweating, it might have been a pretty scary kind of dream.

Lets take a shower anyway.

I took a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom.

I opened the door thinking that no one would be using the bathroom in the morning, but as I didnt expect, my sister was there with a bath towel over her shoulders.

Ah, good morning, sis.

Good morning Kai.

In front of me is a naked woman.

But the other person is my own blood sister, and she has a young body structure.. In other words, I didnt have any thoughts about my sisters body at all.

My sister is not the kind of person who would be embarrassed if I saw her naked, and she doesnt try to hide the important parts of her upper and lower body at all.

Thats rare? I cant believe youre taking a bath in the morning.

Well. I was sweating a lot when I woke up.

Heh. Did you have a bad dream?

I dont remember, but it feels like it.

I see. Well, you shouldnt worry too much about that sort of thing.


Well, I dont care that much anymore.

I also took off my nightclothes without hiding anything at all in front of my sister, and went straight to the bathroom to wash off the sweat from my body.

Haa, I feel refreshed!

After washing my body off, I was already in a good mood.

I returned to my room so satisfied that I had already stopped thinking about the fact that I had had a bad dream.

Come to think of it, there was something I was told to do last night.

It was the customary trash disposal.

Ive been told to do it when I have time, but basically Im more likely to do what my parents ask me to do immediately, so I decided to head there immediately.

I took the trash from my room and the kitchen to the usual collection site with the trash in my hand.


Hm? Hey.

Konoe-san, the neighborhood naughty sister, was there today, too.

The contents of the trash bag I glimpsed again were all crumpled up paper, and I was quite curious as to what on earth she was doing with so much paper.

Youre taking out the trash again today? You really are a kind one, arent you?

Haha, thank you.

Its nothing to be proud of like throwing out the trash, and its something Ive been doing for a long time now, so theres nothing special about it.

Even so, its not a bad feeling to be praised by a beautiful sister like this, so my cheeks relaxed in a way that was easy to understand.

What can I say, we meet Konoe-san a lot, dont we?

Yes, we do. But I throw out a lot of trash quite often, you know. I just dont meet you, but I come here rather often.


Yeah. I threw the trash out two days ago, and its already accumulated so much since then.


Seriously, what on earth is she doing, I dont want to commit the thieving act of going through rubbish bags just because Im curious.. Well, Ill have a good time listening to her after I put her under hypnosis one of these days, I guess?

Well, Id better get going.

Oh, did you have something to do?

Yes. Im going to visit my grandfather in hospital. So Im going to visit him.

Thats.. take care of him.

Hmm, thanks.

I dont know anything about Konoe-sans family structure, but if hes in hospital, does that mean hes unwell?

Basically, I dont care about other people, but I still dont know how to react when I hear something like that in the family of someone Ive talked to to some extent.

Maybe youre worried about me, with that expression on your face.


Youre kind after all. But its okay, yesterday, he was even lectured by my grandmother when she saw him messing around with the nurse.


It seems that he is a very powerful grandfather, and since Konoe-san was saying that happily, I laughed too, thinking that there really seems to be nothing to worry about.

But still, when I hear the word grandfather like this, I remember that grandpa who had an accident before.

(..I wonder if that grandpa is doing well..)

I dont know anything about what happened afterwards, but from my point of view, I just hope hes okay.

After that, I parted with Konoe-san and returned home.

When I picked up my phone and looked at it, I found a message from Shogo, inviting me to hang out with Akira from now on.

I dont have any plans, so lets go.

I decided to go out right away.

After meeting up with Akira in town, I decided to head to Shogos house, and I was the first one to go into town, where I was waiting for Akira.

.. what is it?

Then there was some kind of commotion in the nearby train station.

I approached to see what all the fuss was about, and it seemed that a man and a woman were arguing.

I didnt do anything!

Huh? Dont lie to me! Station staff, he touched my butt!

Anyway, Ill tell you the details over there.

Wait, I didnt do anything, I swear!

Apparently, it was a molestation incident on the train.

A strong woman who gripped the mans wrist and wouldnt let go, and a middle-aged man who cant run away from such a woman and is desperately denying he did nothing while looking like hes about to cry.. The station staff is asking the man to come to the office, and I guess theres no way out of this now.

I dont know what its like.. Ive seen it on TV programmes, but there are false accusations of molestation, and there are some bad people who make you out to be a criminal when youre really not.

I dont know if its true or not, but Ive seen some women on social media saying that they made a fuss about a guy who was near them and molested them because he was creepy, and I wondered if there was a possibility that that could be it.

Look at that pervert, dressed like a nice man.

Thats so gross.

No way. To be touched by a middle-aged man like that.

Hearing a woman of university age beside me saying that, I turned my staff towards the man again.

..Lets give it a try.

I approached the commotion with my phone in hand.

The police didnt seem to have arrived yet, so it was easy to approach, and I activated the hypnosis app, targeting only the woman.

As many eyes gathered to wonder what was wrong with the suddenly quiet woman, I pretended to walk past and muttered in a small voice.

Tell the truth.

She cant tell a lie with this, and if she was really molested by this, well, I apologize in my mind that Im sorry.

A man and a station staff member looked at me as I passed by, but the woman immediately said enough to make them not care about me.

I wasnt molested in any way. I was just a bit vexed and tried to frame a reasonable middle-aged man as a molester. Hahaha, no, youre so impatient, its really hilarious!


Are you sure about that?

Apparently it was a real false accusation moment.

I ordered her to tell the truth, so she blurted out the station staffs questions without hiding anything, and before I knew it, the stares directed at the men had changed to ones of sympathy.

..Oops, Akiras already here?

I quickly left the scene and returned to where I was.

The hypnosis was lifted when I saw Akira, but that woman had already exposed herself to the point where she couldnt recover no matter what she did, and even if she denied knowing what she was talking about, there were many witnesses around her, including the station staff, so that man should be cleared of all charges.

It feels good to do a good deed, doesnt it?

Well, it sounds like a prick in the way it was done.

I dont know how that fiasco at the station ended, but I quickly forgot about it as I was playing with my friends and thinking about Saika.

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