I Have A Martial Arts Panel

Chapter 218 - Cyan, Request

Chapter 218 Cyan, Request

“Senior, I am not from a big family.”

However, Xu Ning’s next sentence exceeded Wan Ye’s expectations.

“I grew up in a village in Kangyun County in State Feiyun.”

Xu Ning added.

“Kangyun County in State Feiyun…”

Although Wan Ye didn’t know exactly where Kangyun County was, he was certain that it must be a small place that he had never paid attention to before.

“To have such achievements with such a background, how rare, how rare!”

Wan Ye was very satisfied with Xu Ning. He basically had already recognized Xu Ning as the successor of his sect. However, Wan Ye did not say his true thoughts immediately.

If he expressed it too eagerly, Xu Ning might be suspicious of his intentions, which would be the opposite of what he wanted. Xu Ning also noticed Wan Ye’s abnormality.

‘This dao realm master seems to be satisfied with my aptitude…’

Xu Ning could feel Wan Ye’s excitement.

Xu Ning noticed from Wan Ye’s eyes that he seemed to have some kind of expectation for him.

“Xu Ning…”

Wan Ye calmed down and decided to build a good relationship with Xu Ning first. “Senior…”

Xu Ning listened carefully.

“If I’m not wrong, this little thing should be a void beast, right?”

Wan Ye glanced at Gray and chatted with Xu Ning.

“Senior is right, it is a void beast.”

Xu Ning did not hide anything.

After escaping from Wan Ye, Gray carefully hid behind Xu Ning. It looked at Wan Ye with a timid look in its eyes.

“Void beast…”

Wan Ye was speechless. “A void beast with such a pure bloodline is rare even in State Wansheng… It is indeed very rare to see one in State Jifeng.”

Xu Ning smiled and did not respond.

“By the way, I came here to find my demon beast.”

Wan Ye suddenly said.

Xu Ning was shocked when he heard that.

Gray, who was hiding at Xu Ning’s feet, trembled.

‘Sure enough, this dao realm master is here to find the cyan wolf demon beast…’

Xu Ning glanced at Gray, looking worried.

Gray’s reaction just now was obviously abnormal, and it was caught by the old man. This directly showed that the loss of his demon beast was related to the two.

Even if he didn’t interrogate Gray and him, he could ask the others in the Moon Gazing Sect. It was almost impossible to hide the matter of him subduing the cyan wolf demon beast. “The last place it disappeared was in this villa…”

Wan Ye added, “But although its aura has disappeared, I am certain that it is still alive. If I’m not wrong, you must have used some methods to hide it. Now, let it out…”


Facing Wan Ye, Xu Ning didn’t know whether to tell the truth.

When the other party said this, his tone was firm. If he continued to deny it, he might be angered.

But if he released the cyan wolf demon beast, the secret of the Demon Beast Scroll would inevitably be exposed.

“What? Are you worried?”

Wan Ye chuckled. “Don’t worry, I know Cyan’s character. After it escaped from me, it must have caused trouble. As long as you didn’t kill it, I will definitely not punish you.”

Xu Ning looked hesitant.

Although he was not completely certain, Xu Ning felt that the old man in front of him did not have any murderous intent.

If he really wanted to punish Gray and him, there was no need to be so friendly. As a dao realm master, he had many methods to deal with him. “Gray.”

After a second, Xu Ning made a decision. He gently kicked Gray.

“Let the cyan wolf out…”

Xu Ning said to Gray softly. “Oh?”

Wan Ye looked at Gray. At first, he thought that Xu Ning had used a technique to hide the cyan wolf demon beast, but now it seemed that it was the void beast.

Gray obeyed Xu Ning’s orders.

It activated its bloodline power and threw the cyan wolf demon beast out of the Demon Beast Scroll.

When the cyan wolf demon beast was thrown out, its head hit the ground first.

It quickly got up and found that it had been released from the Demon Beast Scroll.

The cyan wolf demon beast was extremely excited when it saw Wan Ye. “Master, you really came to save me!”

The cyan wolf demon beast shook its tail and leaned towards Wan Ye.

“I almost couldn’t see you anymore!” The cyan wolf demon beast quickly cried. It turned its head and looked at Xu Ning and Gray with a smug and vengeful look in its eyes. “Not only did this human and beast beat me up, but they also locked me in an independent space. I suffered a lot…”

“Cyan, you fled without permission, and you still have the face to call me master?”

Wan Ye’s face turned serious. “If you didn’t provoke others, why would they attack you and imprison you?”

The cyan wolf named Cyan looked up at Wan Ye with a frozen expression.

Wan Ye actually scolded it instead?

This was not what it had expected.

“I have told you repeatedly not to play around and indulge your bloodline beast nature. If your beast nature activates, you will completely lose control yourself and become a murderous demon beast. If that happens, even if others don’t mind, I will personally kill you.”

There was a hint of murderous intent in Wan Ye’s words.

Cyan lowered its head and pretended to be depressed After Xu Ning heard this, he thought of the terrifying murderous aura in the cyan wolf will apparition and the bloody fog released by the cyan wolf demon beast.

Judging from these methods, this cyan wolf was indeed bloodthirsty in nature.

“Lie down.” Wan Ye said to Cyan coldly, “I will decide how to punish you later.”

Cyan wanted to beg, but after seeing Wan Ye’s expression, he quickly stood aside. “Xu Ning, you have spent a lot of effort looking after Cyan for me.”

Wan Ye stroked his beard.

Xu Ning was taken aback, then said, “Senior, you’re too kind…”

As he said that, Xu Ning was thinking. The dao realm master in front of him was not dissatisfied with him imprisoning the cyan wolf demon beast. He even showed him kindness.

Moreover, he did not ask about Gray’s method of imprisoning and releasing the cyan wolf demon beast, nor did he show any intention of offending them.

“I almost forgot…”

Wan Ye slapped his forehead. “I don’t seem to have told you my identity yet.”

“My name is Wan Ye, and everyone outside calls me Old Man Wan Ye.”

Wan Ye revealed his identity.

“Old Man Wan Ye?”

Xu Ning was surprised.

Old Man Wan Ye was one of the reasons why the Jade Night Sect came to State Wansheng.

And now he appeared in front of him

“You are a disciple of the Yuelan Sect, so you should also know that the group of people from State Wansheng who came here are searching for my whereabouts.”

Wan Ye said.

Xu Ning nodded. “I know.”

“But do you know why they are looking for?me?”

Wan Ye asked.

“They wish to obtain something called a sect token…”

Xu Ning said tentatively.

Xu Ning had heard Mi Xingye and Qiu Renshan mention this when he was still in the sect.

However, Xu Ning didn’t know what a sect token was.

“Yes, they came here for a sect token.”

Wan Ye admitted.

“A sect token? What is it?”

Although Xu Ning didn’t know why Wan Ye took the initiative to mention this, he listened carefully.

“Almost every state in the seventeen states of the Abyss North is extremely scattered, and it is difficult to form a monopoly. Even the Source Sect of State Feiyun can only lead some parties. It is impossible to achieve absolute control.”

Wan Ye said, “But it is different in State Wansheng. State Wansheng is ruled by a dynasty, and the Imperial Court rules everything.”

“State Wansheng is ruled by a dynasty?”

Xu Ning didn’t expect this.

In Xu Ning’s opinion, in a place like State Wansheng, where there were many strong people, the forces should be more scattered. He didn’t expect for an Imperial Court to control everything. Building a dynasty in the martial arts world was extremely difficult.

Not only did one have to have the strength to crush all parties, but one also had to ensure that there would be super martial arts geniuses appearing from generation to generation among the younger generation.

Once their martial arts geniuses could not keep up, the dynasty would suffer pressure from all sides, and it might even collapse.

“Yes, there is a grandmaster in the imperial family.”

Afraid that Xu Ning didn’t understand, Wan Ye explained, “A grandmaster is an unfathomable realm above the dao realm.”

“Above the dao realm…”

Xu Ning’s heart was beating fast.

This was still too far away for Xu Ning.

But now that he had heard this, he began to look forward to it.

“And sect tokens are issued by the Imperial Court for the official status of a sect to be recognized.”

Wan Ye said, “Only by holding a sect token can you enjoy the protection of the Imperial Court, recruit disciples without any restrictions, and expand your power. While those sects without a sect token and without the recognition of the Imperial Court can only grab resources in the chaotic martial arts environment.”

“Is that so…”

Although Xu Ning hadn’t personally experienced the benefits of having a sect token, after hearing what Wan Ye said, this sect token was definitely a rare treasure.

“There are only two ways to obtain a sect token.”

Wan Ye continued, “Either you reach the seventh stage of the dao realm and take the initiative to apply to the Imperial Court. And once the Imperial Court audits it, they will issue a sect token.”

“Or you have to take the sect token from a declining official sect and replace its official sect status…”

Until here, Wan Ye revealed a look of helplessness in his eyes.

Xu Ning noticed this.

Instantly, he had a guess.

This Old Man Wan Ye was likely the successor of a declining sect.

He brought this sect token from State Wansheng to the seventeen states of the Abyss North.

And after the people of the Jade Night Sect heard this news, they came to find him, wanting to snatch the sect token and obtain the status of an official sect.

Sure enough, Wan Ye explained further.

His explanation was basically the same as Xu Ning had guessed.

“Now that my sect token is in my hands, if I can’t find a suitable successor, my sect can only be destroyed…”

Wan Ye then stared at Xu Ning with hope in his eyes. He asked Xu Ning with a sincere attitude, “Xu Ning, are you willing to help me rebuild my sect?”

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