I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 15 - 15: Mutant Beast Dog

15 Chapter 15: Mutant Beast Dog

Translator: 549690339

A few dozen meters away from Song Jian, a monster, its body all rotten, with its dark red muscles and grey-white nerves exposed, was violently ramming the front doors of the surrounding houses.

This monster looked like a big dog, half a man’s height, with tentacles of an octopus on all four of its claws, its eyes were bloody red, and bad-smelling drool dripped constantly from its mouth, reflecting a metallic chill from its saber-toothed fangs.

“LV3 Mutated Canine Beast (Daytime Weakened), Vitality: 110/220, Special Skill: Earth Teeth Assault, Skill explanation: Consumes 10 Vitality Points to concentrate canine type gas on the ground and attack the target. Fixed damage is 50, has a chance to trigger a critical strike doubling the damage, attack range is 10 meters”

Song Jian observed this monster for a moment. Above its head appeared lines of blood-red characters, displaying the monster’s name and level as well as its vitality points. Beside it was a line of characters showing the monster’s special skill.

“A Level 3 monster already has skills?” Song Jian was startled, “With a range of 10 meters, it’s impossible to escape once we start fighting.”

Even though this monster is weakened during the day, its vitality points compare to those of night-time mutated zombies. Furthermore, it has a skill increasing its fighting power, making it potentially much stronger than the mutated zombies at night.


The Canine Beast was fiercely ramming itself against the front door of a villa, causing the mutated zombies inside to growl.

Attracted by the noise, the Canine Beast stopped advancing towards the next house and heavily rammed against the villa’s front door again.

The Level 3 Canine Beast was very powerful. After ramming the villa’s door only a handful of times it managed to create a huge hole in the door.

Once the door was broken, three mutated zombies came rushing out from the villa and attacked the Canine Beast, scratching and biting it relentlessly.

The Canine Beast was incredibly fierce. Despite being attacked by three mutated zombies, it was still very effective in combat. After battering one such zombie away, it leapt forward and caught hold of a zombie’s neck, shaking it aggressively.

The Canine Beast’s ferocity made Song Jian jump, and he immediately decided to retreat. Even if several Song Jian’s teamed up, they wouldn’t stand a chance against such a monster.

Just when Song Jian was pulling Ke’er back and prepared to retreat, the Canine Beast had already finished off all three mutated zombies. The slain zombies didn’t turn into black ashes, nor did they drop any loot.

The Canine Beast scratched and gnawed at the corpses of the three zombies. Within a short period, it broke open their skulls and devoured their brains.

“BOSS, it’s certainly a BOSS!” Ke’er’s eyes lit up as she tugged at Song Jian’s clothes and quietly pointed at the mutated Canine Beast.

“We can’t beat it.” Song Jian shook his head and said to Ke’er.

Ke’er looked disappointed, but she didn’t argue, and obediently stayed by Song Jian’s side.

Song Jian pulled Ke’er backward, preparing to retreat back into the safety house.

Just then, a man crawled out of the opposite alley. He seemed to have targeted the mutated Canine Beast. Looking at Song Jian and Ke’er, he raised his hand and shouted, “Hey dude, you guys also play the game, right? Let’s team up and kill the beast for loot!”

The man was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, with a bronze long knife in his hand. He flagged down Song Jian and Ke’er, trying to get their attention.


A piercing howl sounded in the distance. Song Jian’s face paled and he turned to face the mutated Canine Beast.

The Canine Beast rushed swiftly towards the man. Clearly, not only did the man manage to get Song Jian’s attention, he managed to draw the Canine Beast’s attention as well.

“Holy shit, so fierce? Are the monsters in this game made to be this real? Kinda scary.” The man yelled, a trace of fear on his face, but he didn’t back off. Instead, he seemed raring to go.

“Hey buddy, let’s take it down together, we’ll split the loot!” The man shouted at Song Jian.

Song Jian hesitated, if he left the man who had just entered the game would be unable to handle the Canine Beast on his own, and death would be the result.

But staying behind, Song Jian had no confidence that, with three newcomers who had just entered the game, they would be able to kill this canine beast.


A fang-shaped energy orb, gliding along the ground, charged towards the man. The orb emitted a milky-white glow, and it slid on the ground at high speed.

“Shit, what’s this!” The man jumped in fright. Before he could react, the energy orb slammed into him hard.

There was a “bang”, and the man was sent flying as if he had been hit by a speeding car. He crashed into the wall behind him, leaving behind a human-shaped bloodstain.

The man slumped down, looking at the charging canine beast, an expression of despair in his eyes.

I can’t just stand and watch him get slaughtered.

Bang Bang Bang~

Song Jian raised his gun and aimed at the canine beast, pulling the trigger. Despite having the “Firearms Proficiency” skill bonus, his hit rate against the fast-moving beast was still too low. Of six shots fired, only two hit, splattering small blood spots on the beast.

The canine beast’s attention was immediately drawn to Song Jian. It stopped in its tracks, turned its head towards him, and let out a threatening growl, crouching low.

Its blood-red eyes were radiating a murderous glow, and a foul-smelling drool kept pouring from its mouth. Its octopus-like claws writhing on the ground, it began to walk towards Song Jian with oppressive steps.

“Ke’er, shoot it!” Song Jian shouted, raising his gun and aiming at the beast, continuously pulling the trigger.

The beast moved at the sound of the gunshot. It was both dodging and rushing at Song Jian. The P18C handgun had a rapid-fire feature, Song Jian held onto the trigger tightly, doing his best to control the gun’s recoil as he emptied all the bullets.

But only three or four bullets actually hit the beast. Ke’er at the side was pale as a sheet, continuously pulling the trigger of her crossbow. For every bolt she fired, a new one would generate on the crossbow. It wasn’t any slower than Song Jian’s gun.

However, Ke’er’s accuracy wasn’t as good as Song Jian’s. By the time the beast reached them, it only had a single bolt lodged in its body.

“Click click~”

There was the sound of his gun hitting empty. Song Jian promptly smashed his gun against the beast’s head, but it didn’t seem to affect the beast at all.

The beast was incredibly fast and now right in front of him. Song Jian quickly grabbed his double-barrel shotgun and shoved the barrel practically into the beast’s mouth before pulling the trigger hard.

Bang Bang~

Two deafening sounds rang out as a flame burst simultaneously from the two barrels. It hit the beast sending it flying backward five or six meters. It hit the hard cobblestone of the street, convulsing before making a slight explosion sound, quickly turning into a pile of black ash.

System: You have killed the mutated canine beast and obtained 180 Experience Points.

System: Your Experience fulfills the requirement to level up. Your level is now 3, and you have received one skill point.

“Was that… a critical hit?” Song Jian stared blankly for a moment, looking at the pile of black ash on the ground, barely believing his eyes.

Such a brutal monster was effortlessly killed?

Where the beast’s corpse had vanished, a book emitting a milky-white light lay on the ground. Song Jian’s eyes lit up. A Skill Book?

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