I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 520: 520 Golden Quality Equipment

Chapter 520: Chapter 520 Golden Quality Equipment

Song Jian resisted the BOSS’s attack for a full ten seconds. When the steel wings were stretched out again, a large pile of iron scraps appeared on the ground. They had all been scratched off the steel wings by the BOSS.

Looking at the broken and disorganized steel wings, only half remained making them hardly recognizable as wings. Song Jian was relieved, “Luckily this is just a skill, not equipment. If it were equipment, it probably would have been completely ruined by now, with no value left to repair.”

After the BOSS used this skill, it seemed somewhat exhausted, squatting in place and gasping heavily, a trace of fatigue evident on its face.

Sweeping Sword Style!

With the BOSS clearly flagging, Song Jian showed no mercy. He brutally hacked at the BOSS who roared like a beast, raising its right claw to block.

Song Jian barely suppressed a smile, to say he possessed first-order combat power was a bit of an overstatement. Even though he had killed a few elite bosses with first-order combat power, he hadn’t done so on his own.

For some of the peak creatures with first-order combat power, such as the Ant King skeleton he had encountered before, Song Jian could only stand up to a few rounds.

However, taking on this Level 25 Lord level BOSS one-on-one posed no problem. Moreover, this BOSS was injured and clearly showed weak points.

The long sword and the BOSS’s front claw collided forcefully. The chopping three times, each one fiercer than the last. On the final strike, the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword finally cut through the bone seam of the BOSS’s front claw. An over six hundred points critical strike popped up from its head.

At that moment, even the BOSS itself probably foresaw its own destruction, a hint of desperation appearing in its eyes.

“Abyssal Power remains indestructible!” In the final moment, the Cave Lord seemed to recover some of its sanity. A bitter look in its crimson eyes, it roared and unleashed a suicidal attack on Song Jian.

As Song Jian was about to counterattack, he suddenly felt an incredibly turbulent power erupting from the Cave Lord BOSS.

“Is this guy going to self-destruct?” Song Jian squinted. He had encountered monsters that could self-destruct before. On sensing their impending demise, these bosses would use their own bodies as a weapon to take the enemy down with them.

“Everyone get out of the garage, NOW!” Song Jian yelled. An Abyssal Phantom Clone charged out from his body towards the BOSS, while he himself quickly retreated.


A loud explosion, the garage was scattered with gore. The explosive force flung the surrounding Cave Zombie Lord into the air, some smashed into the walls of the garage, instantly turned into dark crimson filth.

This explosion killed at least twenty to thirty ordinary elite Cave Zombie Lords. The surviving Cave Zombie Lords sensed their boss had perished and let out a shrill scream, scattering and fleeing.

Several defenders within the War Guild were severely injured from protecting others and were blown into a near-death state by the blast force. Thankfully, several healers reacted quickly, shielding and healing their team’s defenders with swift spells and saving their lives!

“This BOSS is too terrifying. We are lucky Song Jian was taking it on by himself, if we had all been involved, at least a third of us would have died…” Wang Qi said, his face reflecting having survived a disaster.

Song Jian was also taken aback. This BOSS’s self-destruction technique was the most powerful one he had ever seen. Fortunately, he had many Acceleration Skills. Combining Sword Shadow Step and Frost Sprint increased his speed to the limit. The Abyssal Phantom Clone bore the brunt of the self-destruction force, enabling Song Jian to come out unscathed.

At this moment, several players in the War Guild leveled up and golden light erupted from their bodies. The group having killed over a hundred Cave Zombie Lords, after dividing up the experience points among them, this allowed several close-to-leveling players to advance a level.

Golden light also erupted from Song Jian. He had already gained 95% of his experience points from completing the epic quest earlier. Although Song Jian had been playing a supporting role, he had indeed killed many Cave Zombie Lords, and the final boss experience points allowed him to level up, too.

“Level 26, my god, the gap on the Level Honor Board between him and the second place is only getting wider~” Wang Qi saw the leveling-up golden light on Song Jian and immediately opened the Level Honor Board to check.

When the Level Honor Board was first opened, Song Jian was two levels ahead of the second-ranked player, but now the gap had grown to three levels.

He casually added the skill points to his “Primordial Chaos Indestructible Sword Body.” The Immortal Sword Body had now been upgraded to level 7, only three levels away from the maximum.

Because the Immortal Sword Body was too powerful, once deployed, Song Jian’s strength increased more than double, persuading him to consciously train the Immortal Sword Body’s proficiency during normal practice.

However, the Immortal Sword Body had a long cooldown time of one hour. If a battle broke out, this trick was reserved as a last resort. Only when not fighting could Song Jian ensure he is able to use it every hour to accumulate proficiency.

“I’ve been at Level 25 for quite a long time, it’s time to level up,” Song Jian smiled at Wang Qi, “Have our men search and see if there are any spoils of war!”

The earlier twenty or thirty elite Cave Zombie Lords had died due to the BOSS’s self-destruction, but the system attributed their kills to the players and not the BOSS, so they dropped loot too.

Under Wang Qi’s command, several players rushed into the garage. In a short while, some players came out holding a pile of items, their eyes shining.

“We struck it rich, haha, we got a pile of stuff. We only picked up this much. There’s still a lot inside. Send a few more people in to loot!” One player shouted ecstatically.

Upon hearing his shouting, everyone was stunned. Without needing Wang Qi to speak, several people sprinted towards the garage, with some even activating their Acceleration Skill, a ball of white light glowing at their feet as they rushed off.

The spoils of war belonged to the War Guild. Without getting permission from Song Jian or Wang Qi, they could not transfer the items into their own inventory. So, they could only hold them like this and take them out.


Several players stacked the items in front of Song Jian, looking up to him with reverence. Were it not for Song Jian, they would not have such abundant spoils of war. The War Guild’s operation this time could be said to have been a complete success.

“Golden-grade equipment, it actually dropped golden-grade equipment?” Wang Qi’s gaze immediately landed on a robe radiating a soft golden light. He couldn’t help reaching out to pick it up.

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