I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 994: 16.40 First Red Star - Mama Dawn and the Dawn Siblings.

Chapter 994: 16.40 First Red Star - Mama Dawn and the Dawn Siblings.

Asher Light and Conri Lycaon remained and did not accompany the two siblings who would be reunited with their mother. Conri Lycaon, who was well-versed in the news regarding the three factions, was also aware of what occurred to the Dawn Family a few years ago. He was aware that Amber Dawn's father was a former Templar Temple member who had deserted his faction for his sweetheart.

Luciel Dawn. He is a divisive figure. Many believe he had a relationship with the Pope, but others believe the two despised one other. This is due to speculations that Luciel Dawn is even more powerful than Kenan Light. If not for the tragic death of the former Pope Keylan Light, Luciel Dawn should have been the true Pope.

Speculating something, the werewolf king spoke, "It appears these siblings were as average as we assumed," Conri Lycaon said.

"Keep your lips shut. Don't sever our friendship. Amber saved my life previously, so I'm prepared to take her original, whatever it is," Asher Light said.

Conri Lycaon said, "Of course, you do. You don't even care that the one you love replaced the original one in that body."

"You shut up! You have no proof. Stop talking about that! I'm warning you... If you dare hurt Amber with your words in the future I won't stay meek!" Asher Light said.

A smile appeared on the corner of Conri Lycaon's lips and said, "Is that so...? You should also remember my promise to protect that body until the end. As long as my crest is with her, no Werewolves will touch her."

Just as the young werewolf king was ready to go, Keylan Light appeared at their table, causing the two to pause and gaze at him strangely.

Priest Keylan Light sat in the empty seat in front of him, smiling at the two students in front of him.

"How have you been recently, my young heirs?"

This Demigod was speaking about the two creatures involved in the global machinations he is attempting to safeguard, and he also referred to them as his offspring. After all, he is one with the Heavenly Laws of this world.

Asher Light didn't say much because he can be deemed this person's successor based only on his identification. Meanwhile, Conri Lycaon was disturbed that a human and priest like this was treating him like a werewolf as if he were one of his offspring.

Conri Lycaon, the Young Werewolf King, said, "Why is the teacher here? Don't you have other lessons to attend?"

"Of course not, I exclusively teach the Elite Class," Priest Keylan Light said. "By the way, it appears that the three factions were able to achieve an agreement this time. I hope you guys remember what you discussed today. See you guys in the evening courses."

"Ah! What do you mean!?" Asher Light asked but the instructor had already disappeared in thin air. They didn't even see how he left as he suddenly disappeared in thin air.

"He left. How can he leave just like that?" Complained Asher Light.

Conri Lycaon, who was born with intelligence above his peers, analyzed the words Keylan Light had just spoken. But without enough knowledge, he is unable to comprehend the real meaning of Keylan Light's words.

"Peace of three factions? Is that even possible?" Mumbled Conri Lycaon.

Asher Light asked, "Do you get what he is trying to say?"

"Not really. I'll go ahead." Conri Lycaon said before taking his leave. In the end, only the Holy Son was left behind not even understanding what happened at all.


At the Guest's Region

Lord Thana Daybreak had taken one of the visitor's houses when the headmaster permitted her visitation. She was in the kitchen, about to complete the last plate of dishes for her children when Esther Dawn and Amber Dawn came.

The Dawn siblings marvel at the familiar dishes on the table as they enter the dining area.

These were their favorite foods as youngsters, and they stopped eating them when the person who could cook them left them behind. Braised pork and eggs, Cola Chicken wings, grilled salmon and squid, butter corn and beef stew, and hot puffed white rice are all available.

Just seeing these dishes alone made the stomachs of the two children growl in hunger. They haven't eaten anything for lunch after all.

Amber Dawn whispered, "Brother, can we eat first before we talk?"

"Agreed." Esther Dawn said as he couldn't move his eyes away from the braised pork and eggs.

Thana Daybreak emerges from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron and bearing a tray of cooked shrimp and lobsters. She was taken aback and felt a little uneasy when she noticed her son and daughter looking at their favorite cuisine on the table. It appears that even as they develop into half-adults, their favorites stay the same.

Thana Daybreak said, "You guys are here. Take a seat and start eating. We can talk after we eat lunch."

"Ah! Aren't you..." Amber Dawn exclaims but was gestured by her elder brother to stop talking and start eating.

Noble-classed vampires, unlike pureblood vampires who cannot tolerate eating human food like ghouls, may temporarily seal their lineage and become humans. Yet, not only would these noble vampires revert to being humans, but they would also become severely feeble, to the point where others would mistake them for ill humans. That's why Noble Vampires seldom do something like this.

Thana Daybreak, however, unhesitatingly sealed her lineage and reverted to her human form in order to eat with her children. Yet her skin is still pale, and it has gotten worse, and she appears unwell to the point of passing out. Yet, she liked the meals she prepared for her children. With shaky hands, she worked hard to peel the shrimp and let Esther chop the lobsters for them to eat. Amber sneaked a glimpse at Thana Daybreak, the mother of her body, while the three ate their supper discreetly.

Amber Dawn and Thana Daybreak return to the living room after lunch, with Esther Dawn insisting on washing the plates and glasses. The two ladies sat on the couch in the living room without speaking. Thana Daybreak made her daughter some hot strawberry milk tea.

Thana Daybreak spoke, "Amy, do you still remember Mother?"

Amber Dawn was sipping her strawberry milk tea calmly when she heard Thana Daybreak's query. Yet, she did not answer soon away. She was reminiscing about the original Amber Dawn. Regrettably, after going mad at the end of her life, the former Amber destroyed all memories of her mother and father. Even the present Amber Dawn's recollections were only shards that let her decide how to react to people who knew the old Amber.

"It's been too long... I can't even remember what Dad looks like... I also couldn't remember Mom's former face, and as for Brother, I only recalled him when he returned home to seek for me that day." Amber Dawn replied.

Thana Daybreak felt her heart squeezing as she heard such an honest response, causing anguish to radiate throughout her body. Even Esther Dawn, who had just come out of the kitchen, was taken aback, feeling pleased with himself for making the decision to go home on that particular day.

Amber Dawn said, "Please don't blame yourself. What happened was my fault. At that time I can barely hold on to life and tried to kill myself. But I was still saved in the end and decided to live my life as I wanted. So I sold our mansion and moved to the Middle Region after sending most of our relatives to prison. I hope you don't blame me."

That's right. The original Amber Dawn took her life that day. I'm not sure why she did it, but since she did, her body became mine, and I was allowed to live her life as mine. I can barely see anything because the memories she left behind are so fractured. I don't know if you dislike your family or not, but for an orphan like myself, having them is already the best present I could ask for. Amber, don't hold it against me if I made the wrong decision.

I've resolved to accept them as family and will do all in my power to protect them. I hope this is acceptable to you.

"Blame you? No! It was all, Mother's fault. If only... If only Mother was strong enough, I should have brought you two away with me when I ran away. I failed to save your father and the Templar Temple wanted to kill me for being a vampire. I just thought I might not be able to protect you as I couldn't even protect myself. The Daybreak Clan had gone extinct just to protect me. If the Duke didn't make a move in the end, I wouldn't have survived as well. Mother is sorry. I am not a good parent for you, my children." Thana Daybreak said as she covered her face and started crying.

Amber Dawn felt guilty seeing her like this. She wasn't, after all, the actual Amber Dawn. Yet she had always wished for her own family, so she couldn't stomach seeing the lady who would become her mother cry like this. Amber spoke softly as she patted Thana Daybreak's back as if calming her mother's sorrows.

"It's okay. I'm still alive and my brother is still alive. Since you said Dad is also alive, Mom we still have a chance to be a complete family in the future." Amber Dawn said.

Esther sat on the other side of his mother and helped his younger sister comfort her as well. Even though he was dissatisfied with how their mother had departed in the past, he realized that after examining the scenario at the time, their mother had it the hardest. Her spouse, her lone source of support, was apprehended. With the Templar Temple pursuing her for murder, she couldn't even bring her children with her. Not only would this put her in danger, but bringing children who don't know anything would be a burden she couldn't carry alone at the moment.

Esther Dawn sighed and said, "Mom, don't cry anymore. You are scaring Amber like this."

"I...I-I'm not scared! I just... I just don't know what to say in this situation." Amber Dawn said.

Seeing her daughter's helpless expression, Thana Daybreak's heartache slowly eases. Seeing her children doesn't hate her as much as she expected, her expression turned from sadness to happiness as she hugs her two children who were both no longer babies as she remembers in her memories.

"Haha~ Okay, Mom won't cry anymore. My babies, I miss you so much." Thana Daybreak said. "It would be great if your father was here with us."

"Mom, soon. As long as we save Dad, our family will be once again complete." Esther Dawn said.

Amber Dawn asked, "Dad is really alive? Where is he right now?"

"Amy, your father is being imprisoned by the Templar Temple. He had always been imprisoned in an underground Water Dungeon below the main Templar Temple in their territory." Thana Daybreak said.

Frowning for a moment. "Templar Temple? Does Asher didn't know about this?" Amber Dawn asked.

Esther Dawn defends his friend and master, "He didn't know. In the first place, he helped look for Father and all he found out is that he had longed to die before. So I also thought that Dad was dead all this time until Mom said he wasn't. Mom, are you sure Dad is alive?"

"Yes, I assure you that your Dad is alive. I use my familiars to sneak in, a little rat who I can use as my eyes and ears. I saw your father and spoke to him last night." Thana Daybreak said.

"That's Great!"

The Dawn siblings were delighted by this news and showed happy expressions when they heard their mom say that she had spoken to their dad last night.

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