I Obtained a Mythic Item

Chapter 40: Freshmen Hunt (10)

Chapter 40: Freshmen Hunt (10)

Chapter 40 Freshmen Hunt (10)

The Active Skill Universal Derivation has been activated.

Would you like to de-construct the mind-controlling spell Indoctrinate?

JaeHyun nodded his head slightly at the clear voice ringing in his ears.


Soon after, mana filled with vitality started to emanate from the hand JaeHyun had placed on Ahn HoYeons forehead.


The mana spread quickly and completely covered his face.

The thin strands of mana thread wrapped around HoYeons head, and the spell he was under was quickly de-constructed.

<A few moments later>

Together with the sound of glass breaking, a translucent screen appeared in front of JaeHyun.

You have cleared the sub-quest Save the Cadet Under Mind Control!.

You have received a blank card as a reward.

The messages rang out one after another.

JaeHyun let out a long exhale and watched as HoYeon started to move.

<A moment later>

The remaining mana started to disappear.

The surroundings which had been dyed white slowly returned to normal, and the hidden cameras in the demi-plane started to turn this way and that as power returned to them.

This is the best I can do right now. It would be bad if I showed all of my skills here.

JaeHyun had used Flashbomb to block Gu Ja-Ins sight a moment ago because he didnt have the slightest intention of letting anyone know about his EX-rank skill Universal Derivation .

One should keep the cards they have close to their heart as much as possible, after all.

To survive as a raider, it was more advantageous to have more secrets.

Universal Derivation is especially useful in a fight. Theres no way I would show Gu Ja-In something like that.


As he was organizing his thoughts, a groan came from Ahn HoYeon.

His recovery speed is shockingly fast. It hasnt even been 30 minutes since he passed out, yet hes already waking up.

JaeHyun nodded as he simply admired his endurance.

Seo Ina and Ahn HoYeon really are the cream of the crop. Innate talent is seriously something else.

Even at Millaes Academy where those with monstrous talent were gathered, the two stood out.

They were truly great geniuses that were the target of others envy.

JaeHyun placidly asked HoYeon who was getting back on his feet after waking up.

Are you feeling better?

Eugh Wh-What about you?

His unfocused eyes quickly returned to normal. Ahn HoYeon, who swayed for a moment, took in the sight of JaeHyun standing before him and tilted his head.

This is the Nightmare Forest?

Around it, to be more precise. And just so you know, you suddenly attacked me, got beat up, and passed out.

What?! I attacked you?

Ahn HoYeon resisted his terrible migraine and tried to recall what he was doing a moment ago.

A voice. I heard a strange voice. Then my body started to move by itself like it was being controlled by someone else

At his words, JaeHyun replied without any surprise.

Its nothing. You were under a mind-manipulating spell.

You mean I was being controlled to attack you? But

HoYeon couldnt quite believe JaeHyuns words.

Normally, the rank of spells that could manipulate other peoples bodies or minds were very highat least above B-rank. Most of the spells that were really useful were above A-rank at the very least.

But wasnt this a demi-plane where skills only C-rank and below could be used?

Using a spell like the one JaeHyun had described in such a place was impossible.

In addition

Theres no way a cadet who could use such a spell would exist to begin with.

Ahn HoYeon lifted his head and observed JaeHyun who was looking down at him.

Responding to the gaze that was asking for an explanation, JaeHyun continued, albeit seemingly annoyed.

Someone interfered with the Freshmen Hunt this time. Someone who cadets wouldnt even dare to go against meddled in the event. Though we cant be sure of why they would do so.

JaeHyun added at the end so as to reduce the suspicion he would be receiving. HoYeon blinked as he proceeded to ask.

Who that person is. And why they would interfere. Do you know?


JaeHyun answered right away. No matter how many times he were to say that it was Chairman Gu Ja-In who did it, it would be useless.

Besides, Ahn HoYeon would also realize this fact after experiencing a few more events at the academy. There was no reason to scare him right now.

What was important at the moment was that they were both alright and that he had just received a blank card a moment ago.

Just in time. With this, I can copy another high-level skill.

A smile spread on JaeHyuns lips.

On the other hand, HoYeon was lost in thought with his head bowed. He reflected on what had just happened and turned back to face JaeHyun.

Just before he lost consciousness, a voice in his head had ceaselessly ordered him to attack Min JaeHyun.

Ahn HoYeon lost complete control of himself to the sweet yet venomous eerie voice.

He had attacked Min JaeHyun as soon as he saw him, even breaking the rules and using an A-rank skill.

But even though hed attacked with killing intent, he still wasnt able to win against JaeHyun.

Is this my current limit?

HoYeon stood up as he spoke.

Im sorry. Youre

Its fine. Im not hurt. Rather, youre probably the one in pain with how you got hit.

No. Ill recover quickly if its just this much Keuk!

As he was standing up, HoYeon curled up and coughed. JaeHyun scratched his nose with an awkward expression on his face as he watched him.

Did I hit him too hard?

Gathering his strength to stand up properly again, HoYeon slightly bowed his head.

Thanks. It would have been really bad if youd been careless.

Stop being gross. Its fine. You should be fine, right? Even if you get eliminated right now, you should have earned more than enough points already.

Nah. You have way more points than me. To think you got more than a million points Youre really amazing.

Ahn HoYeon responded while waving his hand.

I wonder if the girls are doing okay.

JaeHyun opened the system window to see how the two were faring.

The current amount of points he had was 1.3 million.

It seems theyre doing alright. I should go and meet up with them quickly.

JaeHyun turned around with a satisfied expression.

Then, Ill be leaving now. Lets do our best in the time remaining.

At his dry words, HoYeon hurriedly grabbed his wrist.

W-Wait! Take this.

He passed something hed been holding in his hand to JaeHyun.

JaeHyuns expression stiffened.

What are you doing?

JaeHyun stared with bewilderment at the item Ahn HoYeon had passed to him.

He continued placidly.

If you dont have your name tag, youll be eliminated.

It doesnt matter. Like you said, Ive earned quite a bit of points anyways. Plus

After a very short moment, Ahn HoYeons eyes were filled with competitiveness.

I lost. Even if its not a rule, it doesnt matter. Since I lost, this is yours.


JaeHyun was unsure how he should react in this unexpected situation.

Hed been certain that Ahn HoYeon was weak-tempered and cowardly. But he wasnt the type to suffer a loss.

I lost this time, but I wont next time. Im gonna win. Thats why Im giving it to you.

Thats not something you should say to your savior, but well, do your best.

He discerned that Ahn HoYeon had a pretty cheesy side to him and took the name tag HoYeon was holding out to him while scratching his head.

The item itself was only worth 10,000 points. However

The thought he put into the decision was probably worth a lot more than that.

The next time Ahn HoYeon is talking about is probably the Millaes Campus Festival .

There, the two would inevitably fight once more.

JaeHyun pondered.

Would he be able to win against Ahn HoYeon then, too?

A moment later, the clear system alert announced the results of the fight.

Player Ahn HoYeon has been eliminated.

Players Min JaeHyun, Seo Ina, and Kim YooJung have received 10,000 points.

Slowly becoming translucent, HoYeon then completely disappeared from the demi-plane.

A meaningful smile spread on JaeHyuns face. In his hand was the name tag that Ahn HoYeon had held out to him a moment ago.

He had earned a measly 10,000 points, but JaeHyun was filled with excitement.

Ahn HoYeon, the one called the Star of the Warriors and who hed been so envious of.

Such a person had given him the name tag while admitting defeat

While claiming to be eagerly awaiting their next match.

This is the beginning, huh...

For the first time, he could be sure that he was taking steps toward his goal.

Draugr, Skeletal Soldiers, the Night Shade Hed defeated a variety of enemies, but it felt very different from those fights this time.

He was taking a step forward after erasing the past wherein he was so weak.

Diligently and one step at a time.

For a moment, JaeHyun stared at the spot where Ahn HoYeon disappeared, then turned around.

There were only two hours left. JaeHyun resumed moving so he could continue snatching name tags from seniors.



The 72-hour event Freshmen Hunt has ended.

You are being transported to the real world.

Calculating the points you have acquired.

You have earned 1.53 million points.

You have earned the highest number of points on record.


Together with the messages, the demi-plane started to close. The wide-open abyss closed and the gathered mana dispersed. The allotted time had passed.

JaehYun had quickly met up with his party after his fight with Ahn HoYeon and eliminated more seniors.

Since it was the last day, there were many seniors who had come to hunt for freshmen leaving the shelters.

As a result, the three were able to gain quite a lot of points and maintain their rank.

They succeeded in defeating the previous record of 1.14 million points

with a total of 1.53 million points. 

It was an amount that a group of 6 Warriors would normally be unable to obtain.

Of course, this was only possible due to JaeHyuns careful preparations and how well synced the three were. JaeHyun looked at his name at the top of the ranking and mumbled quietly.

1.53 million points This much should be good enough.

Hey. Its still the highest recorded number of points. Shouldnt you be happier? Ina, dont you think so too?

Kim YooJung pouted. Seo Ina slid her thumb and pointer on her chin as she spoke with a serious expression.

If wed had one more hour, we could have gotten 1.6 million points

These guys really are insane.

YooJung clicked her tongue at them in disbelief.

It was the record-breaking score theyd gotten with a lot of work, so wasnt it right to be happier about it?

Theres a limit to how competitive you can be.

YooJung shook her head in disbelief. Then, as if she had just recalled something, she suddenly turned to JaeHyun with excitement

More than that, with this much points, we should be able to live quite luxuriously for a while, right?

Well Normally, if you multiplied the amount of points by 10, it would be kind of similar to actual money. I think its okay to say that weve just earned about 15.3 million won.

W-We earned so much?

Ina seemed shocked as she asked with wide eyes.

JaeHyun added without a care.

Im in first place, and you two are in second. So there should probably be additional points.

Huh? Theres additional points, too?

YooJung asked wide-eyed since she hadnt known about that.

JaeHyun nodded.

Yeah. I think it was a million points?

A A million?!

A million points were usually awarded to those who ranked in the top 3 at events in Millaes Academy.

Listening to JaeHyuns words, YooJung and Ina stared at each other with visible shock.

W-Were rich!


The two hugged each other with delight.

Looking at them, JaeHyun shook his head in surprise.

Ah, really Guys? Its embarrassing, so could you guys stop it?

They were already getting a lot of attention from the others since they got first place in the event. Was there a reason to gain even more attention by overreacting like this?

JaeHyun looked around and sneakily took a few steps away, pretending he wasnt in the same group as the two girls.

And at that moment, he felt the aura of a man heading toward them.

JaeHuun turned to the direction the footsteps were coming from and bit his lip slightly.

Here he comes.`

A familiar middle-aged man stopped in front of the group. Kim Seok-Gi nodded slightly as he looked at them with a smile.

Hello, everyone. Im Instructor Kim Seok-Gi. Im the one who came to pick up the freshmen on the first day.

Ah! Yes, sir.


The two girls finally let go of each other. Instructor Kim Seok-Gi examined them, then spoke in a low voice so no one else could hear him.

I have something I wish to speak to the three of you about. Though shall we go somewhere else instead?

Is it related to the amount of points we got at the Freshmen Hunt?

JaeHyun asked sharply. Kim Seok-Gi nodded slightly.

Thats correct.

Lets go, then.

JaeHyun led the way. Kim Seok-Gi and the girls followed him with surprised expressions.

Ina carefully approached JaeHyun and asked in a whisper.

Uhm, shouldnt we ask where were going first

The chairmans office.

JaeHyun purposely stated in a louder voice. At his words, Kim Seok-Gi narrowed his eyes and glared at him.

A smile appeared on JaeHyuns lips.

Am I wrong?

Silence followed for a moment. Kim Seok-Gi then nodded again and looked at the three cadets.

You are correct. Cadets Min JaeHyun, Kim YooJung, and Seo Ina. Chairman Gu Ja-In would like to speak with you.

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