I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 76 – Looks Like Trouble

Chapter 76 – Looks Like Trouble

As Elise picks up the business card I’ve thrown onto the table, her brows furrow. Not that long after, they move up into a raised position, with her charming eyes widening a little. She attentively checks the front side and rotates the stiff piece of paper to see the back. Realizing what exactly is explained there, her cheeks turn slightly rosy and she puts the card down, glancing back at me with an embarrassed smile.

“Surprised?” I ask.

“Well… A little bit, hahaha…”

“Don’t feel like you should hold back and speak your mind freely. If this particular field doesn’t suit you, just say so. But, if this is not making you too uncomfortable, I’ll move further with my offer.“

“I’m not exactly that uncomfortable with these things… It’s just… I’ve heard about this place from adventurers a few times in the guild’s lobby and I didn’t really expect you to be the boss of it, hahaha…” She starts adorably twirling her fingers as she speaks.

“Quite a shock, huh.”


“Yes? As I said, don’t feel restrained to ask about anything.”

“I’m just a little curious… All of these girls that came with you to register… They work there, right?” she asks, clearly emphasizing a certain part of her question.

I smile a little. “You are quick to catch on. That’s good. But, it’s only partially right. Some of them do, some don’t. If you remember the first and last person I asked you to register, Sirgia and Elea are their names, they actually more like live there with me. That cute dwarf defending me back then spends most of the time in a forge or in the kitchen while that very ladylike dark elf is like a manager, making sure no one has any misunderstandings and that they are happy with their situation. Well… It so happens that these two… kind of… are my wives… but let’s forget about that for now.”


Her brows rise again and I just keep smiling at her.

“I don’t mind filling you in even on the whole story, but I think it’s better to focus on other aspects first.”

“Ah. Yes, of course, hahaha. I was just surprised. Again. But now that I think of it, you did seem like a person who would be able to get close with people of other races. But, don’t get me wrong, I think that’s amazing. And if everyone is happy then it’s even better.”

“I’m trying my best to assure that.”

“Right. So… Ummm… I’m not sure… if I would be good enough… I haven’t yet… So...” she speaks, timidly lowering her gaze.

I chuckle at her. “I think you are jumping to conclusions here.”

Elise raises her eyes, a little confused and curious.

“While I do think you are a very cute girl—and how popular you are amongst the adventurers only proves that—I approached you mainly because of your experience in dealing with people, and also your warm and cheerful personality. And the fact that you didn’t immediately show pure hate towards my friends of other races. Don’t you think there’s a much more suitable position for you in such an establishment than what you are suggesting?”

Listening to my words, she smiles sweetly when I compliment her, but when I mention the last part, she pauses to think for a moment and her eyes widen again as a heavy crimson blush begins surfacing on her whole face.

“Ahahahaha… Stupid me! Of course! Why did I immediately think of that, hahaha…”

I chuckle at her adorable reaction and wait for Elise to cool down a bit before continuing.

“You’ve been quite nervous since the start, so don’t blame yourself too much. It really do be like that sometimes. Anyway, to clear everything up, I wanted you as a receptionist. We, of course, have one already, but that’s obviously not good to count only on her. And she has quite a lot of other responsibilities and things to take care of outside of the establishment too. Thus, I would be happy to find someone who could fill that spot in too. Be it to rotate shifts or for sudden absences.”

Elise keeps nodding with my words and still showing a slightly embarrassed smile.

“I see. I see. That I would definitely be good enough to take care of, hahaha. Could you tell me some more about this?”

“Of course. You’d mostly have to man the reception desk during open hours, which is from seven pm to three am, usually. We are working every other day, but how often you’d have to do it would depend on you and the other person. There’s no real pressure here. You can agree on some schedule or just go with the flow. As for the responsibilities, it’s explaining the rules to the newcomers, introducing them to the menu, checking people in, distributing the keyplates, and stuff like that.”

“It does sound pretty simple. Almost no different from what I’ve been doing up until now,” she comments, slowly turning less nervous and embarrassed.

“It is. At least if you can handle talking about all the lewd stuff. Not everyone is able to easily explain to a man where he can’t stick his dick in or he will risk having it ripped off. Or how amazing it feels to nail a Slime. Or that anal is a no go for certain girls while others love it. And while you surely were exposed to occasional naughty looks or obscene remarks at the guild, those would get much more open and common here. I need to be sure you won't feel uneasy or distressed by that. I wouldn’t want that for you.”


And she is back to being a tomato, somehow hung up on that specific part.

“Yeah. Something wrong?”

“Doesn’t it like… hurt a lot for the girl?” she asks, trying to look at me but failing to keep eye contact.

It looks like the general belief is what I have assumed previously. People don’t really know how to approach it so the girls would hate it, perhaps only agreeing to do it when they really care for or love their partners, to make them feel appreciated even though almost all they get from it is pain.

I shake my head with a soft smile. “Not in the slightest if you prepare for it properly. And we have a certain patent in play that makes it even easier and a much better experience for both sides. For some girls, it can even be more pleasurable than normal sex. Curious?”

She shows an embarrassed smile and looks away. “N-No… I was just a little surprised….”

“I apologize for surprising you so much today, then. Well, you can always ask those who like it to share their thoughts with you. I’m sure you’d feel much less embarrassed talking about this stuff with another girl than a random dude.”

Elise nods, takes a deep breath and slaps her cheeks a few times from both sides.

“Okay. I need to stop getting embarrassed by everything or you will think I’m not suitable for this. Sorry, hahaha. I’m usually not that shy. It just gets a little worse when I’m nervous. And especially when I’m nervous around a very handsome guy. Ah! Ummm… Yeah… Hahaha...”

Her attempt at calming herself down fails when she accidentally blurts out a little compliment in my direction and she blushes again, looking at me with an upwards glance.

I smile at her. “Thank you. I appreciate it. But, I do owe you a little explanation. While I am holding back just in case, I was literally made for this. Technically speaking.”

A bit of confusion shows on her face. “What do you mean?”

“Well, two things. While I won’t deny that I have a pleasant to the eye image, my Class makes me literally a much more powerful version of an Incubus with how its abilities work. And I went through a certain weird event that can only be described as evolution, making it even stronger. It’s possible that it’s affecting you to some extent too. While it mostly charms those with less than positive views or intentions towards me, those who do see me favourably tend to get a boost in courage, allowing them to be a little bolder and freely express themselves to some extent. I do think I’ve properly grasped how to control it though.”

“That’s… quite amazing, isn’t it?”

Seeing her quite positively shocked expression rather than disturbed, I chuckle a little.

“Doesn’t that make you feel distressed?”

“I mean… You can do much worse with drugs or illegal aphrodisiacs. And from how you portrayed it, you don’t seem to be maliciously making use of it. It’s just like your natural charm, no? And I honestly don’t feel much different than normal. Could you maybe… let it out a little so we check?”

For the first time, I’m the one to be surprised. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who’d suggested something like that. But then, I’ve usually kept my powers under control, besides the time inside the mansion where I can be sure it doesn’t affect the residents negatively and have talked about it with everyone.

“Well, I can. It should be fine. I’ll bring it to the usual level now.”

Doing as I said, I focus on taking down the restrictions I put on when I left the mansion. Mostly just in case that I would end up flocked by horny women. It didn’t happen the few times I removed these completely, but better safe than annoyed. Afterwards, I observe Elise’s reactions.

A short moment passes and she makes a thinking expression. “That’s it? I’m not sure if anything chang—ah…” She pauses for a moment and takes a few whiffs of air. “Now I can notice how good you smell. That’s so weird. But not in a bad way. It’s very pleasant and I would say it suits you. Interesting. I’ve seen my fair share of abilities, but this is the best one.”

“Hahaha, if you say so. I’ll leave it at it then. Tell me if it gets any uncomfortable or anything.”

“Please do. It actually calms me down a bit. I feel less nervous for some reason. This is amazing. Ekhm. So, I think I can clearly say that I’m interested in your offer. What about the pay?”

I fix my position a little and get back to business. “We are still quite fresh so it’s also not where we would want it to be, but we’ve recently managed to attract quite a crowd of noble ladies. Therefore, I can offer you something like 25 silvers per night as the starting point.”

“A night?! That’s like a gold coin per week if I work every other day! Sometimes I wouldn’t get half in a month at the guild! And you call that the starting point?!”

“Hahaha. Let’s say that we have a quite wealthy backer. But, we are also starting to rake in some decent money ourselves. And technically, you’d be the only paid employee. While the others do get money, they consider it more of a shared allowance which they usually just return to me and only ask for a bit when they go out. Some don’t even want any, saying that they are already receiving plenty by being allowed to live in the mansion and have all their needs taken care of. So, if you moved in, you’d be the only one considered an actual employee by its definition, hahaha.”

“Wait!” Elise stands up and slams the table in shock. “I can live there?! For free?!”

“Well… As long as you want to. No one is forcing you to move out of your home.”

“No, no, no, no!” She shakes her hands and head at me. “I would do anything to get as far away as possible from that rude landlady! And the price is so bad because I need to be close to the guild in case of an emergency! Can I really move in?”

I nod at her with a smile. Her little rant gives me a weird feeling of nostalgia from back on Earth, where many people I knew struggled with the same situation.

“The moment you agree is the moment you can pick a room.”

She starts visibly pondering about it with a serious expression. I wait for Elise to collect her thoughts. I’m actually glad she is not jumping straight for it just because a very appealing detail surfaced during the talk. I was purposefully holding back from mentioning the pay to see how it would affect her decision-making. Well, I didn’t expect her to react much stronger to the housing part, but it played the same role.

She nods to herself after a short moment. “I would like to see my new workplace first, if that’s fine.”

Good. Very good. She didn’t turn blind at the sight of an appealing candy.

“Of course. You can get a full tour and meet up with others. Want to go now? We are opening tonight so you could also stay until then to see how everything works from inside.”

“Yes, please. I’d love that.”

We smile at each other and finish the snacks that were slightly abandoned during our heated discussion. I stand up from my seat, walk to help Elise rise too, receiving a nice smile from her, and we start walking away.

But, before we take a few steps, I stop.

“What do you think about Succubi?”

Elise turns to me, slightly surprised by the question.

“Ummm… Aren’t they very dangerous monsters that prey on men? I obviously haven’t seen one, but I’ve read a lot about them in the guild’s guides for adventurers. Oh. You went after one recently, no?”

“Yes, I did. What would you do if you met one in the wilds, but they wouldn’t be anything like described, at least in terms of all that danger and such?”

“Hmmm… They say to never trust a word of a monster, but... I’m a non-combatant, so… I would most likely try to talk it out if possible since I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to run away. If they really wouldn’t mean anything bad, then that would be great.”

“I see. Last question. Would you mind if one of my friends accompanied us on our way back?”

Elise raises one of her brows curiously. “Ummm… No?”

With her response, a puff of black smoke takes off my body and accumulates by my side. She watches with wide eyes as it takes the form of a woman with violet skin, red hair and a maid uniform.

“Hi. I’m Ailish,” the new arrival greets Elise with a nice smile.

She looks between me and Ailish in turns. “Uhhhh… Does that mean…”

“Yes. I’m a Succubus. Well, an Arch Succubus, to be precise. I’m hiding my features right now, according to my Master’s wishes.”

Ailish leans in and pecks my cheek while hugging my arm, making me roll my eyes.

“Scared?” I ask Elise.

“Well… A little bit, but… she doesn’t seem bad. And she is very beautiful.”

“Oh, thank you~ You are such a sweet cutie too~ I wouldn’t mind eating you up, even though I prefer men~”

Elise blushes a little and Ailish giggles. I gesture at them with my hand and we resume walking. Now, I just have a clingy demon by my side. That wasn’t my goal, but they start chatting after a short while, so that’s fine.

We reach the mansion in around twenty minutes and stop in front of the gate.

“Woah… And I can live there?” Elise asks with amazement.

“Wait until you see the inside~ Or the garden~” Ailish comments with a smirk.

After Elise finishes taking in the sight, we walk through the paved path and around the marble statue of a very healthy-bodied woman with quite the chest, pouring water from a jug she holds over her shoulder into the fountain’s pond. It seems that Elise does appreciate fine art.

“Wait a moment please,” I stop everyone before we enter and slightly open the door to peek inside. “Alright, no surprises this time. Let’s go in.”


“Don’t worry about it. Come,” I urge her with a smile and we enter the lobby.

Elise is even more in awe of the inside than the outside. As she looks around, I send Cornelia and Elea a Whisper and they promise to come in a moment. While we are talking around the reception, the two women come down from the stairs and join in.

Elea recognizes the girl from our past visit at the guild immediately, and vice versa, and I introduce my amazing magician, serving as the current receptionist. They shoo me away while saying that they will do better without me around, so I shrug my shoulders and leave our possible new receptionist in their hands, making sure through our mental connection to remind them not to mess with her too much. Considering that it’s Elea and Cornelia, it’s easy to figure out what the topics will shift to after a while.

Making use of a bit of free time, I take a stroll around and decide to talk a little with whoever is free. Meiya and Neiya are the first ones I find. They are having some fun in the garden, accompanied by the cheerful Nebu.

Asked about what the three of them are doing, they explain that the satyr sisters were curious about the harpy’s treehouse, and after talking a bit with Nebu, it somehow ended up at them trying to decorate the nest to suit her tastes even more. 

And that’s where they are right now, making use of their spells and abilities revolving around nature to make certain parts of it grow more in a specific way, get covered with flowers and plants of a specific colour, and generally customize the whole thing more. All of them are having a blast at it.

After a short chat with how Nebu is feeling and learning that she is really happy with how many mates she gets, I give some pats to the younger satyr sister and leave them to their fun.

Passing by the tieflings’ room, I hear some cheerful laughs and decide to check them out. They invite me in shortly after I knock. What greets me are their colourful bodies in full display, with no article of clothing over them, sitting on the bed in a semi-circle and playing cards. There’s a ton of dildos of various sizes lying around too.

“Having fun?” I ask, coming closer to see what they are playing.

“Of course!” Shawure beams at me with a wide smile. “We are playing Slip-it-in Poker if you are wondering.”

“I did hear about Strip Poker, but this is new. I assume these are part of it.” I point at all the rubber or wooden dicks.

They all giggle.

“Your assumption is correct.”

Zalia—sitting cross-legged to my right—replies and falls onto her side, revealing three thick poles up her bluish tight ring. Now not as tight as it usually is. The cocks she has shoved into her ass—with the help of a certain slimy substance—clearly made sure of that.

“Your new invention allowed us to come up with this game and it’s the best one we’ve played since like forever,” Mafaris—sitting on her legs to my left—informs me and lifts herself a little, showing me a single rod in her backdoor.

“Wanna join? I’m sure we’ll be able to find a spot for you to fill in~” Shawure—sitting on her butt in front of me—shoots me a seductive glance and falls onto her back, showcasing her cute purplish yet-to-be-impaled passage, opening and closing invitingly.

I chuckle at her. “As enticing as it sounds, I’m afraid it would be hard for me to quit, and I’m in the middle of something right now. What are the rules, by the way?”

Shawure makes a disappointed pout for a moment and then sits up again with a smile. 

“Simple. The winner can take one out, the losers have to stick one in. You get eliminated when your ass can’t fit any more cocks. Fun, isn’t it?”

I shake my head with a smile. “Alright. I’ll let you girls focus on the game. I have a feeling I would be eliminated in a flash.”

“Hey, no one said you’d have to stick one in too,” Mafaris comments while chuckling as I give each of them a peck on the cheek.

“That wouldn’t be too fair, would it? I’ll join you sometime. Either as one of these or as a player. I’m fine with both. See you.” I wave at them from the door and leave.

Ailish materializes herself by my side, buck naked and with all her demonic features.

“I think I’m going to join them. Do you mind, Master?”

“Weren’t you with Elise and the rest?”

“They are doing fine without me. You can come back already if you want.”

“Alright. Get in. And good luck.”

I slap her juicy bottom and smile. Ailish squeals and bits on her lip while keeping eye contact with me as she opens and closes the door.

With her advice, I follow my connection leading me to Elea and Cornelia. They are sitting in the social part above the lobby, each having a glass of wine poured.

“So, how do you like it here?” I ask Elise after the trio notices me.

She blushes a little, prompting me to look at the two women sitting on the opposite side of the coffee table, who clearly avoid my gaze. I sigh heavily.

“Whatever these two have told you, don’t take it too seriously. Especially the parts that would refer to you doing anything with me. Or joining my so-called harem.”

“Hahahaha… Okay.” Elise nods and looks up at me. “I think I would like to work here. They explained a lot to me and it sounds great. I still need to fill in all the necessary paperwork to quit and move out of my apartment, ugh, but I should be able to finish everything in a few days.”

“Great. I’d be happy to have you. Don’t worry about it and take your time. Did they mention how my partnering ability works?”

“Y-Yes…” Elise answers, a little embarrassed.

I squint my eyes at the two beauties while continuing. 

“The part about mental communication, I mean.”

“Ah. Yes, yes they did, hahaha. I don’t mind getting registered too.”

So, I send her the invitation and she accepts. We test out the Whispers for her to realize how lewd the messages sound. I can pretty much control the splitting-into-erotic-moans part and speak full sentences, but the sultry tone still remains. 

She decides to stay and observe the preparations and I of course let her. As we move around and do our thing, Elise attentively watches us and sometimes gets roped into small talk by various residents, especially the more easygoing ones. Everyone seems to be doing fine with another Human around. Cornelia already showed them that we can be nice too.

Before we open for the night, she thanks us for this opportunity and leaves, promising to do her best in wrapping everything up as soon as possible. I throw her a small pouch of coins and ask Elise to pick a nice dress for herself that she would like to wear for work. Or a uniform. She doesn’t need to imitate Cornelia’s attire and can go with what she feels comfortable with. Her thanks get even more cheerful and it takes me a moment to kick her out. Seriously, you don’t need to be that grateful.

While making some final preparations and check-ups, Mafaris takes me to the Pleasure Chambers again to talk about them in a bit more detail than before. They truly fit the given name. It’s like these sex dungeons with a lot of weird stuff around but within a much more comfortable-looking room.

As for what can be found in one, let’s say it's various wooden structures allowing a person to be restrained in a plethora of positions, some also with attachable parts for toys; a wide range of dicks of all sizes and shapes, from many races and monsters and beings and whatever some of our girls came up with as I allowed them to add their own suggestions to the list of designs; similar rocking chairs the Queen received, in many models; other fun things, like vibrating saddles functioning similar to sybians, or like fully operable piston machines working on pressurized air managed by Mana Crystals or runes, courtesy of our chief engineer. Those even have remotes. Neat.

And many, many other things, from little to big. Of course, we can’t forget the staple elements, like a nice bed, a stylish office desk, a comfortable sofa, a coffee table with definitely-not-purposefully-customized corners, or a fluffy rug. The VIP ones even have a small bathroom.

I think I can imagine how this got so popular so quickly amongst the noble ladies if a certain enthusiast of such things had her first run in one of these and shared her experiences within her circles. 

With my full introduction finished, I move to the top floor and lean over the marble railings to observe the opening. Cornelia urged me to just watch for the few first hours as she wants me to see how they were doing when I was absent.

And thus, I’m able to witness something I’ve only heard about before, but couldn’t really believe. Now, I can’t stick to that anymore.

After Roseni leaves to open the gates, she isn’t the first one to return. No. Before she is back, around five women eagerly make their way through the front door and towards the reception. All of them in nice dresses, and… wearing ball masks. Some are even those on a little handle.

They quickly pay up and are led by Mafaris to the level above and into a corridor behind me. They don’t even pay attention to me, just pass by while happily chatting and giggling. Do all of them go in together? Now, that would be a scene. I think we need to invent cameras after our successful telephone.

Besides them, some men start showing up too. The numbers per hour are already way higher than before my expedition. But, even though many men pay us a visit, mostly alone, they don’t even come close to the number of women.

Like I’ve heard, small cliques of them are created around the lobby and the social zone, waiting for their turn in the Pleasure Chambers. I can tell that not all of them go together, but there are sometimes pairs or more. Rarely, but it happens. Noble-looking girls dominate the counter, but there are some common-looking ones too. They are often alone and slightly troubled, but our girls do their best to make them feel comfortable.

All in all, after two hours, it gets very lively. People are having fun in the rooms, people are enjoying some company in the social zone and the lobby, some are even socializing with others while waiting for their favourite girls to be free, and some are in it for the baths. It’s not exactly packed, but we’ll definitely need to keep getting more employees in all fields.

Unfortunately, it seems that I brought some bad luck from my journey and this evening isn’t fated to be as calm and peaceful as most of them without my presence. A dude walks in through the front door and you can tell with a single glance that he means trouble.

Medium-long blond hair, a quite handsome face, a good-looking white shirt—half-open to reveal part of his muscular torso—and decent trousers. A lavish smile adorns his pretty face as he looks around, but I can clearly feel that it isn’t all to it. His weird aura of pride and confidence isn’t something you see amongst the visitors.

I intercept him personally, shortly before he interacts with Cornelia at the reception.

“Welcome to our humble establishment, sir. How can we help you today?” I ask with my best smile.

“You the pimp? Nice place you have here. I’ve heard the girls are great too,” he answers with a wide grin.

“But of course. I dare to say you would have a hard time finding better.”

“Good. Good. You must be very proud of them?”

“I couldn’t be any prouder no matter how hard I would try.”

“Great. I’m in need of a good new side bitch.”

I raise one brow at him and the man plops his hand on my shoulder.

“Say, wanna have a little bet? Throw at me your most loyal slut, and if she won’t be able to live without my cock after fifteen minutes, falling in love with it completely, she’s mine. Otherwise, you get ten platinum coins. Easy money, right?”

My brow twitches a little after he finishes, but I try my best not to lose composure.

“Thank you for the offer, but I will have to decline. I don’t bet my girls. This is a high-class brothel, not a gambling den.”

“Oh, come on, man. Don’t be a pussy. You said you were very proud of them. It’s just one session. You don’t think she will lose, right? Well, it’s not like any bitch has been able to resist me, but there’s always a first, right?”

My smile cracks a little and I swear the air behind my back is getting colder for some reason.

“I’m afraid that my decision won’t change. And I will have to ask you to leave on the principle of having the right to deny our services to any customer. Your clearly malicious intentions are against our rules.”

“Who made such pussy-ass rules? Don’t be like that! You scared? Okay, if you win, I’ll throw one of my best girls into the pool. No, three of them. They are top-class bitches!”

At this point, I’m sure my smile is as far from a nice one as possible.

“I said—”



~Let me… do it… I’ll teach him… a lesson… He is… overconfident… and proud… He doesn’t even… smell as good as… you…~

~No. I’m not letting any of you into this. He’s clearly up to something and I will never risk the well-being of any of you. You girls aren’t prizes.~

~Don’t you… trust me?~

~This is not about trust. No is a no. I don’t care if the chance of him doing anything is zero. He is clearly a bad guy.~



I try to fight off the strong confidence and begging coming into me through our bond, but it’s really hard when it’s the first thing she has been so adamant on ever. I really don’t want to do this, but…

~Our cores belong… to you… We are… monsters… It’s impossible to change… our minds… for him… We can help… these girls… too...~

I sigh heavily and call her to come down. She soon arrives by my side as I agree to the man’s suggestion. He waggles his eyebrows at her and picks up the keyplate from Cornelia, whose stare could freeze hell solid. She’s against it as much as I am, if not more.

He gets escorted to the room while I explain to our receptionist why I agreed, and she shakes her head at the slime lady. 

“Wait.” I catch Safi’s wrist as she starts walking away. “Isolate this. Don’t let it mix with your slime.”

She nods and I pull her into a deep kiss. For the first time ever boosting everything I can to the maximum in my mind, I pass her my saliva and she greedily sucks it in. A small capsule of trapped liquid is created in her mouth.

After our lips part, Safi smiles at me softly and I let her go. Trying not to think about it, I focus on assisting the actual guests and customers. It does prove hard though.

Around five minutes later, I receive a Whisper.

~Master… I think… we have a problem…~

Even though I don’t feel anything wrong through our bond, a slight shiver passes through my spine and I immediately rush to their room, slamming the door open.

Safi is standing by the edge of the bed and glancing my way with an apologetic smile. On the mattress, lies the arrogant guy, completely naked and spasming, from head to toe. His whole body is covered in his cum and a white foam is coming out of his mouth; his eyes rolled to the back. His hips keep buckling up and his fully purple dick keeps furiously twitching without stopping, trying to shoot out more of his stuff, but clearly running out of juice ages ago.

“What in the…”

“I’m sorry… I thought it would pass, but… he has been like that for four minutes now…”

I stare at her in confusion. “How?”

“I didn’t want to worry you so I dripped your saliva straight onto his genitalia before we started. He suddenly caught his heart and started orgasming. Up until now and counting. Do you think he will be alright?”

I make a relieved sigh. “I hope not. Fucking prick. Oh well. At least we have learned something useful from this. You can go back. I’ll ask someone with healing abilities to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t kick the bucket in here. And nothing more.”

We walk back together and share the news with Cornelia, who starts laughing openly and saying that it was fully deserved and that she hopes he ends up as a eunuch. I’m with her on that.

Besides that dude, nothing as troublesome happens over the rest of the night. He stops spasming after around two hours or something. According to Elea, the chances of it being impossible to get up after something like this are pretty much a hundred percent if she doesn’t intervene. I tell her not to. We are not a clinic but a brothel. First aid is all we can do. For him, at least.

Everything else wraps up great. We’ve seen a fair amount of people over the whole night. It’s as amazing as the girls have told me. At this pace, we might need to repurpose a whole wing or floor for women, leaving the other one to men. That’s something I didn’t expect.

As we are finishing up the cleaning after closing, Nebu reports some man standing in front of the closed gates and looking around while she is taking a relaxing flight before going to sleep. We let him in and he turns out to be the butler of our prideful young noble.

We explain the situation to him—of course avoiding a certain detail—and lead the man to his master. He pales a little when he sees the guy’s state, but only swipes down his face while muttering something about having it coming one day, so I guess he is fine with our version of his master not being able to handle Safi at her best.

He throws the young lord onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and leaves. I make a mental reminder to ask the King about that pair tomorrow and get back to work, mostly chatting with the girls about our business. They really look proud, especially Mafaris. She is having a blast with the customers.

Before sleep, Astrea joins me in my room and we get into our training session. This time, she lays herself down, pretty much offering herself to me, showing her submission. I can feel a trace of gratitude in her emotions so I gladly indulge myself in her offer and we spend around an hour in a quite intimate hug.

The next morning, after breakfast, I go out to the castle. I’m sure Ross is very eager to hear the true story behind the subjugation quest. I can’t wait to see his reaction. Cornelia seems to be the same and decides to accompany me.

And truly, while expecting me to talk it out with the Succubus, he clearly did not think I would literally outfuck her, hahaha. And he almost jumps out of his shoes when Aillish materializes by my side and shoots him an alluring grin while licking her lips.

With him being a pretty good guy, they get accustomed to each other rather quickly. After my introduction, he begins looking at her as at any other woman and not some vicious monster. Well, any woman that craves a good cock, but I think he has some experience with that.

I let him know about the dude from the previous day and he states that he might know a thing or two about that noble. A typical rich kid. His father is an esteemed lord and a famous alchemist. 

Supposedly, the misfit of a son has been stealing some insane aphrodisiac that his old man created by accident and using it to make the girls addicted to him. He is banned from almost every single brothel after brainwashing their women into his puppets. He must have learned about ours as it’s fairly new and targeted it. 

Oh well. I don’t think he’ll be a problem for anyone else anymore. Unless his old man can fix him up. I just hope he won’t somehow notice my saliva and comes to our establishment with an army, saying that we used some illegal aphrodisiac on his son, which isn’t that far from the truth.

We talk some business, I share with him my plans to have a little raid in his canals, and get official permission just in case. I don’t plan on blowing up half of the sewage system, but hey, if it ends up happening, hero stuff, can’t blame that.

Speaking of which, the actual heroes arrived back in the capital a few days prior to my own return. They had quite a scare with some weird eldritch-like horror in a different dimension or something. Figured out these monsters had to have some source. The invaders theory is getting more and more viable.

We finish the talks, I come back home, things happen, everyone is busy, me especially with Astrea’s training, and time flies fast. In a flash, it’s already another working night. Elise hasn't managed to finish her things up yet, so we are still in the same squad. 

Everything is going well. No arrogant young masters this time. But, around three hours into the night, something slightly suspicious does actually happen. I’m starting to think that I really should be away more than not.

As for what is happening, a weird cloaked figure of short stature makes its way into the lobby and stops shortly after entering through the front door. Now, it’s not that uncommon for men or women coming in covered like that, protecting their identity, but they usually don’t start glancing around at literally every single detail, focusing the most on me and Cornelia, trying to be very stealthy about it, but failing miserably with both of us noticing.

We continue doing our job while I make sure someone keeps an eye on them from at least four angles and above. Elea has her vines ready at any time. Call me paranoid, but I ain’t taking any chances now. Not with the prospect of revenge from a certain poor dude. I still need to confront him about that bet. It would be great if we could somehow heal the girls he hurt.

Anyway, our suspicious visitor finally makes their way to the reception after around ten minutes of looking around. I walk to the flat middle section above reception where the stairs on the sides join together and rest my back on the railing, making myself look like I’m taking a short break.

“Welcome to Utopia! How can I help you, sir or madam?”

After Cornelia's greeting, I can only hear some very quiet muttering, unable to make out anything from their words. But, their voice sounds a little unusual.

“No need to be shy! You can ask me anything, no matter how weird it might sound in your head. We don’t judge here, and if there’s something we can’t do, we’ll sincerely apologize and offer something else. Your secrets are safe with us.”

She’s such a natural at it. And to think a month or two ago she has been holed up in a lab for most of her life. But, only some quiet noise replies back. I’m fairly sure the person is still uncertain to speak up.

“Ummm… If you are uncomfortable with people around, I can ask one of the pretty ladies here to take you into a private room and you could speak with her alone, hm? I’ll only let you know that everyone here is fully allowed to defend themselves, so no funny business, okay?”

And again there’s no proper answer. This time, only silence fills the void. I decide that it’s enough and make my way down the stairs, coming straight for the reception and standing by its side. Cornelia and the cloaked person glance at me. I can now tell they are around Emi’s height, maybe slightly taller.

“Hello. I’ve noticed you seem a little nervous. Or maybe uncomfortable. Is this your first time? Like, I mean, first time? There’s nothing to worry about, our girls can be very gentle and understanding. They’ll do everything they can to create a relaxing atmosphere.”


While I can’t see anything about their face or body, hearing their voice from up close makes me furrow my brows for a split second, but I quickly fix my expression. It’s really strained. As if they are trying hard to sound different than normal. A little throaty, but I’m fairly sure it’s a girl.

“Do you… have men?” the person continues, glancing at Cornelia.

“I’m sorry, but unfortunately not,” she answers.


I take the question. “Because our girls that live here requested we don't employ men, for their own comfort and peace of mind. Being their master and employer, I highly value their opinions, and it’s my duty to do at least this much for them.”

“What about… him?” Asking about me, she again directs the inquiry at Cornelia.

“The Master doesn’t participate in sessions with customers. I apologize.”

There’s a moment of silence. Perhaps they are pondering over something.

“Is it really… not okay to do it… with him? I can pay… as much as you want…”

I show a warm smile. “I’m sorry, but that’s not the matter of money. “

“Well…” Cornelia captures my attention, speaking quietly to make sure no one hears us. “We talked about that… And if it’s her first time… I think it would be good if it ends up with someone like you, who is kind, gentle and with experience. No one has to know, right?” She winks at the cloaked person.

I sigh heavily. “Alright.”

Nodding at Cornelia, I scoop the mysterious stranger into a princess carry, evoking a cute yelp of surprise from them, and walk away to a free room far from the people. They try to pull their hood as much as they can to hide their face from me.

Getting inside, I let them down and activate the silencing array in the room, which has been laid down by Cornelia in each of them just for situations like these. I lock the door and turn around to face the stranger. The clearly feminine hands are rubbing against each other nervously.

“Okay. Care to tell me what this is about, Shino?”

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