I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 78

Episode 78 [ Night in Seoul (1) ]

The next day, before the prince and Gyeong-hoon’s group left the village, several gunshots were heard throughout the village.

It was the sound of the village chief changing.

The soldiers did their best to ignore the sound. This was because Lieutenant Colonel Amos had given instructions to the soldiers in advance.

The day before, Lieutenant Colonel Amos accepted Kyung-hoon’s proposal. The application for transfer was also canceled and it was decided to continue dealing with Gyeong-hoon with the new village chief.


As I was greeted by Lava’s family, the seaplane came to mind.

Unlike Lava, who was truly grateful, the other family members had expressions of a mixture of gratitude and fear.

Kyunghoon was satisfied with that expression. We put in place many safety measures, but the best thing was to keep the other party from thinking about betraying us.

On the plane were Gyeonghoon, the Awakened party, and Lieutenant Louis.

The other injured decided to leave once the damaged road and runway were repaired.

Lieutenant Louis was not injured, but his return was taken for granted. The royal family, the British government, and the British people were all hoping for his return.

“thank god.”

The Crown Prince, who was waiting in Rwanda, hugged Prince Louis.

The crown prince patted his tall son on the shoulder and then looked back at the EV awakeners.

“Thank you, everyone. If you need anything other than the compensation I first mentioned, please tell me more. We will do our best to provide it to the best of our ability as a royal family.”

At the crown prince’s words, Ingrid, who had been standing on one side, stepped forward.

“If you need anything, please let us know. Her Majesty the Queen and the British people are both delighted.”

-Articles are continuously being broadcast through broadcasting, newspapers and the Internet. The British government and royal family are promoting it properly. EV rescue team names keep coming up.

Marcelo asked as he watched the crown prince heading to the plane with the prince.

“Did the royal family know that the prince was an awakened person?”

“I found out after I was left behind. I thought it was impossible for an ordinary person to wander around that jungle alone.”

Ingrid calmly answered Marcelo’s question.

“So what happens next?”

“Ha… I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to think about it from now on.”

It seemed that she was not a woman acting as an ordinary secretary.

“Then shall we also talk about practical matters?”

At Ingrid’s words, Marcelo pointed to Kyung-hoon.

“That’s my friend who’s in charge of cleaning up. You can talk about paperwork with that friend.”

Marcelo’s expression looked very refreshed as he pointed at Kyung-hoon.

Ingrid looked at Kyung-hoon with a strange expression.

“Hmm, he’s in charge of practical work…”

While Ingrid was looking at Kyung-hoon, Marcelo and Jin-hyuk quickly left the place. The two followed the crown prince and prince to the business plane.

“I have one or two more requests. First, I would like you to keep the person in charge of the village where the operation was conducted. And in the future, I would like to have Prince Louis as the conversation between EV and the British government. The island that was under the existing contract

… Whether it was right or not, Gyeong-hoon immediately brought up the necessary story.

Ingrid also came to her senses, talked with Gyeong-hoon, and headed to the plane. They parted ways with

the British people in Rwanda. The crown prince and the prince returned to England on a private plane from England.

Gyeong-hoon and his group ended up here. After flying to Dubai on a business plane, we returned to Korea on a commercial plane.

It was an inconvenience, but we had no choice but to block people’s attention.

Intelligence agencies from each country that were tracking the EV also lost sight of the group in Dubai.

A few days later, they returned to Langley CIA Headquarters. “

We confirmed that we broke up in Dubai. After that it was impossible to trace. It looks like a computer error occurred and the data was deleted.”

“Damn, is this an internet ghost after all?”

the director sighed as he heard Director Lewis’s words. Data connected to the network was too vulnerable to EV. Now

that we have become an Internet society, information is easily accessible. What I had gained came back like a boomerang.

“New EV weapons appeared in this Congo operation. These are guns and grenades that can inflict damage on mutants.”

The director’s eyes sparkled as he continued to say these words.

“Unfortunately, according to the stories of the rescued soldiers, they say that even if an ordinary person fired a gun, it did not have the proper effect.” ”

This is so . Is it also a weapon exclusively for the Awakened?”

“I think so.”

The director clearly looked disappointed.

As they prepared for the second operation, the U.S. military needed proper weapons.

“Those weapons were not even listed on the EV website. It appears to be a newly made weapon. It seems that British intelligence understands this as well.”

“If we hadn’t brought the wrong people from Syria, we wouldn’t have to just watch….” The

Syrian operation became the Achilles’ heel of Director Lewis and the Awakened Response Headquarters. It seemed like he had abandoned it.

Suppressing the anger that was about to burst out, Director Lewis opened his mouth.

“Agent Elkani is growing well. She has talent.”

“Otherwise, she wouldn’t have entered the country.”

“In the end, the trace failed. The British royal family also seems to be connected to EV. “The prince also became an awakened?”

“Yes. It was confirmed as an awakened person.”

It was also the CIA. They were watching the situation of each country as if they had it in their hands. So the director was more frustrated with EV. “In the

end, will we have to lend a hand to EV again?”

The director sighed and left his seat. I got up and said,

“I’m going to report. Try contacting EV. Anyway, they will tell you to buy these new weapons as well.”

“I understand.”

After the director left, Director Lewis had a bitter look on his face.

‘Maybe I was in the wrong line…’

I thought he would control the world as the awakener of the strongest American intelligence agency. Right now, I was just a middle manager who got yelled at by my boss every day.


The general manager slapped his face with both hands.

Not all roads were blocked yet.

Even ordinary people and politicians were not yet fully aware of the abilities of awakened people and the danger of mutant monsters. .

Although the existing system is now maintained, it was clear that it would be difficult to maintain this system.

Until then, we had to wait patiently.

Director Lewis also left the director’s office. He headed to the training room where the awakened people were gathered.


The world economy As the Korean economy was faltering, the Korean economy was becoming more difficult.

However, the nightlife in Seoul had not yet died down.

The same was true for the recently opened jewelry bar.

Luxury cars were parked in the surrounding parking lot, and drivers were gathered in groups of twos and threes chatting. .

Among them were some tough-looking guys.

And the customer who brought those guys was scolded by Jin Xiawei for a long time.

“Are you going to mess up the atmosphere of the bar? “If you come alone, if you come dressed like this, where will other customers be?”

Jin Xiawei glanced at the middle-aged man and argued in fluent Korean.

It was a man with a face full of scars.

The clothes were luxury, but his posture and atmosphere did not make them look like luxury. Surprisingly ,

the man who was being scolded did not look upset.

“I kept it to a minimum. Madame can tolerate this much, too.”

Surprisingly, the man’s voice was pleasant to hear.

“It’s not Madam, it’s the bartender manager.”

Jin Xiawei wasn’t really interested in whether it was a pleasant voice to hear or whether he was apologizing.

He was just one of the customers who were giggling anyway.

The big guys. Even if he ruined the atmosphere by bringing four people in,

even though he was the head of an up-and-coming organization that divided Seoul, and even if

he came every day and gave her a bouquet of flowers,

he was just a customer

at the bar. She just didn’t like the fact that the other customers were watching because of this guy. “

Isn’t Madam the boss? “I didn’t even see a person called the boss.”

“I took over everything, but I’m not the boss. “What kind of money do I have to sell accessories like that?”

Jewelry and accessories were sprinkling light on the tables located throughout the bar.

There were middle-aged men in suits in front of the bar, but men and women were walking around looking at jewelry in front of the jewelry table. The man nodded

at her words, but Jin Xiawei pouted.

The person she pouted was not the man in front of her.

It was the owner of the jewelry bar, who had not shown his face even once since it opened.

A man who always travels abroad busily, disappears unexpectedly, only to be left with a lot of work to do. Now, he has again obtained a lot of smelly bomb materials and piles them up in the warehouse. This time, it looks like he is going to write a proper contract as if something has caught his breath


Jin Xia-wei was planning to scare Kyung-hoon by raising the deposit by a large amount.

“You really are a disobedient customer.”

“If Madam accepts my sincerity, you will become a good and obedient customer.”

Contrary to the rumors, the man was very polite . But she treated her with courtesy.

But even so, there was no way she would have known.

Even the people sitting at other tables watching were all making a fuss. They were third-generation politicians, prosecutors and conglomerates.

They were all people who had made a big deal with her not long ago. But Right now, none of them were trying to stop the man in front of them.

Jin Xiawei sighed.

There was no way things would end well if a person like this was going to hang out at the bar.

As expected, things exploded.

Clap! Clap!


! Inform the chairman!”

“Stop it!”


The sound of something breaking and the sound of a fight were heard outside the bar.

Jin Shawei clapped his hands.

Clap clap!

“It looks like a fight broke out outside the bar. You may get caught in the process, so please go through the inner passage. I won’t charge you for the alcohol, but I’ll give it to you for free next time you come.” Everyone

stood up when she said that.

They were all people of social status. They had no intention of getting caught up in unnecessary rumors.

“Shall I call the police?”

“Can I gather people ? It could be possible.”

The guests said something as they left the inner passage, but she shook her head.

“The person here will take responsibility. All you have to do is come back next time.”

At her words, the customers clicked their tongues as they looked at the middle-aged man standing on one side.

While all the customers were leaving, the sound of fighting could be heard right in front.

After sending the bartender and the enemy out , Jin Xiawei walked up to the scarred man:

“The damage is considerable. What are you going to do?”

As she spoke with both hands on her hips, the man lowered his head.

“I’m sorry. I will take responsibility for all damages. Leave faster than that. It’s dangerous.”

Jin Xiawei smiled as he looked at the door.

“It’s already too late.”


The door broke and the big men guarding outside fell inside the door.

Then, Chinese people holding sashimi knives poured into the door.

Inside the bar. The large men stepped in front of the middle-aged man.

“It seems they have noticed that the number of security guards is low.”

Despite what his subordinate said, the man did not look remorseful.

On the contrary, he took off his suit and rolled up his shirt.

“Let’s finish quickly and tell Madam no more. You must not cause any harm.”

He clenched his fist, and a red light began to radiate from it.

“Chairman Yang Haohao is right. I should finish it soon. Is it okay to harm the general public?”

At that time, several Chinese people came in from outside the broken door.

The other two people were strangers, but the Chinese person in the lead was someone who knew men well. He was the head of a Chinese organization that had entered Korea.

“In the end , Are we going to start an all-out war?”

“Well, if we defeat Chairman Yang here, there’s no reason to go to war, right?”

The man, Chairman Yang, glared at the two Chinese people he had never seen before. It was clear that they had been brought in to deal with him.

“The Awakened One . “Did you bring them here?”

“They were brought here from the mainland. I had no choice if I had to deal with you.”

The man frowned. There were more awakened people in his organization, but he was the only one here. The man looked back. Before he knew it, Jin Xiawei had gone behind the bar. The man had an apologetic expression on his face

. It seemed like it would cause a lot of damage.

But she looked down at the bar with a calm face.

Jin Xiawei opened the safe inside the bar and took out a gun from the safe. A gun

for awakened people with a silencer. Wenman. It was a pistol that Kyung-hoon had given her, telling her not to use it.

She sat on a chair, put the pistol on her lap, and called.


“Fuck you, kill them all!”

While she was on the phone, a fight started.

The table exploded . After leaving, jewelry and accessories soared into the sky.

The phone rang and the person on the other end answered the phone.

– Hello?

Jin Xiawei opened her mouth at the sound of Kyung-hoon’s voice. Her voice sounded very bright.

“The boss needs to come out. Something happened at the bar. If it’s too late, you might be in a lot of trouble.”

The boss had been leaving everything to him and not even showing his nose.

Now he had no choice but to show up.

Jin Xia-wei placed the gun on his lap and began to wait for Kyung-hoon.

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