I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 147 - 145: The Mother Crane We Chased

Chapter 147: Chapter 145: The Mother Crane We Chased

Together in Those Years_l

Translator: 549690339 |

“Will these Spirit Cranes be affected?”

Lu Xuan expressed his concerns on the side.

“There will certainly be an effect, looking at their condition, there’s no guarantee this kind of extreme situation wouldn’t occur again.”

Xu Yi solemnly looked at the remaining two hundred plus Spirit Cranes.

Lu Xuan followed his gaze to see the group of Spirit Cranes obediently staying within the fenced area, but their state did not seem as calm as it appeared on

the surface.

Many Spirit Cranes had red eyes, upon close observation, occasionally, there

was a hint of violent intent.

“It seems that these Spirit Cranes, under Zhou Zheng Qing’s violent nurturing,

are on the brink of eruption.”

“Only because they have been tamed, they do not have the intention to strike

back yet.”

“In addition, because the Spirit Beast Plaque contains the essence blood of the Spirit Cranes, the life or death decision is solely in the hands of the cultivator who controls the Spirit Beast Plaque.”

“Therefore, the Spirit Crane from just now would rather self-harm than muster the courage to retaliate against Zhou Zheng Qing. After all, self-harming only damages the body, but retaliating against a cultivator is a whole different matter, nearly impossible to survive.”

Lu Xuan looked at the anxious Spirit Cranes and thought to himself.

Not far away, Zhou Zheng Qing who was recently filled with pride now looks panicked and helpless.

Not long after, a cultivator who was proficient in healing methods came over.

A holy white light fell on the abdomen of the Spirit Crane, instantly, the originally bleeding wound slowly closed up. The Spirit Crane let out a soft cry of pain, but its head was still held up high.

“Junior Brother Zhou, today’s incident of the Spirit Crane self-harming has shown that your nurturing method is not appropriate and a bit extreme. I hope you will treat these Spirit Cranes gentler in the future. If a similar incident happens again, it will be hard for both of us to manage the situation.”

Xu Yi said to Zhou Zheng Qing with a stern face.

Although a decrease in the number of Spirit Cranes was a major problem, if a mass self-harming action of Spirit Cranes was triggered, then the issue of breeding wouldn’t matter anymore.

“Yes, Senior Sister Xu, I will remember.”

Zhou Zheng Qing said with a sip of wine. He was scared of the incident, having no objections to Xu Yi’s warning and reminder, deciding in his heart to immediately change his nurturing method.

“Junior Brother Lu, how are the hundred Spirit Cranes you are raising doing so far?”

“You must be more vigilant, if a similar incident occurs again, it is very likely that the Taming Beast Hall’s Uncle Master would intervene.”

Xu Yi came over to Lu Xuan’s side, his expression slightly eased, he softly asked him.

“Senior Brother Xu, over these past few days, I’ve been constantly adjusting the physical and mental condition of the hundred Spirit Cranes, so far the results have been quite good.”

“That’s good, I hope Junior Brother Lu can bring about good results.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yi felt much more reassured.

Lu Xuan returned to his own camp, all the Spirit Cranes saw his figure and slowly flew over, giving out a soft chirp towards him in an affectionate manner.

These days, Lu Xuan made them feel a long-forgotten sense of relaxation. No more hard work each day carrying cultivators and no more worry of going hungry.

Every day they play freely, frolicking in the water, soaring through the sky, experiencing an unparalleled comfort and ease.

Lu Xuan looked at the head of the several small Spirit Cranes that came over, he chuckled and stretched out his hand to tousle their heads.

The white feathers on the head of the Spirit Crane immediately became messy.


The Spirit Crane tilted its head avoiding Lu Xuan’s ‘devil claws’ and let out a dissatisfied chirp.

“Oh, are you afraid I will mess up your hairstyle? Are your spring affections budding? Do you have a love interest and want to pay attention to your appearance?”

Lu Xuan chuckled and pulled the Spirit Crane’s long neck towards him in one move.

The Spirit Crane struggled out, its wide wings flapped against Lu Xuan a few times, causing a gust of wind that made Lu Xuan’s hair dance in it.

Lu Xuan walked around the camp, greeting each Spirit Crane.

In the midst of the hundred Spirit Cranes there were affectionate ones, indifferent ones, and also a few cheeky ones that teased Lu Xuan.

“Dinnertime, dinnertime!”

After letting the Spirit Cranes play freely for a while, Lu Xuan stood in the middle of the camp and shouted.

As soon as his words fell, hundreds of Spirit Cranes quickly flew towards him. On the ground, there were many Spirit Clams and Snails that Lu Xuan had prepared. He also caught some Spirit Fish and Shrimps from the water specially to improve the Spirit Cranes’ meals.

All he had done over these few days was for one purpose: to let these Spirit Cranes relax.

Forget about their duty to carry cultivators, don’t consider working hard from sunrise to moonrise, return to their natural behaviors and live in the most suitable way for their nature.

Among all their behaviors, eating is a significant part. In the past, Spirit Cranes had to look for Spirit Plant Roots in the water, tender leaves, and worked all day, often they couldn’t fill their stomachs, not to mention being able to enjoy a variety of delicious food.

In recent days, Lu Xuan adjusted the Spirit Cranes’ diet based on their health status, balancing meats and vegetables to satisfy their body’s needs while they get to indulge their appetites.

The effect was indeed good, this group of hundred Spirit Cranes looked more spirited in their eyes, the light reflected in their feathers was even brighter and more vibrant than before.

“After eating, we need to exercise to digest.”

Pointing at the clear blue sky, he loudly announced with a smirk:

“Forget all your worries and let yourself fly freely!”

“Ready… Charge!!”

As the command echoed, a hundred Spirit Cranes flapped their wings forcefully, flew swiftly towards the sky like arrows leaving a bow.

They made joyous and crisp cries, with an upward path that grew ever faster and ever higher, until they all became little white dots in the sky.

Under the setting sun, a golden glow shone on all the Spirit Cranes. The scene was extremely harmonious and natural.

“Those youthful years chasing mother crane…”

Gazing at the freely frolicking Spirit Cranes, Lu Xuan murmured to himself.

After a while, all Spirit Cranes returned to the camp one by one.

“Ah? Didn’t you have youthful regrets? Did you really manage to chase them?

At the end, two Spirit Cranes came down together, their long necks intertwined in a lovemaking pose.

Seeing the figure of Lu Xuan, only then did the two Spirit Cranes reluctantly separate, their eyes were infinitely tender, as if connected by a thread.

“Now there are so many Spirit Cranes, I estimate they will nest in the water weeds tonight.”

Seeing this, Lu Xuan inwardly exclaimed.

He called over the male crane and carefully examined the feathers on its body.

“We are reaching a crucial moment in the life of a crane, I have to dress you up so you won’t forget about tonight’s ‘spring night’.”

“Brushing its hair just like the crane…”

Lu Xuan hummed quietly, parting the feathers on the crane’s head from the middle.

“It feels like old friends are here.”

Gazing at Spirit Crane with middle-parted hairstyle, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but smile.

The Spirit Crane moved its body and wiggled out from under Lu Xuan’s ‘devil claw’..

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