I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 377 - 375: Mutated Arrow Vine 1

Chapter 377: Chapter 375: Mutated Arrow Vine 1

“Brother Lu, after listening to your advice, I have discovered something on a mutant spiritual plant, but I am not sure. Can you come over and help me check it out?”

While Lu Xuan was studying a new mutant spiritual plant, suddenly, a voice transmission sounded in his ear. Turning his head, he saw Liu Su looking at him expectantly.

He nodded gently and approached Liu Su.

“Thank you, Brother Lu.”

Liu Su thanked him softly and pointed to the mutated spiritual plant not far from her, saying,

“Brother Lu, this spiritual plant seems similar to one I remember called Toxic Smoke Wood. The latter can absorb various poisons, nurtures toxic smoke, and seems to have a resemblance to this mutated spiritual plant, but the differences are also huge.”

“The poison gas emanating from this plant seems somewhat too intense.” Following her voice, Lu Xuan noticed a mutated spiritual plant with poison gas pervading, so dense that it almost materialized, and even dozens of feet away, you could smell a sickening scent.

This is practically a poison cloud, isn’t it…

Lu Xuan thought sarcastically and used the Spirit Rain Technique.

[Unknown spiritual plant, used to be a third-grade Toxic Smoke Wood, long term exposed to…]

A thought flashed, and Lu Xuan confirmed that the mutated spiritual plant was indeed as Liu Su said, a transformed Toxic Smoke Wood.

Once he knew the result, he felt much calmer and reassured. In a serene manner, he said to Liu Su,

Friend Liu, although the mutation of spiritual plants alters many things, the essence remains the same. The core often remains unaffected by external’ factors.”

“Based on this, it can be deduced that the mutated spiritual plant is likely derived from the Toxic Smoke Wood. What you need to do is to verify your guess.”

“Indeed, the essence remains the same.”

Liu Su had a eureka moment. Ideas sprouted in her mind.

She thanked Lu Xuan again before concentrating on the spiritual plant shrouded in poison gas.

“Junior Brother Lu, I have some doubts about the spiritual plant at hand. I hope you can come and guide me.”

It hadn’t been half an hour since Lu Xuan returned to his position, when another fellow disciple invited him to come and help.

“Brother Lu…”

So, over the next two to three days, if anyone had any questions, they would reach out to Lu Xuan for help.

Thanks to Lu Xuan’s unique ability to learn about the spiritual plants in details, he could easily answer and clear the doubts. The subsequent experiments of his fellow disciples validated the correctness of his answers further.

As such, the crowd’s respect and admiration for Lu Xuan gradually increased, and he seemed to have naturally become the leader among them.

Watching this, Zhong Hao smiled bitterly inside, thinking with a hint of resentment,

“Wasn’t he supposed to help me?”

“How did he suddenly become the leader?”

He stared at the strange spiritual plant in front of him that he had no idea how to deal with, and gritted his teeth tightly.

If you can’t beat them, join them!

“Junior Brother Lu…”

Zhong Hao, a burly man, stood in front of Lu Xuan with a fervent smile on his face.

The spiritual plant I chose is really weird. I have tried some methods for nurturing spirit beasts, but none of them worked. I would appreciate it if you could lend me a hand.”

“Sure, Brother Zhong, I’ll be right there.”

Lu Xuan, who was helping a Spirit Plant Master with a verification experiment, nodded.

A moment later, he came to Zhong Hao and carefully examined the peculiar spiritual plant that was restrained.

The spiritual plant was a green-black vine, and at first glance, it appeared extremely fierce. Items akin to arrows of various shapes and lengths hung from the vine.

The shortest was less than three inches, the longest was about a foot. The tail-end of each was blended into the vine itself. Every arrowhead had unique characteristics: some were extremely sharp, seemingly able to pierce anything; some emanated a dark aura, clearly hiding a deadly poison; and many arrows ’ were sheathed in quivers produced by the vine, ready to be launched at a moment’s notice.

“This spirit plant Brother Zhong is responsible for has very distinct characteristics,” Lu Xuan remarked.

Typically, a spirit plant with such distinct characteristics would have its true nature uncovered quickly. However, days had passed without anyone revealing its secret, suggesting that the original plant may be exceedingly rare and unusual.

I considered myself to have the highest cultivation level, so I chose the strangest-looking plant there was,” Zhong Hao confessed regretfully. “Unfortunately, I seem to have overestimated myself.”

“Among the plants that Brother Ge separated, I’ve approximately examined all of them. I could see that this one has the strongest aggression, and could argue that it already has certain fighting instincts. It can judge the situation, choose its mode and timing of attack, which sets it apart from other spiritual plants,” Zhong Hao explained his discoveries about the plant.

Fighting instincts?” Lu Xuan questioned Zhong Hao’s claim. He loosened the restraints on the plant, then casually passed in front of it.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from behind him, and he could sense a sharp wooden arrow swiftly approaching his back with his Spiritual Sense. The arrowhead was rotating at high speed, casting a series of afterimages as if it wanted to rip through Lu Xuan’s entire body.

With a “ding” sound, a prepared Lu Xuan erected a Spiritual Energy Shield at his back, deflecting the arrow effortlessly. The Fourth Grade Wind Thunder Sword slashed the wooden arrow into two.

“Junior Brother Lu, what impressive swordsmanship!” Zhong Hao exclaimed in admiration.

“You flatter me, Brother Zhong.” Lu Xuan modestly returned.

This spiritual plant really does possess exceptional qualities. The other spiritual plants attack indiscriminately, but this one actually stages ambushes.”

“If an ordinary Foundation Establishment Cultivator encountered it, there would be a high risk of injury or even death.”

As he spoke, he approached the calm green-black vines.

The variety of arrows naturally hung from the vines, as if they had nothing to

do with the thunder-like arrow that had just been launched.

Lu Xuan’s Spiritual Power surged, and Spirit Rain poured down and seeped into the green-black vines.

As his mind concentrated, information about the spiritual plant surfaced in his mind.

[Unknown spiritual plant, fourth-grade. Originated from the third-grade Arrow Vine, mutated over time due to exposure to a powerful blood energy force. During its growth, it could condense into various arrows depending on the different Spiritual Energies and substances it absorbed.]

[Has certain Spiritual Intelligence, can release different shapes and functions of arrows. When encountered with a powerful enemy, it can release a barrage of arrows, causing instantaneous harm or even killing mid to late-term Foundation Establishment Cultivator.]

[Arrow Vine, a third-grade spiritual plant. During its growth period, it needs the aid of a spiritual plant master to guide and condense the arrow-shaped spiritual power, generating arrow-shaped spirit fruit, which can be used as an innate bow and arrow magic artifact after maturing. The vine serves as the bow, and the fruit serves as the arrow.]

“Arrow vine… a third-grade spiritual plant mutated into fourth grade? No wonder it’s so distinct from other spiritual plants,” Lu Xuan hummed, digesting the information that had flashed into his mind.

When he thought about the ambush attack of the mutated arrow vine just now, he pondered.

“A barrage of arrows and certain spiritual intelligence. This could be a good choice for guarding the cultivation cave.”

His interest in this mutated arrow vine was piqued.

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