I Raised Him Modestly, But He Came Back Obsessed With Me

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Your Highness Crown Prince.

She mumbled in surprise.

You are strong.

At those words, a surprised Cersinia released the wrist that she was holding.

Im sorry. I thought it might be a thug, I was rude.

No, its my fault forgrabbing you from behind.

Limapheus turned his painful wrist around. Cersinia was trembling because it was her second time meeting the Crown Prince.

Why did we meet again? Why?

For Cersinia, Limapheus was the number last person she wanted to encounter. Who would want to encounter someone who will cut their neck in the future?

You must have something you want to know.

Limapheus glanced at the sign withinformation guild written on it, which was attached to the hallway.

Its personal, Your Highness.

Cersinia didnt hide her displeasure. Even though he is the Crown Prince, she didnt want to talk about her personal affairs.

I think I can help you.

Seeing a smirk forming on his face, Cersinia widened the distance between them. As expected, Limapheus is a dangerous person with whom she should not be close.

Youll never get better information than the ones I have.

Seeing Cersinia withdrawing, Limapheus added. He didnt want to miss something that looked interesting.

Im thankful for the favour Your Highness, but I dont know if you have the information I want and the reason youre helping me.

Cersinia was still suspicious of him and was clearly setting up boundaries between them. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with what the Crown Prince said. No information would be as accurate as the one obtained by the Crown Prince of the Empire. But she wasnt desperate enough to join hands with the most dangerous person she knew. Besides, to be together openly talking to him for long would be hard for Cersinia who hated him so terribly.

I can find any information youd possibly need no matter what it is. Even if its about the Grand Duke Shorevarce.

Limapheuss eyes bent as he smiled. At the mention of the Grand Duke, Cersinias shoulders stiffened.

What the hell. Is this man a ming reader? Or is this the male protagonist buff or something like that?

For no reason, Cersinia grumbled inside and stared at him. He was having a good laugh as he was having a lot of fun.

Theres nothing I dont know.

Limapheus was thrilled at Cersinias reaction when he mention Alexs story, even though he had brought it up out of fear. It was funny to him, seeing how those two clearly like each other but struggle to face each other.And they seem to not be able to get past the ironic situation.

Im grateful for your kindness, but Im sorry.

Cersinia politely refused. It was taken for granted. Because it was difficult for her to have a conversation with the person she should not be involved with the most.

And I dont know exactly how much the Crown Prince knows about Ben.

Limapheus might not know that Ben was enslaved in the past, so she couldnt even bring it up first. Just because he is the male protagonist doesnt mean he knows everything that wasnt detailed in the original novel.

Its a shame for you to refuse, but dont use the information guild. Information guild is absolutely illegal in the Empire, and it will disappear after today. Please dont waste your money or time.

Cersinia frowned at his words. Limapheus was smiling softly with a relaxed face. She couldnt use the information guild, so she had a contemptuous expression because she had no idea what to do now. But she put up with the desire to slap his annoying face because he was obviously playing around with her.

Cersinia wont fall for it. If the information guild could not be used, it meant that she could hire people and pay them more. Her expression was firm as if she had no intention of doing what he wanted.

Ill tell you one thing first.

Limapheus raised the white flag first, looking at Cersinia, who had not conceded. She was such a strong woman. She looked just like an ordinary woman, but her stubbornness was amazing.

Its okay. I will find it out by myself.

Do you know that there is a hidden space in the Grand Duchy?

Limaphues ignored her words. Cersinia glared at him suspiciously, who rushed his words. She needs to find out what hes up to. However, she couldnt help but be tempted by what he said.

A very deep, dark place is hidden so that most people cannot find it.

Why are you telling me this?

You dont know how far I know, so you dont trust me. Thats why. If you check it, you will know if what Im saying is true or not and how far I know.

Cersinias mouth her closed by his surprising remark. The novel said that Limapheus is good at martial arts, but he had an excellent ability to see through people.

Lets check it out and talk about it again then.

He seemed to be confident. Cersinia didnt think he was lying. Since he had nothing to gain by lying.

All right.

I didnt like it and didnt want it, but what can I do?

Since she has already heard it, she will have to check it out.

I guess youre not with that woman today.

Now that the business was over, he looked around and looked for Verne.

She said that there was something she needed to buy at the store, so we decided to meet again later.

Cersinia did not take her eyes off Limapheus. It was to see how he would react when Verne was brought up to the story.

Where did you decide to meet? Ill take you there.

Am I mistaken or does he looks more lively than before?

She wanted to refuse, but she hoped that Verne and Limapheus frequently met, so she guided him. Because both of them need to fall in love to get married, and thats how the novel ends.

The two met with Verne, who was waiting. Unlike yesterday, Verne looked a little more stable. Cersinia walked with them until they reached the carriage. Limapheus and Verne talked to each other after they greeted each other and looked as if they forgot about her. So Cersinia slowly retreated back.


Seeing Verne, who spoke shyly while blushing, and Limapheus, who didnt stop smiling softly, Cersinia burst into laughter. It felt like she became the third wheel between the couple on their first date. Cersinia unintentionally became the steppingstone between the two.

* * *

The next day, Cersinia searched the mansion secretly with May and Verne.

A very deep, dark place is hidden so that most people cannot find it.

The only place that came to her mind, which fit the description of deep and dark, was the basement when it came to a very deep and dark place in the mansion. However, she couldnt even find the stairs or the door leading to the basement. She asked the servants, but no one knew about it.

Isnt this a lie?

Now, Im sure he lied.

Cersinia, exhausted from scouring the large mansion, sat down randomly in the hallway. Even if it is hidden so that most people cannot find it, how can it be so inconspicuous that nobody knows of it? She was upset because it felt like she had been tricked by Limapheus. 

Shall we look for a little more? We havent even looked around half of the mansion yet.

Verne cheered her up from the side. However, Cersinia couldnt cheer up when she learned that the three of them were looking around the mansion for a day, but they hadnt seen half of the mansion.

Its too broad for a human being. Its useless.

May nodded her head vigorously, agreeing with that.

Then please take a break here for a while. Ill go look around the annex.

Even before Cersinia could refuse, Verne was already running down the hallway like a bullet.

Then I will go look around again to see if I missed anything.

When May stepped up, Cersinia stood up because she couldnt just sit still and let the girls do it alone. She was the one who wanted to know, so she couldnt sit around like this alone. She took the dust out of her butt, she walked down the hallway to the left, which she hadnt yet looked around. As Verne said, they havent looked around the half of the mansion yet, so Cersinia looks for it again, but she doubts whether she can trust Limapheus words 100%.

Please dont let it be vain.

Cersinia walked around the hall, which had nothing special. But after a few minutes, she saw a slight dent on a wall, she pressed it unconditionally. She thought it might be the button that opened the secret door, although nothing happened.

As she looked around for a long time, her stomach growled. Surprised by the loud enough sound that rang the quiet hallway, she grabbed her stomach. There was no one around, but her ears turned red with embarrassment. The evening was approaching as she saw the sun slowly setting down. All she ate today was a simple breakfast, thats why she was now hungry. She decided to stop looking for today. Verne and May must be hungry too since they didnt eat properly either.

Cersinia turned around and proceed to walk back. But then, suddenly, she found two people walking down the opposite hallway. A man who opens the door to the parlour room with the familiar expressionless face he has all the time. And a woman with blue hair and an infinitely beautiful smile walking next to him. Cersinia hurriedly hid behind the pillar. Those two were Ben and Aronia Blenzuan.

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