I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 40 - 39: Hit the Mark l

Chapter 40: Chapter 39: Hit the Mark l

Translator: 549690339

Harrison Clark regretted it deeply.

So much so that he wanted to go back on his words tomorrow morning.

He admitted that he was a bit tempted, after all, as long as he got Carrie Thomas’s management contract in hand, even a fool could soar high.

But now, Harrison thought that he could live a fulfilling life without Carrie’s contract, so why bother looking for trouble?

Until he fell asleep, he was still pondering why he had agreed to it.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

Carrie Thomas was awakened.

Her singing had magic in it, which could make people lose their senses.

He was a bit careless with her, even daring to agree to join her in such a small space as the restroom together.

As a result, he was brainwashed by her singing and involuntarily agreed to this matter.

Maybe even, Carrie had this idea from the beginning.

She was afraid of being rejected, so she unreservedly showed her strength first, planning to use her singing to paint a beautiful vision.

The two would have a long-term, deep collaboration, and the future would surely get better and better.

Harrison basically guessed half of it.

Before singing to him, Carrie had received several management contract invitation calls from top domestic companies.

But she gently refused all of them.

Compared to being affiliated under a large management company, losing freedom, and becoming a caged bird, she would naturally prefer to work independently.

But if she didn’t sign with a company, there’s no end to the calls.

So the best way was to find someone trustworthy in the circle, who didn’t have any ulterior motives, and wouldn’t restrict her freedom, to sign a casual contract, and finally form a personal studio model.

She had no interest in operation, hype, and business. She just wanted to create and sing.

Actually, earlier when Harrison asked her how much money was needed to create a high-standard recording studio, Carrie had already had the idea.

Five million seemed far away, but the sudden hit of “Boring” gave Carrie Thomas hope.

As long as a few more songs of the same level as “Boring” could be made next, five million was not far away.

Harrison immediately brought her “A Dull Life,” which was even better than “Boring,” and it finally ignited Carrie’s ambition.

Her ambition seemed small, only wanting freedom.

But the word freedom was heavy, easy to say but destined to be difficult to achieve.

After experiencing the schemes of Lewis Brown and Eric Mitchell, Carrie had actually grown a lot behind the scenes.

She forced herself to start learning to be cunning.

Her tricks were not sophisticated, but fortunately, they worked well.

But in her scheming, there was no hidden dirt.

She didn’t want to manipulate Harrison, but only wanted to calm her heart and create better songs.

In her eyes, Harrison was too strong, so strong that she felt she might drag him down.

She would not admit defeat and wanted to catch up with him.

Public opinion evaluations are always illusions.

Public opinion never knows the truth.

Now the online evaluation of her was very high.

Within just half a day, Carrie already had her own fan forum, with a rapid increase in fan numbers breaking 50,000 and still growing.

She didn’t even have a verified Twitter account, but one after another, her verified fan clubs emerged like spring shoots after the rain.

The more external fame and influence she gained, the less she enjoyed it. Instead, she would always think that the truly talented person was the unknown Harrison Clark behind the scenes, and she was merely singing the songs he had created.

Only when she could write songs of the same level and sing them with equal effect would Carrie Thomas feel satisfied and believe that she hadn’t let her dreams down.

Early the next morning, Harrison Clark quietly got up to slip away.

He was too embarrassed to break his word, but he really wasn’t mentally prepared, so he thought about delaying it for a few more days, maybe Carrie would change her mind herself.

Harrison thought people could change.

Especially when becoming famous overnight, it was most likely to have a huge impact on one’s mentality. Perhaps she felt her wings were strong enough and didn’t need him anymore?

“Huh, Harrison, where are you going?”

He didn’t expect that when he opened the door, Carrie had already looked down from the upstairs corridor- who knew if she was waiting there.

Harrison awkwardly smiled, “Going to the company.”

“Why don’t you take a leave today? We’ll go register our company.”

“How about another day?””Why wait for a lucky day? Today is just perfect.”

Carrie Thomas said expressionlessly.

Harrison Clark, seeing he couldn’t escape this, reluctantly said, “I’m afraid that won’t work. I’m leaving the company, and today is the day I pack up my things and go.”

Although Harrison was just using this excuse to leave forcefully, Carrie surprisingly became overjoyed.

“Really? You’re so efficient! Well, go ahead, good luck!”

She then retreated.

Harrison thought, have you misunderstood something again?

Well, forget it.

At nine in the morning, Harrison entered the company right on time for work.

First, he needed to go through the resignation process.

Unexpectedly, the person handling his resignation paperwork was Linden Brown.

A day had passed, and Linden’s slapped cheek was slightly swollen, but it didn’t seem too serious. It should be gone in three or four days.

Linden looked at him with a terrible expression, “Take this, this is your slip. Take it yourself and go to the Finance and Administration Departments.”

Harrison thought Linden was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, but to his surprise, Linden was quite straightforward. Harrison took the slip and looked at its terms, laughing.

“Wow! Wow, wow, wow! Does the sun come out from the west now?”

He was given a full three months’ salary plus performance bonuses as compensation, amounting to a total of 24,000 after tax.

The company agreed to let Harrison continue living in Weston’s apartment at a price slightly higher than the employee benefits price but lower than the market price.

These two terms were completely unexpected.

Harrison had thought he might only get a month’s worth of subsidy at most, and that the price of Weston’s apartment would return to market value. He even thought he might have to make up the difference from before.

Linden glared at Harrison, baring his teeth and forcing out a hideous smile, “I’ve finished your paperwork, so hurry up and go. You don’t seem like you want to stay in the company anyway.”

Harrison took the slip and asked before he left, “By the way, who will take over Weston after I resign?”

Linden put down his documents and slightly raised his eyelids, “What does that have to do with you?”

“I’ll be your client in the future, so I need to know who will be serving me.”

Linden was annoyed by his retort, but this issue was actually his masterpiece, “David Mitchell, how about that? You can rest assured that he’ll do his best to serve you, his customer.”

As he spoke, Linden’s chin lifted slightly, revealing an indescribable sense of triumph.

It was as if his expression was saying, what are you proud of when I still have the last laugh?

Harrison regretted asking.

What had been a good mood was now somewhat dampened.

Afterward, he went up and down completing the necessary procedures. By ten in the morning, Harrison had packed up all his personal belongings into a cardboard box and left his workspace.

Apart from Sophia Camp, no one else saw him off.

The scene was no different from those dramatic departures of fired employees often depicted in TV shows and movies.

“What are your plans now, Harrison?”

As they walked side by side through the office hallway, Sophia asked with concern.

Harrison nonchalantly replied, “I’ll figure it out later. Anyway, I won’t be short on money for the time being.”

He now had over 50,000 in his bank account, including today s 24,000 and the previous 30,000-plus from selling his songs.

If there was money in his pocket, he would never panic.

As the two chatted, a commotion came from the company’s entrance.

Harrison craned his neck to look, “What’s going on?”

Sophia suddenly seemed to remember something and quickly grabbed his sleeve, pulling him aside. “I forgot to tell you, this afternoon the company’s new spokesperson, Jenny Hart, is going to have a commercial event in the High-tech Zone. She’s coming here for a tour! We should stand aside and not block the way.”

Up ahead, the senior leaders of Chesterton Apartment were huddled in a crowd.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the center of the group.

Linden’s chubby figure was awkwardly at the edge of the crowd, smiling apologetically at the air.

Harrison raised his eyebrows.

Jenny Hart?

This was getting interesting!

With just a glimpse, he saw the rather outstanding figure in the crowd, exceptionally elegant and extraordinary…

Ladies’ man, Adam Martin.

Though a ladies’ man, Adam was quite tall, and his face, which had been smoothed over by foundation, was easy to spot..

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