I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 487 - 319: There Must Be Gains as Well as Lossesl

Chapter 487: Chapter 319: There Must Be Gains as Well as Lossesl

From then on, one after another, the Armored War Gods with white hair, wrinkled faces, clothes torn by their bodies, and covered with black scales or rotting flesh appeared on the battlefield.

These aged war gods were echoing resounding BGMs, displaying completely non-human athletic abilities, and their physical functions underwent changes, allowing them to fire some medium-to-long-range damaging abilities like special beasts in the animal kingdom from their mouths, fingertips, or even shoulders.

These things could be saliva, energy balls, or even the terrifying physical poison projectiles that Harrison Clark once dealt with, only much less powerful.

Besides these special abilities possessed by the extinct animals, human warriors still had the instinct to use their original weapons, such as firearms and even new cold weapons similar to ancient styles but with different materials and cutting principles.

As killing machines, the individual strength of the older Armored War Gods was enough to overpower most strongmen in the Extinct Animal Legion.

However, the enemy’s number was too large and their assembly speed too fast. The older Armored War Gods eventually fell into a situation where they were outnumbered and died.

In the ten years of bitter fighting, human beings lost a total of 24.0 billion population.

Today, the extinct animals have completed the extermination of human counterattack forces and are in the final assembly. Their next step is a full-scale siege of the last human settlement.

But at this time, the already severely oppressed humans finally, under the leadership of the aged Armored War Gods, sounded the counterattack horn from Willian and Sergey’s core settlement.

The constantly shrinking defense line began to retreat.

Extinct animals do not fear death, nor will they feel their bile freezing in the killing process.

The retreat of the frontline has only one reason.

This area had been slain into a lifeless blank.

No need to roar, no intimidation, only killing.

Three months later, nearly two billion elderly people who had not held irreplaceable positions and were not involved in research and development stood up one after another to protect their families, friends, and compatriots with their flesh-and-blood Great Wall.

With these older people who had Azure Dragon Armor-level abilities, humankind finally escaped from the desperate situation and began a great counterattack.

The greater the pressure that the dormant human beings suffered, the more fierce the outbreak of the great counterattack.

Although this war seemed less splendid compared to the 3ist-century human war against the Invader Warship, the scars left in people’s hearts were equally clear.

As the war went on, when extinct animals learned that humans also had powerful individual combat capabilities, they adjusted their evolutionary strategies, no longer blindly pursuing quantitative advantages but strengthening the rapid sublimation of individual entities.

More and more Z Bacteria-infected super-extinct beasts were born, some with absolute combat power evolution direction and some with artificial intelligence-like super computing power direction.

The Great Extinction Catastrophe quickly entered the next stage.

The extinct animals made their response; humans would not stagnate.

As the older people died one after another, more and more young and middle-aged people began to set foot on the battlefield, and Willian and Sergey never stopped improving the Armored Transformation plan.

This eerie confrontation took place on every planet in the Solar System, but the main battleground was still Earth.

There were the most humans and animals here, with the highest oxygen content.

Years passed, and in 2576, Willian completed another great feat.

Willian and Sergey joined hands and came up with a new technique that had never appeared in the previous timeline.

Willian was responsible for the core technology in the biological dimension, while Sergey was responsible for the core technology in the physical dimension.

The surgery included two major parts: deep gene awakening at the base level and simulated strong radiation stimulation.

Harrison Clark himself was familiar with this concept of simulating strong radiation. Its mystery was similar to the radiation penetration he encountered when he was first chased by the Particle-interference Bomb in a wide area, only slightly milder.

They named it the Ultimate Gene Awakening Surgery.

The effects of the ultimate surgery were even more violent than the endless gene training equipment developed by the Institute of Life Sciences in the penultimate timeline.

Theoretically, this was the last major leap for humans before becoming Galactic Humans.

Harrison Clark once imagined, if Willian could live to the 31st century and join the Life Science Research Institute, what kind of results could this monster achieve.

Now he knows.

In this timeline, Willian, with the help of another monster Sergey, pushed the boundaries of biological science to catch up with the level of the 31st century in that timeline, and even exceeded it!

He can’t say it’s all Willian’s credit.

Harrison Clark himself also contributed.

Anyway, Harrison Clark, Willian, Sergey, Ethan Evans, Lamont-Nigel, and more biological giants took 556 years to smash through the time tunnel and push the development of biological sciences forward by more than 600 years!

As long as they underwent this ultimate surgery and survived, even those who had not received the S Bacteria Antibody, like Harrison Clark, who was a peak human warrior, would have an awakening degree that could break through the 35% limit!

But now that humans had the S Bacteria Antibody, the evolution was even more fierce!

Of course, the cost of this surgery was extremely terrifying, with a death rate as high as 70%.

But even so, people were still lining up to stand on the operating table.

Then Sergey came up with another brilliant idea, discovering that playing the song “The Fire” as the main theme and “Morning Wind” as the background music at high volume in the operating room could make the patients display more tenacious willpower and increase the survival rate to 45%!

More and more people’s gene awakening progress began to soar, with the awakening degree gradually approaching the 35% limit.Finally, a senior medical worker – Miss Brown, the head nurse, took the lead and broke free from the shackles, reaching an awakening level of 35%!

After that, Miss Brown immediately went into the armored transformation surgery.

Something incredible happened.

After the transformation, although she still lost her sanity, the lio-year-old woman became the strongest Armored War God ever!

Her back actually sprouted bird-like wings, and she gained the ability to fly!

She charged out with unstoppable momentum and, when a county settlement was on the verge of destruction, she spread her white wings from the sky and single-handedly held off the army of millions led by eight super-extinct beasts!

Reinforcements of Armored War Gods arrived one after another two days later.

This epic battle, with an overwhelming numerical imbalance, eventually ended with Miss Brown miraculously surviving, all other human Armored War Gods perishing, and not a single extinct animal remaining.

Nearly a million people in the county settlement were given a slim chance to live!

After that, Miss Brown continued to fight for another settlement.

She could even temporarily regain her sanity.

She told others that she could maintain this power for three months!

Since then, under the leadership of the godlike Miss Brown, humans on Earth have launched a desperate counterattack, buying more time for people to increase their gene awakening levels.

Miss Brown held on until three more Galactic Humans were born and completed their armored transformations before finally collapsing.

She fought single-handedly for three months, traversing a million kilometers and completely reversing the situation of humanity on Earth’s base!

From then on, the outcome of this war was already predetermined.

Today, beside the magnificent statue of Harrison Clark, there are three more people besides the other five members of the Salvation Band.

Willian, Sergey, and Miss Brown.

Harrison Clark remembered Miss Brown.

When the S Bacteria first descended, she was the one who announced the 626 Declaration!

Unexpectedly, after many timelines, this head nurse stood up again and shone even brighter than before.

So humanity never lacks geniuses, but geniuses need an opportunity to shine.

During the battle against the S Bacteria, Miss Brown was just a medical worker, and although she performed excellently, inspiring others, people might not have imagined in their lifetimes that this older sister’s true talent was actually comparable to Harrison Clark in awakening levels and combat potential.

2601 AD.

With the last extinct animal’s skull crushed, the Great Extinction Catastrophe came to an end.

This war lasted for 43 years, and after the war, the total human population plummeted from over 37 billion to less than 4 billion.

But ultimately, we won.

The cost was unimaginably huge, but the gains were also extremely significant.

Humanity achieved a huge leap in gene awakening levels, which manifested in the situation Harrison Clark saw today, 400 years later.

When he came back that time, his towering 36% awakening level only ranked 176,571st.

Apart from this, humans also made their first contact with a new way of thinking, using biology to solve physical problems.

Even more incredible than the S Bacteria, Z Bacteria “taught” humanity even more, and now humans have mastered the technique of controlling space vibrations caused by curvature motion on the surface of vehicles, which originated from the secrets of the Z Bacteria.

There are also quite a few Z Bacteria-inspired structures in the Galaxy Equipment.

Not only that, but Sergey, with Willian’s assistance, absorbed the properties of the Z Bacteria again and completed the design of a new Dyson membrane structure.

This time, the Dyson membrane had a higher energy conversion efficiency and was developed earlier than before.

In 2637 AD, humans completed the Evolutionary Dyson Membrane and the development of Matter-Energy Conversion Technology, ushering in a new era.

In the same year, after Mason Howard died, Sergey Ponomarenko, who succeeded him as a political and scientific leader, finished designing the Morrowind System moments before his death, completely eliminating the power of the Armored War Gods.

In 2715 AD, Dr. Wright, who had invented the James Amino Acid before, and had his achievements stolen by hundreds of years, rose again. He improved the Ultimate Gene Awakening Surgery, making it milder and reducing the surgical mortality rate from 35% then to less than 1%.

2819 AD, under the huge excess energy supply of the new Dyson membrane, the super Al Star completed its self-evolution.

That day, she suddenly revealed her image, invaded all visual media, and announced to all mankind, “I’m here!”

People were shocked.

After all, no one had ever considered completing a human-like and realistic Al on such a large scale.

She was obviously a runaway creation.

But her next sentence relieved everyone.

“What work do you have for me? Give it to me! Hurry up, hurry up!”

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