I Reject Quests

Chapter 115: Beating Up

Chapter 115: Beating Up

West of Forest of Michaile.

The West was a relatively calm place in the forest. There were very few animals and there were a couple of free faces for setting up tents.

It was captured by the Miscellaneous Alliance as they were the first to arrive. The Eldest Grandson of the Old King, although not a Prince of the main family, is of equal standing to the other Princes. 

"Sir, it seems like there was a person who scared off a member of our Alliance." Similar to Mari, a boy reported the situation to the Eldest Grandson of the Old King.

The Eldest Grandson of the Old King, Seiji, had blonde hair. Adding on to his fairly long hair, tall physique and blue eyes, he gave off the princely-vibe from fairy tales. He was frighteningly calm and his eyes concealed some hidden wisdom. Unlike Ayame who was still naive in the ways of life, he was like a calm general.

"Do you know who that person is?" His voice was gentle, not giving off the slightest of overbearing vibe.

"Overweight and ugly face."

Seiji smiled. "Doesn't that narrow it down? Why are you still here and not looking after him?"

"We do know who that person is but we were waiting for your permission. From our member's description, the person isn't normal. Furthermore, he is also the same person Princess Ayame ordered some of our members to beat up."

Seiji nodded. "You did good. We are in no rush to catch that person. In fact, if I'm being honest, we don't even need to catch the person. If he does come in contact with our Alliance, then do whatever you want. However, there's really not a good reason to initiate a search just for him."



South of Forest of Michaile.

Rewen hid behind the trees. This was not his first person hiding behind the trees. In the fight with the cannibals, he had repeatedly hid behind the trees without end. 'I think, at this rate, I might fall in love with trees. Anyways, that's not the main point.'

He was distressed upon seeing a familiar person. With black hairs, heroic eyes and baby face stood a girl a couple of meters away from him. She was precisely Reza.

'I'm pretty sure that she was the one who made the plan to steal my envelope'

Reza's face currently was full of arrogance and disdain. "Coward! Get out! You will pay the price for making a member of our Alliance faint!"

'Huh? She fainted?' Rewen found it ridiculous. 'Wait I can use this.'  He took off his suit and quietly kept it down. Next, he took off his trousers and covered his mouth with a handkerchief. Then, he covered his head with the suit.

'Hopefully, she isn't that smart to figure out that it's me.' Rewen was unsure about his plan but hoped that it would work.

Meanwhile, Reza's eyes surveyed the surroundings. It stopped when she saw a body protruding from one of the trees. Her smile lit up in her face and she prepared to rush into the spot. 


"I'm coming!" Reza's smile widened as she thought that the other party was scared.

"Are you sure you want to hit the Ninth Prince?"

"Hah? Are you that dumb or pretending to be one? The Ninth Prince didn't participate in the event." Reza confidently said.

Contrary to expectations, Rewen heaved a sigh of relief. 'Thankfully, she is as dumb as I thought she was.' Despite saying that the Ninth Prince didn't participate in the event, she stopped her rush.

Reza looked at the protruding butt and considered his words. 'He can't be the Ninth Prince! Even if I haven't seen the Ninth Prince in person, he shouldn't have such a large rear' Her tiny face flushed red when she realized that her thoughts are shameful.

"You can't deceive me. I know you aren't the Ninth Prince!"

"To think this Prince would not be recognized What a huge disgrace to the Royal Family! Very well, I shall appear before you."

When she heard this, Reza got tensed. 'Could it be that he really is the Ninth Prince?'

However, in the next second, her face twisted as she burst out in wild laughter. "Hahaha you are the hahaha Prince hahaha!" 

No expression could be seen on Rewen's face but his eyes were calm without any ripples. He took a single step forward.

Reza stood there laughing clutching her belly. When she calmed down and raised her head, she again burst into laughter. "HAHAHAHA Did you really HAHAHAHA think that this would hide HAHAHAHA your identity?"

Completely letting her guard down, she forgot that there was an enemy in front of her that moved at an extremely terrifying pace. '[Boost]. All my strength on my legs.'

Within a matter of seconds, Rewen appeared behind her who was still laughing and calmly struck on her neck.

The laughter stopped as the figure fell flat on the ground.

"Thank you for being such an idiot." Looking at her back, he said. 'She would be unconscious for at least an hour or two. My Gruer Orb skill will also last for an hour at most. Before that, I have to finish up' He was planning to leave the place but then, decided to kick the fallen figure.

"Ugh, take this!"

A few seconds later, he stopped with a frown on his face. "I can't keep hitting her" He bent down and saw her front self.

"I have to also hit the front." With regards for the opposite sex, he started kicking random places. 

Seconds later, he felt his legs growing tired. "Enough for today." Wearing back his clothes properly, he left the place.


North of Forest of Michaile.

Ayame was in her tent. 'Eldest Brother should have started moving by now. Should I start moving as well? No, I can't be hasty. The artifact can't be taken away this easily. I'll start moving at night.' 

Just as she was planning for the future, a familiar voice from outside the tent.

"Princess! There's trouble!" It was Mari.

"Come in." Ayame said.

Mari entered the tent with an anxious face. "Princess, Reza got beaten up."

"Take me to her." Ayame stood up.

A minute later, Ayame's eyes squinted looking at her friend. She didn't look furious but her silence and eyes showed that she was raging inside. 

"Princess, we tried several methods on her but she is still unconscious." Mari said with a bitter smile. She was also sad and angry because of the matter.

"The person is very skilled." Ayame calmly said but anyone could sense the fury behind her words. "Did the other girl wake up?"

"No. She is still unconscious."

"I see. Previously, I was planning on letting this person go but I can't force myself to not think of the matter that the person made two of my subordinates unconscious. He has to pay for it. I'll go and see for myself how capable that person is."

Mari's expression brightened up. "How many should I bring?"

"Bring everyone."


"I walk a lonely road the only road that I have ever known~" Rewen felt particularly attracted to pre-apocalyptic rock songs. 



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