I Reject Quests

Chapter 146: Vs Runic Arms Squad And Metal Squad (11)

Chapter 146: Vs Runic Arms Squad And Metal Squad (11)

Rewen's eyes shot open. 

He wasn't sleeping. How could he bring himself to sleep in such a time and place?

He was using [Petal Dance] again to heal the gunshot wound and restore his fully-drained stamina. 

He let out a groan of relaxation as he lazily leaned on the bench. 'I have to get my spear back.' When he was confronted by the group, he didn't have time to pick up his spear. 

He got up and stretched his arms. 

Next, he stormed out of the building.

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fifth Floor.

He saw the bloodied spear lying on one of the rooms he crashed in at the time when David had the upper hand. His eyes observed the surroundings and found a headless body nearby. He gave a single glance before turning his head away.

He bent down to pick up the spear just when felt a cold chill and suddenly raised his guard. 


Rewen was pushed back along with his spear. He raised his head to see a female in orange kicking his spear. His spear was tough and didn't break but he was pushed back till the window. Heaving a sigh of relief, he thought of ways to deal with the situation.

But how could he get the time to breathe?

As soon as he managed to gain a footing, another figure appeared in front of him and grabbed his face.

Rewen was shocked and unsure how he should respond. 'He's probably going to push me out of the window.' His mind raced. Countless thoughts to avoid the worst-case scenario appeared and finally, he made his decision.

He grabbed onto the hand that was grabbing his face tightly.

"You seem to like my hand very much. In that case, just take it." The young boy laughed.


The glass window broke as Rewen was thrown out of it. The hand he was grabbing onto still remained intact on his face but aside from the hand, there was nothing else. It appeared to be cleanly cut off from the wrist but there was not a single sign of blood.

While freely falling, in the beginning, Rewen was confused and panicked but slowly figured out the gravity of the situation. 'It isn't the time to think about his skill. If I fall, although I wouldn't die, I would get injured.' 


Rewen fell perfectly on his two feet, threw the hand that stuck in his face, and pointed the spear towards the two figures in the window.

Marla and Kennard who were responsible for it looked at each other and could see the little shock on each other's faces. Not wasting any time, they moved away but they were a tad bit slow.

The spear grazed past Marla's arm, a deep cut appearing on that spot. But she didn't have time to groan in pain and looked outside the window only to find that Rewen was climbing the building rapidly.

Looking at Kennard, she shouted. "Hurry up! Why are you taking so long?"

"Alright! Alright!" Kennard casually touched his wrist and took out his hand like it was nothing uncommon. Next, he threw it out of the window. 

This was his core skill - [Body Dismantle].

As the name suggests, he can use it to dismantle different parts of the body. Of course, that doesn't mean that he can't be cut or be destroyed. His skill is severely limited. He can only cut off his four limbs.

The other hand that was in the ground floated and came close to the hand that was recently thrown out.

Both the hands wriggled and floated up to where Rewen was calmly climbing up.

From the corner of his eyes, Rewen noticed the hands but didn't pay much attention to them. He raised his head and saw one of the hands making hand signals and then

His eyes were slightly poked.


Rewen had a neutral look and appeared to be focused on climbing. 

When the hand came to poke his eyes again, he lifted his chin and bit the fingers with his mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh!" From the fifth floor, a heart-wrenching cry sounded.

Hearing his scream, Marla couldn't restrain her anger. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING AROUND!? DO SOMETHING USEFUL!!"

Kennard looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "You think I'm not trying? My hands aren't enough to stop him. What should I do? Shoot out beams from my hands?"

"You and your skill are fucking useless! Why are you even in a squad? Do you even contribute anything!?"

Kennard coughed. "I'm more of a strategist. I'm not suited for combat."

"Strategist your grandmother!" Marla hurled out curses after curses but in the next moment, she figured that hurling out curses is not going to help so she took deep breaths and calmed down. "Let's go then. Our job was to draw him in any way."

"I doubt the others have made their preparations. If we leave prematurely, the plan wouldn't work."

"Do you have any better plans?"

Kennard didn't reply for a while. Then, a grin appeared on his face. "Do you know what's the prohibited taboo part of a male body?"

"Could you mean" Marla wasn't dumb. Although it wasn't honorable, she herself used such 'tactics' in life-and-death battles.

"Hehe, just watch this." Kennard grinned widely.

Meanwhile, the hands hanging around Rewen moved to the part of his rear.

'Hm? Why am I feeling a tickle on my balls? Never mind, it's probably a breeze.'

For the second time, a heart-wrenching cry sounded from the fifth floor.

"Are his balls made out of diamond or something?" Caressing his wrist, Kennard spoke in a pitiful voice.

Marla shook her head from the side. "Enough of this comedy routine. You have done enough. Stand back and support me."

Kennard didn't say anything but he brought his hands back and stepped a few steps back from the window.

Marla looked at her surroundings. 'There is nothing I can make use of.' As an experienced Mage, the first thing she takes notice of before fighting an enemy is the location. For a traditional mage, a closed space isn't the best location but in this world, a mage isn't exactly people who shoot out fireballs from their asses. 

Rather than Mages, it is more suitable to call them 'Ability Users' but because of countless divergent paths that appear after Rank 3, it is fair to call them Mages.

Marla had very low mana resonance but she had a [Enhance] type core skill which is one of the most popular types among the core skills. 

'Hands, enhance.' Staring at the window intently, she strengthened her right hand.

Just as Rewen reached the window, her figure dashed towards him pulling in for a punch.

Rewen calmly watched as a closed fist approached his cheeks. 


A metallic sound came when the fist came in contact with the cheek.

Marla's eyes widened. 'This isn't possible. Enhance! Enhance! Enhance!'






Rewen caught her hands. Staring at her straight, he said with a chilling voice. "Are you done?"

A single hand pushed her, making her fall after staggering a few steps.

Rewen jumped from the window and came inside. The reason for his surge in power is due to '2x Power Spike'. 'Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have used it. Kennard has a useless skill and I could have handled Marla. Whatever I just have to make sure that it isn't going to be a loss.'

His eyes turned sharp as he looked at the two people. Marla stood up and took a stance while Kennard was dumbly looking at him. As he was about to make a move, Kennard shouted.

"Marla! Run! I'll hold him back."

"Huh?" Marla couldn't quite understand the sudden display of goodwill but soon, she took notice of his hand pointing towards his pocket. 'Transmitter so it seems that the preparations are complete. Good.'

"Okay!" She said, before going down through the staircase.

Rewen snorted and was about to chase after her.

"Woah, there bro. Chill." Kennard came in front of him.

Saying nothing, Rewen swung his spear to his opponent's head.

His stats were two times as it was before. Obviously, Kennard couldn't dodge it. 'But I could change the impact.' One of the hands took the impact from the spear and changed the trajectory of it.'

"Ah, damn it. You don't know how to hold back, do you? Look, my hand is bleeding."

Rewen again swung his spear.

Again, the trajectory of the spear changed as Kennard used the other hand to take the impact and deflect it.

Rewen's face didn't budge. 

He didn't swing this time. He went for a thrust straight for his opponent's heart.

Out of options, Kennard's feet from the ankle got cut off and went to block the spear while he himself was on the verge of falling.

At the crucial moment, the spear easily dodged the feet and


A pool of blood erupted from the boy's chest. 

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