I Reject Quests

Chapter 149: Sudden Turn Of Events

Chapter 149: Sudden Turn Of Events

'If I were in this condition in my village, I would probably get over it sooner because depression doesn't exist there. Even if I were worse, I could cope with it way better because I would know for a fact that - depression isn't real, in that world. I would be forced to 'stop whining'. It's the rough way but I prefer it because

'Now, I know that depression is real and rather than putting effort in self-improvement, I would seek solace in depression. It's not a form of escapism but something similar to that. In cold words, I would blame 'depression' for my depression and that would make it harder for me to get over it.'

Rewen couldn't help but laugh when he researched a bit into the topic.

'So it turns out that I know myself too well!' 

There were several studies that show that people with high self-awareness are more likely to fall into depression. They are more likely to critically think about things and concentrate on the "negatives'' of things. Just like how Rewen's mind is always preoccupied by several events from past, present and the future. 

He thinks.

He tries to not overthink.

But he never stops thinking.

Coincidentally, almost all the things he thinks about are negatives. 

'This isn't necessarily my fault because my life at the moment is just hell. What positives am I supposed to think of? Alright, everyone has their tough times so am I supposed to see myself in five years? Let alone five years, I'm not sure if I'll last five days. What positives are there to think about? Fuck it, let's see what else is there.'

'Oh? Understanding the cause, huh. That's interesting. What am I even depressed about? Couple of things. Short answer, life. Long answer - family issues, system, life-and-death crisis, Gruer's Landings and killing. That's the gist of it. What's next?'

'Talking it out with others? I would have already if I could.' Rewen smiled bitterly. 

A few minutes later, he leaned on his chair.

It turned out to be a fruitless endeavor.

Not only did this not "cured" his depression, this also added to it. He had one more thing to worry about.

Curing his depression.

'Mind is a bitch.' 

[That's because you think too much.]

'You still have the audacity to talk to me?'

[Why not?]

'Your friend did dirty on me.' Rewen said with a smile. After all this, he no longer had the energy to get angry. 

[It isn't my friend.]

'Tsundere, aren't you? Anyways, give me some quests.'

[I'm not in-charge of issuing quests.]

Rewen didn't reply. He got up from the chair and left the room.


"Yes?" As usual, Denny was watching a drama in the living room.

"I'm going out for a walk."

"Okay! Don't forget to lock the door."


It was night.

Sitting on a public bench in the neighborhood park, he glanced at a couple of elementary schoolers playing soccer. He came out here to take a fresh breath of air. Along the way, he decided to run to complete the Daily Missions of [Bloodline System] but it turned out that the Daily Missions are "locked" for some reason.

'Is my death somehow beneficial to you?'

He didn't get an answer.

"Can I sit?"

He heard a male voice and turned his head.

It was a tall orange-haired guy whom Rewen found familiar.

"You aren't you the suicidal guy?"

The orange-haired young man made an unnatural expression. "I'm not suicidal." He said, before sitting on the public bench Rewen was sitting.

"What are you doing here?" Rewen asked, attempting to start a conversation.

"I'm just hanging around. I like coming here. This is the first time I have seen you in this place."

"I used to come to play here when I was in grade school. I never saw you though. I mean, assuming you live in the locality."

"I came here for the academy."

"I see. Where are you from?"

"North Linin."

"That's quite far from here." Rewen commented. He lives in the heart of Travil Town which is located in the north-east region of Nat Province. Linin is a densely populated town located in the west border of Nat Province.

The small talk stopped and the two went back to their own world.

Rewen looked at his wrist-watch. "6:31 p.m." Tonight, he has an important event to attend. He got up and started to walk away.

Famin looked at his back and sighed internally. 'Despite being the butt of a joke in the academy, he is so...' His thought was interrupted when he heard a loud shout.

"Kid!! STAY BACK!"

Before he could think of something, he saw a man appearing in front of him who grabbed him by the neck.

'What's going on?' He questioned, feeling a chill on his neck. His body was restrained. When he lowered his gaze, he saw a blade against his neck. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he looked at the middle-aged man in uniform in front of him.

Rewen also halted and was dumbstruck by the sudden situation.

Within a span of a few seconds, he saw a muscular man come up to the guy he was talking to and held him as a hostage. Chasing after him was a cop he was very familiar with. 'Is there only one cop in the entire town?' Having useless thoughts, he shook his head and looked at the confrontation.

The elementary schoolers who were playing soccer had already fled.

"You don't dare to harm him." The middle-aged cop said with a solemn look. 

The muscular man who held Famin laughed. "You want to see if I dare or not?"

"Leave him and your sentence will be lowered. I have called the reinforcements and they would be arriving soon."

"I don't car- aghh!" For some reason, the muscular man was hit by a small stone, forced to let go of the hostage he was holding. "Who the fuck is it!?" 

He roared only to meet with a closed fist.

It was the middle-aged cop. After hitting him, he held him down with his knee over his back.

Then, he turned his head and smiled. "I must say, there is some fate between us. Thanks for that."

Rewen, the one who threw the stone, smiled in return and approached the cop. "What's with him? Is he a thief?"

"He is."

By the side, Famin wiped off the sweat from his forehead. 'I was this close to death.' The thought made him shudder.

"Sorry, lad. I give my word to properly compensate you."

"I-It's fine."

Suddenly, the muscular man spoke out. "HAHAHA! Just like this stupid government of yours, you are also stupid!"

The cop, Rewen and Famin looked at each other.

"Do you know what he means?" Rewen asked, looking at the cop.

The cop shook his head. "Some criminals like this. They pretend to have a 'bigger plan' just to show that they aren't defeated completely."

Hearing that, Rewen couldn't help but laugh. 

"Yes! Laugh all you want! Because after that, you'll see despair and forget how to laugh!"

"What the fuck is your deal, man?" Rewen kicked the thief.

At this moment, a white light came out from the spot where the man pushed against and enveloped the entire group.

Instinctively, Rewen tried to flee but there was an unknown force that restricted him to do so.


In a dark cave made of rocks lied three confused men. 

"This is crazy. Like, crazy beyond belief." Rewen was stunned by the sudden turn of events but he was even more stunned with how eventful his life is. A minute ago, he was wondering about life and future and now, he was transported into some unknown cave. How does that even make sense?

Rewen was still comparatively calm because of his eventful life but the same couldn't be said for Famin who was one step away from fainting from excessive shock. 

"Don't panic." The middle-aged cop said, trying to ease the panicked atmosphere. "We'll be out very soon."

"You mean get out of this cave very soon?"

"No. Get back to where we were previously."

"Good. So how do we do that?"

"I'll explain but before that, both of you should" He couldn't finish as his eyes fixed on a particular thing.

Rewen followed his eyes and gulped.

There was a two feet tall naked humanoid creature with large canines staring at them.

"..." Rewen was speechless.

Famin fainted.

The middle-aged cop seriously looked at Rewen. "Take him and hide somewhere."

Rewen didn't say anything. He took Famin on his shoulder and took a cover behind a bunch of rocks. 'This isn't this quite a big jump? I am randomly teleported to some cave and a humanoid creature appears out of nowhere? This sounds like a garbage anime plot.' When he found himself having useless thoughts again, he slapped both his cheeks.

'Let's see if [Observe] tells anything at all.' He first looked at the cop.


Strength: 41

Agility: 44

Endurance: 40

Dexterity: 43

Evaluation: [High E-ranked Martial Artist]


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