I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 450 - 248: The Demon Enters Reality -

Chapter 450: Chapter 248: The Demon Enters Reality –

Part 2

Translator: 549690339

“Now I can exchange the Yin Disk.”

Personal Space appeared in front of Su Nan’s eyes, filled with anticipation. [Do you want to consume 700 Demon Power points to exchange the Yin Yang Cross-realm Disk (Yin Disk) into reality?]


With confirmation, 700 Demon Power points were consumed, and the Yin Disk disappeared from Personal Space.

Su Nan immediately quit the game.

In the game warehouse.

just like when he had exchanged for the Storage Ring, the Yin Disk quietly lay beside him.

“The first step is complete. Now comes the most crucial part.

Placing the Yin Disk on the floor next to him, Su Nan logged back into the game. Although items could be teleported using the Yang Disk, it is impossible for items to teleport themselves. Someone needs to participate and carry the items to be transferred from the Yang Disk to the Yin Disk.

Of course, Su Nan could not teleport himself, so he had to rely on others to do such a task.

As for the candidates, he had already chosen a target.

“Master, what do you need from us?”

Over ten minutes later, Su Nan found Eagle High and a few other demons. He planned to let the demons handle the teleportation. They were entirely under his control, so he didn’t have to worry about any problems arising.

“You should know that there are other worlds outside our own, with Outsiders coming from a world called Earth.”

“That world is special. Before the Outsiders arrived in our world, there were no martial artists and no demon clan. However, that world, like the Heaven and Earth of ancient times, has the existence of a Heavenly and Earthly vitality.

“Master, what do you mean?” Eagle High asked cautiously.

The demons were curious, not understanding why Su Nan was telling them


Su Nan glanced at them and said, “I have a way to let you enter that world.”

“Enter the Outsiders’ world?”

“Is it true? Master, do we really have a chance to enter that world?”

Upon hearing Su Nan’s words, the demons were stunned at first, but quickly became excited.

They had never seen a world with Heavenly and Earthly vitality before, but they were sure that such a world would be hugely beneficial to them.

If they had a chance to enter that world, they might even have the opportunity to become Xuan-level or even King-level!

Su Nan said, “For now, there is only one spot available for you to enter that world.”

“Moreover, once you enter that world, it will be difficult to return to this world for a short time.”

The Yin Yang Cross-realm Disk could teleport, but it could only teleport from the Yang Disk to the Yin Disk, making it a one-way teleportation.

This meant that once teleported to reality, it would be almost impossible to use the Yin Yang Cross – realm Disk to teleport back again.

Unless one day, he could bring the Yin Disk from reality into the game and exchange the Yang Disk into reality, swapping the positions of the Yin and Yang Disks. If not, the only way to return to the game would be through a Spatial Channel that would appear later.

“Can’t return for a short time?”

Upon hearing this, the demons fell silent, quickly weighing the pros and cons.

At this moment, Eagle High reacted swiftly, volunteering without any hesitation, “Master, I’ll go!”

Su Nan looked at Eagle High and said, “Alright, it’s you.

Upon hearing this, the other demons finally reacted, regretting their hesitation and casting envious glances at Eagle High.

Eagle High was overjoyed, “Thank you, Master.”

Su Nan nodded his head and looked at the remaining demons, “I don’t want anyone else to know about this matter besides you.”

“Rest assured, Master, we will keep the secret.

The demons understood the seriousness of the matter, and nodded their heads one after another.

Without saying more, Su Nan took out the Yang Disk, the incense burner, the Dragon-Turtle egg, and the Substitute Strawman from his Personal Space. Both the Yin and Yang Disks were small, but this was not their true appearance.

As he activated his power, the Yang Disk quickly transformed, eventually becoming a stone plate with a diameter of one meter.

“What is this thing?”

The demons watched Su Nan’s operation with curiosity, their eyes wide open.

To avoid accidents during the process, Su Nan used one foreknowledge opportunity to predict once.

After confirming that nothing would go wrong in the game, he began the operation.

He handed several items to Eagle High, and then took out a large amount of demon essence blood, beginning to pour the essence blood onto the Yang Disk. Using the Yin Yang Cross- realm Disk required a large amount of energy, the larger the distance and the higher the level of the items being teleported, the more energy was consumed.

In the foresight, to teleport Eagle High and the items, he took out four to five hundred Mortal-level demon essence blood, more than two hundred Spirit- level Monster Essence Blood, and over fifty Xuan stage Demon Beast Essence Blood, but it still wasn’t enough.

Eventually, he used all four drops of the king-level demon essence blood obtained from the White Water Demon King, finally activating the stone plate. “Four to five hundred drops of Mortal-level demon essence blood, more than two hundred drops of Spirit-level Monster essence blood, over fifty drops of Xuan-level essence blood, and four drops of king-level demon essence blood, together equivalent to more than 120 drops of Xuan-level demonic essence blood. That’s a huge consumption.”

Su Nan was shocked, thankful that he could afford this expenditure, but others wouldn’t have been able to.

However, thinking about the one-time teleportation of three items, he reluctantly accepted.

“I’m glad I exchanged for a large amount of essence blood from the Demon Hunting Bureau.”

On his journey from the Imperial City to Qian Shou Town, he had exchanged the corpses of Xuan-level demons he had hunted under Zhang Yang’s identity into essence blood.

Excluding the portion he spent on purchasing vitality recovery medicine earlier, the more than fifty drops of Xuan-level essence blood was already all he had.

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